path: root/src
diff options
authorCalMWolfs <94038482+CalMWolfs@users.noreply.github.com>2023-06-17 22:38:50 +1000
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2023-06-17 14:38:50 +0200
commit1e38bdc596e99830c1f04a5aef75db2b7e6a8caa (patch)
tree3ada783d3c0d7ca985db95458d8caa28a86df337 /src
parentdf6acc5bd8bfdf70180cf746a6649fd349374916 (diff)
v2 for fortune guide (#188)
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
-rw-r--r--src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/TODO list54
28 files changed, 1071 insertions, 1108 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/config/Storage.java b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/config/Storage.java
index 68726aa34..f853d4a8d 100644
--- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/config/Storage.java
+++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/config/Storage.java
@@ -127,6 +127,9 @@ public class Storage {
public String composterCurrentFuelItem = "";
+ public int uniqueVisitors = 0;
+ @Expose
public VisitorDrops visitorDrops = new VisitorDrops();
public static class VisitorDrops {
@@ -172,6 +175,9 @@ public class Storage {
public static class Fortune {
+ public Map<FarmingItems, Boolean> outdatedItems = new HashMap<>();
+ @Expose
public int anitaUpgrade = -1;
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/data/ChatManager.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/data/ChatManager.kt
index a21b9e133..643ef46ff 100644
--- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/data/ChatManager.kt
+++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/data/ChatManager.kt
@@ -85,18 +85,15 @@ class ChatManager {
val last = lines.last()
if (last.startsWith("§f§lCOMMON")) return true
- if (last.startsWith("§f§lCOMMON")) return true
if (last.startsWith("§a§lUNCOMMON")) return true
if (last.startsWith("§9§lRARE")) return true
if (last.startsWith("§5§lEPIC")) return true
if (last.startsWith("§6§lLEGENDARY")) return true
+ if (last.startsWith("§d§lMYTHIC")) return true
if (last.startsWith("§c§lSPECIAL")) return true
// TODO confirm this format is correct
if (last.startsWith("§c§lVERY SPECIAL")) return true
- if (last.startsWith("§d§lMYTHIC")) return true
return false
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/CropAccessory.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/CropAccessory.kt
index 441453ded..b895c6511 100644
--- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/CropAccessory.kt
+++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/CropAccessory.kt
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden
-enum class CropAccessory(val internalName: String, private val affectedCrops: Set<CropType>, private val fortune: Double) {
- NONE("NONE", emptySet(), 0.0),
- CROPIE("CROPIE_TALISMAN", setOf(CropType.WHEAT, CropType.POTATO, CropType.CARROT), 10.0),
+enum class CropAccessory(val internalName: String, private val affectedCrops: Set<CropType>, private val fortune: Double, val upgradeCost: Pair<String, Int>?) {
+ NONE("NONE", emptySet(), 0.0, null),
+ CROPIE("CROPIE_TALISMAN", setOf(CropType.WHEAT, CropType.POTATO, CropType.CARROT), 10.0, Pair("CROPIE", 256)),
setOf(CropType.WHEAT, CropType.POTATO, CropType.CARROT, CropType.COCOA_BEANS, CropType.MELON, CropType.PUMPKIN),
- 20.0
+ 20.0, Pair("SQUASH", 128)
- FERMENTO("FERMENTO_ARTIFACT", CropType.values().toSet(), 30.0),
+ FERMENTO("FERMENTO_ARTIFACT", CropType.values().toSet(), 30.0, Pair("CONDENSED_FERMENTO", 8)),
fun getFortune(cropType: CropType): Double {
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/CaptureFarmingGear.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/CaptureFarmingGear.kt
index 47d44e5c1..2da6f89b5 100644
--- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/CaptureFarmingGear.kt
+++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/CaptureFarmingGear.kt
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.data.ProfileStorageData
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.events.GardenToolChangeEvent
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.events.InventoryOpenEvent
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.events.LorenzChatEvent
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.FarmingFortuneDisplay
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.GardenAPI
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.GardenAPI.getCropType
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.InventoryUtils
@@ -12,20 +13,25 @@ import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.ItemUtils.getLore
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.LorenzUtils
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.NumberUtil.romanToDecimal
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.NumberUtil.romanToDecimalIfNeeded
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.SkyBlockItemModifierUtils.getEnchantments
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.StringUtils.matchMatcher
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.StringUtils.removeColor
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.TabListData
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent
+import kotlin.math.round
class CaptureFarmingGear {
private val farmingItems get() = GardenAPI.config?.fortune?.farmingItems
+ private val outdatedItems get() = GardenAPI.config?.fortune?.outdatedItems
private val farmingLevelUpPattern = "SKILL LEVEL UP Farming .*➜(?<level>.*)".toPattern()
private val fortuneUpgradePattern = "You claimed the Garden Farming Fortune (?<level>.*) upgrade!".toPattern()
private val anitaBuffPattern = "You tiered up the Extra Farming Drops upgrade to [+](?<level>.*)%!".toPattern()
private val anitaMenuPattern = "You have: [+](?<level>.*)%".toPattern()
+ private val lotusUpgradePattern = "Lotus (?<piece>.*) upgraded to [+].*☘!".toPattern()
+ private val petLevelUpPattern = "Your (?<pet>.*) leveled up to level .*!".toPattern()
companion object {
private val strengthPattern = " Strength: §r§c❁(?<strength>.*)".toPattern()
@@ -45,7 +51,7 @@ class CaptureFarmingGear {
val currentCrop = itemStack.getCropType()
if (currentCrop == null) {
- //todo generic tool as fallback item
+ //todo better fall back items
//todo Daedalus axe
} else {
for (item in FarmingItems.values()) {
@@ -83,6 +89,7 @@ class CaptureFarmingGear {
if (!LorenzUtils.inSkyBlock) return
val hidden = GardenAPI.config?.fortune ?: return
val farmingItems = farmingItems ?: return
+ val outdatedItems = outdatedItems ?: return
if (event.inventoryName == "Your Equipment and Stats") {
for ((_, slot) in event.inventoryItems) {
val split = slot.getInternalName().split("_")
@@ -90,8 +97,13 @@ class CaptureFarmingGear {
for (item in FarmingItems.values()) {
if (item.name == split.last()) {
farmingItems[item] = slot
+ outdatedItems[item] = false
+ FarmingFortuneDisplay.loadFortuneLineData(slot, 0.0)
+ val enchantments = slot.getEnchantments() ?: emptyMap()
+ val greenThumbLvl = (enchantments["green_thumb"] ?: continue)
+ GardenAPI.config?.uniqueVisitors = round(FarmingFortuneDisplay.greenThumbFortune / (greenThumbLvl * 0.05)).toInt()
@@ -109,18 +121,21 @@ class CaptureFarmingGear {
if (split.first() == "ELEPHANT") {
if (split.last().toInt() > highestElephantLvl) {
farmingItems[FarmingItems.ELEPHANT] = item
+ outdatedItems[FarmingItems.ELEPHANT] = false
highestElephantLvl = split.last().toInt()
if (split.first() == "MOOSHROOM_COW") {
if (split.last().toInt() > highestMooshroomLvl) {
farmingItems[FarmingItems.MOOSHROOM_COW] = item
+ outdatedItems[FarmingItems.MOOSHROOM_COW] = false
highestMooshroomLvl = split.last().toInt()
if (split.first() == "RABBIT") {
if (split.last().toInt() > highestRabbitLvl) {
farmingItems[FarmingItems.RABBIT] = item
+ outdatedItems[FarmingItems.RABBIT] = false
highestRabbitLvl = split.last().toInt()
@@ -181,6 +196,7 @@ class CaptureFarmingGear {
fun onChat(event: LorenzChatEvent) {
if (!LorenzUtils.inSkyBlock) return
val hidden = GardenAPI.config?.fortune ?: return
+ val outdatedItems = outdatedItems ?: return
val msg = event.message.removeColor().trim()
fortuneUpgradePattern.matchMatcher(msg) {
ProfileStorageData.playerSpecific?.gardenCommunityUpgrade = group("level").romanToDecimal()
@@ -191,6 +207,22 @@ class CaptureFarmingGear {
anitaBuffPattern.matchMatcher(msg) {
hidden.anitaUpgrade = group("level").toInt() / 2
+ lotusUpgradePattern.matchMatcher(msg) {
+ val piece = group("piece").uppercase()
+ for (item in FarmingItems.values()) {
+ if (item.name == piece) {
+ outdatedItems[item] = true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ petLevelUpPattern.matchMatcher(msg) {
+ val pet = group("pet").uppercase()
+ for (item in FarmingItems.values()) {
+ if (item.name.contains(pet)) {
+ outdatedItems[item] = true
+ }
+ }
+ }
if (msg == "Yum! You gain +5☘ Farming Fortune for 48 hours!") {
hidden.cakeExpiring = System.currentTimeMillis() + 172800000
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/FFGuideGUI.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/FFGuideGUI.kt
index 25636ae8f..874526ac8 100644
--- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/FFGuideGUI.kt
+++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/FFGuideGUI.kt
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks
+import net.minecraft.init.Items
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
import org.lwjgl.input.Mouse
import java.io.IOException
@@ -26,20 +27,22 @@ open class FFGuideGUI : GuiScreen() {
const val sizeY = 180
var selectedPage = FortuneGuidePage.OVERVIEW
- var breakdownMode = true
- var currentPet = 0
+ var currentCrop: CropType? = null
+ //todo set this to what they have equip
+ var currentPet = FarmingItems.ELEPHANT
var currentArmor = 0
var currentEquipment = 0
var mouseX = 0
var mouseY = 0
+ var lastMouseScroll = 0
+ var noMouseScrollFrames = 0
+ var lastClickedHeight = 0
var tooltipToDisplay = mutableListOf<String>()
fun isInGui() = Minecraft.getMinecraft().currentScreen is FFGuideGUI
- var cakeBuffTime = -1L
fun FarmingItems.getItem(): ItemStack {
val fortune = GardenAPI.config?.fortune ?: return getFallbackItem(this)
@@ -57,20 +60,18 @@ open class FFGuideGUI : GuiScreen() {
init {
+ FortuneUpgrades.generateGenericUpgrades()
pages[FortuneGuidePage.OVERVIEW] = OverviewPage()
- pages[FortuneGuidePage.WHEAT] = WheatPage()
- pages[FortuneGuidePage.CARROT] = CarrotPage()
- pages[FortuneGuidePage.POTATO] = PotatoPage()
- pages[FortuneGuidePage.PUMPKIN] = PumpkinPage()
- pages[FortuneGuidePage.SUGAR_CANE] = CanePage()
- pages[FortuneGuidePage.MELON] = MelonPage()
- pages[FortuneGuidePage.CACTUS] = CactusPage()
- pages[FortuneGuidePage.COCOA_BEANS] = CocoaPage()
- pages[FortuneGuidePage.MUSHROOM] = MushroomPage()
- pages[FortuneGuidePage.NETHER_WART] = WartPage()
- GardenAPI.config?.fortune?.let {
- cakeBuffTime = it.cakeExpiring
+ pages[FortuneGuidePage.CROP] = CropPage()
+ pages[FortuneGuidePage.UPGRADES] = UpgradePage()
+ if (currentCrop != null) {
+ for (item in FarmingItems.values()) {
+ if (item.name == currentCrop?.name) {
+ FFStats.getCropStats(currentCrop!!, item.getItem())
+ }
+ }
@@ -88,40 +89,11 @@ open class FFGuideGUI : GuiScreen() {
drawRect(guiLeft, guiTop, guiLeft + sizeX, guiTop + sizeY, 0x50000000)
- if (breakdownMode) {
- if (selectedPage != FortuneGuidePage.OVERVIEW) {
- GuiRenderUtils.renderItemAndTip(
- FarmingItems.ELEPHANT.getItem(), guiLeft + 152, guiTop + 160, mouseX, mouseY,
- if (currentPet == 0) 0xFF00FF00.toInt() else 0xFF43464B.toInt()
- )
- GuiRenderUtils.renderItemAndTip(
- FarmingItems.MOOSHROOM_COW.getItem(), guiLeft + 172, guiTop + 160, mouseX, mouseY,
- if (currentPet == 1) 0xFF00FF00.toInt() else 0xFF43464B.toInt()
- )
- GuiRenderUtils.renderItemAndTip(
- FarmingItems.RABBIT.getItem(), guiLeft + 192, guiTop + 160, mouseX, mouseY,
- if (currentPet == 2) 0xFF00FF00.toInt() else 0xFF43464B.toInt()
