path: root/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/config
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/config')
4 files changed, 213 insertions, 93 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/config/commands/Commands.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/config/commands/Commands.kt
index 89980d349..de4bc2585 100644
--- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/config/commands/Commands.kt
+++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/config/commands/Commands.kt
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.misc.visualwords.VisualWordGui
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.rift.area.westvillage.VerminTracker
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.slayer.SlayerProfitTracker
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.test.DebugCommand
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.test.GraphEditor
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.test.PacketTest
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.test.SkyHanniConfigSearchResetCommand
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.test.SkyHanniDebugsAndTests
@@ -112,12 +113,14 @@ object Commands {
USERS_NORMAL("§e", "Normal Command", "Normal Command for everyone to use"),
USERS_BUG_FIX("§f", "User Bug Fix", "A Command to fix small bugs"),
- "§5", "Developer Coding Help",
- "A Command that can help with developing new features. §cIntended for developers only!"
+ "§5",
+ "Developer Coding Help",
+ "A Command that can help with developing new features. §cIntended for developers only!",
- "§9", "Developer Debug Features",
- "A Command that is useful for monitoring/debugging existing features. §cIntended for developers only!"
+ "§9",
+ "Developer Debug Features",
+ "A Command that is useful for monitoring/debugging existing features. §cIntended for developers only!",
INTERNAL("§8", "Internal Command", "A Command that should §cnever §7be called manually!"),
SHORTENED_COMMANDS("§b", "Shortened Commands", "Commands that shorten or improve existing Hypixel commands!")
@@ -155,128 +158,131 @@ object Commands {
registerCommand("skyhanni", "Opens the main SkyHanni config", openMainMenu)
registerCommand("ff", "Opens the Farming Fortune Guide") { openFortuneGuide() }
registerCommand("shcommands", "Shows this list") { HelpCommand.onCommand(it, commands) }
- registerCommand0("shdefaultoptions", "Select default options", {
- DefaultConfigFeatures.onCommand(
- it.getOrNull(0) ?: "null", it.getOrNull(1) ?: "null"
- )
- }, DefaultConfigFeatures::onComplete)
+ registerCommand0(
+ "shdefaultoptions",
+ "Select default options",
+ { DefaultConfigFeatures.onCommand(it) },
+ DefaultConfigFeatures::onComplete,
+ )
registerCommand("shwords", "Opens the config list for modifying visual words") { openVisualWords() }
private fun usersNormal() {
- "Add a highlight effect to a player for better visibility"
+ "Add a highlight effect to a player for better visibility",
) { MarkedPlayerManager.command(it) }
registerCommand("shtrackcollection", "Tracks your collection gain over time") { CollectionTracker.command(it) }
- "Calculates with your current crop per second speed how long you need to farm a crop to collect this amount of items"
+ "Calculates with your current crop per second speed " +
+ "how long you need to farm a crop to collect this amount of items",
) { GardenCropTimeCommand.onCommand(it) }
- "Calculates with your current crop per second how many items you can collect in this amount of time"
+ "Calculates with your current crop per second how many items you can collect in this amount of time",
) { GardenCropsInCommand.onCommand(it) }
- "Manually starts the Discord Rich Presence feature"
+ "Manually starts the Discord Rich Presence feature",
) { DiscordRPCManager.startCommand() }
- "Manually sets the crop start location"
+ "Manually sets the crop start location",
) { GardenStartLocation.setLocationCommand() }
- "Clearing the total slayer profit for the current slayer type"
+ "Clearing the total slayer profit for the current slayer type",
) { SlayerProfitTracker.clearProfitCommand(it) }
- "Manually importing the ghost counter data from GhostCounterV3"
+ "Manually importing the ghost counter data from GhostCounterV3",
