path: root/src/main/java/at
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/at')
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/chat/ChatFilter.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/chat/ChatFilter.kt
index fca2582c9..bc14934ab 100644
--- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/chat/ChatFilter.kt
+++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/chat/ChatFilter.kt
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ object ChatFilter {
private val lobbyMessages = listOf(
// prototype
- " §r§f§l➤ §r§6You have reached your Hype limit! Add Hype to Prototype Lobby minigames by right-clicking with the Hype Diamond!"
+ " §r§f§l➤ §r§6You have reached your Hype limit! Add Hype to Prototype Lobby minigames by right-clicking with the Hype Diamond!",
private val lobbyMessagesContains = listOf(
// prototype
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ object ChatFilter {
"§r§e§6§lHYPIXEL§e is hosting a §b§lTNT RUN§e tournament!",
// other
- "§aYou are still radiating with §bGenerosity§r§a!"
+ "§aYou are still radiating with §bGenerosity§r§a!",
// Warping
@@ -68,40 +68,40 @@ object ChatFilter {
"§7Request join for Dungeon Hub #(.*)\\.\\.\\.".toPattern(),
// warp portals on public islands
// (canvas room – flower house, election room – community center, void sepulchre – the end)
- "§dWarped to (.*)§r§d!".toPattern()
+ "§dWarped to (.*)§r§d!".toPattern(),
private val warpingMessages = listOf(
"§7Warping...", "§7Warping you to your SkyBlock island...", "§7Warping using transfer token...",
// visiting other players
- "§7Finding player...", "§7Sending a visit request..."
+ "§7Finding player...", "§7Sending a visit request...",
// Welcome
private val welcomeMessages = listOf(
- "§eWelcome to §r§aHypixel SkyBlock§r§e!"
+ "§eWelcome to §r§aHypixel SkyBlock§r§e!",
// Guild EXP
private val guildExpPatterns = listOf(
// §aYou earned §r§22 GEXP §r§afrom playing SkyBlock!
// §aYou earned §r§22 GEXP §r§a+ §r§c210 Event EXP §r§afrom playing SkyBlock!
- "§aYou earned §r§2.* GEXP (§r§a\\+ §r§.* Event EXP )?§r§afrom playing SkyBlock!".toPattern()
+ "§aYou earned §r§2.* GEXP (§r§a\\+ §r§.* Event EXP )?§r§afrom playing SkyBlock!".toPattern(),
// Kill Combo
private val killComboPatterns = listOf(
//§a§l+5 Kill Combo §r§8+§r§b3% §r§b? Magic Find
"§.§l\\+(.*) Kill Combo (.*)".toPattern(),
- "§cYour Kill Combo has expired! You reached a (.*) Kill Combo!".toPattern()
+ "§cYour Kill Combo has expired! You reached a (.*) Kill Combo!".toPattern(),
private val killComboMessages = listOf(
- "§6§l+50 Kill Combo"
+ "§6§l+50 Kill Combo",
// Profile Join
private val profileJoinMessageStartsWith = listOf(
- "§aYou are playing on profile: §e", "§8Profile ID: "
+ "§aYou are playing on profile: §e", "§8Profile ID: ",
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ object ChatFilter {
// Bank
"§8Depositing coins...",
- "§8Withdrawing coins..."
+ "§8Withdrawing coins...",
// Slayer
@@ -139,13 +139,13 @@ object ChatFilter {
// end
" {2}§r§a§lSLAYER QUEST COMPLETE!".toPattern(),
" {3}§r§e(.*)Slayer LVL 9 §r§5- §r§a§lLVL MAXED OUT!".toPattern(),
- " {3}§r§5§l» §r§7Talk to Maddox to claim your (.*) Slayer XP!".toPattern()
+ " {3}§r§5§l» §r§7Talk to Maddox to claim your (.*) Slayer XP!".toPattern(),
private val slayerMessages = listOf(
- " §r§6§lNICE! SLAYER BOSS SLAIN!", "§eYou received kill credit for assisting on a slayer miniboss!"
+ " §r§6§lNICE! SLAYER BOSS SLAIN!", "§eYou received kill credit for assisting on a slayer miniboss!",
private val slayerMessageStartWith = listOf(
- "§e✆ RING... "
+ "§e✆ RING... ",
// Slayer Drop
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ object ChatFilter {
// Blaze
"§9§lVERY RARE DROP! {2}§r§7\\(§r§f§r§fWisp's Ice-Flavored Water I Splash Potion§r§7\\) (.*)".toPattern(),
"§b§lRARE DROP! §r§7\\(§r§f§r§5Bundle of Magma Arrows§r§7\\) (.*)".toPattern(),
- "§9§lVERY RARE DROP! {2}§r§7\\(§r§f§r§7\\d+x §r§f§r§9(Glowstone|Blaze Rod|Magma Cream|Nether Wart) Distillate§r§7\\) (.*)".toPattern()
+ "§9§lVERY RARE DROP! {2}§r§7\\(§r§f§r§7\\d+x §r§f§r§9(Glowstone|Blaze Rod|Magma Cream|Nether Wart) Distillate§r§7\\) (.*)".toPattern(),
// Useless Drop
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ object ChatFilter {
"§6§lRARE DROP! §r§fPotato (.*)".toPattern(),
"§6§lRARE DROP! §r§9Machine Gun Bow (.*)".toPattern(),
"§6§lRARE DROP! §r§5Earth Shard (.*)".toPattern(),
- "§6§lRARE DROP! §r§5Zombie Lord Chestplate (.*)".toPattern()
+ "§6§lRARE DROP! §r§5Zombie Lord Chestplate (.*)".toPattern(),
private val uselessDropMessages = listOf(
"§6§lRARE DROP! §r§aEnchanted Ender Pearl",
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ object ChatFilter {
// Useless Notification
private val uselessNotificationPatterns = listOf(
- "§aYou tipped \\d+ players? in \\d+(?: different)? games?!".toPattern()
+ "§aYou tipped \\d+ players? in \\d+(?: different)? games?!".toPattern(),
private val uselessNotificationMessages = listOf(
"§eYour previous §r§6Plasmaflux Power Orb §r§ewas removed!",
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ object ChatFilter {
private val annoyingSpamPatterns = listOf(
"§7Your Implosion hit (.*) for §r§c(.*) §r§7damage.".toPattern(),
"§7Your Molten Wave hit (.*) for §r§c(.*) §r§7damage.".toPattern(),
- "§cYou need a tool with a §r§aBreaking Power §r§cof §r§6(\\d)§r§c to mine (.*)§r§c! Speak to §r§dFragilis §r§cby the entrance to the Crystal Hollows to learn more!".toPattern()
+ "§cYou need a tool with a §r§aBreaking Power §r§cof §r§6(\\d)§r§c to mine (.*)§r§c! Speak to §r§dFragilis §r§cby the entrance to the Crystal Hollows to learn more!".toPattern(),
private val annoyingSpamMessages = listOf(
"§cThere are blocks in the way!",
@@ -283,12 +283,12 @@ object ChatFilter {
private val anitaFortunePattern by RepoPattern.pattern(
- "§e\\[NPC] Jacob§f: §rYour §9Anita's \\w+ §fis giving you §6\\+\\d{1,2}☘ .+ Fortune §fduring the contest!"