- )
- GuiRenderUtils.renderItemAndTip(
- FarmingItems.HELMET.getItem(), guiLeft + 162, guiTop + 80, mouseX, mouseY)
- GuiRenderUtils.renderItemAndTip(
- FarmingItems.CHESTPLATE.getItem(), guiLeft + 162, guiTop + 100, mouseX, mouseY)
- GuiRenderUtils.renderItemAndTip(
- FarmingItems.LEGGINGS.getItem(), guiLeft + 162, guiTop + 120, mouseX, mouseY)
- GuiRenderUtils.renderItemAndTip(
- FarmingItems.BOOTS.getItem(), guiLeft + 162, guiTop + 140, mouseX, mouseY)
- GuiRenderUtils.renderItemAndTip(
- FarmingItems.NECKLACE.getItem(), guiLeft + 182, guiTop + 80, mouseX, mouseY)
- GuiRenderUtils.renderItemAndTip(
- FarmingItems.CLOAK.getItem(), guiLeft + 182, guiTop + 100, mouseX, mouseY)
- GuiRenderUtils.renderItemAndTip(
- FarmingItems.BELT.getItem(), guiLeft + 182, guiTop + 120, mouseX, mouseY)
- GuiRenderUtils.renderItemAndTip(
- FarmingItems.BRACELET.getItem(), guiLeft + 182, guiTop + 140, mouseX, mouseY)
- } else {
+ if (selectedPage == FortuneGuidePage.UPGRADES) {
+ //
+ } else {
+ GuiRenderUtils.drawStringCentered("§7SkyHanni", guiLeft + 325, guiTop + 170)
+ if (currentCrop == null) {
FarmingItems.HELMET.getItem(), guiLeft + 142, guiTop + 5, mouseX, mouseY,
if (currentArmor == 1) 0xFFB3FFB3.toInt() else 0xFF43464B.toInt()
@@ -158,20 +130,50 @@ open class FFGuideGUI : GuiScreen() {
FarmingItems.ELEPHANT.getItem(), guiLeft + 152, guiTop + 130, mouseX, mouseY,
- if (currentPet == 0) 0xFFB3FFB3.toInt() else 0xFF43464B.toInt()
+ if (currentPet == FarmingItems.ELEPHANT) 0xFFB3FFB3.toInt() else 0xFF43464B.toInt()
FarmingItems.MOOSHROOM_COW.getItem(), guiLeft + 172, guiTop + 130, mouseX, mouseY,
- if (currentPet == 1) 0xFFB3FFB3.toInt() else 0xFF43464B.toInt()
+ if (currentPet == FarmingItems.MOOSHROOM_COW) 0xFFB3FFB3.toInt() else 0xFF43464B.toInt()
FarmingItems.RABBIT.getItem(), guiLeft + 192, guiTop + 130, mouseX, mouseY,
- if (currentPet == 2) 0xFFB3FFB3.toInt() else 0xFF43464B.toInt()
+ if (currentPet == FarmingItems.RABBIT) 0xFFB3FFB3.toInt() else 0xFF43464B.toInt()
+ )
+ } else {
+ GuiRenderUtils.renderItemAndTip(
+ FarmingItems.ELEPHANT.getItem(), guiLeft + 152, guiTop + 160, mouseX, mouseY,
+ if (currentPet == FarmingItems.ELEPHANT) 0xFFB3FFB3.toInt() else 0xFF43464B.toInt()
+ )
+ GuiRenderUtils.renderItemAndTip(
+ FarmingItems.MOOSHROOM_COW.getItem(), guiLeft + 172, guiTop + 160, mouseX, mouseY,
+ if (currentPet == FarmingItems.MOOSHROOM_COW) 0xFFB3FFB3.toInt() else 0xFF43464B.toInt()
+ )
+ GuiRenderUtils.renderItemAndTip(
+ FarmingItems.RABBIT.getItem(), guiLeft + 192, guiTop + 160, mouseX, mouseY,
+ if (currentPet == FarmingItems.RABBIT) 0xFFB3FFB3.toInt() else 0xFF43464B.toInt()
+ GuiRenderUtils.renderItemAndTip(
+ FarmingItems.HELMET.getItem(), guiLeft + 162, guiTop + 80, mouseX, mouseY)
+ GuiRenderUtils.renderItemAndTip(
+ FarmingItems.CHESTPLATE.getItem(), guiLeft + 162, guiTop + 100, mouseX, mouseY)
+ GuiRenderUtils.renderItemAndTip(
+ FarmingItems.LEGGINGS.getItem(), guiLeft + 162, guiTop + 120, mouseX, mouseY)
+ GuiRenderUtils.renderItemAndTip(
+ FarmingItems.BOOTS.getItem(), guiLeft + 162, guiTop + 140, mouseX, mouseY)
+ GuiRenderUtils.renderItemAndTip(
+ FarmingItems.NECKLACE.getItem(), guiLeft + 182, guiTop + 80, mouseX, mouseY)
+ GuiRenderUtils.renderItemAndTip(
+ FarmingItems.CLOAK.getItem(), guiLeft + 182, guiTop + 100, mouseX, mouseY)
+ GuiRenderUtils.renderItemAndTip(
+ FarmingItems.BELT.getItem(), guiLeft + 182, guiTop + 120, mouseX, mouseY)
+ GuiRenderUtils.renderItemAndTip(
+ FarmingItems.BRACELET.getItem(), guiLeft + 182, guiTop + 140, mouseX, mouseY)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawStringCentered("§7SkyHanni", guiLeft + 325, guiTop + 170)
GuiRenderUtils.drawStringCentered("§cIn beta! Report issues and suggestions on the discord", guiLeft + sizeX / 2, guiTop + sizeY + 10)
pages[selectedPage]?.drawPage(mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks)
@@ -184,116 +186,202 @@ open class FFGuideGUI : GuiScreen() {
- @Throws(IOException::class)
- override fun mouseClicked(originalX: Int, originalY: Int, mouseButton: Int) {
- super.mouseClicked(originalX, originalY, mouseButton)
+ override fun handleMouseInput() {
+ super.handleMouseInput()
- for (page in FortuneGuidePage.values()) {
- val x = guiLeft + (page.ordinal) * 30 + 15
- val y = guiTop - 28
+ if (Mouse.getEventButtonState()) {
+ mouseClickEvent()
+ }
+ if (!Mouse.getEventButtonState()) {
+ if (Mouse.getEventDWheel() != 0) {
+ lastMouseScroll = Mouse.getEventDWheel()
+ noMouseScrollFrames = 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
- if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, x, y, 25, 28)) {
- if (selectedPage != page) {
- SoundUtils.playClickSound()
- selectedPage = page
+ @Throws(IOException::class)
+ fun mouseClickEvent() {
+ var x = guiLeft + 15
+ var y = guiTop - 28
+ if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, x, y, 25, 28)) {
+ SoundUtils.playClickSound()
+ if (currentCrop != null) {
+ currentCrop = null
+ if (selectedPage != FortuneGuidePage.UPGRADES) {
+ selectedPage = FortuneGuidePage.OVERVIEW
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (selectedPage == FortuneGuidePage.UPGRADES) {
+ selectedPage = FortuneGuidePage.OVERVIEW
+ } else {
+ selectedPage = FortuneGuidePage.UPGRADES
- if (selectedPage == FortuneGuidePage.OVERVIEW) {
- if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, guiLeft + 152, guiTop + 130, 16, 16) && currentPet != 0) {
- SoundUtils.playClickSound()
- currentPet = 0
- FFStats.totalFF(FFStats.elephantFF)
- } else if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, guiLeft + 172, guiTop + 130, 16, 16) && currentPet != 1
- ) {
- SoundUtils.playClickSound()
- currentPet = 1
- FFStats.totalFF(FFStats.mooshroomFF)
- } else if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, guiLeft + 192, guiTop + 130, 16, 16) && currentPet != 2
- ) {
- SoundUtils.playClickSound()
- currentPet = 2
- FFStats.totalFF(FFStats.rabbitFF)
- } else if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, guiLeft + 142, guiTop + 5, 16, 16)) {
- SoundUtils.playClickSound()
- currentArmor = if (currentArmor == 1) 0 else 1
- } else if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, guiLeft + 162, guiTop + 5, 16, 16)) {
- SoundUtils.playClickSound()
- currentArmor = if (currentArmor == 2) 0 else 2
- } else if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, guiLeft + 182, guiTop + 5, 16, 16)) {
- SoundUtils.playClickSound()
- currentArmor = if (currentArmor == 3) 0 else 3
- } else if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, guiLeft + 202, guiTop + 5, 16, 16)) {
- SoundUtils.playClickSound()
- currentArmor = if (currentArmor == 4) 0 else 4
- } else if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, guiLeft + 262, guiTop + 5, 16, 16)) {
- SoundUtils.playClickSound()
- currentEquipment = if (currentEquipment == 1) 0 else 1
- } else if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, guiLeft + 282, guiTop + 5, 16, 16)) {
+ for (crop in CropType.values()) {
+ x += 30
+ if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, x, y, 25, 28)) {
- currentEquipment = if (currentEquipment == 2) 0 else 2
- } else if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, guiLeft + 302, guiTop + 5, 16, 16)) {
+ if (currentCrop != crop) {
+ currentCrop = crop
+ if (selectedPage == FortuneGuidePage.OVERVIEW) {
+ selectedPage = FortuneGuidePage.CROP
+ }
+ for (item in FarmingItems.values()) {
+ if (item.name == crop.name) {
+ FFStats.getCropStats(crop, item.getItem())
+ FortuneUpgrades.getCropSpecific(item.getItem())
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (selectedPage == FortuneGuidePage.CROP) {
+ selectedPage = FortuneGuidePage.UPGRADES
+ for (item in FarmingItems.values()) {
+ if (item.name == crop.name) {
+ FortuneUpgrades.getCropSpecific(item.getItem())
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ selectedPage = FortuneGuidePage.CROP
+ for (item in FarmingItems.values()) {
+ if (item.name == crop.name) {
+ FFStats.getCropStats(crop, item.getItem())
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ x = guiLeft - 28
+ y = guiTop + 15
+ if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, x, y, 28, 25)) {
+ if (selectedPage != FortuneGuidePage.CROP && selectedPage != FortuneGuidePage.OVERVIEW) {
- currentEquipment = if (currentEquipment == 3) 0 else 3
- } else if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, guiLeft + 322, guiTop + 5, 16, 16)) {
+ selectedPage = if (currentCrop == null) {
+ FortuneGuidePage.OVERVIEW
+ } else {
+ FortuneGuidePage.CROP
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ y += 30
+ if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, x, y, 28, 25)) {
+ if (selectedPage != FortuneGuidePage.UPGRADES) {
+ selectedPage = FortuneGuidePage.UPGRADES
- currentEquipment = if (currentEquipment == 4) 0 else 4
+ }
+ if (selectedPage != FortuneGuidePage.UPGRADES) {
+ if (currentCrop == null) {
+ if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, guiLeft + 152, guiTop + 130,
+ 16, 16) && currentPet != FarmingItems.ELEPHANT) {
+ SoundUtils.playClickSound()
+ currentPet = FarmingItems.ELEPHANT
+ FFStats.getTotalFF()
+ } else if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, guiLeft + 172, guiTop + 130,
+ 16, 16) && currentPet != FarmingItems.MOOSHROOM_COW) {
+ SoundUtils.playClickSound()
+ currentPet = FarmingItems.MOOSHROOM_COW
+ FFStats.getTotalFF()
+ } else if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, guiLeft + 192, guiTop + 130,
+ 16, 16) && currentPet != FarmingItems.RABBIT) {
+ SoundUtils.playClickSound()
+ currentPet = FarmingItems.RABBIT
+ FFStats.getTotalFF()
+ } else if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, guiLeft + 142, guiTop + 5, 16, 16)) {
+ SoundUtils.playClickSound()
+ currentArmor = if (currentArmor == 1) 0 else 1
+ } else if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, guiLeft + 162, guiTop + 5, 16, 16)) {
+ SoundUtils.playClickSound()
+ currentArmor = if (currentArmor == 2) 0 else 2
+ } else if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, guiLeft + 182, guiTop + 5, 16, 16)) {
+ SoundUtils.playClickSound()
+ currentArmor = if (currentArmor == 3) 0 else 3
+ } else if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, guiLeft + 202, guiTop + 5, 16, 16)) {
+ SoundUtils.playClickSound()
+ currentArmor = if (currentArmor == 4) 0 else 4
+ } else if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, guiLeft + 262, guiTop + 5, 16, 16)) {
+ SoundUtils.playClickSound()
+ currentEquipment = if (currentEquipment == 1) 0 else 1
+ } else if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, guiLeft + 282, guiTop + 5, 16, 16)) {
+ SoundUtils.playClickSound()
+ currentEquipment = if (currentEquipment == 2) 0 else 2
+ } else if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, guiLeft + 302, guiTop + 5, 16, 16)) {
+ SoundUtils.playClickSound()
+ currentEquipment = if (currentEquipment == 3) 0 else 3
+ } else if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, guiLeft + 322, guiTop + 5, 16, 16)) {
+ SoundUtils.playClickSound()
+ currentEquipment = if (currentEquipment == 4) 0 else 4
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, guiLeft + 152, guiTop + 160,
+ 16, 16) && currentPet != FarmingItems.ELEPHANT) {
+ SoundUtils.playClickSound()
+ currentPet = FarmingItems.ELEPHANT
+ FFStats.getTotalFF()
+ } else if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, guiLeft + 172, guiTop + 160,
+ 16, 16) && currentPet != FarmingItems.MOOSHROOM_COW) {
+ SoundUtils.playClickSound()
+ currentPet = FarmingItems.MOOSHROOM_COW
+ FFStats.getTotalFF()
+ } else if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, guiLeft + 192, guiTop + 160,
+ 16, 16) && currentPet != FarmingItems.RABBIT) {
+ SoundUtils.playClickSound()
+ currentPet = FarmingItems.RABBIT
+ FFStats.getTotalFF()
+ }
+ }
} else {