) { GhostUtil.importCTGhostCounterData() }
- "Clear farming items saved for the Farming Fortune Guide"
+ "Clear farming items saved for the Farming Fortune Guide",
) { clearFarmingItems() }
registerCommand("shresetghostcounter", "Resets the ghost counter") { GhostUtil.reset() }
registerCommand("shresetpowdertracker", "Resets the Powder Tracker") { PowderTracker.resetCommand() }
registerCommand("shresetdicertracker", "Resets the Dicer Drop Tracker") { DicerRngDropTracker.resetCommand() }
- "Resets the Ender Node Tracker"
+ "Resets the Ender Node Tracker",
) { EnderNodeTracker.resetCommand() }
- "Resets the Armor Drop Tracker"
+ "Resets the Armor Drop Tracker",
) { ArmorDropTracker.resetCommand() }
- "Resets the Frozen Treasure Tracker"
+ "Resets the Frozen Treasure Tracker",
) { FrozenTreasureTracker.resetCommand() }
- "Resets the Fishing Profit Tracker"
+ "Resets the Fishing Profit Tracker",
) { FishingProfitTracker.resetCommand() }
- "Reset the Visitors Drop Statistics"
+ "Reset the Visitors Drop Statistics",
) { GardenVisitorDropStatistics.resetCommand() }
registerCommand("shbingotoggle", "Toggle the bingo card display mode") { BingoCardDisplay.toggleCommand() }
- "Look up the farming profile from yourself or another player on elitebot.dev"
+ "Look up the farming profile from yourself or another player on elitebot.dev",
) { FarmingWeightDisplay.lookUpCommand(it) }
"Copy the English translation of a message in another language to the clipboard.\n" +
- "Uses a 2 letter language code that can be found at the end of a translation message."
+ "Uses a 2 letter language code that can be found at the end of a translation message.",
) { Translator.fromEnglish(it) }
- "Translate a message in another language to English."
+ "Translate a message in another language to English.",
) { Translator.toEnglish(it) }
- "Lock/Unlock the mouse so it will no longer rotate the player (for farming)"
+ "Lock/Unlock the mouse so it will no longer rotate the player (for farming)",
) { LockMouseLook.toggleLock() }
- "Lowers the mouse sensitivity for easier small adjustments (for farming)"
+ "Lowers the mouse sensitivity for easier small adjustments (for farming)",
) { SensitivityReducer.manualToggle() }
- "Resets the Vermin Tracker"
+ "Resets the Vermin Tracker",
) { VerminTracker.resetCommand() }
- "Resets the Diana Profit Tracker"
+ "Resets the Diana Profit Tracker",
) { DianaProfitTracker.resetCommand() }
- "Resets the Pest Profit Tracker"
+ "Resets the Pest Profit Tracker",
) { PestProfitTracker.resetCommand() }
- "Resets the Mythological Creature Tracker"
+ "Resets the Mythological Creature Tracker",
) { MythologicalCreatureTracker.resetCommand() }
- "Resets the Sea Creature Tracker"
+ "Resets the Sea Creature Tracker",
) { SeaCreatureTracker.resetCommand() }
- "Searches the fandom wiki with SkyHanni's own method."
+ "Searches the fandom wiki with SkyHanni's own method.",
) { WikiManager.otherWikiCommands(it, true) }
- "Searches the fandom wiki with SkyHanni's own method."
+ "Searches the fandom wiki with SkyHanni's own method.",
) { WikiManager.otherWikiCommands(it, true, true) }
- "Searches the official wiki with SkyHanni's own method."
+ "Searches the official wiki with SkyHanni's own method.",
) { WikiManager.otherWikiCommands(it, false) }
- "Searches the official wiki with SkyHanni's own method."
+ "Searches the official wiki with SkyHanni's own method.",
) { WikiManager.otherWikiCommands(it, false, true) }
@@ -284,7 +290,7 @@ object Commands {
FarmingMilestoneCommand.onCommand(it.getOrNull(0), it.getOrNull(1), it.getOrNull(2), false)
- FarmingMilestoneCommand::onComplete
+ FarmingMilestoneCommand::onComplete,
@@ -292,39 +298,39 @@ object Commands {
FarmingMilestoneCommand.onCommand(it.getOrNull(0), it.getOrNull(1), it.getOrNull(2), true)
- FarmingMilestoneCommand::onComplete
+ FarmingMilestoneCommand::onComplete,
"Define a custom milestone goal for a crop.",
{ FarmingMilestoneCommand.setGoal(it) },
- FarmingMilestoneCommand::onComplete
+ FarmingMilestoneCommand::onComplete,
"Skills XP/Level related command",
{ SkillAPI.onCommand(it) },
- SkillAPI::onComplete
+ SkillAPI::onComplete,
- "Prints your Limbo Stats.\n §7This includes your Personal Best, Playtime, and §aSkyHanni User Luck§7!"
