path: root/CHANGELOG.md
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'CHANGELOG.md')
1 files changed, 201 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 884017ef6..75ecc9cb5 100644
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+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
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# SkyHanni - Change Log
+## Version 0.22 (Unreleased)
+### New Features
+#### Garden Features
++ Added Garden Vacuum Pests in Pest bag to item number as stack size. - hannibal2
+ + Enable via /sh vacuum.
++ Added Pests to Damage Indicator. - hannibal2
+ + Enable Damage Indicator and select Garden Pests.
++ Change how the pest spawn chat message should be formatted. - hannibal2
+ + Unchanged, compact or hide the message entirely.
++ Show a Title when a pest spawns. - hannibal2
++ Show the time since the last pest spawned in your garden. - hannibal2
+ + Option to only show the time while holding vacuum in the hand.
++ Show the pests that are attracted when changing the selected material of the Sprayanator. - hannibal2
++ Added Garden only commands /home, /barn and /tp, and hotkeys. - hannibal2
++ Showing a better plot name in the scoreboard. Updates faster and doesn't hide when pests are spawned. - hannibal2
++ Show a display with all known pest locations. - hannibal2
+ + Click to warp to the plot.
+ + Option to only show the time while holding vacuum in the hand.
++ Mark the plots with pests on them in the world. - hannibal2
++ Press the key to warp to the nearest plot with pests on it. - hannibal2
++ Draw plot borders when holding the Sprayonator. - HiZe
+#### Fishing Features
++ Added Barn Fishing Timer to Jerry's Workshop and Crimson Isle. - martimavocado
++ Added Fishing Tracker and changed trackers in general. - hannibal2
+ + This tracker GUI behaves the same way as the Slayer Tracker: Allows for single item remove or hide
+ + Counts coin drops from chat.
+ + Mark the amount in green when recently gained the item.
+ + Option to hide the Fishing Tracker while moving.
+ + Option to hide all Trackers while Estimated Item Value is visible.
+ + Option to change the default display mode for all trackers.
+ + The hidden flag for items in Item Trackers is now shared between total view and session view.
+ + Option to exclude hidden items in the total price calculation.
+ + Option to change the display mode that gets shown on default: Total, Current or remember last.
+#### Winter Features
++ Added Unique Gifting Opportunities. - nea
+ + Highlight players who you haven't given gifts to yet.
+ + Only highlight ungifted players while holding a gift.
+ + Make use of armor stands to stop highlighting players. This is a bit inaccurate, but it can help with people you gifted before this feature was used.
++ Added Unique Gifted users counter. - hannibal2
+ + Show in a display how many unique players you have given gifts to in the winter 2023 event.
+ + Run command /opengenerowmenu to sync up.
+#### Bingo Features
++ Show the duration until the next hidden bingo goal tip gets revealed. - hannibal2
++ Added support for tips in hidden bingo card display. - hannibal2
++ Added support for 'found by' info in bingo card. - hannibal2
++ Added Bingo Goal Rank as stack size in Bingo Card. - Erymanthus
++ Added the option to only show tier 1 Minion Crafts in the Helper display when their items needed are fully collected. - hannibal2
++ Added the option to click in the bingo card viewer on goals to mark them as highlighted. - hannibal2
+ + If at least one goal is highlighted, non-highlighted goals will be hidden.
+#### Inventory Features
++ Added bottle of Jyrre time overlay in stack size feature. - HiZe
++ Added show special edition number as stack size when below 1k. - hannibal2
+#### Minion Features
++ Shows how much skill experience you will get when picking up items from the minion storage. - Thunderblade73
+#### Chat Features
++ Hide the repeating fire sale reminder chat messages. - hannibal2
+### Changes
+#### Garden Changes
++ Added option to enable/disable the vacuum bag item number being capped to 40. - hannibal2
++ Automatic unlocking /shmouselock when teleporting in the garden. - hannibal2
++ Don't hide messages from Jacob. - alexia
+ + This is a workaround for wrongly hidden Jakob messages.