- if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, guiLeft + 152, guiTop + 160, 16, 16) && currentPet != 0) {
- SoundUtils.playClickSound()
- currentPet = 0
- FFStats.totalFF(FFStats.elephantFF)
- } else if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, guiLeft + 172, guiTop + 160, 16, 16) && currentPet != 1
- ) {
- SoundUtils.playClickSound()
- currentPet = 1
- FFStats.totalFF(FFStats.mooshroomFF)
- } else if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, guiLeft + 192, guiTop + 160, 16, 16) && currentPet != 2
- ) {
- SoundUtils.playClickSound()
- currentPet = 2
- FFStats.totalFF(FFStats.rabbitFF)
+ if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, guiLeft, guiTop, sizeX, sizeY)) {
+ lastClickedHeight = mouseY
private fun renderTabs() {
- for (page in FortuneGuidePage.values()) {
- val x = guiLeft + (page.ordinal) * 30 + 15
- val y = guiTop - 28
- drawRect(x, y, x + 25, y + 28, if (page == selectedPage) 0x50555555 else 0x50000000)
- if (page.crop != null) {
- GuiRenderUtils.renderItemStack(page.crop.icon, x + 5, y + 5)
- } else GuiRenderUtils.renderItemStack(ItemStack(Blocks.grass), x + 5, y + 5)
+ var x = guiLeft + 15
+ var y = guiTop - 28
+ drawRect(x, y, x + 25, y + 28, if (currentCrop == null) 0x50555555 else 0x50000000)
+ GuiRenderUtils.renderItemStack(ItemStack(Blocks.grass), x + 5, y + 5)
+ if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, x, y, 25, 28)) {
+ tooltipToDisplay.add("§eOverview")
+ }
- if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, x, y, 25, 25)) {
- tooltipToDisplay.add(page.pageName)
+ for (crop in CropType.values()) {
+ x += 30
+ drawRect(x, y, x + 25, y + 28, if (currentCrop == crop) 0x50555555 else 0x50000000)
+ GuiRenderUtils.renderItemStack(crop.icon, x + 5, y + 5)
+ if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, x, y, 25, 28)) {
+ tooltipToDisplay.add("§e${crop.cropName}")
+ x = guiLeft - 28
+ y = guiTop + 15
+ drawRect(x, y, x + 28, y + 25, if (selectedPage != FortuneGuidePage.UPGRADES) 0x50555555 else 0x50000000)
+ GuiRenderUtils.renderItemStack(ItemStack(Items.gold_ingot), x + 5, y + 5)
+ if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, x, y, 28, 25)) {
+ tooltipToDisplay.add("§eBreakdown")
+ }
+ y += 30
+ drawRect(x, y, x + 28, y + 25, if (selectedPage == FortuneGuidePage.UPGRADES) 0x50555555 else 0x50000000)
+ GuiRenderUtils.renderItemStack(ItemStack(Items.map), x + 5, y + 5)
+ if (GuiRenderUtils.isPointInRect(mouseX, mouseY, x, y, 28, 25)) {
+ tooltipToDisplay.add("§eUpgrades")
+ }
- enum class FortuneGuidePage(val crop: CropType?) {
- OVERVIEW(null),
- WHEAT(CropType.WHEAT),
- MELON(CropType.MELON),
- ;
- val pageName = crop?.let { "§e" + crop.cropName } ?: "§eOverview"
+ enum class FortuneGuidePage {
abstract class FFGuidePage {
abstract fun drawPage(mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, partialTicks: Float)
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/FFStats.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/FFStats.kt
index 1d5638061..26a649aa1 100644
--- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/FFStats.kt
+++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/FFStats.kt
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.data.CropAccessoryData
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.data.GardenCropUpgrades.Companion.getUpgradeLevel
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.data.ProfileStorageData
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.CropType
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.FarmingFortuneDisplay
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.GardenAPI
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.GardenAPI.getCropType
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFGuideGUI.Companion.getItem
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.ItemUtils.getInternalName
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.SkyBlockItemModifierUtils.getFarmingForDummiesCount
@@ -14,7 +14,16 @@ import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.SkyBlockItemModifierUtils.getPetLevel
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
object FFStats {
+ private val toolHasBountiful get() = GardenAPI.config?.toolWithBountiful
+ private val mathCrops = listOf(CropType.WHEAT, CropType.CARROT, CropType.POTATO, CropType.SUGAR_CANE, CropType.NETHER_WART)
+ private val dicerCrops = listOf(CropType.PUMPKIN, CropType.MELON)
private val farmingBoots = arrayListOf("RANCHERS_BOOTS", "FARMER_BOOTS")
+ var cakeExpireTime = 0L
+ // todo maybe these could be maps
val necklaceFF = mutableMapOf<FFTypes, Double>()
val cloakFF = mutableMapOf<FFTypes, Double>()
val beltFF = mutableMapOf<FFTypes, Double>()
@@ -37,18 +46,11 @@ object FFStats {
var totalBaseFF = mutableMapOf<FFTypes, Double>()
- val wheatFF = mutableMapOf<FFTypes, Double>()
- val carrotFF = mutableMapOf<FFTypes, Double>()
- val potatoFF = mutableMapOf<FFTypes, Double>()
- val caneFF = mutableMapOf<FFTypes, Double>()
- val wartFF = mutableMapOf<FFTypes, Double>()
- val pumpkinFF = mutableMapOf<FFTypes, Double>()
- val melonFF = mutableMapOf<FFTypes, Double>()
- val mushroomFF = mutableMapOf<FFTypes, Double>()
- val cocoaFF = mutableMapOf<FFTypes, Double>()
- val cactusFF = mutableMapOf<FFTypes, Double>()
+ val cropPage = mutableMapOf<FortuneStats, Pair<Double, Double>>()
fun loadFFData() {
+ cakeExpireTime = GardenAPI.config?.fortune?.cakeExpiring ?: -1L
getEquipmentFFData(FarmingItems.NECKLACE.getItem(), necklaceFF)
getEquipmentFFData(FarmingItems.CLOAK.getItem(), cloakFF)
getEquipmentFFData(FarmingItems.BELT.getItem(), beltFF)
@@ -76,23 +78,77 @@ object FFStats {
getPetFFData(FarmingItems.RABBIT.getItem(), rabbitFF)
- getToolFF(FarmingItems.WHEAT.getItem(), wheatFF)
- getToolFF(FarmingItems.CARROT.getItem(), carrotFF)
- getToolFF(FarmingItems.POTATO.getItem(), potatoFF)
- getToolFF(FarmingItems.SUGAR_CANE.getItem(), caneFF)
- getToolFF(FarmingItems.NETHER_WART.getItem(), wartFF)
- getToolFF(FarmingItems.PUMPKIN.getItem(), pumpkinFF)
- getToolFF(FarmingItems.MELON.getItem(), melonFF)
- getToolFF(FarmingItems.MUSHROOM.getItem(), mushroomFF)
- getToolFF(FarmingItems.COCOA_BEANS.getItem(), cocoaFF)
- getToolFF(FarmingItems.CACTUS.getItem(), cactusFF)
- currentPetItem = FarmingItems.ELEPHANT.getItem().getPetItem().toString()
- when (FFGuideGUI.currentPet) {
- 0 -> totalFF(elephantFF)
- 1 -> totalFF(mooshroomFF)
- 2 -> totalFF(rabbitFF)
+ getTotalFF()
+ }
+ fun getCropStats(crop: CropType, tool: ItemStack) {
+ cropPage.clear()
+ cropPage[FortuneStats.BASE] = Pair(totalBaseFF[FFTypes.TOTAL] ?: 100.0, 1250.0)
+ cropPage[FortuneStats.CROP_UPGRADE] = Pair((crop.getUpgradeLevel()?.toDouble() ?: 0.0) * 5.0, 45.0)
+ cropPage[FortuneStats.ACCESSORY] = Pair(CropAccessoryData.cropAccessory?.getFortune(crop) ?: 0.0, 30.0)
+ cropPage[FortuneStats.FFD] = Pair((tool.getFarmingForDummiesCount() ?: 0).toDouble(), 5.0)
+ cropPage[FortuneStats.TURBO] = Pair(FarmingFortuneDisplay.getTurboCropFortune(tool, crop), 25.0)
+ cropPage[FortuneStats.DEDICATION] = Pair(FarmingFortuneDisplay.getDedicationFortune(tool, crop), 92.0)
+ cropPage[FortuneStats.CULTIVATING] = Pair(FarmingFortuneDisplay.getCultivatingFortune(tool), 10.0)
+ FarmingFortuneDisplay.loadFortuneLineData(tool, 0.0)
+ when (crop) {
+ in mathCrops -> {
+ cropPage[FortuneStats.BASE_TOOL] = Pair(FarmingFortuneDisplay.getToolFortune(tool), 50.0)
+ cropPage[FortuneStats.COUNTER] = Pair(FarmingFortuneDisplay.getCounterFortune(tool), 96.0)
+ cropPage[FortuneStats.HARVESTING] = Pair(FarmingFortuneDisplay.getHarvestingFortune(tool), 75.0)
+ cropPage[FortuneStats.COLLECTION] = Pair(FarmingFortuneDisplay.getCollectionFortune(tool), 48.0)
+ if (toolHasBountiful?.get(crop) == true) {
+ cropPage[FortuneStats.REFORGE] = Pair(FarmingFortuneDisplay.reforgeFortune, 10.0)
+ } else {
+ cropPage[FortuneStats.REFORGE] = Pair(FarmingFortuneDisplay.reforgeFortune, 20.0)
+ }
+ }
+ in dicerCrops -> {
+ cropPage[FortuneStats.SUNDER] = Pair(FarmingFortuneDisplay.getSunderFortune(tool), 62.5)
+ if (toolHasBountiful?.get(crop) == true) {
+ cropPage[FortuneStats.REFORGE] = Pair(FarmingFortuneDisplay.reforgeFortune, 10.0)
+ } else {
+ cropPage[FortuneStats.REFORGE] = Pair(FarmingFortuneDisplay.reforgeFortune, 20.0)
+ }
+ }
+ CropType.MUSHROOM -> {
+ cropPage[FortuneStats.BASE_TOOL] = Pair(FarmingFortuneDisplay.getToolFortune(tool), 30.0)
+ cropPage[FortuneStats.HARVESTING] = Pair(FarmingFortuneDisplay.getHarvestingFortune(tool), 75.0)
+ if (toolHasBountiful?.get(crop) == true) {
+ cropPage[FortuneStats.REFORGE] = Pair(FarmingFortuneDisplay.reforgeFortune, 5.0)
+ } else {
+ cropPage[FortuneStats.REFORGE] = Pair(FarmingFortuneDisplay.reforgeFortune, 13.0)
+ }
+ }
+ CropType.COCOA_BEANS -> {
+ cropPage[FortuneStats.BASE_TOOL] = Pair(FarmingFortuneDisplay.getToolFortune(tool), 20.0)
+ cropPage[FortuneStats.SUNDER] = Pair(FarmingFortuneDisplay.getSunderFortune(tool), 62.5)
+ if (toolHasBountiful?.get(crop) == true) {
+ cropPage[FortuneStats.REFORGE] = Pair(FarmingFortuneDisplay.reforgeFortune, 7.0)
+ } else {
+ cropPage[FortuneStats.REFORGE] = Pair(FarmingFortuneDisplay.reforgeFortune, 16.0)
+ }
+ }
+ CropType.CACTUS -> {
+ cropPage[FortuneStats.HARVESTING] = Pair(FarmingFortuneDisplay.getHarvestingFortune(tool), 75.0)
+ if (toolHasBountiful?.get(crop) == true) {
+ cropPage[FortuneStats.REFORGE] = Pair(FarmingFortuneDisplay.reforgeFortune, 7.0)
+ } else {
+ cropPage[FortuneStats.REFORGE] = Pair(FarmingFortuneDisplay.reforgeFortune, 16.0)
+ }
+ }
+ else -> {}
+ }
+ cropPage[FortuneStats.CROP_TOTAL] = Pair(
+ cropPage.toList().sumOf { it.second.first },
+ cropPage.toList().sumOf { it.second.second })
+ if (tool.getInternalName().contains("DICER")){
+ cropPage[FortuneStats.DICER] = Pair(33.0, 33.0)
@@ -136,7 +192,7 @@ object FFStats {
out[FFTypes.COMMUNITY_SHOP] = (ProfileStorageData.playerSpecific?.gardenCommunityUpgrade ?: -1).toDouble() * 4
out[FFTypes.PLOTS] = savedStats.plotsUnlocked.toDouble() * 3
out[FFTypes.ANITA] = savedStats.anitaUpgrade.toDouble() * 2
- if (savedStats.cakeExpiring - System.currentTimeMillis() > 0 || savedStats.cakeExpiring == -1L) {
+ if (cakeExpireTime - System.currentTimeMillis() > 0 || cakeExpireTime == -1L) {
out[FFTypes.CAKE] = 5.0
} else {
out[FFTypes.CAKE] = 0.0
@@ -144,46 +200,26 @@ object FFStats {
out[FFTypes.TOTAL] = out.values.sum()
- private fun getToolFF(tool: ItemStack, out: MutableMap<FFTypes, Double>) {
- out[FFTypes.TOTAL] = 0.0
- val crop = tool.getCropType()
- val accessoryFortune= crop?.let {
- CropAccessoryData.cropAccessory?.getFortune(it)
+ fun getTotalFF() {
+ var petList = mutableMapOf<FFTypes, Double>()
+ when (FFGuideGUI.currentPet) {
+ FarmingItems.ELEPHANT -> {
+ petList = elephantFF
+ }
+ FarmingItems.MOOSHROOM_COW -> {
+ petList = mooshroomFF
+ }
+ FarmingItems.RABBIT -> {
+ petList = rabbitFF
+ }
+ else -> {}
+ currentPetItem = FFGuideGUI.currentPet.getItem().getPetItem().toString()
- out[FFTypes.CROP_UPGRADE] = (crop?.getUpgradeLevel()?.toDouble() ?: 0.0) * 5.0
- out[FFTypes.ACCESSORY] = accessoryFortune ?: 0.0
- out[FFTypes.BASE] = FarmingFortuneDisplay.getToolFortune(tool)
- out[FFTypes.COUNTER] = FarmingFortuneDisplay.getCounterFortune(tool)
- out[FFTypes.COLLECTION] = FarmingFortuneDisplay.getCollectionFortune(tool)
- out[FFTypes.TURBO] = FarmingFortuneDisplay.getTurboCropFortune(tool, crop)
- out[FFTypes.DEDICATION] = FarmingFortuneDisplay.getDedicationFortune(tool, crop)
- out[FFTypes.SUNDER] = FarmingFortuneDisplay.getSunderFortune(tool)
- out[FFTypes.HARVESTING] = FarmingFortuneDisplay.getHarvestingFortune(tool)
- out[FFTypes.CULTIVATING] = FarmingFortuneDisplay.getCultivatingFortune(tool)
- out[FFTypes.FFD] = (tool.getFarmingForDummiesCount() ?: 0).toDouble()
- val enchantmentFortune = out[FFTypes.SUNDER]!! + out[FFTypes.HARVESTING]!! + out[FFTypes.CULTIVATING]!!