+ "Prints your Limbo Stats.\n §7This includes your Personal Best, Playtime, and §aSkyHanni User Luck§7!",
) { LimboTimeTracker.printStats() }
- "Warps you to Limbo."
+ "Warps you to Limbo.",
) { MiscFeatures.goToLimbo() }
- "Detect a farming lane in garden"
+ "Detect a farming lane in garden",
) { FarmingLaneCreator.commandLaneDetection() }
- "Add/Remove a user from your"
+ "Add/Remove a user from your",
) { PartyChatCommands.blacklist(it) }
- "Teleports you to the nearest infested plot"
+ "Teleports you to the nearest infested plot",
) { PestFinder.teleportNearestInfestedPlot() }
@@ -332,73 +338,73 @@ object Commands {
registerCommand("shupdaterepo", "Download the SkyHanni repo again") { SkyHanniMod.repo.updateRepo() }
- "Manually resetting disabled diana burrow warp points"
+ "Manually resetting disabled diana burrow warp points",
) { BurrowWarpHelper.resetDisabledWarps() }
- "Show/hide hypixel api error messages in chat"
+ "Show/hide hypixel api error messages in chat",
) { APIUtil.toggleApiErrorMessages() }
- "Reset garden crop speed data and best crop time data"
+ "Reset garden crop speed data and best crop time data",
) { GardenAPI.clearCropSpeed() }
- "Removed bugged minion locations from your private island"
+ "Removed bugged minion locations from your private island",
) { MinionFeatures.removeBuggedMinions(isCommand = true) }
- "Print current island in chat"
+ "Print current island in chat",
) { SkyHanniDebugsAndTests.whereAmI() }
- "Resets Jacob's Contest Data"
+ "Resets Jacob's Contest Data",
) { SkyHanniDebugsAndTests.clearContestData() }
- "Search or reset config elements §c(warning, dangerous!)"
+ "Search or reset config elements §c(warning, dangerous!)",
) { SkyHanniConfigSearchResetCommand.command(it) }
- "Copies SkyHanni debug data in the clipboard."
+ "Copies SkyHanni debug data in the clipboard.",
) { DebugCommand.command(it) }
- "Prints the SkyHanni version in the chat"
+ "Prints the SkyHanni version in the chat",
) { SkyHanniDebugsAndTests.debugVersion() }
- "Disables/enables the rendering of all skyhanni guis."
+ "Disables/enables the rendering of all skyhanni guis.",
) { SkyHanniDebugsAndTests.toggleRender() }
- "Toggels if the specified crops effect is active from carrolyn"
+ "Toggels if the specified crops effect is active from carrolyn",
) {
- "Shows the status of all the mods constants"
+ "Shows the status of all the mods constants",
) { SkyHanniMod.repo.displayRepoStatus(false) }
- "Cleares the saved values of the applied kismet feathers in Croesus"
+ "Cleares the saved values of the applied kismet feathers in Croesus",
) { CroesusChestTracker.resetChest() }
- "Reseting the local King Talisman Helper offset."
+ "Reseting the local King Talisman Helper offset.",
) { KingTalismanHelper.kingFix() }
- "Updates the mod to the specified update stream."
+ "Updates the mod to the specified update stream.",
) { forceUpdate(it) }
- "Forcefully updating the bazaar prices right now."
+ "Forcefully updating the bazaar prices right now.",
) { HypixelBazaarFetcher.fetchNow() }
- "Clears the saved rabbits on this profile."