++ Show the hint to open Configure Plot only if the pest display is incorrect. - hannibal2
++ Added the "plot" word to the sidebar again (only if there are no pests in garden). - hannibal2
++ Hide the Composter Overlay in composter inventory while the Estimated Item Value is visible. - hannibal2
++ Made the wording of "no pest spawned yet" message more clear. - hannibal2
++ Not only show the waypoint for infested plots, also show their waypoints in the world. - hannibal2
++ Use different colors in the tab list depending on the pest count. - alexia
++ Highlight the boosted crop contest in all Jacob's Contest displays. - alexia
++ Added Delicate 5 to visitor drop counter and visitor block refuse and highlighter. - hannibal2
++ Block visitor interaction for dedication cycling is now disabled by default. - hannibal2
+#### Fishing Changes
++ Show the fishing tracker for a couple of seconds after catching something even while moving. - hannibal2
+#### Winter Changes
++ Hiding Unique Gifted Players Highlighting for ironman and bingo while not on those modes. - Thunderblade73
+#### Chat Changes
++ Added fire sale messages in the hub to the chat message filter. - hannibal2
++ Added compact potion message support for splash messages and for Poisoned Candy I. - walker
+#### Bingo Changes
++ Option to remove the background difficulty color in the bingo card inventory when the goal is done. - hannibal2
++ Mark the background difficulty gray for unknown goals. - hannibal2
+ + This is no longer needed as all 20 hidden goals are known now, but we now have this support for the next extreme bingo with hidden goals.
+### Fixes
+#### Garden Fixes
++ Fixed pest damage indicator not working for some pests. - hannibal2
++ Fixed pest kill detection. - hannibal2
++ Fixed /tp <plot name> not working with uppercase characters. - hannibal2
++ Fixed total equipment fortune in /ff. - alexia
++ Fixed Locust pest not getting detected in damage indicator. - hannibal2
++ Fixed Pest Spray Display showing outside the garden. - hannibal2
++ Fixed pest detection when more than 3 pests are spawned at once. - hannibal2
++ Fixed showing on the scoreboard "garden outside" immediately after teleporting to a plot. - hannibal2
++ Fixed visitor timer counting down too fast sometimes. - hannibal2
++ Fixed Mooshroom cow Perk display not showing when maxed. - hannibal2
++ Show a text around the new year that the calendar is not loaded for the next Jacob Contest. - hannibal2
++ Fixed visitor reward item refuse inconsistencies. - hannibal2
+#### Bingo Fixes
++ Hide the long hint line in the Bingo Goal Display. - hannibal2
++ Show community goals in the Bingo Display correctly. - hannibal2
++ Hide enchanted tools in Minion Craft Helper. - hannibal2
+#### Minion Fixes
++ Fixed Minion XP display not showing sometimes. - Thunderblade73
++ Updating the Minion XP display when the minion picks up a new item while inside the inventory. - hannibal2
++ Fixed minion features disappear inside the minion inventory when picking up an item. - hannibal2
+#### Misc Fixes
++ Fixed Item Tracker not ignoring manual sack movements. - hannibal2
++ Fixed showing yourself green with Unique Gifting Opportunities. - hannibal2
++ Fixed NPC messages getting detected as player messages. - CalMWolfs
++ Hide Scavenger 5 on an Ice Spray Wand and Replenish on an Advanced Gardening Hoe/Axe for the Estimated Item Value. - hannibal2
++ Fixed an error when the king talisman helper does not find the king in range. - hannibal2
+#### Config Fixes
++ Fixed a typo in config. - walker
+### Technical Details
++ Code cleanup in many files. - walker & hannibal2
++ Moved the JSON object files into another package. - walker
++ Replaced SkyHanniMod.feature.garden with GardenAPI.config. - hannibal2
++ Added MessageSendToServerEvent. - hannibal2