- FarmingFortuneDisplay.loadFortuneLineData(tool, enchantmentFortune)
- out[FFTypes.REFORGE] = FarmingFortuneDisplay.reforgeFortune
- out[FFTypes.TOTAL] = out.values.sum()
- }
- fun totalFF(petList: MutableMap<FFTypes, Double>) {
totalBaseFF =
(baseFF.toList() + armorTotalFF.toList() + equipmentTotalFF.toList() + petList.toList()).groupBy({ it.first },
{ it.second }).map { (key, values) -> key to values.sum() }
.toMap() as MutableMap<FFTypes, Double>
- currentPetItem = when (FFGuideGUI.currentPet) {
- 0 -> FarmingItems.ELEPHANT.getItem().getPetItem().toString()
- 1 -> FarmingItems.MOOSHROOM_COW.getItem().getPetItem().toString()
- else -> FarmingItems.RABBIT.getItem().getPetItem().toString()
- }
private fun getPetFF (pet: ItemStack): Double {
@@ -193,7 +229,6 @@ object FFStats {
return if (pet.getInternalName().contains("ELEPHANT;4")) {
1.8 * petLevel
} else if (pet.getInternalName().contains("MOOSHROOM_COW;4")) {
- println("doing cow calc: ${(10 + petLevel).toDouble() + strength / (40 - petLevel * .2)}ff")
(10 + petLevel).toDouble() + strength / (40 - petLevel * .2)
} else if (pet.getInternalName().contains("MOOSHROOM")) {
(10 + petLevel).toDouble()
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/FFTypes.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/FFTypes.kt
index b317199ec..02d8debc0 100644
--- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/FFTypes.kt
+++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/FFTypes.kt
@@ -2,6 +2,5 @@ package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide
enum class FFTypes {
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/FarmingReforges.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/FarmingReforges.kt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6920c5e77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/FarmingReforges.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide
+enum class FarmingReforges(
+ val reforgeName: String,
+ val reforgeItem: String,
+ val common: Int,
+ val uncommon: Int,
+ val rare: Int,
+ val epic: Int,
+ val legendary: Int,
+ val mythic: Int
+) {
+ BLESSED("Blessed", "BLESSED_FRUIT", 5, 7, 9, 13, 16, 20),
+ BOUNTIFUL("Bountiful", "GOLDEN_BALL", 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10),
+ BLOOMING("Blooming", "FLOWERING_BOUQUET", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
+ ROOTED("Rooted", "BURROWING_SPORES", 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14),
+ BUSTLING("Bustling", "SKYMART_BROCHURE", 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10),
+ MOSSY("Mossy", "OVERGROWN_GRASS", 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30)
+operator fun FarmingReforges.get(index: Int, current: Double = 0.0): Double? {
+ return when (index) {
+ 0 -> common - current
+ 1 -> uncommon - current
+ 2 -> rare - current
+ 3 -> epic - current
+ 4 -> legendary - current
+ 5 -> mythic - current
+ else -> null
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/FarmingSets.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/FarmingSets.kt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb3c30123
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/FarmingSets.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide
+enum class FarmingSets(
+ val helmetIncrease: Double,
+ val chestplateIncrease: Double,
+ val leggingsIncrease: Double,
+ val bootsIncrease: Double
+) {
+ MELON(15.0, 20.0, 20.0, 15.0),
+ CROPIE(15.0, 20.0, 20.0, 15.0),
+ SQUASH(15.0, 20.0, 20.0, 15.0),
+ FERMENTO(15.0, 20.0, 20.0, 15.0),
+ FARMER(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ RANCHERS(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/FortuneStats.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/FortuneStats.kt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8fb09f648
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/FortuneStats.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide
+enum class FortuneStats(val label: String, val tooltip: String) {
+ BASE("§2Universal Farming Fortune", "§7§2Farming fortune in that is\n§2applied to every crop\n§eNot the same as tab FF"),
+ CROP_TOTAL("§6Crop Farming Fortune", "§7§2Farming fortune for this crop"),
+ ACCESSORY("§2Talisman Bonus", "§7§2Fortune from your talisman\n§2You get 10☘ per talisman tier"),
+ CROP_UPGRADE("§2Crop Upgrade", "§7§2Fortune from Desk crop upgrades\n§2You get 5☘ per level"),
+ BASE_TOOL("§2Base tool fortune","§7§2Crop specific fortune from your tool"),
+ REFORGE("§2Tool reforge", "§7§2Fortune from reforging your tool"),
+ FFD("§2Farming for Dummies", "§7§2Fortune for each applied book\n§2You get 1☘ per applied book"),
+ COUNTER("§2Logarithmic Counter", "§7§2Fortune from increasing crop counter\n§2You get 16☘ per digit - 4"),
+ COLLECTION("§2Collection Analyst", "§7§2Fortune from increasing crop collection\n§2You get 8☘ per digit - 4"),
+ HARVESTING("§2Harvesting Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n§2You get 12.5☘ per level"),
+ SUNDER("§2Sunder Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n§2You get 12.5☘ per level"),
+ CULTIVATING("§2Cultivating Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n§2You get 1☘ per level"),
+ TURBO("§2Turbo-Crop Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n§2You get 5☘ per level"),
+ DEDICATION("§2Dedication Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n§2and crop milestone"),
+ DICER("§2Dicer Ability", "§7§2Theoretical fortune from the dicer ability\n§eIs very random! and not added to total ☘")
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/FortuneUpgrade.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/FortuneUpgrade.kt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..70ce14178
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/FortuneUpgrade.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide
+data class FortuneUpgrade(
+ val description: String,
+ val costCopper: Int?,
+ val requiredItem: String,
+ val itemQuantity: Int,
+ val fortuneIncrease: Double,
+ var cost: Int? = null,
+ var costPerFF: Int? = null // also the same as time to repay
+) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/FortuneUpgrades.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/FortuneUpgrades.kt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f6e220fa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/FortuneUpgrades.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.data.CropAccessoryData
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.data.GardenCropMilestones
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.data.GardenCropMilestones.Companion.getCounter
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.CropAccessory
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.CropType
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.CropType.Companion.getTurboCrop
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.FarmingFortuneDisplay
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.GardenAPI
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.GardenAPI.getCropType
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFGuideGUI.Companion.currentPet
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFGuideGUI.Companion.getItem
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.ItemUtils.getInternalName
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.ItemUtils.getItemRarity
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.NEUItems
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.NumberUtil.addSuffix
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.SkyBlockItemModifierUtils.getEnchantments
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.SkyBlockItemModifierUtils.getFarmingForDummiesCount
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.SkyBlockItemModifierUtils.getReforgeName
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.SkyBlockItemModifierUtils.isRecombobulated
+import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
+object FortuneUpgrades {
+ private val equipment = listOf(FarmingItems.NECKLACE, FarmingItems.CLOAK, FarmingItems.BELT, FarmingItems.BRACELET)
+ private val armor = listOf(FarmingItems.HELMET, FarmingItems.CHESTPLATE, FarmingItems.LEGGINGS, FarmingItems.BOOTS)
+ private val axeCrops = listOf(CropType.MELON, CropType.PUMPKIN, CropType.COCOA_BEANS)
+ val genericUpgrades = mutableListOf<FortuneUpgrade>()
+ val cropSpecificUpgrades = mutableListOf<FortuneUpgrade>()
+ fun generateGenericUpgrades() {
+ val hidden = GardenAPI.config?.fortune ?: return
+ genericUpgrades.clear()
+ if (hidden.plotsUnlocked != -1 && hidden.plotsUnlocked != 24) {
+ genericUpgrades.add(FortuneUpgrade("§7Unlock your ${(hidden.plotsUnlocked + 1).addSuffix()} §7plot",
+ null, "COMPOST", compostNeeded[hidden.plotsUnlocked], 3.0))
+ }
+ if (hidden.anitaUpgrade != -1 && hidden.anitaUpgrade != 15) {
+ genericUpgrades.add(FortuneUpgrade("§7Upgrade Anita bonus to level ${hidden.anitaUpgrade + 1}",
+ null, "JACOBS_TICKET", anitaTicketsNeeded[hidden.anitaUpgrade], 3.0))
+ }
+ getEquipmentUpgrades()
+ getPetUpgrades()
+ getArmorUpgrades()
+ getTalismanUpgrade()
+ genericUpgrades.populateAndSort(0)
+ }
+ //todo fix NEU price data not being loaded if run too early
+ private fun MutableList<FortuneUpgrade>.populateAndSort(style: Int) {
+ this.map { upgrade ->
+ val cost = (NEUItems.getPrice(upgrade.requiredItem) * (upgrade.itemQuantity)).toInt()
+ upgrade.cost = cost
+ upgrade.costPerFF = (cost / upgrade.fortuneIncrease).toInt()
+ }
+ when (style) { // sorting later
+ 0 -> this.sortBy { it.costPerFF }
+ 1 -> this.sortByDescending { it.costPerFF }
+ 2 -> this.sortBy { it.cost }
+ 3 -> this.sortByDescending { it.cost }
+ 4 -> this.sortBy { it.fortuneIncrease }
+ 5 -> this.sortByDescending { it.fortuneIncrease }
+ else -> {}
+ }
+ }
+ private fun getTalismanUpgrade() {
+ val currentTalismanTier = CropAccessoryData.cropAccessory?.ordinal ?: return
+ if (currentTalismanTier < 3) {
+ val nextTalisman = CropAccessory.values()[currentTalismanTier + 1]
+ genericUpgrades.add(FortuneUpgrade("§7Upgrade your talisman to ${nextTalisman.internalName.replace("_", " ").lowercase()}",
+ null, nextTalisman.upgradeCost?.first!!, nextTalisman.upgradeCost.second, 10.0))
+ }
+ }
+ private fun getEquipmentUpgrades() {
+ val visitors = GardenAPI.config?.uniqueVisitors?.toDouble() ?: 0.0
+ for (piece in equipment) {
+ val item = piece.getItem()
+ //todo tell them to purchase the missing item
+ if (!item.getInternalName().contains("LOTUS")) return
+ val enchantments = item.getEnchantments() ?: emptyMap()
+ val greenThumbLvl = enchantments["green_thumb"] ?: 0
+ if (greenThumbLvl != 5 && visitors != 0.0) {
+ genericUpgrades.add(FortuneUpgrade("§7Enchant your ${item.displayName} §7with Green Thumb ${greenThumbLvl + 1}",
+ 1500, "GREEN_THUMB;1", getNeededBooks(greenThumbLvl), visitors * 0.05))
+ }
+ recombobulateItem(item, genericUpgrades)
+ when (item.getReforgeName()) {
+ "rooted" -> {}
+ "blooming" -> {
+ reforgeItem(item, FarmingReforges.ROOTED, genericUpgrades)
+ }
+ else -> {
+ reforgeItem(item, FarmingReforges.BLOOMING, genericUpgrades)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //todo adding armor tier upgrades later
+ private fun getArmorUpgrades() {
+ for (piece in armor) {
+ val item = piece.getItem()
+ //todo skip if it doesnt exist -> tell them to buy it later
+ recombobulateItem(item, genericUpgrades)
+ when (item.getReforgeName()) {
+ "mossy" -> {}
+ "bustling" -> {
+ reforgeItem(item, FarmingReforges.MOSSY, genericUpgrades)
+ }
+ else -> {
+ reforgeItem(item, FarmingReforges.BUSTLING, genericUpgrades, 100)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //todo needs to be called when switching pets
+ private fun getPetUpgrades() {
+ if (currentPet.getItem().getInternalName().contains(";")) {
+ when (FFStats.currentPetItem) {
+ //todo once auction stuff is done
+ }
+ else -> {
+ //give pet yellow bandana
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fun getCropSpecific(tool: ItemStack) {
+ cropSpecificUpgrades.clear()
+ cropSpecificUpgrades.addAll(genericUpgrades)
+ // todo tell them to get the tool if it is missing
+ val crop = tool.getCropType() ?: return
+ val enchantments = tool.getEnchantments() ?: emptyMap()
+ val turboCropLvl = enchantments[crop.getTurboCrop()] ?: 0
+ val dedicationLvl = enchantments["dedication"] ?: 0
+ val cultivatingLvl = enchantments["cultivating"] ?: 0
+ val farmingForDummiesCount = tool.getFarmingForDummiesCount() ?: 0
+ if (crop in axeCrops) {
+ val sunderLvl = enchantments["sunder"] ?: 0
+ if (sunderLvl != 5) {
+ cropSpecificUpgrades.add(FortuneUpgrade("§7Enchant your ${tool.displayName} §7with Sunder ${sunderLvl + 1}",
+ 10, "SUNDER;1", getNeededBooks(sunderLvl), 12.5))
+ }
+ } else {
+ val harvestingLvl = enchantments["harvesting"] ?: 0
+ if (harvestingLvl == 5) {
+ cropSpecificUpgrades.add(FortuneUpgrade("§7Enchant your ${tool.displayName} §7with Harvesting ${harvestingLvl + 1}",
+ 10, "HARVESTING;6", 1, 12.5))
+ }
+ }
+ if (farmingForDummiesCount != 5) {
+ cropSpecificUpgrades.add(FortuneUpgrade("§7Add a Farming for Dummies to your ${tool.displayName}",
+ null, "FARMING_FOR_DUMMIES", 1, 1.0))
+ }
+ val cropMilestone = GardenCropMilestones.getTierForCrops(crop.getCounter())
+ if (dedicationLvl != 4 && cropMilestone > 0) {
+ val dedicationMultiplier = listOf(0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 2.0)[dedicationLvl]
+ val dedicationIncrease = dedicationMultiplier * cropMilestone - FarmingFortuneDisplay.getDedicationFortune(tool, crop)
+ if (dedicationLvl == 3) {
+ cropSpecificUpgrades.add(FortuneUpgrade("§7Enchant your ${tool.displayName} §7with Dedication ${dedicationLvl + 1}",
+ null, "DEDICATION;4", 1, dedicationIncrease))
+ } else {
+ cropSpecificUpgrades.add(FortuneUpgrade("§7Enchant your ${tool.displayName} §7with Dedication ${dedicationLvl + 1}",
+ 250, "DEDICATION;1", getNeededBooks(dedicationLvl), dedicationIncrease))
+ }
+ }
+ if (cultivatingLvl == 0) {
+ cropSpecificUpgrades.add(FortuneUpgrade("§7Enchant your ${tool.displayName} §7with Cultivating",
+ null, "CULTIVATING;1", 1, 6.0))
+ }
+ if (turboCropLvl != 5) {
+ cropSpecificUpgrades.add(FortuneUpgrade("§7Enchant your ${tool.displayName} §7with ${crop.getTurboCrop().replace("_", " ")} ${turboCropLvl + 1}",
+ null, "${crop.getTurboCrop().uppercase()};1", getNeededBooks(turboCropLvl), 5.0))
+ }
+ recombobulateItem(tool, cropSpecificUpgrades)
+ when (tool.getReforgeName()) {
+ "blessed" -> {}
+ "bountiful" -> {}
+ else -> {
+ reforgeItem(tool, FarmingReforges.BLESSED, cropSpecificUpgrades)
+ }
+ }
+ cropSpecificUpgrades.populateAndSort(0)
+ }
+ private fun recombobulateItem(item: ItemStack, list: MutableList<FortuneUpgrade>) {
+ if (item.isRecombobulated()) return
+ val reforge = item.getReforgeName()?.let { FarmingReforges.valueOf(it.uppercase()) } ?: return
+ FarmingFortuneDisplay.loadFortuneLineData(item, 0.0)
+ val increase = reforge[item.getItemRarity() + 1, FarmingFortuneDisplay.reforgeFortune] ?: return
+ list.add(FortuneUpgrade("§7Recombobulate your ${item.displayName}",
+ null, "RECOMBOBULATOR_3000", 1, increase))
+ }
+ private fun reforgeItem(item: ItemStack, reforge: FarmingReforges, list: MutableList<FortuneUpgrade>,copperPrice: Int? = null) {
+ FarmingFortuneDisplay.loadFortuneLineData(item, 0.0)
+ val increase = reforge[item.getItemRarity(), FarmingFortuneDisplay.reforgeFortune] ?: return
+ list.add(FortuneUpgrade("§7Reforge your ${item.displayName} §7to ${reforge.reforgeName}",
+ copperPrice, reforge.reforgeItem, 1, increase))
+ }
+ private fun getNeededBooks(currentLvl: Int): Int {
+ return when (currentLvl) {
+ 0 -> 1
+ 1 -> 1
+ 2 -> 2
+ 3 -> 4
+ else -> 8
+ }
+ }
+ private val cropUpgrades = listOf(5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000)
+ // If they unlock in a weird order e.g. getting a corner before a cheaper one won't work properly
+ private val compostNeeded = listOf(1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 48, 64, 96, 128, 160, 160,
+ 320, 320, 480, 480, 640, 800, 1120, 1280, 1600, 1920, 2400)
+ // no support for people with 5% discount
+ private val anitaTicketsNeeded = listOf(0, 50, 50, 100, 100, 150, 150, 200, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 1000)
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/TODO list b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/TODO list
index 65a9d7385..a34e366d7 100644
--- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/TODO list
+++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/TODO list
@@ -1,16 +1,58 @@
-todo list for this display
+V2 Plans
-Deal with pets leveling up
+Guide for cheapest upgrades:
+ - Anita buff
+ - Garden plots
+ - Pet Item
+ - Equipment
+ - Green thumb
+ - Reforges
+ - Recombs
+ - Armor
+ - Reforges
+ - Recombs
+ - Talisman
+ - Tools
+ - Farming for dummies
+ - Harvesting 6
+ - Reforge
+ - Recomb
+ - Sunder
+ - Dedication
+ - Crop upgrade
+ - Turbo crop
-Change lore on equipment to reflect visitors served
+Big warning for missing data (pets, armor, equipment) (if it has to generate a fallback item)
+Big warnign for misisng skill level, anita, plots
+Indicator when some of your gear is outdated
+ - Little sign telling you
+ - Line in the tooltip of the item
+Changing lore on items inside the menu to reflect changes
+ - Changing the amount of visitors served to reflect the real amount
+ - Changing the pet level to reflect the pets actual level
+Max value on bars will update depending on chosen pet
+ - Will be visible on all pages
+If you have show as drop multiplier off -100ff
+When opening the menu it will open to the tool you are currently holding
+It will also auto select the current pet you have out if that is a farming pet
+Add colours to the text
+Clicking on the already selected crop up top will cycle between overview and upgrades
+Later on:
Add a border around the edge of the display
Make this adjust based on the selected page
+Sometimes the greenthumb visitor counter breaks?