+ "Clears the saved rabbits on this profile.",
) { HoppityCollectionStats.clearSavedRabbits() }
@@ -415,22 +421,23 @@ object Commands {
"Select regions in the world",
{ WorldEdit.command(it) },
- { listOf("copy", "reset", "help", "left", "right") })
+ { listOf("copy", "reset", "help", "left", "right") },
+ )
- "Manually saving the config"
+ "Manually saving the config",
) { SkyHanniMod.configManager.saveConfig(ConfigFileType.FEATURES, "manual-command") }
- "Sets a test burrow waypoint at your location"
+ "Sets a test burrow waypoint at your location",
) { GriffinBurrowHelper.setTestBurrow(it) }
- "Get the amount of an item in sacks according to internal feature SackAPI"
+ "Get the amount of an item in sacks according to internal feature SackAPI",
) { SackAPI.testSackAPI(it) }
- "Show potential griffin spots around you."
+ "Show potential griffin spots around you.",
) { GriffinBurrowHelper.testGriffinSpots() }
@@ -439,11 +446,11 @@ object Commands {
registerCommand("shtest", "Unused test command.") { SkyHanniDebugsAndTests.testCommand(it) }
- "test item internal name resolving"
+ "test item internal name resolving",
) { SkyHanniDebugsAndTests.testItemCommand(it) }
- "Find config elements that are null and prints them into the console"
+ "Find config elements that are null and prints them into the console",
) { SkyHanniDebugsAndTests.findNullConfig(it) }
registerCommand("shtestwaypoint", "Set a waypoint on that location") { SkyHanniDebugsAndTests.waypoint(it) }
registerCommand("shtesttablist", "Set your clipboard as a fake tab list.") { TabListData.toggleDebug() }
@@ -451,88 +458,94 @@ object Commands {
registerCommand("shchathistory", "Show the unfiltered chat history") { ChatManager.openChatFilterGUI(it) }
- "Unregistering all loaded forge event listeners"
+ "Unregistering all loaded forge event listeners",
) { SkyHanniDebugsAndTests.stopListeners() }
- "Trying to load all forge event listeners again. Might not work at all"
+ "Trying to load all forge event listeners again. Might not work at all",
) { SkyHanniDebugsAndTests.reloadListeners() }
- "Copies the player location as LorenzVec format to the clipboard"
+ "Copies the player location as LorenzVec format to the clipboard",
) { SkyHanniDebugsAndTests.copyLocation(it) }
- "Copies entities in the specified radius around the player to the clipboard"
+ "Copies entities in the specified radius around the player to the clipboard",
) { CopyNearbyEntitiesCommand.command(it) }
- "Tracks the sounds for the specified duration (in seconds) and copies it to the clipboard"
+ "Tracks the sounds for the specified duration (in seconds) and copies it to the clipboard",
) { TrackSoundsCommand.command(it) }
- "Tracks the particles for the specified duration (in seconds) and copies it to the clipboard"
+ "Tracks the particles for the specified duration (in seconds) and copies it to the clipboard",
) { TrackParticlesCommand.command(it) }
- "Copies the tab list data to the clipboard"
+ "Copies the tab list data to the clipboard",
) { TabListData.copyCommand(it) }
- "Copies the action bar to the clipboard, including formatting codes"
+ "Copies the action bar to the clipboard, including formatting codes",
) { CopyActionBarCommand.command(it) }
- "Copies the scoreboard data to the clipboard"
+ "Copies the scoreboard data to the clipboard",
) { CopyScoreboardCommand.command(it) }
- "Copies the name of the bossbar to the clipboard, including formatting codes"
+ "Copies the name of the bossbar to the clipboard, including formatting codes",
) { CopyBossbarCommand.command(it) }
- "Copies information about the item in hand to the clipboard"
+ "Copies information about the item in hand to the clipboard",
) { CopyItemCommand.command() }
registerCommand("shtestpacket", "Logs incoming and outgoing packets to the console") { PacketTest.command(it) }
- "Sends a custom chat message client side in the chat"
+ "Sends a custom chat message client side in the chat",
) { TestChatCommand.command(it) }
- "Copies the internal name of the item in hand to the clipboard."
