path: root/src/main/java/at
diff options
authorCalMWolfs <94038482+CalMWolfs@users.noreply.github.com>2023-06-10 06:55:40 +1000
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2023-06-09 22:55:40 +0200
commit4ac597cab7c261b169c7a7abf005db00fc6c4fb4 (patch)
tree9e7ec1f5b9a409a58c2896c8978841ead0da27e5 /src/main/java/at
parent6911fd0a77231fead7598d82e03e77a0faf0e92a (diff)
Added time per copper (#222)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/at')
3 files changed, 77 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/config/features/Garden.java b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/config/features/Garden.java
index 5c3a60c08..b1a643f66 100644
--- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/config/features/Garden.java
+++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/config/features/Garden.java
@@ -137,6 +137,12 @@ public class Garden {
public boolean visitorCopperPrice = true;
+ @ConfigOption(name = "Copper Time", desc = "Show the time required per copper inside the visitor gui.")
+ @ConfigEditorBoolean
+ @ConfigAccordionId(id = 4)
+ public boolean visitorCopperTime = false;
+ @Expose
@ConfigOption(name = "Garden Exp Price", desc = "Show the price per garden experience inside the visitor gui.")
@ConfigAccordionId(id = 4)
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/visitor/GardenVisitorFeatures.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/visitor/GardenVisitorFeatures.kt
index 0012e1a9e..60e2c83b9 100644
--- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/visitor/GardenVisitorFeatures.kt
+++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/visitor/GardenVisitorFeatures.kt
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ class GardenVisitorFeatures {
private val logger = LorenzLogger("garden/visitors")
private var price = 0.0
+ private val offerCache = mutableListOf<String>()
companion object {
var inVisitorInventory = false
@@ -65,8 +66,6 @@ class GardenVisitorFeatures {
fun onInventoryOpen(event: InventoryOpenEvent) {
- inVisitorInventory = false
if (!GardenAPI.inGarden()) return
val npcItem = event.inventoryItems[13] ?: return
val lore = npcItem.getLore()
@@ -323,89 +322,83 @@ class GardenVisitorFeatures {
- @SubscribeEvent(priority = EventPriority.HIGH)
+ @SubscribeEvent
fun onTooltip(event: ItemTooltipEvent) {
- if (!GardenAPI.inGarden()) return
+ if (!GardenAPI.inBarn) return
if (!inVisitorInventory) return
- val name = event.itemStack.name ?: return
- if (name != "§aAccept Offer") return
- val list = event.toolTip
- var totalPrice = 0.0
- var itemsCounter = 0
- var itemsWithSpeedCounter = 0
- var endReached = false
- for ((i, l) in list.toMutableList().withIndex()) {
- if (l.length < 4) continue
- val line = l.substring(4)
- if (line == "") {
- if (!endReached) {
- if (config.visitorShowPrice) {
- if (itemsCounter > 1) {
- val format = NumberUtil.format(totalPrice)
- list[1] = list[1] + "$line §7(§6Total §6$format§7)"
- }
- }
- endReached = true
- }
- }
+ if (event.itemStack.name != "§aAccept Offer") return
- // Items Required
- if (i > 1 && !endReached) {
- val (itemName, amount) = ItemUtils.readItemAmount(line)
+ if (offerCache.isEmpty()) {
+ var totalPrice = 0.0
+ var timeRequired = -1L
+ val iterator = event.toolTip.listIterator()
+ for (line in iterator) {
+ val formattedLine = line.substring(4)
+ val (itemName, amount) = ItemUtils.readItemAmount(formattedLine)
if (itemName != null) {
val internalName = NEUItems.getInternalNameOrNull(itemName)
- if (internalName == null) {
- val message = "internal name is null: '$itemName'"
- println(message)
- LorenzUtils.error(message)
- return
- }
- price = NEUItems.getPrice(internalName) * amount
- totalPrice += price
- if (config.visitorShowPrice) {
- val format = NumberUtil.format(price)
- list[i + itemsWithSpeedCounter] = "$line §7(§6$format§7)"
- }
- itemsCounter++
- if (config.visitorExactAmountAndTime) {
- val multiplier = NEUItems.getMultiplier(internalName)
- val rawName = NEUItems.getItemStack(multiplier.first).name?.removeColor() ?: continue
- getByNameOrNull(rawName)?.let {
- val cropAmount = multiplier.second.toLong() * amount
- val formatAmount = LorenzUtils.formatInteger(cropAmount)
- val formatName = "§e$formatAmount§7x ${it.cropName} "
- val formatSpeed = it.getSpeed()?.let { speed ->
- val missingTimeSeconds = cropAmount / speed
- val duration = TimeUtils.formatDuration(missingTimeSeconds * 1000)
- "in §b$duration"
- } ?: "§cno speed data!"
