path: root/src/main/java/at/hannibal2
diff options
authorhannibal2 <24389977+hannibal002@users.noreply.github.com>2024-04-07 19:58:28 +0200
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2024-04-07 19:58:28 +0200
commit275932ebea0ec6496536ab63e078dc8ffd7f86ed (patch)
treed07ee4af6a5a9b6bf6df74fac916b5a1b55de26a /src/main/java/at/hannibal2
parentce29516ea38478b6a10ec9a747ee626d0d67a0cb (diff)
Backend: Sack Display Cleanup (#1380)
Co-authored-by: hannibal2 <24389977+hannibal00212@users.noreply.github.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/at/hannibal2')
1 files changed, 137 insertions, 124 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/inventory/SackDisplay.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/inventory/SackDisplay.kt
index 2b25db259..54063b835 100644
--- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/inventory/SackDisplay.kt
+++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/inventory/SackDisplay.kt
@@ -60,159 +60,172 @@ object SackDisplay {
private fun drawDisplay(savingSacks: Boolean): List<List<Any>> {
- val newDisplay = mutableListOf<List<Any>>()
+ val list = mutableListOf<List<Any>>()
var totalPrice = 0L
- var rendered = 0
- var totalMagmaFish = 0L
- SackAPI.getSacksData(savingSacks)
+ totalPrice += drawNormalList(savingSacks, list)
+ totalPrice += drawGemstoneDisplay(list)
+ drawRunesDisplay(list)
+ drawOptions(list, totalPrice)
+ return list
+ }
+ private fun drawNormalList(savingSacks: Boolean, newDisplay: MutableList<List<Any>>): Long {
+ SackAPI.getSacksData(savingSacks)
val sackItems = SackAPI.sackItem.toList()
- if (sackItems.isNotEmpty()) {
- val sortedPairs: MutableMap<String, SackAPI.SackOtherItem> = when (config.sortingType) {
- SortingTypeEntry.DESC_STORED -> sackItems.sortedByDescending { it.second.stored }
- SortingTypeEntry.ASC_STORED -> sackItems.sortedBy { it.second.stored }
- SortingTypeEntry.DESC_PRICE -> sackItems.sortedByDescending { it.second.price }
- SortingTypeEntry.ASC_PRICE -> sackItems.sortedBy { it.second.price }
- else -> sackItems.sortedByDescending { it.second.stored }
- }.toMap().toMutableMap()
+ if (sackItems.isEmpty()) return 0L
- sortedPairs.toList().forEach { (k, v) ->
- if (v.stored == 0 && !config.showEmpty) {
- sortedPairs.remove(k)
- }
- }
+ var totalPrice = 0L
+ var rendered = 0
+ var totalMagmaFish = 0L
+ val sortedPairs: MutableMap<String, SackAPI.SackOtherItem> = when (config.sortingType) {
+ SortingTypeEntry.DESC_STORED -> sackItems.sortedByDescending { it.second.stored }
+ SortingTypeEntry.ASC_STORED -> sackItems.sortedBy { it.second.stored }
+ SortingTypeEntry.DESC_PRICE -> sackItems.sortedByDescending { it.second.price }
+ SortingTypeEntry.ASC_PRICE -> sackItems.sortedBy { it.second.price }
+ else -> sackItems.sortedByDescending { it.second.stored }
+ }.toMap().toMutableMap()
- val amountShowing = if (config.itemToShow > sortedPairs.size) sortedPairs.size else config.itemToShow
- newDisplay.addAsSingletonList("§7Items in Sacks: §o(Rendering $amountShowing of ${sortedPairs.size} items)")
- for ((itemName, item) in sortedPairs) {
+ sortedPairs.toList().forEach { (k, v) ->
+ if (v.stored == 0 && !config.showEmpty) {
+ sortedPairs.remove(k)
+ }
+ }
+ val amountShowing = if (config.itemToShow > sortedPairs.size) sortedPairs.size else config.itemToShow
+ newDisplay.addAsSingletonList("§7Items in Sacks: §o(Rendering $amountShowing of ${sortedPairs.size} items)")
+ for ((itemName, item) in sortedPairs) {
- val (internalName, colorCode, stored, total, price, magmaFish) = item
- totalPrice += price
- if (rendered >= config.itemToShow) continue
- if (stored == 0 && !config.showEmpty) continue
- val itemStack = internalName.getItemStack()
- newDisplay.add(buildList {
- add(" §7- ")
- add(itemStack)
- if (!SackAPI.isTrophySack) add(Renderable.optionalLink("${itemName.replace("§k", "")}: ", {
- BazaarApi.searchForBazaarItem(itemName)