++ Added GardenPlotAPI, support for detecting the current slot of the player. - hannibal2
++ Updated .editorconfig file to better support imports. - Thunderblade73
++ Migrate Integer to Enums in Config. - walker
++ Using a broken config no longer resets the config in dev env. - hannibal2
++ Auto-removing all labels of PRs on merging/closing. - hannibal2
++ Changed OwnInventoryItemUpdateEvent to be called synced to the main thread. - hannibal2
++ romanToDecimalIfNeeded -> romanToDecimalIfNecessary. - hannibal2
+ + For more context: https://chat.openai.com/share/502571b5-8851-4047-b343-3b1475ca8a88
++ Added the debug feature SkyHanni Event Counter. - hannibal2
++ Fix Consecutive Spaces in RegEx. - walker
++ No longer creating new regex pattern elements each time in DungeonDeathCounter. - walker
++ Changed DungeonChatFilter to use lists of patterns. - walker
++ Code cleanup in DungeonMilestoneDisplay. - walker
++ Code cleanup and removed .matchRegex() - walker
++ Misc pattern optimizations. - walker
++ Moving the bingo goal list into BingoAPI. - hannibal2
++ Created BingoGoalReachedEvent. - hannibal2
++ Created Matcher.groupOrNull. - walker
++ cleanPlayerName respects playerRankHider option now. - hannibal2
++ Replaced ItemWarnEntry with VisitorReward. This should fix some errors. - hannibal2
++ GardenNextJacobContest now uses SimpleTimeMark. SimpleTimeMark is storable in the config and comparable - hannibal2
++ No longer sending contest data to elite close to new year. - hannibal2
## Version 0.21.1
### New Features
@@ -14,6 +193,26 @@
### Changes
++ /shtrackcollection now supports sack messages. - hannibal2
++ Changed formatting of coin value to be more consistent over multiple features. - hannibal2
++ Made skill level as item number no longer default enabled. - hannibal2
+### Fixes
++ Fixed the wrong colouring of hidden items in Slayer Profit Tracker. - hannibal2
++ Added support for NEU Heavy Pearl TO-DO fix working without nether sacks as well. - hannibal2
++ Fixed Estimated Item Value getting shown in pet rule creation wardrobe slot pick menu. - hannibal2
+### Technical Details
++ Added /shwhereami command to show the current island. - martimavocado
++ Tons of code clean-ups over the whole project. - walker & hannibal2
+ + Added ItemAddEvent. - hannibal2
++ Gets called when the user collects an item into inventory or sacks.
++ Created SkyHanniItemTracker. - hannibal2
+ + This is a Special variant of SkyHanniTracker, that has item specific functions (hide or remove) and different price variants.
++ Migrated slayer profit data into SkyHanniTracker format. - hannibal2
#### Garden Changes
+ Added mythic/Maeve visitor support. - walker & hannibal2
@@ -926,7 +1125,7 @@
### Fixes
+ Fixed Pocket Sack-In-A-Sack Replace in lore
-+ Fixed possible crash with broken neu repo when opening the desk inventory in garden (Contributed by CalMWolfs)
++ Fixed possible crash with broken neu repo when opening the desk inventory in the garden (Contributed by CalMWolfs)
+ Fixed frozen treasures per hour display being inaccurate (Contributed by CalMWolfs)
+ Fixed bug with ghost counter sometimes not detecting new kills (Contributed by CalMWolfs)
+ Fixed **Ghost Counter** - HiZe & ksipli
@@ -1239,7 +1438,7 @@
and show a preview how these stats change when hovering over an upgrade
+ Hide crop money display, crop milestone display and garden visitor list while inside anita show, SkyMart or the
composter inventory
-+ Hide chat messages from the visitors in garden. (Except Beth and Spaceman)
++ Hide chat messages from the visitors in the garden. (Except Beth and Spaceman)
+ Introduced a new command '/shcroptime <amount> <item>' that displays the estimated time it will take to gather the
requested quantity of a particular item based on the current crop speed.
+ Show the average crop milestone in the crop milestone inventory.