path: root/src/main/java/com/thatgravyboat/skyblockhud/location/MinesHandler.java
diff options
authorLorenz <ESs95s3P5z8Pheb>2022-07-08 16:12:55 +0200
committerLorenz <ESs95s3P5z8Pheb>2022-07-08 16:12:55 +0200
commit4463c7fa78f886a8abc09e867dd17cde2a685ad4 (patch)
tree9245b4eed7f410f1c168688a77eeda6bfd55c994 /src/main/java/com/thatgravyboat/skyblockhud/location/MinesHandler.java
parent9e08dbf2baa9819abd281ad285df7462c99491e2 (diff)
code cleanup
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/com/thatgravyboat/skyblockhud/location/MinesHandler.java')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 192 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/thatgravyboat/skyblockhud/location/MinesHandler.java b/src/main/java/com/thatgravyboat/skyblockhud/location/MinesHandler.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b9c7657bc..000000000
--- a/src/main/java/com/thatgravyboat/skyblockhud/location/MinesHandler.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-//package com.thatgravyboat.skyblockhud.location;
-//import com.thatgravyboat.skyblockhud.api.events.SidebarLineUpdateEvent;
-//import com.thatgravyboat.skyblockhud.api.events.SidebarPostEvent;
-//import com.thatgravyboat.skyblockhud.overlay.MiningHud;
-//import com.thatgravyboat.skyblockhud.utils.Utils;
-//import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
-//import java.math.RoundingMode;
-//import java.text.DecimalFormat;
-//import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols;
-//import java.util.Arrays;
-//import java.util.Locale;
-//import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
-//import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
-//import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent;
-//public class MinesHandler {
-// public enum Event {
-// NONE(0, "Unknown", false, false),
-// TICKET(107, "Raffle", true, true),
-// GOBLIN(99, "Goblin Raid", true, true),
-// WIND(0, "Gone With The Wind", false, false),
-// TOGETHER(171, "Better Together", false, true);
-// public int x;
-// public String displayName;
-// public boolean needsMax;
-// public boolean display;
-// Event(int x, String displayName, boolean needsMax, boolean display) {
-// this.x = x;
-// this.displayName = displayName;
-// this.needsMax = needsMax;
-// this.display = display;
-// }
-// }
-// public static int mithril;
-// public static int gemstone;
-// public static int eventMax;
-// public static int eventProgress;
-// public static Event currentEvent;
-// private static final DecimalFormat NORMAL_FORMATTER = new DecimalFormat("#,###", DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(Locale.CANADA));
-// private static final DecimalFormat SHORT_FORMATTER = new DecimalFormat("#.#", DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(Locale.CANADA));
-// static {
-// SHORT_FORMATTER.setRoundingMode(RoundingMode.FLOOR);
-// }
-// public static String getMithrilFormatted() {
-// String output = NORMAL_FORMATTER.format(mithril);
-// if (output.equals(".0")) output = "0.0"; else if (output.equals(",0")) output = "0,0";
-// return output;
-// }
-// public static String getMithrilShortFormatted() {
-// return mithril > 999 ? SHORT_FORMATTER.format((double) mithril / 1000) + "k" : String.valueOf(mithril);
-// }
-// public static String getGemstoneFormatted() {
-// String output = NORMAL_FORMATTER.format(gemstone);
-// if (output.equals(".0")) output = "0.0"; else if (output.equals(",0")) output = "0,0";
-// return output;
-// }
-// public static String getGemstoneShortFormatted() {
-// return gemstone > 999 ? SHORT_FORMATTER.format((double) gemstone / 1000) + "k" : String.valueOf(gemstone);
-// }
-// public static void parseMithril(String line) {
-// try {
-// mithril = Integer.parseInt(line.toLowerCase().replace("mithril powder:", "").trim());
-// } catch (Exception ignored) {}
-// }
-// public static void parseGemstone(String line) {
-// try {
-// gemstone = Integer.parseInt(line.toLowerCase().replace("gemstone powder:", "").trim());
-// } catch (Exception ignored) {}
-// }
-// @SubscribeEvent
-// public void onSidebarLineUpdate(SidebarLineUpdateEvent event) {
-// if (event.formattedLine.toLowerCase().contains("heat")) {
-// try {
-// MiningHud.setHeat(Integer.parseInt(event.formattedLine.toLowerCase().replace("heat:", "").trim()));