+ "Copies the internal name of the item in hand to the clipboard.",
) { SkyHanniDebugsAndTests.copyItemInternalName() }
- "List persons into the chat SkyHanni thinks are in your party."
+ "List persons into the chat SkyHanni thinks are in your party.",
) { PartyAPI.listMembers() }
- "Play the specified sound effect at the given pitch and volume."
+ "Play the specified sound effect at the given pitch and volume.",
) { SoundUtils.command(it) }
- "Display a title on the screen with the specified settings."
+ "Display a title on the screen with the specified settings.",
) { TitleManager.command(it) }
- "Reloads the config manager and rendering processors of MoulConfig. This §cWILL RESET §7your config, but also updating the java config files (names, description, orderings and stuff)."
+ "Reloads the config manager and rendering processors of MoulConfig. " +
+ "This §cWILL RESET §7your config, but also updating the java config files " +
+ "(names, description, orderings and stuff).",
) { SkyHanniDebugsAndTests.resetConfigCommand() }
- "Read crop milestone from clipboard. This helps fixing wrong crop milestone data"
+ "Read crop milestone from clipboard. This helps fixing wrong crop milestone data",
) { GardenCropMilestonesCommunityFix.readDataFromClipboard() }
- "Copy all ever found burrow locations to clipboard"
+ "Copy all ever found burrow locations to clipboard",
) { AllBurrowsList.copyToClipboard() }
- "Add all ever found burrow locations from clipboard"
+ "Add all ever found burrow locations from clipboard",
) { AllBurrowsList.addFromClipboard() }
+ "shgraph",
+ "Enables the graph editor",
+ ) { GraphEditor.commandIn() }
+ registerCommand(
- "Shows Hoppity egg locations with their internal API names and status."
+ "Shows Hoppity egg locations with their internal API names and status.",
) { HoppityEggLocations.toggleDebug() }
@@ -584,13 +597,15 @@ object Commands {
else -> currentStream
- if (updateStream == UpdateStream.BETA && (currentStream != UpdateStream.BETA || !UpdateManager.isCurrentlyBeta())) {
+ val switchingToBeta = updateStream == UpdateStream.BETA &&
+ (currentStream != UpdateStream.BETA || !UpdateManager.isCurrentlyBeta())
+ if (switchingToBeta) {
"Are you sure you want to switch to beta? These versions may be less stable.",
onClick = {
UpdateManager.checkUpdate(true, updateStream)
- oneTimeClick = true
+ oneTimeClick = true,
} else {
UpdateManager.checkUpdate(true, updateStream)
@@ -623,7 +638,7 @@ object Commands {
): List<String> {
return autoComplete(args ?: emptyArray())
- }
+ },
commands.add(CommandInfo(name, description, currentCategory))
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/config/features/dev/DevConfig.java b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/config/features/dev/DevConfig.java
index e99fb656c..041134e41 100644
--- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/config/features/dev/DevConfig.java
+++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/config/features/dev/DevConfig.java
@@ -104,6 +104,10 @@ public class DevConfig {
public MinecraftConsoleConfig minecraftConsoles = new MinecraftConsoleConfig();
+ @Category(name = "Dev Tools", desc = "Tooling for devs")
+ public DevToolConfig devTool = new DevToolConfig();
+ @Expose
@Category(name = "Debug Mob", desc = "Every Debug related to the Mob System")
public DebugMobConfig mobDebug = new DebugMobConfig();
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/config/features/dev/DevToolConfig.java b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/config/features/dev/DevToolConfig.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bd84cacaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/config/features/dev/DevToolConfig.java
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.config.features.dev;
+import com.google.gson.annotations.Expose;
+import io.github.notenoughupdates.moulconfig.annotations.Accordion;
+import io.github.notenoughupdates.moulconfig.annotations.ConfigOption;
+public class DevToolConfig {
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(name = "Graph Tools", desc = "")
+ @Accordion
+ public GraphConfig graph = new GraphConfig();
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/config/features/dev/GraphConfig.java b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/config/features/dev/GraphConfig.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..45da2fbc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/config/features/dev/GraphConfig.java
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.config.features.dev;
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.config.core.config.Position;
+import com.google.gson.annotations.Expose;
+import io.github.notenoughupdates.moulconfig.annotations.ConfigEditorBoolean;
+import io.github.notenoughupdates.moulconfig.annotations.ConfigEditorKeybind;
+import io.github.notenoughupdates.moulconfig.annotations.ConfigLink;
+import io.github.notenoughupdates.moulconfig.annotations.ConfigOption;
+import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard;
+public class GraphConfig {
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(name = "Enabled", desc = "Enables the graphing tool.")