Sometimes the ff breakdown for equipment and armor does not work in the gui?
- fixes by holding shift over an item in the inventory then going back into the gui
If they sell their equipment or pets, they will be saved until a new one is bought and their stats counted : fix, don't liquidize your stuff lol
@@ -21,6 +63,4 @@ Taking off or putting equipment on inside the menu won't update it until you reo
-Daedalus axe for mushroom and cocoa??
-Save selected pet to config
- - use the already saved one \ No newline at end of file
+Daedalus axe for mushroom \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/CactusPage.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/CactusPage.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3648e21d4..000000000
--- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/CactusPage.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.pages
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFGuideGUI
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFGuideGUI.Companion.getItem
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFStats
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFTypes
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FarmingItems
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.GuiRenderUtils
-class CactusPage: FFGuideGUI.FFGuidePage() {
- override fun drawPage(mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, partialTicks: Float) {
- if (FFGuideGUI.breakdownMode) {
- GuiRenderUtils.renderItemAndTip(FarmingItems.CACTUS.getItem(),
- FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 172, FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 60, mouseX, mouseY)
- val totalCropFF = FFStats.totalBaseFF[FFTypes.TOTAL]!! + FFStats.cactusFF[FFTypes.TOTAL]!!
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§6Cactus Farming Fortune", "§7§2Farming fortune for cacti",
- totalCropFF, 1548, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 135,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Universal Farming Fortune", "§7§2Farming fortune in that is\n" +
- "§2applied to every crop", FFStats.totalBaseFF[FFTypes.TOTAL] ?: 0, 1250, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Talisman Bonus", "§7§2Fortune from your talisman\n" +
- "§2You get 10☘ per talisman tier", FFStats.cactusFF[FFTypes.ACCESSORY] ?: 0, 30, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 30, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Crop Upgrade", "§7§2Fortune from Desk crop upgrades\n" +
- "§2You get 5☘ per level", FFStats.cactusFF[FFTypes.CROP_UPGRADE] ?: 0, 45, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 55, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Tool reforge", "§7§2Fortune from reforging your tool",
- FFStats.cactusFF[FFTypes.REFORGE] ?: 0, 16, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 80, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Farming for Dummies", "§7§2Fortune for each applied book\n" +
- "§2You get 1☘ per applied book", FFStats.cactusFF[FFTypes.FFD] ?: 0, 5, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 105, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Harvesting Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2You get 12.5☘ per level", FFStats.cactusFF[FFTypes.HARVESTING] ?: 0, 75, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Cultivating Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2You get 1☘ per level", FFStats.cactusFF[FFTypes.CULTIVATING] ?: 0, 10, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 30, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Turbo-Cacti Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2You get 5☘ per level", FFStats.cactusFF[FFTypes.TURBO] ?: 0, 25, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 55, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Dedication Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2and crop milestone", FFStats.cactusFF[FFTypes.DEDICATION] ?: 0, 92, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 80, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- } else {
- return
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/CanePage.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/CanePage.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index e8d3df75d..000000000
--- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/CanePage.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.pages
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFGuideGUI
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFGuideGUI.Companion.getItem
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFStats
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFTypes
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FarmingItems
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.GuiRenderUtils
-class CanePage: FFGuideGUI.FFGuidePage() {
- override fun drawPage(mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, partialTicks: Float) {
- if (FFGuideGUI.breakdownMode) {
- GuiRenderUtils.renderItemAndTip(FarmingItems.SUGAR_CANE.getItem(),
- FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 172, FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 60, mouseX, mouseY)
-//todo update dynamically
- val totalCropFF = FFStats.totalBaseFF[FFTypes.TOTAL]!! + FFStats.caneFF[FFTypes.TOTAL]!!
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§6Cane Farming Fortune", "§7§2Farming fortune for cane",
- totalCropFF, 1746, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 135,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Universal Farming Fortune", "§7§2Farming fortune in that is\n" +
- "§2applied to every crop", FFStats.totalBaseFF[FFTypes.TOTAL] ?: 0, 1250, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Talisman Bonus", "§7§2Fortune from your talisman\n" +
- "§2You get 10☘ per talisman tier", FFStats.caneFF[FFTypes.ACCESSORY] ?: 0, 30, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 30, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Crop Upgrade", "§7§2Fortune from Desk crop upgrades\n" +
- "§2You get 5☘ per level", FFStats.caneFF[FFTypes.CROP_UPGRADE] ?: 0, 45, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 55, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Base tool fortune", "§7§2Depends on your tools tier",
- FFStats.caneFF[FFTypes.BASE] ?: 0, 50, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 80, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
-//todo change based on reforge
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Tool reforge", "§7§2Fortune from reforging your tool",
- FFStats.caneFF[FFTypes.REFORGE] ?: 0, 20, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 105, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Farming for Dummies", "§7§2Fortune for each applied book\n" +
- "§2You get 1☘ per applied book", FFStats.caneFF[FFTypes.FFD] ?: 0, 5, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 130, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Logarithmic Counter", "§7§2Fortune from increasing crop counter\n" +
- "§2You get 16☘ per digit - 4", FFStats.caneFF[FFTypes.COUNTER] ?: 0, 96, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Collection Analyst", "§7§2Fortune from increasing crop collection\n" +
- "§2You get 8☘ per digit - 4", FFStats.caneFF[FFTypes.COLLECTION] ?: 0, 48, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 30, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Harvesting Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2You get 12.5☘ per level", FFStats.caneFF[FFTypes.HARVESTING] ?: 0, 75, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 55, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Cultivating Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2You get 1☘ per level", FFStats.caneFF[FFTypes.CULTIVATING] ?: 0, 10, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 80, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Turbo-Cane Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2You get 5☘ per level", FFStats.caneFF[FFTypes.TURBO] ?: 0, 25, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 105, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Dedication Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2and crop milestone", FFStats.caneFF[FFTypes.DEDICATION] ?: 0, 92, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 130, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- } else {
- return
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/CarrotPage.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/CarrotPage.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index bd2204d4f..000000000
--- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/CarrotPage.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.pages
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFGuideGUI
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFGuideGUI.Companion.getItem
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFStats
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFTypes
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FarmingItems
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.GuiRenderUtils
-class CarrotPage: FFGuideGUI.FFGuidePage() {
- override fun drawPage(mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, partialTicks: Float) {
- if (FFGuideGUI.breakdownMode) {
- GuiRenderUtils.renderItemAndTip(FarmingItems.CARROT.getItem(),
- FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 172, FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 60, mouseX, mouseY)
- //todo add rift thing at some point
-//todo update dynamically
- val totalCropFF = FFStats.totalBaseFF[FFTypes.TOTAL]!! + FFStats.carrotFF[FFTypes.TOTAL]!!
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§6Carrot Farming Fortune", "§7§2Farming fortune for carrot",
- totalCropFF, 1746, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 135,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Universal Farming Fortune", "§7§2Farming fortune in that is\n" +
- "§2applied to every crop", FFStats.totalBaseFF[FFTypes.TOTAL] ?: 0, 1250, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Talisman Bonus", "§7§2Fortune from your talisman\n" +
- "§2You get 10☘ per talisman tier", FFStats.carrotFF[FFTypes.ACCESSORY] ?: 0, 30, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 30, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Crop Upgrade", "§7§2Fortune from Desk crop upgrades\n" +
- "§2You get 5☘ per level", FFStats.carrotFF[FFTypes.CROP_UPGRADE] ?: 0, 45, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 55, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Base tool fortune", "§7§2Depends on your tools tier",
- FFStats.carrotFF[FFTypes.BASE] ?: 0, 50, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 80, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
-//todo change based on reforge
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Tool reforge", "§7§2Fortune from reforging your tool",
- FFStats.carrotFF[FFTypes.REFORGE] ?: 0, 20, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 105, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Farming for Dummies", "§7§2Fortune for each applied book\n" +
- "§2You get 1☘ per applied book", FFStats.carrotFF[FFTypes.FFD] ?: 0, 5, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 130, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Logarithmic Counter", "§7§2Fortune from increasing crop counter\n" +
- "§2You get 16☘ per digit - 4", FFStats.carrotFF[FFTypes.COUNTER] ?: 0, 96, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Collection Analyst", "§7§2Fortune from increasing crop collection\n" +
- "§2You get 8☘ per digit - 4", FFStats.carrotFF[FFTypes.COLLECTION] ?: 0, 48, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 30, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Harvesting Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2You get 12.5☘ per level", FFStats.carrotFF[FFTypes.HARVESTING] ?: 0, 75, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 55, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Cultivating Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2You get 1☘ per level", FFStats.carrotFF[FFTypes.CULTIVATING] ?: 0, 10, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 80, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Turbo-Carrot Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2You get 5☘ per level", FFStats.carrotFF[FFTypes.TURBO] ?: 0, 25, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 105, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Dedication Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2and crop milestone", FFStats.carrotFF[FFTypes.DEDICATION] ?: 0, 92, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 130, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- } else {
- return
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/CocoaPage.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/CocoaPage.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index f8dd977d0..000000000
--- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/CocoaPage.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.pages
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFGuideGUI
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFGuideGUI.Companion.getItem
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFStats
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFTypes
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FarmingItems
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.GuiRenderUtils
-class CocoaPage: FFGuideGUI.FFGuidePage() {
- override fun drawPage(mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, partialTicks: Float) {
- if (FFGuideGUI.breakdownMode) {
- GuiRenderUtils.renderItemAndTip(FarmingItems.COCOA_BEANS.getItem(),
- FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 172, FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 60, mouseX, mouseY)
- val totalCropFF = FFStats.totalBaseFF[FFTypes.TOTAL]!! + FFStats.cocoaFF[FFTypes.TOTAL]!!
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§6Cocoa Farming Fortune", "§7§2Farming fortune for cocoa beans",
- totalCropFF, 1555.5, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 135,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Universal Farming Fortune", "§7§2Farming fortune in that is\n" +
- "§2applied to every crop", FFStats.totalBaseFF[FFTypes.TOTAL] ?: 0, 1250, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Talisman Bonus", "§7§2Fortune from your talisman\n" +
- "§2You get 10☘ per talisman tier", FFStats.cocoaFF[FFTypes.ACCESSORY] ?: 0, 30, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 30, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Crop Upgrade", "§7§2Fortune from Desk crop upgrades\n" +
- "§2You get 5☘ per level", FFStats.cocoaFF[FFTypes.CROP_UPGRADE] ?: 0, 45, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 55, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Tool reforge", "§7§2Fortune from reforging your tool",
- FFStats.cocoaFF[FFTypes.REFORGE] ?: 0, 16, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 80, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Farming for Dummies", "§7§2Fortune for each applied book\n" +
- "§2You get 1☘ per applied book", FFStats.cocoaFF[FFTypes.FFD] ?: 0, 5, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 105, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Base tool fortune", "§7§2You get 20☘ for using the cocoa chopper",
- FFStats.cocoaFF[FFTypes.BASE] ?: 0, 20, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Sunder Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2You get 12.5☘ per level", FFStats.cocoaFF[FFTypes.SUNDER] ?: 0, 62.5, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 30, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Cultivating Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2You get 1☘ per level", FFStats.cocoaFF[FFTypes.CULTIVATING] ?: 0, 10, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 55, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Turbo-Cocoa Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2You get 5☘ per level", FFStats.cocoaFF[FFTypes.TURBO] ?: 0, 25, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 80, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Dedication Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2and crop milestone", FFStats.cocoaFF[FFTypes.DEDICATION] ?: 0, 92, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 105, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- } else {
- return
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/CropPage.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/CropPage.kt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fdaf6ea8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/CropPage.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.pages
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFGuideGUI
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFGuideGUI.Companion.getItem
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFStats
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FarmingItems
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FortuneStats
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.GuiRenderUtils
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.StringUtils.firstLetterUppercase
+class CropPage: FFGuideGUI.FFGuidePage() {
+ override fun drawPage(mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, partialTicks: Float) {
+ for (item in FarmingItems.values()) {
+ if (item.name == FFGuideGUI.currentCrop?.name) {
+ GuiRenderUtils.renderItemAndTip(item.getItem(), FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 172, FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 60, mouseX, mouseY)
+ }
+ }
+ var x: Int
+ var y = FFGuideGUI.guiTop - 20
+ var i = 0
+ FFStats.cropPage.forEach { (key, value) ->
+ if (key == FortuneStats.CROP_TOTAL) {
+ val newLine = key.label.replace("Crop", FFGuideGUI.currentCrop?.name?.replace("_", " ")?.firstLetterUppercase()!!)
+ GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar(newLine, key.tooltip, value.first, value.second, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 135,
+ FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
+ } else {
+ if (i % 2 == 0) {
+ x = FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15
+ y += 25
+ } else {
+ x = FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255
+ }
+ i ++
+ GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar(key.label, key.tooltip, value.first, value.second, x, y,
+ 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/MelonPage.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/MelonPage.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c1d0a940..000000000
--- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/MelonPage.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.pages
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFGuideGUI
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFGuideGUI.Companion.getItem
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFStats
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFTypes
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FarmingItems
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.GuiRenderUtils
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.ItemUtils.getInternalName
-class MelonPage: FFGuideGUI.FFGuidePage() {
- override fun drawPage(mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, partialTicks: Float) {
- if (FFGuideGUI.breakdownMode) {
- GuiRenderUtils.renderItemAndTip(FarmingItems.MELON.getItem(),
- FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 172, FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 60, mouseX, mouseY)
- val totalCropFF = FFStats.totalBaseFF[FFTypes.TOTAL]!! + FFStats.melonFF[FFTypes.TOTAL]!!