- itemsWithSpeedCounter++
- list.add(i + itemsWithSpeedCounter, " §7- $formatName($formatSpeed§7)")
+ if (internalName != null) {
+ price = NEUItems.getPrice(internalName) * amount
+ if (config.visitorShowPrice) {
+ val format = NumberUtil.format(price)
+ iterator.set("$formattedLine §7(§6$format§7)")
+ }
+ if (totalPrice == 0.0) {
+ totalPrice = price
+ val multiplier = NEUItems.getMultiplier(internalName)
+ val rawName = NEUItems.getItemStack(multiplier.first).name?.removeColor() ?: continue
+ getByNameOrNull(rawName)?.let {
+ val cropAmount = multiplier.second.toLong() * amount
+ val formattedAmount = LorenzUtils.formatInteger(cropAmount)
+ val formattedName = "§e$formattedAmount§7x ${it.cropName} "
+ val formattedSpeed = it.getSpeed()?.let { speed ->
+ timeRequired = cropAmount / speed
+ val duration = TimeUtils.formatDuration(timeRequired * 1000)
+ "in §b$duration"
+ } ?: "§cno speed data!"
+ if (config.visitorExactAmountAndTime) {
+ iterator.add("§7- $formattedName($formattedSpeed§7)")
+ }
+ }
- } else {
- LorenzUtils.error("§c[SkyHanni] Could not read item '$line'")
- }
- if (config.visitorCopperPrice) {
- copperPattern.matchMatcher(line) {
- val coppers = group("amount").replace(",", "").toInt()
- val pricePerCopper = NumberUtil.format((totalPrice / coppers).toInt())
- list[i + itemsWithSpeedCounter] = "$line §7(price per §6$pricePerCopper§7)"
+ if (config.visitorExperiencePrice) {
+ gardenExperiencePattern.matchMatcher(formattedLine) {
+ val gardenExp = group("amount").replace(",", "").toInt()
+ val pricePerCopper = NumberUtil.format((totalPrice / gardenExp).toInt())
+ iterator.set("$formattedLine §7(§6$pricePerCopper §7per)")
+ }
+ }
+ copperPattern.matchMatcher(formattedLine) {
+ val copper = group("amount").replace(",", "").toInt()
+ val pricePerCopper = NumberUtil.format((totalPrice / copper).toInt())
+ val timePerCopper = TimeUtils.formatDuration((timeRequired / copper) * 1000)
+ var copperLine = formattedLine
+ if (config.visitorCopperPrice) copperLine += " §7(§6$pricePerCopper §7per)"
+ if (config.visitorCopperTime) {
+ copperLine += if (timeRequired != -1L) " §7(§b$timePerCopper §7per)" else " §7(§cno speed data!§7)"
+ }
+ iterator.set(copperLine)
- if (config.visitorExperiencePrice) {
- gardenExperiencePattern.matchMatcher(line) {
- val gardenExp = group("amount").replace(",", "").toInt()
- val pricePerCopper = NumberUtil.format((totalPrice / gardenExp).toInt())
- list[i + itemsWithSpeedCounter] = "$line §7(price per §6$pricePerCopper§7)"
+ val temp = event.toolTip.listIterator()
+ for (line in temp) {
+ offerCache.add(line)
+ } else {
+ val iterator = event.toolTip.listIterator()
+ for (i in iterator) {
+ iterator.remove()
+ }
+ for (line in offerCache) {
+ iterator.add(line)
@@ -421,6 +414,12 @@ class GardenVisitorFeatures {
+ fun onInventoryClose(event: InventoryCloseEvent) {
+ inVisitorInventory = false
+ offerCache.clear()
+ }
+ @SubscribeEvent
fun onTabListUpdate(event: TabListUpdateEvent) {
if (!GardenAPI.inGarden()) return
var found = false
@@ -443,7 +442,6 @@ class GardenVisitorFeatures {
//hide own player name
if (name.contains(LorenzUtils.getPlayerName())) {
logger.log("Ignore wrong own name: '$name'")
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/utils/NEUItems.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/utils/NEUItems.kt
index b78a23c0d..074be1ce6 100644
--- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/utils/NEUItems.kt
+++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/utils/NEUItems.kt
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ object NEUItems {
translateY = y - diff
- GlStateManager.pushMatrix();
+ GlStateManager.pushMatrix()
GlStateManager.translate(translateX, translateY, 1F)
GlStateManager.scale(finalScale, finalScale, 1.0)