-// } catch (Exception ignored) {}
-// }
-// if (event.formattedLine.toLowerCase().contains("mithril")) {
-// try {
-// mithril = Integer.parseInt(event.formattedLine.toLowerCase().replace("mithril:", "").trim());
-// } catch (Exception ignored) {}
-// }
-// if (event.formattedLine.toLowerCase().contains("gemstone")) {
-// try {
-// gemstone = Integer.parseInt(event.formattedLine.toLowerCase().replace("gemstone:", "").trim());
-// } catch (Exception ignored) {}
-// }
-// if (event.formattedLine.toLowerCase().contains("event")) {
-// if (event.formattedLine.toLowerCase().contains("raffle")) {
-// MinesHandler.currentEvent = Event.TICKET;
-// } else if (event.formattedLine.toLowerCase().contains("goblin raid")) {
-// MinesHandler.currentEvent = Event.GOBLIN;
-// }
-// }
-// if (event.formattedLine.equalsIgnoreCase("wind compass")) {
-// MinesHandler.currentEvent = Event.WIND;
-// }
-// if (event.formattedLine.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("nearby players")) {
-// MinesHandler.currentEvent = Event.TOGETHER;
-// try {
-// MinesHandler.eventProgress = Integer.parseInt(event.formattedLine.toLowerCase().replace("nearby players:", "").trim());
-// } catch (Exception ignored) {}
-// }
-// if (MinesHandler.currentEvent != Event.NONE) {
-// if (MinesHandler.currentEvent == Event.TICKET) {
-// if (event.formattedLine.toLowerCase().contains("pool:")) {
-// try {
-// eventMax = Integer.parseInt(event.formattedLine.toLowerCase().replace("pool:", "").trim().split("/")[0].trim());
-// } catch (Exception ignored) {}
-// } else if (event.formattedLine.toLowerCase().contains("tickets:")) {
-// try {
-// eventProgress = Integer.parseInt(event.formattedLine.toLowerCase().replace("tickets:", "").split("\\(")[0].trim());
-// } catch (Exception ignored) {}
-// }
-// } else if (MinesHandler.currentEvent == Event.GOBLIN) {
-// if (event.formattedLine.toLowerCase().contains("remaining:")) {
-// try {
-// eventMax = Integer.parseInt(event.formattedLine.toLowerCase().replace("goblins", "").replace("remaining:", "").trim());
-// } catch (Exception ignored) {}
-// } else if (event.formattedLine.toLowerCase().contains("your kills:") && !event.formattedLine.toLowerCase().contains("(")) {
-// try {
-// eventProgress = Integer.parseInt(event.formattedLine.toLowerCase().replace("your kills:", "").trim());
-// } catch (Exception ignored) {}
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// @SubscribeEvent
-// public void onSidebarPost(SidebarPostEvent event) {
-// String arrayString = Arrays.toString(event.arrayScores);
-// boolean hasEvent = arrayString.toLowerCase().contains("event:");
-// boolean hasWind = arrayString.toLowerCase().contains("wind compass");
-// boolean hasNearbyPlayers = arrayString.toLowerCase().contains("nearby players");
-// if (!hasEvent && !hasWind && !hasNearbyPlayers) {
-// MinesHandler.currentEvent = Event.NONE;
-// MinesHandler.eventProgress = 0;
-// MinesHandler.eventMax = 0;
-// }
-// if (!arrayString.toLowerCase().contains("heat:")) {
-// MiningHud.setHeat(0);
-// }
-// }
-// public static WeakReference<PrehistoricEggProgress> getEggColorAndProgress(ItemStack stack) {
-// String id = Utils.getItemCustomId(stack);
-// if (id == null || !id.equals("PREHISTORIC_EGG")) return null;
-// NBTTagCompound extraAttributes = stack.getTagCompound().getCompoundTag("ExtraAttributes");
-// if (!extraAttributes.hasKey("blocks_walked")) return null;
-// PrehistoricEggProgress progress = new PrehistoricEggProgress();
-// int walked = extraAttributes.getInteger("blocks_walked");
-// if (walked < 4000) {
-// progress.currentColor = 0xffffff;
-// progress.progress = walked / 4000f;
-// } else if (walked < 10000) {
-// progress.currentColor = 0x55FF55;
-// progress.progress = (walked - 4000f) / 6000f;
-// } else if (walked < 20000) {
-// progress.currentColor = 0x5555FF;
-// progress.progress = (walked - 10000f) / 10000f;
-// } else if (walked < 40000) {
-// progress.currentColor = 0xAA00AA;
-// progress.progress = (walked - 20000f) / 20000f;
-// } else if (walked < 100000) {
-// progress.currentColor = 0xFFAA00;
-// progress.progress = (walked - 40000f) / 60000f;
-// }
-// return new WeakReference<>(progress);
-// }
-// public static class PrehistoricEggProgress {
-// public float progress;
-// public int currentColor;
-// }