- }) { !NEUItems.neuHasFocus() })
- else add("${itemName.replace("§k", "")}: ")
+ val (internalName, colorCode, stored, total, price, magmaFish) = item
+ totalPrice += price
+ if (rendered >= config.itemToShow) continue
+ if (stored == 0 && !config.showEmpty) continue
+ val itemStack = internalName.getItemStack()
+ newDisplay.add(buildList {
+ add(" §7- ")
+ add(itemStack)
+ if (!SackAPI.isTrophySack) add(Renderable.optionalLink("${itemName.replace("§k", "")}: ", {
+ BazaarApi.searchForBazaarItem(itemName)
+ }) { !NEUItems.neuHasFocus() })
+ else add("${itemName.replace("§k", "")}: ")
- add(
- when (config.numberFormat) {
- NumberFormatEntry.DEFAULT -> "$colorCode${stored}§7/§b${NumberUtil.format(total)}"
- NumberFormatEntry.FORMATTED -> {
- "$colorCode${NumberUtil.format(stored)}§7/§b${NumberUtil.format(total)}"
- }
+ add(
+ when (config.numberFormat) {
+ NumberFormatEntry.DEFAULT -> "$colorCode${stored}§7/§b${NumberUtil.format(total)}"
+ NumberFormatEntry.FORMATTED -> {
+ "$colorCode${NumberUtil.format(stored)}§7/§b${NumberUtil.format(total)}"
+ }
- NumberFormatEntry.UNFORMATTED -> "$colorCode${stored}§7/§b${
- total.addSeparators()
- }"
+ NumberFormatEntry.UNFORMATTED -> "$colorCode${stored}§7/§b${
+ total.addSeparators()
+ }"
- else -> "$colorCode${stored}§7/§b${total}"
- }
- )
+ else -> "$colorCode${stored}§7/§b${total}"
+ }
+ )
- if (colorCode == "§a") add(" §c§l(Full!)")
- if (SackAPI.isTrophySack && magmaFish > 0) {
- totalMagmaFish += magmaFish
- add(
- Renderable.hoverTips(
- " §7(§d${magmaFish} ",
- listOf(
- "§6Magmafish: §b${magmaFish.addSeparators()}",
- "§6Magmafish value: §b${price / magmaFish}",
- "§6Magmafish per: §b${magmaFish / stored}"
- )
+ if (colorCode == "§a") add(" §c§l(Full!)")
+ if (SackAPI.isTrophySack && magmaFish > 0) {
+ totalMagmaFish += magmaFish
+ add(
+ Renderable.hoverTips(
+ " §7(§d${magmaFish} ",
+ listOf(
+ "§6Magmafish: §b${magmaFish.addSeparators()}",
+ "§6Magmafish value: §b${price / magmaFish}",
+ "§6Magmafish per: §b${magmaFish / stored}"
- add("MAGMA_FISH".asInternalName().getItemStack())
- add("§7)")
- }
- if (config.showPrice && price != 0L) add(" §7(§6${format(price)}§7)")
- })
- rendered++
- }
+ )
+ add("MAGMA_FISH".asInternalName().getItemStack())
+ add("§7)")
+ }
+ if (config.showPrice && price != 0L) add(" §7(§6${format(price)}§7)")
+ })
+ rendered++
+ }
- if (SackAPI.isTrophySack) newDisplay.addAsSingletonList("§cTotal Magmafish: §6${totalMagmaFish.addSeparators()}")
+ if (SackAPI.isTrophySack) newDisplay.addAsSingletonList("§cTotal Magmafish: §6${totalMagmaFish.addSeparators()}")
+ return totalPrice
+ }
- val name = SortType.entries[config.sortingType.ordinal].longName // todo avoid ordinal
- newDisplay.addAsSingletonList("§7Sorted By: §c$name")
+ private fun drawOptions(newDisplay: MutableList<List<Any>>, totalPrice: Long) {
+ val name = SortType.entries[config.sortingType.ordinal].longName // todo avoid ordinal
+ newDisplay.addAsSingletonList("§7Sorted By: §c$name")
- newDisplay.addSelector<SortType>(" ",
- getName = { type -> type.shortName },
- isCurrent = { it.ordinal == config.sortingType.ordinal }, // todo avoid ordinal
+ newDisplay.addSelector<SortType>(" ",
+ getName = { type -> type.shortName },
+ isCurrent = { it.ordinal == config.sortingType.ordinal }, // todo avoid ordinal
+ onChange = {
+ config.sortingType = SortingTypeEntry.entries[it.ordinal] // todo avoid ordinals
+ update(false)
+ })
+ newDisplay.addButton(
+ prefix = "§7Number format: ",
+ getName = NumberFormat.entries[config.numberFormat.ordinal].displayName, // todo avoid ordinal
+ onChange = {
+ // todo avoid ordinal
+ config.numberFormat =
+ NumberFormatEntry.entries[(config.numberFormat.ordinal + 1) % 3]
+ update(false)
+ }
+ )
+ if (config.showPrice) {
+ newDisplay.addSelector<PriceFrom>(" ",
+ getName = { type -> type.displayName },
+ isCurrent = { it.ordinal == config.priceFrom.ordinal }, // todo avoid ordinal