+ @ConfigEditorBoolean
+ public boolean enabled = false;
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(name = "Place Key", desc = "Places a new node at the current position. If a node is active automatically connects." +
+ "Deletes a node if you are only 3 blocks away instead of placing a new one.")
+ @ConfigEditorKeybind(defaultKey = Keyboard.KEY_F)
+ public int placeKey = Keyboard.KEY_F;
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(name = "Select Key", desc = "Select the nearest node to be active. Double press to unselect.")
+ @ConfigEditorKeybind(defaultKey = -98) // Middle Mouse
+ public int selectKey = -98;
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(name = "Connect Key", desc = "Connects the nearest node with the active node. If the nodes are already connected removes the connection.")
+ @ConfigEditorKeybind(defaultKey = Keyboard.KEY_C)
+ public int connectKey = Keyboard.KEY_C;
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(name = "Exit Key", desc = "Exit out of stuff. If nothing active disables the graph editor.")
+ @ConfigEditorKeybind(defaultKey = Keyboard.KEY_HOME)
+ public int exitKey = Keyboard.KEY_HOME;
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(name = "Edit Key", desc = "While holding the Key, edit the position of the active node with the minecraft movement controls.")
+ @ConfigEditorKeybind(defaultKey = Keyboard.KEY_TAB)
+ public int editKey = Keyboard.KEY_TAB;
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(name = "Text Key", desc = "Starts text mode, which allows editing a name of a node.")
+ @ConfigEditorKeybind(defaultKey = Keyboard.KEY_Y)
+ public int textKey = Keyboard.KEY_Y;
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(name = "Test Dijkstra", desc = "On key press, shows the shortest path between the nearest node and the active node.")
+ @ConfigEditorKeybind(defaultKey = Keyboard.KEY_G)
+ public int dijkstraKey = Keyboard.KEY_G;
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(name = "Save Key", desc = "Saves the current graph to the clipboard.")
+ @ConfigEditorKeybind(defaultKey = Keyboard.KEY_O)
+ public int saveKey = Keyboard.KEY_O;
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(name = "Load Key", desc = "Loads a graph from clipboard, if valid.")
+ @ConfigEditorKeybind(defaultKey = Keyboard.KEY_I)
+ public int loadKey = Keyboard.KEY_I;
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(name = "Clear Key", desc = "Clears the graph. Also saves the graph to the clipboard, just in case you miss clicked.")
+ @ConfigEditorKeybind(defaultKey = Keyboard.KEY_P)
+ public int clearKey = Keyboard.KEY_P;
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(name = "Vision Key", desc = "Toggles if the graph, should render trough blocks.")
+ @ConfigEditorKeybind(defaultKey = Keyboard.KEY_M)
+ public int throughBlocksKey = Keyboard.KEY_M;
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(name = "Tutorial Key", desc = "Toggles the tutorial mode. In this mode you will get feedback for everything you do.")
+ @ConfigEditorKeybind(defaultKey = Keyboard.KEY_K)
+ public int tutorialKey = Keyboard.KEY_K;
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigLink(owner = GraphConfig.class, field = "enabled")
+ public Position infoDisplay = new Position(20, 20);
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(name = "Shows Stats", desc = "Shows funny extra statistics on save. May lag the game a bit.")
+ @ConfigEditorBoolean
+ public boolean showsStats = true;