path: root/src/main
diff options
authorhannibal2 <24389977+hannibal00212@users.noreply.github.com>2023-08-07 23:11:13 +0200
committerhannibal2 <24389977+hannibal00212@users.noreply.github.com>2023-08-07 23:11:13 +0200
commit8b2bc18775d69d4ab854eed7e3e10e36085043fd (patch)
tree1d60f8870bab073fc5fe45ffeaf29b4e31148da4 /src/main
parent5238d190d81eb56e793f40224972e9405512217a (diff)
code cleanup
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/misc/ghostcounter/GhostCounter.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/misc/ghostcounter/GhostCounter.kt
index 82f80a044..2cbab2a26 100644
--- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/misc/ghostcounter/GhostCounter.kt
+++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/misc/ghostcounter/GhostCounter.kt
@@ -53,12 +53,17 @@ object GhostCounter {
val config get() = SkyHanniMod.feature.ghostCounter
val hidden get() = ProfileStorageData.profileSpecific?.ghostCounter
private var display = emptyList<List<Any>>()
- var ghostCounterV3File = File("." + File.separator + "config" + File.separator + "ChatTriggers" + File.separator + "modules" + File.separator + "GhostCounterV3" + File.separator + ".persistantData.json")
+ var ghostCounterV3File =
+ File("." + File.separator + "config" + File.separator + "ChatTriggers" + File.separator + "modules" + File.separator + "GhostCounterV3" + File.separator + ".persistantData.json")
private val skillXPPattern = "[+](?<gained>[0-9,.]+) \\((?<current>[0-9,.]+)(?:/(?<total>[0-9,.]+))?\\)".toPattern()
- private val combatSectionPattern = ".*[+](?<gained>[0-9,.]+) (?<skillName>[A-Za-z]+) \\((?<progress>(?<current>[0-9.,]+)/(?<total>[0-9.,]+)|(?<percent>[0-9.]+)%)\\).*".toPattern()
- private val killComboExpiredPattern = "§cYour Kill Combo has expired! You reached a (?<combo>.*) Kill Combo!".toPattern()
- private val ghostXPPattern = "(?<current>\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?(?:,\\d+)?[kK]?)\\/(?<total>\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?(?:,\\d+)?[kKmM]?)".toPattern()
- private val bestiaryPattern = ".*(?:§\\d|§\\w)+BESTIARY (?:§\\d|§\\w)+Ghost (?:§\\d|§\\w)(?<previousLevel>\\d+)➜(?:§\\d|§\\w)(?<nextLevel>\\d+).*".toPattern() // &3&lBESTIARY &b&lGhost &89➜&b10
+ private val combatSectionPattern =
+ ".*[+](?<gained>[0-9,.]+) (?<skillName>[A-Za-z]+) \\((?<progress>(?<current>[0-9.,]+)/(?<total>[0-9.,]+)|(?<percent>[0-9.]+)%)\\).*".toPattern()
+ private val killComboExpiredPattern =
+ "§cYour Kill Combo has expired! You reached a (?<combo>.*) Kill Combo!".toPattern()
+ private val ghostXPPattern =
+ "(?<current>\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?(?:,\\d+)?[kK]?)/(?<total>\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?(?:,\\d+)?[kKmM]?)".toPattern()
+ private val bestiaryPattern =
+ ".*(?:§\\d|§\\w)+BESTIARY (?:§\\d|§\\w)+Ghost (?:§\\d|§\\w)(?<previousLevel>\\d+)➜(?:§\\d|§\\w)(?<nextLevel>\\d+).*".toPattern() // &3&lBESTIARY &b&lGhost &89➜&b10
private val skillLevelPattern = ".*§e§lSkills: §r§a(?<skillName>.*) (?<skillLevel>\\d+).*".toPattern()
private val format = NumberFormat.getInstance()
private var percent: Float = 0.0f
@@ -76,15 +81,17 @@ object GhostCounter {
private var killETA = ""
private var currentSkill = ""
private var currentSkillLevel = -1
- private const val configUpdateVersion = 1
+ private const val CONFIG_VALUE_VERSION = 1
fun onRenderOverlay(event: GuiRenderEvent.GameOverlayRenderEvent) {
if (!isEnabled()) return
if (config.onlyOnMist && !inMist) return
- config.position.renderStringsAndItems(display,
+ config.position.renderStringsAndItems(
+ display,
extraSpace = config.extraSpace,
- posLabel = "Ghost Counter")
+ posLabel = "Ghost Counter"
+ )
private fun formatDisplay(map: List<List<Any>>): List<List<Any>> {
@@ -206,7 +213,10 @@ object GhostCounter {
- addAsSingletonList(bestiaryFormatting.base.preFormat(bestiary, nextLevel - 1, nextLevel).formatBestiary(currentKill, killNeeded))
+ addAsSingletonList(
+ bestiaryFormatting.base.preFormat(bestiary, nextLevel - 1, nextLevel)
+ .formatBestiary(currentKill, killNeeded)
+ )
@@ -272,10 +282,14 @@ object GhostCounter {
if (notifyCTModule && ProfileStorageData.profileSpecific?.ghostCounter?.ctDataImported != true) {
notifyCTModule = false
if (isUsingCTGhostCounter()) {
- clickableChat("§6[SkyHanni] GhostCounterV3 ChatTriggers module has been detected, do you want to import saved data ? Click here to import data", "shimportghostcounterdata")
+ clickableChat(
+ "§6[SkyHanni] GhostCounterV3 ChatTriggers module has been detected, do you want to import saved data ? Click here to import data",
+ "shimportghostcounterdata"
+ )
- inMist = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.posY <= 110 // some area don't show as 'The Mist' in the scoreboard
+ // some area don't show as 'The Mist' in the scoreboard
+ inMist = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.posY <= 110
if (event.repeatSeconds(2)) {
@@ -308,8 +322,9 @@ object GhostCounter {
var parse = true
if (skillPercent) {
percent = nf.parse(group("percent")).toFloat()
- val level = if (currentSkill == "Combat" && currentSkillLevel != -1) currentSkillLevel else XPInformation.getInstance().getSkillInfo(skillName)?.level
- ?: 0
+ val level =
+ if (currentSkill == "Combat" && currentSkillLevel != -1) currentSkillLevel else XPInformation.getInstance()
+ .getSkillInfo(skillName)?.level ?: 0
if (level > 0) {
totalSkillXp = SkillExperience.getExpForNextLevel(level)
currentSkillXp = totalSkillXp * percent / 100
@@ -433,7 +448,8 @@ object GhostCounter {
if (inventoryName != "Bestiary ➜ Dwarven Mines") return
val stacks = event.inventoryItems
val ghostStack = stacks[10] ?: return
- val bestiaryNextLevel = if (ghostStack.displayName == "§cGhost") 1 else ghostStack.displayName.substring(8).romanToDecimal() + 1
+ val bestiaryNextLevel =
+ if (ghostStack.displayName == "§cGhost") 1 else ghostStack.displayName.substring(8).romanToDecimal() + 1
hidden?.bestiaryNextLevel = bestiaryNextLevel.toDouble()
var kills = 0.0
for (line in ghostStack.getLore()) {
@@ -454,7 +470,7 @@ object GhostCounter {
if (hidden?.configUpdateVersion == 0) {
config.textFormatting.bestiaryFormatting.base = " &6Bestiary %display%: &b%value%"
chat("§e[SkyHanni] Your GhostCounter config has been automatically adjusted.")
- hidden?.configUpdateVersion = configUpdateVersion
+ hidden?.configUpdateVersion = CONFIG_VALUE_VERSION