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§6Melon Farming Fortune", "§7§2Farming fortune for melon",
- totalCropFF, 1539.5, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 135,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Universal Farming Fortune", "§7§2Farming fortune in that is\n" +
- "§2applied to every crop", FFStats.totalBaseFF[FFTypes.TOTAL] ?: 0, 1250, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Talisman Bonus", "§7§2Fortune from your talisman\n" +
- "§2You get 10☘ per talisman tier", FFStats.melonFF[FFTypes.ACCESSORY] ?: 0, 30, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 30, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Crop Upgrade", "§7§2Fortune from Desk crop upgrades\n" +
- "§2You get 5☘ per level", FFStats.melonFF[FFTypes.CROP_UPGRADE] ?: 0, 45, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 55, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Tool reforge", "§7§2Fortune from reforging your tool",
- FFStats.melonFF[FFTypes.REFORGE] ?: 0, 20, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 80, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Farming for Dummies", "§7§2Fortune for each applied book\n" +
- "§2You get 1☘ per applied book", FFStats.melonFF[FFTypes.FFD] ?: 0, 5, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 105, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Sunder Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2You get 12.5☘ per level", FFStats.melonFF[FFTypes.SUNDER] ?: 0, 62.5, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Cultivating Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2You get 1☘ per level", FFStats.melonFF[FFTypes.CULTIVATING] ?: 0, 10, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 30, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Turbo-Melon Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2You get 5☘ per level", FFStats.melonFF[FFTypes.TURBO] ?: 0, 25, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 55, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Dedication Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2and crop milestone", FFStats.melonFF[FFTypes.DEDICATION] ?: 0, 92, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 80, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Tool Ability", "§7§2Theoretical fortune from dicer ability\n§2Is very random!",
- if (FarmingItems.MELON.getItem().getInternalName().contains("DICER")) 33 else 0, 33, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 105, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- } else {
- return
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/MushroomPage.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/MushroomPage.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 085f0c1f9..000000000
--- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/MushroomPage.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.pages
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFGuideGUI
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFGuideGUI.Companion.getItem
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFStats
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFTypes
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FarmingItems
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.GuiRenderUtils
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.SkyBlockItemModifierUtils.getPetLevel
-//todo Daedalus axe
-class MushroomPage: FFGuideGUI.FFGuidePage() {
- override fun drawPage(mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, partialTicks: Float) {
- if (FFGuideGUI.breakdownMode) {
- GuiRenderUtils.renderItemAndTip(FarmingItems.MUSHROOM.getItem(),
- FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 172, FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 60, mouseX, mouseY)
- val totalCropFF = FFStats.totalBaseFF[FFTypes.TOTAL]!! + FFStats.mushroomFF[FFTypes.TOTAL]!!
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§6Mushroom Farming Fortune", "§7§2Farming fortune for mushroom",
- totalCropFF, 1575, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 135,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Universal Farming Fortune", "§7§2Farming fortune in that is\n" +
- "§2applied to every crop", FFStats.totalBaseFF[FFTypes.TOTAL] ?: 0, 1250, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Talisman Bonus", "§7§2Fortune from your talisman\n" +
- "§2You get 10☘ per talisman tier", FFStats.mushroomFF[FFTypes.ACCESSORY] ?: 0, 30, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 30, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Crop Upgrade", "§7§2Fortune from Desk crop upgrades\n" +
- "§2You get 5☘ per level", FFStats.mushroomFF[FFTypes.CROP_UPGRADE] ?: 0, 45, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 55, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Tool reforge", "§7§2Fortune from reforging your tool",
- FFStats.mushroomFF[FFTypes.REFORGE] ?: 0, 13, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 80, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Farming for Dummies", "§7§2Fortune for each applied book\n" +
- "§2You get 1☘ per applied book", FFStats.mushroomFF[FFTypes.FFD] ?: 0, 5, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 105, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- if (FFGuideGUI.currentPet == 1) {
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Mooshroom Cow Pet", "§7§2The bonus mushrooms that the cow drops\n"
- + "§2You get 1 mushroom per crop broken", FarmingItems.MOOSHROOM_COW.getItem().getPetLevel(),
- 100, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15, FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 130, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- }
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Base tool fortune", "§7§2You get 30☘ for farming the right mushroom",
- FFStats.mushroomFF[FFTypes.BASE] ?: 0, 30, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Harvesting Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2You get 12.5☘ per level", FFStats.mushroomFF[FFTypes.HARVESTING] ?: 0, 75, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 30, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Cultivating Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2You get 1☘ per level", FFStats.mushroomFF[FFTypes.CULTIVATING] ?: 0, 10, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 55, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Turbo-Mushroom Enchant", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2You get 5☘ per level", FFStats.mushroomFF[FFTypes.TURBO] ?: 0, 25, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 80, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Dedication Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2and crop milestone", FFStats.mushroomFF[FFTypes.DEDICATION] ?: 0, 92, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 105, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- } else {
- return
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/OverviewPage.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/OverviewPage.kt
index 42660970f..fcf0096a1 100644
--- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/OverviewPage.kt
+++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/OverviewPage.kt
@@ -15,194 +15,183 @@ class OverviewPage: FFGuideGUI.FFGuidePage() {
private var armorFF = mutableMapOf<FFTypes, Double>()
override fun drawPage(mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, partialTicks: Float) {
- //todo migrate to stats page
- val timeUntilCakes = TimeUtils.formatDuration(FFGuideGUI.cakeBuffTime - System.currentTimeMillis())
- //todo change based on pet
- if (FFGuideGUI.breakdownMode) {
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§6Universal Farming Fortune", "§7§2Farming fortune in that is\n" +
- "§2applied to every crop", FFStats.totalBaseFF[FFTypes.TOTAL] ?: 0, 1250, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- var line = if (FFStats.baseFF[FFTypes.ANITA]!! < 0.0) "§cAnita buff not saved\n§eVisit Anita to set it!"
- else "§7§2Fortune for levelling your Anita extra crops\n§2You get 2☘ per buff level"
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Anita Buff", line, FFStats.baseFF[FFTypes.ANITA] ?: 0.0, 30, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 30, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- line = if (FFStats.baseFF[FFTypes.FARMING_LVL]!! < 0.0) "§cFarming level not saved\n§eOpen /skills to set it!"
- else "§7§2Fortune for levelling your farming skill\n§2You get 4☘ per farming level"
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Farming Level", line, FFStats.baseFF[FFTypes.FARMING_LVL] ?: 0.0, 240, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 55, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- line = if (FFStats.baseFF[FFTypes.COMMUNITY_SHOP]!! < 0.0) "§cCommunity upgrade level not saved\n§eVisit Elizabeth to set it!"
- else "§7§2Fortune for community shop upgrades\n§2You get 4☘ per upgrade tier"
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Community upgrades", line, FFStats.baseFF[FFTypes.COMMUNITY_SHOP] ?: 0.0,
- 40, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15, FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 80, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- line = if (FFStats.baseFF[FFTypes.PLOTS]!! < 0.0) "§cUnlocked plot count not saved\n§eOpen /desk and view your plots to set it!"
- else "§7§2Fortune for unlocking garden plots\n§2You get 3☘ per plot unlocked"
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Garden Plots", line, FFStats.baseFF[FFTypes.PLOTS] ?: 0.0, 72, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 105, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- line = when (FFGuideGUI.cakeBuffTime) {
- -1L -> "§eYou have not eaten a cake since\n§edownloading this update, assuming the\n§ebuff is active!"
- else -> "§7§2Fortune for eating cake\n§2You get 5☘ for eating cake\n§2Time until cake buff runs out: $timeUntilCakes"
- }
- if (FFGuideGUI.cakeBuffTime - System.currentTimeMillis() < 0 && FFGuideGUI.cakeBuffTime != -1L) {
- line = "§cYour cake buff has run out\nGo eat some cake!"
- }
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Cake Buff", line, FFStats.baseFF[FFTypes.CAKE] ?: 0.0, 5, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 130, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- val armorItem = when (currentArmor) {
- 1 -> FarmingItems.HELMET
- 2 -> FarmingItems.CHESTPLATE
- 3 -> FarmingItems.LEGGINGS
- else -> FarmingItems.BOOTS
- }
+ val timeUntilCakes = TimeUtils.formatDuration(FFStats.cakeExpireTime - System.currentTimeMillis())
+ //todo change based on pet and based on setting
+ GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§6Universal Farming Fortune", "§7§2Farming fortune in that is\n" +
+ "§2applied to every crop\n§eNot the same as tab FF", FFStats.totalBaseFF[FFTypes.TOTAL] ?: 0, 1250, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
+ FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
+ var line = if (FFStats.baseFF[FFTypes.ANITA]!! < 0.0) "§cAnita buff not saved\n§eVisit Anita to set it!"
+ else "§7§2Fortune for levelling your Anita extra crops\n§2You get 2☘ per buff level"
+ GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Anita Buff", line, FFStats.baseFF[FFTypes.ANITA] ?: 0.0, 30, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
+ FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 30, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
+ line = if (FFStats.baseFF[FFTypes.FARMING_LVL]!! < 0.0) "§cFarming level not saved\n§eOpen /skills to set it!"
+ else "§7§2Fortune for levelling your farming skill\n§2You get 4☘ per farming level"
+ GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Farming Level", line, FFStats.baseFF[FFTypes.FARMING_LVL] ?: 0.0, 240, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
+ FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 55, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
+ line = if (FFStats.baseFF[FFTypes.COMMUNITY_SHOP]!! < 0.0) "§cCommunity upgrade level not saved\n§eVisit Elizabeth to set it!"
+ else "§7§2Fortune for community shop upgrades\n§2You get 4☘ per upgrade tier"
+ GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Community upgrades", line, FFStats.baseFF[FFTypes.COMMUNITY_SHOP] ?: 0.0,
+ 40, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15, FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 80, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
+ line = if (FFStats.baseFF[FFTypes.PLOTS]!! < 0.0) "§cUnlocked plot count not saved\n§eOpen /desk and view your plots to set it!"
+ else "§7§2Fortune for unlocking garden plots\n§2You get 3☘ per plot unlocked"
+ GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Garden Plots", line, FFStats.baseFF[FFTypes.PLOTS] ?: 0.0, 72, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
+ FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 105, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
+ line = when (FFStats.cakeExpireTime) {
+ -1L -> "§eYou have not eaten a cake since\n§edownloading this update, assuming the\n§ebuff is active!"
+ else -> "§7§2Fortune for eating cake\n§2You get 5☘ for eating cake\n§2Time until cake buff runs out: $timeUntilCakes"
+ }
+ if (FFStats.cakeExpireTime - System.currentTimeMillis() < 0 && FFStats.cakeExpireTime != -1L) {
+ line = "§cYour cake buff has run out\nGo eat some cake!"
+ }
+ GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Cake Buff", line, FFStats.baseFF[FFTypes.CAKE] ?: 0.0, 5, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
+ FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 130, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
+ val armorItem = when (currentArmor) {
+ 1 -> FarmingItems.HELMET
+ 2 -> FarmingItems.CHESTPLATE
+ 3 -> FarmingItems.LEGGINGS
+ else -> FarmingItems.BOOTS
+ }
- armorFF = when (currentArmor) {
- 1 -> FFStats.helmetFF
- 2 -> FFStats.chestplateFF
- 3 -> FFStats.leggingsFF
- 4 -> FFStats.bootsFF
- else -> FFStats.armorTotalFF
- }
+ armorFF = when (currentArmor) {
+ 1 -> FFStats.helmetFF
+ 2 -> FFStats.chestplateFF
+ 3 -> FFStats.leggingsFF
+ 4 -> FFStats.bootsFF
+ else -> FFStats.armorTotalFF
+ }
- line = if (currentArmor == 0) "§7§2Total fortune from your armor\n§2Select a piece for more info"
- else "§7§2Total fortune from your\n${armorItem.getItem().displayName}"
- var value = if (currentArmor == 0) {
- 325
- } else if (FFStats.usingSpeedBoots) {
- when (currentArmor) {
- 1 -> 76.67
- 2 -> 81.67
- 3 -> 81.67
- else -> 85
- }
- } else {
- when (currentArmor) {
- 1 -> 78.75
- 2 -> 83.75
- 3 -> 83.75
- else -> 78.75
- }
+ line = if (currentArmor == 0) "§7§2Total fortune from your armor\n§2Select a piece for more info"
+ else "§7§2Total fortune from your\n${armorItem.getItem().displayName}"
+ var value = if (currentArmor == 0) {
+ 325
+ } else if (FFStats.usingSpeedBoots) {
+ when (currentArmor) {
+ 1 -> 76.67
+ 2, 3 -> 81.67
+ else -> 85
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Total Armor Fortune", line, armorFF[FFTypes.TOTAL] ?: 0, value,
- FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 135, FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 30, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- line = if (currentArmor == 0) "§7§2The base fortune from your armor\n§2Select a piece for more info"
- else "§7§2Base fortune from your\n${armorItem.getItem().displayName}"
- value = if (currentArmor == 0) {
- if (FFStats.usingSpeedBoots) 160 else 130
- } else if (currentArmor == 1) 30
- else if (currentArmor == 2) 35
- else if (currentArmor == 3) 35
- else {
- if (FFStats.usingSpeedBoots) 60 else 30
+ } else {
+ when (currentArmor) {
+ 1 -> 78.75
+ 2, 3 -> 83.75
+ else -> 78.75
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Base Armor Fortune", line, armorFF[FFTypes.BASE] ?: 0,
- value, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 135,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 55, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- line = if (currentArmor == 0) "§7§2The fortune from your armor's ability\n§2Select a piece for more info"
- else "§7§2Ability fortune from your\n${armorItem.getItem().displayName}"
- value = if (FFStats.usingSpeedBoots) {
- when (currentArmor) {
- 0 -> 50
- 1 -> 16.67
- 2 -> 16.67
- 3 -> 16.67
- else -> 0
- }
- } else {
- when (currentArmor) {
- 0 -> 75
- 1 -> 18.75
- 2 -> 18.75
- 3 -> 18.75
- else -> 18.75
- }
+ }
+ GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Total Armor Fortune", line, armorFF[FFTypes.TOTAL] ?: 0, value,
+ FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 135, FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 30, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
+ line = if (currentArmor == 0) "§7§2The base fortune from your armor\n§2Select a piece for more info"
+ else "§7§2Base fortune from your\n${armorItem.getItem().displayName}"
+ value = if (currentArmor == 0) {
+ if (FFStats.usingSpeedBoots) 160 else 130
+ } else if (currentArmor == 1) 30
+ else if (currentArmor == 2) 35
+ else if (currentArmor == 3) 35
+ else {
+ if (FFStats.usingSpeedBoots) 60 else 30
+ }
+ GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Base Armor Fortune", line, armorFF[FFTypes.BASE] ?: 0,
+ value, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 135,
+ FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 55, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
+ line = if (currentArmor == 0) "§7§2The fortune from your armor's ability\n§2Select a piece for more info"
+ else "§7§2Ability fortune from your\n${armorItem.getItem().displayName}"
+ value = if (FFStats.usingSpeedBoots) {
+ when (currentArmor) {
+ 0 -> 50
+ else -> 16.67
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Armor Ability", line, armorFF[FFTypes.ABILITY] ?: 0,
- value, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 135,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 80, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- line = if (currentArmor == 0) "§7§2The fortune from your armor's reforge\n§2Select a piece for more info"
- else "§7§2Total fortune from your\n${armorItem.getItem().displayName}"
- value = if (currentArmor == 0) {
- if (FFStats.usingSpeedBoots) 115 else 120
- } else if (currentArmor == 4) {
- if (FFStats.usingSpeedBoots) 25 else 30
- } else 30
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Armor Reforge", line, armorFF[FFTypes.REFORGE] ?: 0,
- value, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 135,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 105, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- val currentPet = when (FFGuideGUI.currentPet) {
- 0 -> FFStats.elephantFF
- 1 -> FFStats.mooshroomFF
- else -> FFStats.rabbitFF
+ } else {
+ when (currentArmor) {
+ 0 -> 75
+ else -> 18.75
+ }
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Total Pet Fortune", "§7§2The total fortune from your pet and its item",
- currentPet[FFTypes.TOTAL] ?: 0, 240, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 105,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 155, 70, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
+ GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Armor Ability", line, armorFF[FFTypes.ABILITY] ?: 0,
+ value, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 135,
+ FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 80, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
+ line = if (currentArmor == 0) "§7§2The fortune from your armor's reforge\n§2Select a piece for more info"
+ else "§7§2Total fortune from your\n${armorItem.getItem().displayName}"
+ value = if (currentArmor == 0) {
+ if (FFStats.usingSpeedBoots) 115 else 120
+ } else if (currentArmor == 4) {
+ if (FFStats.usingSpeedBoots) 25 else 30
+ } else 30
+ GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Armor Reforge", line, armorFF[FFTypes.REFORGE] ?: 0,
+ value, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 135,
+ FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 105, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
+ val currentPet = when (FFGuideGUI.currentPet) {
+ FarmingItems.ELEPHANT -> FFStats.elephantFF
+ FarmingItems.MOOSHROOM_COW -> FFStats.mooshroomFF
+ else -> FFStats.rabbitFF
+ }
- line = when (FFStats.currentPetItem) {
- "GREEN_BANDANA" -> "§7§2The fortune from your pet's item\n§2Grants 4☘ per garden level"
- "YELLOW_BANDANA" -> "§7§2The fortune from your pet's item"
- "MINOS_RELIC" -> "§cGreen Bandana is better than relic!"
