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3 files changed, 16 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/FortuneStats.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/FortuneStats.kt index 5f2b952d9..1e108a2dc 100644 --- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/FortuneStats.kt +++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/FortuneStats.kt @@ -1,8 +1,11 @@ package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.garden.fortuneguide enum class FortuneStats(val label: String, val tooltip: String) { - BASE("§2Universal Farming Fortune", "§7§2Farming fortune in that is\n§2applied to every crop\n§eNot the same as tab FF\n" + - "§eSee on the grass block page"), + BASE( + "§2Universal Farming Fortune", + "§7§2Farming fortune in that is\n§2applied to every crop\n§eNot the same as tab FF\n" + + "§eSee on the grass block page" + ), CROP_TOTAL("§6Crop Farming Fortune", "§7§2Farming fortune for this crop"), ACCESSORY("§2Talisman Bonus", "§7§2Fortune from your talisman\n§2You get 10☘ per talisman tier"), CROP_UPGRADE("§2Crop Upgrade", "§7§2Fortune from Desk crop upgrades\n§2You get 5☘ per level"), diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/OverviewPage.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/OverviewPage.kt index 4181c31ae..d0ba39603 100644 --- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/OverviewPage.kt +++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/fortuneguide/pages/OverviewPage.kt @@ -18,8 +18,13 @@ class OverviewPage: FFGuideGUI.FFGuidePage() { val timeUntilCakes = TimeUtils.formatDuration(FFStats.cakeExpireTime - System.currentTimeMillis()) //todo change based on pet and based on setting - GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar("§6Universal Farming Fortune", "§7§2Farming fortune in that is\n" + - "§2applied to every crop\n§eNot the same as tab FF\n§eSee on the grass block page", FFStats.totalBaseFF[FFTypes.TOTAL] ?: 0, 1250, FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15, + GuiRenderUtils.drawFarmingBar( + "§6Universal Farming Fortune", + "§7§2Farming fortune in that is\n§2applied to every crop\n§eNot the same as tab FF\n" + + "§eSee on the grass block page", + FFStats.totalBaseFF[FFTypes.TOTAL] ?: 0, + 1250, + FFGuideGUI.guiLeft + 15, FFGuideGUI.guiTop + 5, 90, mouseX, mouseY, FFGuideGUI.tooltipToDisplay) var line = if (FFStats.baseFF[FFTypes.ANITA]!! < 0.0) "§cAnita buff not saved\n§eVisit Anita to set it!" diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/visitor/GardenVisitorFeatures.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/visitor/GardenVisitorFeatures.kt index dba424ec8..e5d3a89f4 100644 --- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/visitor/GardenVisitorFeatures.kt +++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/garden/visitor/GardenVisitorFeatures.kt @@ -284,7 +284,10 @@ class GardenVisitorFeatures { event.isCanceled = true LorenzUtils.chat("§e[SkyHanni] §cBlocked refusing visitor ${visitor.visitorName} §7(${it.displayName}§7)") if (config.visitorRewardWarning.bypassKey == Keyboard.KEY_NONE) { - LorenzUtils.chat("§eIf you want to deny this visitor set a keybind in /sh bypass") + LorenzUtils.clickableChat( + "§eIf you want to deny this visitor, set a keybind in §e/sh bypass", + "sh bypass" + ) } Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.closeScreen() return |