+ "§e\\[NPC] Jacob§f: §rYour §9Anita's \\w+ §fis giving you §6\\+\\d{1,2}☘ .+ Fortune §fduring the contest!",
private val skymallPerkPattern by RepoPattern.pattern(
- "§eNew buff§r§r§r:(.*)"
+ "§eNew buff§r§r§r:(.*)",
// Winter Gift
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ object ChatFilter {
private val fireSalePattern by RepoPattern.pattern(
- "§6§k§lA§r §c§lFIRE SALE §r§6§k§lA(?:\\n|.)*"
+ "§6§k§lA§r §c§lFIRE SALE §r§6§k§lA(?:\\n|.)*",
private val fireSalePatterns = listOf(
"§c♨ §eFire Sales for .* §eare starting soon!".toPattern(),
@@ -361,13 +361,14 @@ object ChatFilter {
"§7You will now produce §r§6.* Chocolate §r§7per click!".toPattern(),
"§7You upgraded to §r§d.*?§r§7!".toPattern(),
* REGEX-TEST: §c§lSACRIFICE! §r§6[MVP§r§d++§r§6] Mikecraft1224§r§f §r§eturned §r§6Young Dragon Boots §r§einto §r§d40 Dragon Essence§r§e!
* REGEX-TEST: §c§lBONUS LOOT! §r§eThey also received §r§5Ritual Residue §r§efrom their sacrifice!
private val sacrificePatterns = listOf(
"§c§lSACRIFICE! (.*) §r§eturned (.*) §r§einto (.*) Dragon Essence§r§e!".toPattern(),
- "§c§lBONUS LOOT! §r§eThey also received (.*) §r§efrom their sacrifice!".toPattern()
+ "§c§lBONUS LOOT! §r§eThey also received (.*) §r§efrom their sacrifice!".toPattern(),
private val powderMiningMessages = listOf(
"§aYou uncovered a treasure chest!",
@@ -390,28 +391,28 @@ object ChatFilter {
* REGEX-TEST: §6§lRARE REWARD! §r§bLeebys §r§efound a §r§6Recombobulator 3000 §r§ein their Obsidian Chest§r§e!
private val rareDropsMessages = listOf(
- "§6§lRARE REWARD! (.*) §r§efound a (.*) §r§ein their (.*) Chest§r§e!".toPattern()
+ "§6§lRARE REWARD! (.*) §r§efound a (.*) §r§ein their (.*) Chest§r§e!".toPattern(),
// &r&6Your &r&aMage &r&6stats are doubled because you are the only player using this class!&r
private val soloClassPatterns = listOf(
- "§6Your §r§a(Healer|Mage|Berserk|Archer|Tank) §r§6stats are doubled because you are the only player using this class!".toPattern()
+ "§6Your §r§a(Healer|Mage|Berserk|Archer|Tank) §r§6stats are doubled because you are the only player using this class!".toPattern(),
private val soloStatsPatterns = listOf(
- "§a\\[(Healer|Mage|Berserk|Archer|Tank)].*".toPattern()
+ "§a\\[(Healer|Mage|Berserk|Archer|Tank)].*".toPattern(),
// &r&dGenevieve the Fairy&r&f: You killed me! Take this &r&6Revive Stone &r&fso that my death is not in vain!&r
private val fairyPatterns = listOf(
"§d[\\w']+ the Fairy§r§f: You killed me! Take this §r§6Revive Stone §r§fso that my death is not in vain!".toPattern(),
"§d[\\w']+ the Fairy§r§f: You killed me! I'll revive you so that my death is not in vain!".toPattern(),
- "§d[\\w']+ the Fairy§r§f: Have a great life!".toPattern()
+ "§d[\\w']+ the Fairy§r§f: Have a great life!".toPattern(),
// §e§ka§a>> §aAchievement Unlocked: §6§r§6Agile§r§a <<§e§ka
private val achievementGetPatterns = listOf(
- "§e§k.§a>> {3}§aAchievement Unlocked: .* {3}<<§e§k.".toPattern()
+ "§e§k.§a>> {3}§aAchievement Unlocked: .* {3}<<§e§k.".toPattern(),
private val patternsMap: Map<String, List<Pattern>> = mapOf(