- else -> "No fortune boosting pet item"
- }
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Pet Item", line, currentPet[FFTypes.PET_ITEM] ?: 0, 60, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 185,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 155, 70, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- val equipmentItem = when (currentEquipment) {
- 1 -> FarmingItems.NECKLACE
- 2 -> FarmingItems.CLOAK
- 3 -> FarmingItems.BELT
- else -> FarmingItems.BRACELET
- }
+ GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Total Pet Fortune", "§7§2The total fortune from your pet and its item",
+ currentPet[FFTypes.TOTAL] ?: 0, 240, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 105,
+ FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 155, 70, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- equipmentFF = when (currentEquipment) {
- 1 -> FFStats.necklaceFF
- 2 -> FFStats.cloakFF
- 3 -> FFStats.beltFF
- 4 -> FFStats.braceletFF
- else -> FFStats.equipmentTotalFF
- }
+ line = when (FFStats.currentPetItem) {
+ "GREEN_BANDANA" -> "§7§2The fortune from your pet's item\n§2Grants 4☘ per garden level"
+ "YELLOW_BANDANA" -> "§7§2The fortune from your pet's item"
+ "MINOS_RELIC" -> "§cGreen Bandana is better for fortune than minos relic!"
+ else -> "No fortune boosting pet item"
+ }
+ GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Pet Item", line, currentPet[FFTypes.PET_ITEM] ?: 0, 60, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 185,
+ FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 155, 70, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
+ val equipmentItem = when (currentEquipment) {
+ 1 -> FarmingItems.NECKLACE
+ 2 -> FarmingItems.CLOAK
+ 3 -> FarmingItems.BELT
+ else -> FarmingItems.BRACELET
+ }
- line = if (currentEquipment == 0) "§7§2Total fortune from all your equipment\n§2Select a piece for more info"
- else "§7§2Total fortune from your\n${equipmentItem.getItem().displayName}"
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Total Equipment Fortune", line, equipmentFF[FFTypes.TOTAL] ?: 0,
- if (currentEquipment == 0) 198 else 49.5,
- FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255, FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 30, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- line = if (currentEquipment == 0) "§7§2The base fortune from all your equipment\n§2Select a piece for more info"
- else "§7§2Total base fortune from your\n${equipmentItem.getItem().displayName}"
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Equipment Base Fortune", line, equipmentFF[FFTypes.BASE] ?: 0,
- if (currentEquipment == 0) 20 else 5,
- FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255, FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 55, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- line = if (currentEquipment == 0) "§7§2The fortune from all of your equipment's abilities\n§2Select a piece for more info"
- else "§7§2Total ability fortune from your\n${equipmentItem.getItem().displayName}"
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Equipment Ability", line, equipmentFF[FFTypes.ABILITY] ?: 0,
- if (currentEquipment == 0) 60 else 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255, FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 80, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- line = if (currentEquipment == 0) "§7§2The fortune from all of your equipment's reforges\n§2Select a piece for more info"
- else "§7§2Total reforge fortune from your\n${equipmentItem.getItem().displayName}"
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Equipment Reforge", line, equipmentFF[FFTypes.REFORGE] ?: 0,
- if (currentEquipment == 0) 40 else 10,
- FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255, FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 105, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- line = if (currentEquipment == 0) "§7§2The fortune from all of your equipment's enchantments\n§2Select a piece for more info"
- else "§7§2Total enchantment fortune from your\n${equipmentItem.getItem().displayName}"
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Equipment Enchantment", line, equipmentFF[FFTypes.GREEN_THUMB] ?: 0,
- if (currentEquipment == 0) 78 else 19.5,
- FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255, FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 130, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
+ equipmentFF = when (currentEquipment) {
+ 1 -> FFStats.necklaceFF
+ 2 -> FFStats.cloakFF
+ 3 -> FFStats.beltFF
+ 4 -> FFStats.braceletFF
+ else -> FFStats.equipmentTotalFF
+ line = if (currentEquipment == 0) "§7§2Total fortune from all your equipment\n§2Select a piece for more info"
+ else "§7§2Total fortune from your\n${equipmentItem.getItem().displayName}"
+ GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Total Equipment Fortune", line, equipmentFF[FFTypes.TOTAL] ?: 0,
+ if (currentEquipment == 0) 198 else 49.5,
+ FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255, FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 30, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
+ line = if (currentEquipment == 0) "§7§2The base fortune from all your equipment\n§2Select a piece for more info"
+ else "§7§2Total base fortune from your\n${equipmentItem.getItem().displayName}"
+ GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Equipment Base Fortune", line, equipmentFF[FFTypes.BASE] ?: 0,
+ if (currentEquipment == 0) 20 else 5,
+ FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255, FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 55, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
+ line = if (currentEquipment == 0) "§7§2The fortune from all of your equipment's abilities\n§2Select a piece for more info"
+ else "§7§2Total ability fortune from your\n${equipmentItem.getItem().displayName}"
+ GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Equipment Ability", line, equipmentFF[FFTypes.ABILITY] ?: 0,
+ if (currentEquipment == 0) 60 else 15,
+ FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255, FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 80, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
+ line = if (currentEquipment == 0) "§7§2The fortune from all of your equipment's reforges\n§2Select a piece for more info"
+ else "§7§2Total reforge fortune from your\n${equipmentItem.getItem().displayName}"
+ GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Equipment Reforge", line, equipmentFF[FFTypes.REFORGE] ?: 0,
+ if (currentEquipment == 0) 40 else 10,
+ FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255, FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 105, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
+ line = if (currentEquipment == 0) "§7§2The fortune from all of your equipment's enchantments\n§2Select a piece for more info"
+ else "§7§2Total enchantment fortune from your\n${equipmentItem.getItem().displayName}"
+ GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Equipment Enchantment", line, equipmentFF[FFTypes.GREEN_THUMB] ?: 0,
+ if (currentEquipment == 0) 78 else 19.5,
+ FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255, FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 130, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/PotatoPage.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/PotatoPage.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index b78b7170f..000000000
--- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/PotatoPage.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.pages
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFGuideGUI
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFGuideGUI.Companion.getItem
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFStats
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFTypes
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FarmingItems
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.GuiRenderUtils
-class PotatoPage: FFGuideGUI.FFGuidePage() {
- override fun drawPage(mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, partialTicks: Float) {
- if (FFGuideGUI.breakdownMode) {
- GuiRenderUtils.renderItemAndTip(FarmingItems.POTATO.getItem(),
- FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 172, FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 60, mouseX, mouseY)
-//todo update dynamically
- val totalCropFF = FFStats.totalBaseFF[FFTypes.TOTAL]!! + FFStats.potatoFF[FFTypes.TOTAL]!!
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§6Potato Farming Fortune", "§7§2Farming fortune for potato",
- totalCropFF, 1746, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 135,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Universal Farming Fortune", "§7§2Farming fortune in that is\n" +
- "§2applied to every crop", FFStats.totalBaseFF[FFTypes.TOTAL] ?: 0, 1250, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Talisman Bonus", "§7§2Fortune from your talisman\n" +
- "§2You get 10☘ per talisman tier", FFStats.potatoFF[FFTypes.ACCESSORY] ?: 0, 30, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 30, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Crop Upgrade", "§7§2Fortune from Desk crop upgrades\n" +
- "§2You get 5☘ per level", FFStats.potatoFF[FFTypes.CROP_UPGRADE] ?: 0, 45, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 55, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Base tool fortune", "§7§2Depends on your tools tier",
- FFStats.potatoFF[FFTypes.BASE] ?: 0, 50, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 80, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
-//todo change based on reforge
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Tool reforge", "§7§2Fortune from reforging your tool",
- FFStats.potatoFF[FFTypes.REFORGE] ?: 0, 20, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 105, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Farming for Dummies", "§7§2Fortune for each applied book\n" +
- "§2You get 1☘ per applied book", FFStats.potatoFF[FFTypes.FFD] ?: 0, 5, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 130, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Logarithmic Counter", "§7§2Fortune from increasing crop counter\n" +
- "§2You get 16☘ per digit - 4", FFStats.potatoFF[FFTypes.COUNTER] ?: 0, 96, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Collection Analyst", "§7§2Fortune from increasing crop collection\n" +
- "§2You get 8☘ per digit - 4", FFStats.potatoFF[FFTypes.COLLECTION] ?: 0, 48, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 30, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Harvesting Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2You get 12.5☘ per level", FFStats.potatoFF[FFTypes.HARVESTING] ?: 0, 75, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 55, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Cultivating Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2You get 1☘ per level", FFStats.potatoFF[FFTypes.CULTIVATING] ?: 0, 10, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 80, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Turbo-Potato Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2You get 5☘ per level", FFStats.potatoFF[FFTypes.TURBO] ?: 0, 25, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 105, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Dedication Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2and crop milestone", FFStats.potatoFF[FFTypes.DEDICATION] ?: 0, 92, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 130, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- } else {
- return
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/PumpkinPage.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/PumpkinPage.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index e4721ba68..000000000
--- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/PumpkinPage.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.pages
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFGuideGUI
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFGuideGUI.Companion.getItem
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFStats
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFTypes
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FarmingItems
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.GuiRenderUtils
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.ItemUtils.getInternalName
-class PumpkinPage: FFGuideGUI.FFGuidePage() {
- override fun drawPage(mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, partialTicks: Float) {
- if (FFGuideGUI.breakdownMode) {
- GuiRenderUtils.renderItemAndTip(FarmingItems.PUMPKIN.getItem(),
- FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 172, FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 60, mouseX, mouseY)
- val totalCropFF = FFStats.totalBaseFF[FFTypes.TOTAL]!! + FFStats.pumpkinFF[FFTypes.TOTAL]!!