onChange = {
- config.sortingType = SortingTypeEntry.entries[it.ordinal] // todo avoid ordinals
+ config.priceFrom = SackDisplayConfig.PriceFrom.entries[it.ordinal] // todo avoid ordinal
- prefix = "§7Number format: ",
- getName = NumberFormat.entries[config.numberFormat.ordinal].displayName, // todo avoid ordinal
+ prefix = "§7Price Format: ",
+ getName = PriceFormat.entries[config.priceFormat.ordinal].displayName, // todo avoid ordinal
onChange = {
// todo avoid ordinal
- config.numberFormat =
- NumberFormatEntry.entries[(config.numberFormat.ordinal + 1) % 3]
+ config.priceFormat =
+ PriceFormatEntry.entries[(config.priceFormat.ordinal + 1) % 2]
- if (config.showPrice) {
- newDisplay.addSelector<PriceFrom>(" ",
- getName = { type -> type.displayName },
- isCurrent = { it.ordinal == config.priceFrom.ordinal }, // todo avoid ordinal
- onChange = {
- config.priceFrom = SackDisplayConfig.PriceFrom.entries[it.ordinal] // todo avoid ordinal
- update(false)
- })
- newDisplay.addButton(
- prefix = "§7Price Format: ",
- getName = PriceFormat.entries[config.priceFormat.ordinal].displayName, // todo avoid ordinal
- onChange = {
- // todo avoid ordinal
- config.priceFormat =
- PriceFormatEntry.entries[(config.priceFormat.ordinal + 1) % 2]
- update(false)
- }
- )
- newDisplay.addAsSingletonList("§cTotal price: §6${format(totalPrice)}")
- }
+ newDisplay.addAsSingletonList("§eTotal price: §6${format(totalPrice)}")
+ }
- if (SackAPI.runeItem.isNotEmpty()) {
- newDisplay.addAsSingletonList("§7Runes:")
- for ((name, rune) in SackAPI.runeItem) {
- val list = mutableListOf<Any>()
- val (stack, lv1, lv2, lv3) = rune
- list.add(" §7- ")
- stack?.let { list.add(it) }
- list.add(name)
- list.add(" §f(§e$lv1§7-§e$lv2§7-§e$lv3§f)")
- newDisplay.add(list)
- }
+ private fun drawRunesDisplay(newDisplay: MutableList<List<Any>>) {
+ if (SackAPI.runeItem.isEmpty()) return
+ newDisplay.addAsSingletonList("§7Runes:")
+ for ((name, rune) in SackAPI.runeItem) {
+ val list = mutableListOf<Any>()
+ val (stack, lv1, lv2, lv3) = rune
+ list.add(" §7- ")
+ stack?.let { list.add(it) }
+ list.add(name)
+ list.add(" §f(§e$lv1§7-§e$lv2§7-§e$lv3§f)")
+ newDisplay.add(list)
+ }
- if (SackAPI.gemstoneItem.isNotEmpty()) {
- newDisplay.addAsSingletonList("§7Gemstones:")
- for ((name, gem) in SackAPI.gemstoneItem) {
- val (internalName, rough, flawed, fine, roughprice, flawedprice, fineprice) = gem
- newDisplay.add(buildList {
- add(" §7- ")
- add(internalName.getItemStack())
- add(Renderable.optionalLink("$name: ", {
- BazaarApi.searchForBazaarItem(name.dropLast(1))
- }) { !NEUItems.neuHasFocus() })
- add(" (${rough.addSeparators()}-§a${flawed.addSeparators()}-§9${fine.addSeparators()})")
- val price = roughprice + flawedprice + fineprice
- totalPrice += price
- if (config.showPrice && price != 0L) add(" §7(§6${format(price)}§7)")
- })
- }
- if (config.showPrice) newDisplay.addAsSingletonList("§eTotal price: §6${format(totalPrice)}")
+ private fun drawGemstoneDisplay(newDisplay: MutableList<List<Any>>): Long {
+ if (SackAPI.gemstoneItem.isEmpty()) return 0L
+ newDisplay.addAsSingletonList("§7Gemstones:")
+ var totalPrice = 0L
+ for ((name, gem) in SackAPI.gemstoneItem) {
+ val (internalName, rough, flawed, fine, roughprice, flawedprice, fineprice) = gem
+ newDisplay.add(buildList {
+ add(" §7- ")
+ add(internalName.getItemStack())
+ add(Renderable.optionalLink("$name: ", {
+ BazaarApi.searchForBazaarItem(name.dropLast(1))
+ }) { !NEUItems.neuHasFocus() })
+ add(" (${rough.addSeparators()}-§a${flawed.addSeparators()}-§9${fine.addSeparators()})")
+ val price = roughprice + flawedprice + fineprice
+ totalPrice += price
+ if (config.showPrice && price != 0L) add(" §7(§6${format(price)}§7)")
+ })
- return newDisplay
+ newDisplay.addAsSingletonList("§eTotal price: §6${format(totalPrice)}")
+ return totalPrice
private fun format(price: Long) =