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§6Pumpkin Farming Fortune", "§7§2Farming fortune for pumpkin",
- totalCropFF, 1539.5, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 135,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Universal Farming Fortune", "§7§2Farming fortune in that is\n" +
- "§2applied to every crop", FFStats.totalBaseFF[FFTypes.TOTAL] ?: 0, 1250, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Talisman Bonus", "§7§2Fortune from your talisman\n" +
- "§2You get 10☘ per talisman tier", FFStats.pumpkinFF[FFTypes.ACCESSORY] ?: 0, 30, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 30, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Crop Upgrade", "§7§2Fortune from Desk crop upgrades\n" +
- "§2You get 5☘ per level", FFStats.pumpkinFF[FFTypes.CROP_UPGRADE] ?: 0, 45, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 55, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Tool reforge", "§7§2Fortune from reforging your tool",
- FFStats.pumpkinFF[FFTypes.REFORGE] ?: 0, 20, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 80, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Farming for Dummies", "§7§2Fortune for each applied book\n" +
- "§2You get 1☘ per applied book", FFStats.pumpkinFF[FFTypes.FFD] ?: 0, 5, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 105, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Sunder Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2You get 12.5☘ per level", FFStats.pumpkinFF[FFTypes.SUNDER] ?: 0, 62.5, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Cultivating Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2You get 1☘ per level", FFStats.pumpkinFF[FFTypes.CULTIVATING] ?: 0, 10, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 30, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Turbo-Pumpkin Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2You get 5☘ per level", FFStats.pumpkinFF[FFTypes.TURBO] ?: 0, 25, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 55, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Dedication Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2and crop milestone", FFStats.pumpkinFF[FFTypes.DEDICATION] ?: 0, 92, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 80, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Tool Ability", "§7§2Theoretical fortune from dicer ability\n§2Is very random!",
- if (FarmingItems.PUMPKIN.getItem().getInternalName().contains("DICER")) 33 else 0, 33, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 105, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- } else {
- return
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/UpgradePage.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/UpgradePage.kt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..36f67eab6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/UpgradePage.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.pages
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFGuideGUI
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FortuneUpgrades
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.GuiRenderUtils
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.ItemUtils.nameWithEnchantment
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.LorenzUtils
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.NEUItems
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.NumberUtil
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.StringUtils.removeColor
+import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager
+import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper
+import java.text.DecimalFormat
+class UpgradePage: FFGuideGUI.FFGuidePage() {
+ private var pageScroll = 0
+ private var scrollVelocity = 0.0
+ private val maxNoInputFrames = 100
+ private var listLength = 0
+ override fun drawPage(mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, partialTicks: Float) {
+ val adjustedY = FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 20 + pageScroll
+ val inverseScale = 1 / 0.75f
+ GlStateManager.scale(0.75f, 0.75f, 1f)
+ GuiRenderUtils.drawString("Upgrade", (FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 45) * inverseScale, (FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5) * inverseScale)
+ GuiRenderUtils.drawString("FF increase", (FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 240) * inverseScale, (FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5) * inverseScale)
+ GuiRenderUtils.drawString("Cost/FF", (FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 290) * inverseScale, (FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5) * inverseScale)
+ GuiRenderUtils.drawString("Total", (FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 330) * inverseScale, (FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5) * inverseScale)
+ GuiRenderUtils.drawString("Item", (FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 190) * inverseScale, (FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5) * inverseScale)
+ val upgradeList = if (FFGuideGUI.currentCrop == null) FortuneUpgrades.genericUpgrades else FortuneUpgrades.cropSpecificUpgrades
+ listLength = upgradeList.size
+ for ((index, upgrade) in upgradeList.withIndex()) {
+ if (adjustedY + 25 * index < FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 20) continue
+ if (adjustedY + 25 * index > FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 160) continue
+ val upgradeItem = upgrade.requiredItem.let { NEUItems.getItemStack(it) }
+ var formattedUpgrade = upgradeItem.nameWithEnchantment ?: return
+ if (adjustedY + 25 * index - 5 < FFGuideGUI.lastClickedHeight && FFGuideGUI.lastClickedHeight < adjustedY + 25 * index + 10) {
+ FFGuideGUI.lastClickedHeight = 0
+ if (!NEUItems.neuHasFocus() && !LorenzUtils.noTradeMode) {
+ LorenzUtils.sendCommandToServer("bz ${formattedUpgrade.removeColor()}")
+ }
+ }
+ if (upgrade.itemQuantity != 1) {
+ formattedUpgrade = "$formattedUpgrade §fx${upgrade.itemQuantity}"
+ }
+ GuiRenderUtils.drawTwoLineString(upgrade.description, (FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15) * inverseScale, (adjustedY + 25 * index) * inverseScale)
+ GuiRenderUtils.drawString("§a${DecimalFormat("0.##").format(upgrade.fortuneIncrease)}", (FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 270) * inverseScale, (adjustedY + 25 * index) * inverseScale)
+ GuiRenderUtils.drawString("§6" + upgrade.costPerFF?.let { NumberUtil.format(it) }, (FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 300) * inverseScale, (adjustedY + 25 * index) * inverseScale)
+ GuiRenderUtils.drawString(("§6" + upgrade.cost?.let { NumberUtil.format(it) }), (FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 335) * inverseScale, (adjustedY + 25 * index) * inverseScale)
+ GuiRenderUtils.drawString(formattedUpgrade, (FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 180) * inverseScale, (adjustedY + 25 * index) * inverseScale)
+ GuiRenderUtils.renderItemAndTip(upgradeItem, (FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 155) * inverseScale, (adjustedY + 25 * index - 5) * inverseScale,
+ mouseX * inverseScale, mouseY * inverseScale, 0x00FFFFFF)
+ }
+ GlStateManager.scale(inverseScale, inverseScale, 1f)
+ scrollScreen()
+ }
+ private fun scrollScreen() {
+ scrollVelocity += FFGuideGUI.lastMouseScroll / 48.0
+ scrollVelocity *= 0.95
+ pageScroll += scrollVelocity.toInt() + FFGuideGUI.lastMouseScroll / 24
+ FFGuideGUI.noMouseScrollFrames++
+ if (FFGuideGUI.noMouseScrollFrames >= maxNoInputFrames) {
+ scrollVelocity *= 0.75
+ }
+ if (pageScroll > 0) {
+ pageScroll = 0
+ }
+ pageScroll = MathHelper.clamp_int(pageScroll, -(listLength * 15 - 15), 0)
+ FFGuideGUI.lastMouseScroll = 0
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/WartPage.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/WartPage.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a14a0768..000000000
--- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/WartPage.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.pages
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFGuideGUI
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFGuideGUI.Companion.getItem
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFStats
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFTypes
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FarmingItems
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.GuiRenderUtils
-class WartPage: FFGuideGUI.FFGuidePage() {
- override fun drawPage(mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, partialTicks: Float) {
- if (FFGuideGUI.breakdownMode) {
- GuiRenderUtils.renderItemAndTip(FarmingItems.NETHER_WART.getItem(),
- FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 172, FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 60, mouseX, mouseY)
-//todo update dynamically
- val totalCropFF = FFStats.totalBaseFF[FFTypes.TOTAL]!! + FFStats.wartFF[FFTypes.TOTAL]!!
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§6Wart Farming Fortune", "§7§2Farming fortune for nether wart",
- totalCropFF, 1746, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 135,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Universal Farming Fortune", "§7§2Farming fortune in that is\n" +
- "§2applied to every crop", FFStats.totalBaseFF[FFTypes.TOTAL] ?: 0, 1250, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Talisman Bonus", "§7§2Fortune from your talisman\n" +
- "§2You get 10☘ per talisman tier", FFStats.wartFF[FFTypes.ACCESSORY] ?: 0, 30, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 30, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Crop Upgrade", "§7§2Fortune from Desk crop upgrades\n" +
- "§2You get 5☘ per level", FFStats.wartFF[FFTypes.CROP_UPGRADE] ?: 0, 45, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 55, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Base tool fortune", "§7§2Depends on your tools tier",
- FFStats.wartFF[FFTypes.BASE] ?: 0, 50, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 80, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
-//todo change based on reforge
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Tool reforge", "§7§2Fortune from reforging your tool",
- FFStats.wartFF[FFTypes.REFORGE] ?: 0, 20, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 105, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Farming for Dummies", "§7§2Fortune for each applied book\n" +
- "§2You get 1☘ per applied book", FFStats.wartFF[FFTypes.FFD] ?: 0, 5, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 130, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Logarithmic Counter", "§7§2Fortune from increasing crop counter\n" +
- "§2You get 16☘ per digit - 4", FFStats.wartFF[FFTypes.COUNTER] ?: 0, 96, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Collection Analyst", "§7§2Fortune from increasing crop collection\n" +
- "§2You get 8☘ per digit - 4", FFStats.wartFF[FFTypes.COLLECTION] ?: 0, 48, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 30, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Harvesting Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2You get 12.5☘ per level", FFStats.wartFF[FFTypes.HARVESTING] ?: 0, 75, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 55, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Cultivating Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2You get 1☘ per level", FFStats.wartFF[FFTypes.CULTIVATING] ?: 0, 10, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 80, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Turbo-Warts Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2You get 5☘ per level", FFStats.wartFF[FFTypes.TURBO] ?: 0, 25, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 105, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Dedication Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2and crop milestone", FFStats.wartFF[FFTypes.DEDICATION] ?: 0, 92, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 130, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- } else {
- return
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/WheatPage.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/WheatPage.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 55c64525d..000000000
--- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/WheatPage.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.pages
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFGuideGUI
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFGuideGUI.Companion.getItem
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFStats
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFTypes
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FarmingItems
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.GuiRenderUtils
-class WheatPage: FFGuideGUI.FFGuidePage() {
- override fun drawPage(mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, partialTicks: Float) {
- if (FFGuideGUI.breakdownMode) {
- GuiRenderUtils.renderItemAndTip(FarmingItems.WHEAT.getItem(),
- FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 172, FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 60, mouseX, mouseY)
-//todo update dynamically
- val totalCropFF = FFStats.totalBaseFF[FFTypes.TOTAL]!! + FFStats.wheatFF[FFTypes.TOTAL]!!
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§6Wheat Farming Fortune", "§7§2Farming fortune for wheat",
- totalCropFF, 1746, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 135,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Universal Farming Fortune", "§7§2Farming fortune in that is\n" +
- "§2applied to every crop", FFStats.totalBaseFF[FFTypes.TOTAL] ?: 0, 1250, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Talisman Bonus", "§7§2Fortune from your talisman\n" +
- "§2You get 10☘ per talisman tier", FFStats.wheatFF[FFTypes.ACCESSORY] ?: 0, 30, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 30, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Crop Upgrade", "§7§2Fortune from Desk crop upgrades\n" +
- "§2You get 5☘ per level", FFStats.wheatFF[FFTypes.CROP_UPGRADE] ?: 0, 45, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 55, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Base tool fortune", "§7§2Depends on your tools tier",
- FFStats.wheatFF[FFTypes.BASE] ?: 0, 50, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 80, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
-//todo change based on reforge
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Tool reforge", "§7§2Fortune from reforging your tool",
- FFStats.wheatFF[FFTypes.REFORGE] ?: 0, 20, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 105, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Farming for Dummies", "§7§2Fortune for each applied book\n" +
- "§2You get 1☘ per applied book", FFStats.wheatFF[FFTypes.FFD] ?: 0, 5, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 130, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Logarithmic Counter", "§7§2Fortune from increasing crop counter\n" +
- "§2You get 16☘ per digit - 4", FFStats.wheatFF[FFTypes.COUNTER] ?: 0, 96, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Collection Analyst", "§7§2Fortune from increasing crop collection\n" +
- "§2You get 8☘ per digit - 4", FFStats.wheatFF[FFTypes.COLLECTION] ?: 0, 48, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 30, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Harvesting Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2You get 12.5☘ per level", FFStats.wheatFF[FFTypes.HARVESTING] ?: 0, 75, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 55, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Cultivating Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2You get 1☘ per level", FFStats.wheatFF[FFTypes.CULTIVATING] ?: 0, 10, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 80, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Turbo-Wheat Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2You get 5☘ per level", FFStats.wheatFF[FFTypes.TURBO] ?: 0, 25, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 105, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§2Dedication Enchantment", "§7§2Fortune for each enchantment level\n" +
- "§2and crop milestone", FFStats.wheatFF[FFTypes.DEDICATION] ?: 0, 92, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 255,
- FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 130, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay)
- } else {
- return
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/utils/GuiRenderUtils.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/utils/GuiRenderUtils.kt
index a4dbede9d..6d9a4f94f 100644
--- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/utils/GuiRenderUtils.kt
+++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/utils/GuiRenderUtils.kt
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide.FFGuideGUI
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.LorenzUtils.round
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft
import net.minecraft.client.gui.FontRenderer
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen
@@ -31,6 +30,39 @@ object GuiRenderUtils {
Minecraft.getMinecraft().fontRendererObj.drawString(str, x, y, 0xffffff, true)
+ fun drawString(str: String, x: Int, y: Int) {
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().fontRendererObj.drawString(str, x.toFloat(), y.toFloat(), 0xffffff, true)
+ }
+ fun drawTwoLineString(str: String, x: Float, y: Float) {
+ val desiredSplitIndex = str.length / 2
+ var splitIndex = -1
+ var lastColorCode = ""
+ for (i in desiredSplitIndex downTo 0) {
+ if (str[i] == ' ') {
+ splitIndex = i
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if (splitIndex == -1) {
+ splitIndex = desiredSplitIndex
+ }
+ for (i in 0 until desiredSplitIndex) {
+ if (str[i] == '§' && i + 1 < str.length) {
+ lastColorCode = str.substring(i, i + 2)
+ }
+ }
+ val firstString = str.substring(0, splitIndex).trim()
+ val secondString = lastColorCode + str.substring(splitIndex).trim()
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().fontRendererObj.drawString(firstString, x, y - 5, 0xffffff, true)
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().fontRendererObj.drawString(secondString, x, y + 5, 0xffffff, true)
+ }
fun drawStringCentered(str: String?, x: Int, y: Int) {
@@ -141,6 +173,10 @@ object GuiRenderUtils {
+ fun renderItemAndTip(item: ItemStack?, x: Float, y: Float, mouseX: Float, mouseY: Float, color: Int = 0xFF43464B.toInt()) {
+ renderItemAndTip(item, x.toInt(), y.toInt(), mouseX.toInt(), mouseY.toInt(), color)
+ }
// assuming 70% font size
fun drawFarmingBar(
label: String,
@@ -167,17 +203,17 @@ object GuiRenderUtils {
val filledWidth = (width * barProgress).toInt()
- val current = DecimalFormat("0.##").format(currentVal.round(2))
+ val current = DecimalFormat("0.##").format(currentVal)
val progressPercentage = (barProgress * 10000).roundToInt() / 100
val inverseScale = 1 / textScale
val textWidth: Int = Minecraft.getMinecraft().fontRendererObj.getStringWidth("$progressPercentage%")
val barColor = barColorGradient(barProgress)
- GlStateManager.scale(textScale, textScale, textScale)
+ GlStateManager.scale(textScale, textScale, 1f)
drawString(label, xPos * inverseScale, yPos * inverseScale)
- drawString("§2$current / $maxValue☘", xPos * inverseScale, (yPos + 8) * inverseScale)
+ drawString("§2$current / ${DecimalFormat("0.#").format(maxValue)}☘", xPos * inverseScale, (yPos + 8) * inverseScale)
drawString("§2$progressPercentage%", (xPos + width - textWidth * textScale) * inverseScale, (yPos + 8) * inverseScale)
- GlStateManager.scale(inverseScale, inverseScale, inverseScale)
+ GlStateManager.scale(inverseScale, inverseScale, 1f)
GuiScreen.drawRect(xPos, yPos + 16, xPos + width, yPos + 20, 0xFF43464B.toInt())
GuiScreen.drawRect(xPos + 1, yPos + 17, xPos + width - 1, yPos + 19, barColor.darkenColor())
@@ -204,5 +240,4 @@ object GuiRenderUtils {
val color = Color(this)
return Color(color.red / 5, color.green / 5, color.blue / 5).rgb
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/utils/ItemUtils.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/utils/ItemUtils.kt
index f36f9a60c..e9adfe055 100644
--- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/utils/ItemUtils.kt
+++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/utils/ItemUtils.kt
@@ -135,6 +135,22 @@ object ItemUtils {
.getTagList("textures", Constants.NBT.TAG_COMPOUND).getCompoundTagAt(0).getString("Value")
+ fun ItemStack.getItemRarity(): Int {
+ //todo make into an enum in future
+ return when (this.getLore().lastOrNull()?.take(4)) {
+ "§f§l" -> 0 // common
+ "§a§l" -> 1 // uncommon
+ "§9§l" -> 2 // rare
+ "§5§l" -> 3 // epic
+ "§6§l" -> 4 // legendary
+ "§d§l" -> 5 // mythic
+ "§b§l" -> 6 // divine
+ "§4§l" -> 7 // supreme
+ "§c§l" -> 8 // special/very special
+ else -> -1 // unknown
+ }
+ }
//extra method for shorter name and kotlin nullability logic
var ItemStack.name: String?
get() = this.displayName