path: root/src/main
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/main')
2 files changed, 36 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/data/HotmData.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/data/HotmData.kt
index 2d8ea9457..c484f2ca9 100644
--- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/data/HotmData.kt
+++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/data/HotmData.kt
@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ enum class HotmData(
entry.enabled = lore.any { enabledPattern.matches(it) }
- if (entry == SKY_MALL) handelSkyMall(lore)
+ if (entry == SKY_MALL) handleSkyMall(lore)
private fun Slot.handlePowder(): Boolean {
@@ -620,10 +620,10 @@ enum class HotmData(
"§aYour Current Effect",
- private fun handelSkyMall(lore: List<String>) {
+ private fun handleSkyMall(lore: List<String>) {
if (!SKY_MALL.enabled || !SKY_MALL.isUnlocked) HotmAPI.skymall = null
else {
- val index = lore.indexOfFirstMatch(skyMallCurrentEffect) ?: run {
+ val index = skyMallCurrentEffect.indexOfFirstMatch(lore) ?: run {
"Could not read the skymall effect from the hotm tree",
"skyMallCurrentEffect didn't match",
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/utils/RegexUtils.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/utils/RegexUtils.kt
index 57c6c69e5..db19b63a2 100644
--- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/utils/RegexUtils.kt
+++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/utils/RegexUtils.kt
@@ -10,19 +10,28 @@ object RegexUtils {
inline fun <T> Pattern.findMatcher(text: String, consumer: Matcher.() -> T) =
matcher(text).let { if (it.find()) consumer(it) else null }
+ @Deprecated("", ReplaceWith("pattern.firstMatcher(this) { consumer() }"))
inline fun <T> Sequence<String>.matchFirst(pattern: Pattern, consumer: Matcher.() -> T): T? =
- toList().matchFirst(pattern, consumer)
+ pattern.firstMatcher(this, consumer)
- inline fun <T> List<String>.matchFirst(pattern: Pattern, consumer: Matcher.() -> T): T? {
- for (line in this) {
- pattern.matcher(line).let { if (it.matches()) return consumer(it) }
+ inline fun <T> Pattern.firstMatcher(sequence: Sequence<String>, consumer: Matcher.() -> T): T? {
+ for (line in sequence) {
+ matcher(line).let { if (it.matches()) return consumer(it) }
return null
- inline fun <T> List<String>.matchAll(pattern: Pattern, consumer: Matcher.() -> T): T? {
- for (line in this) {
- pattern.matcher(line).let { if (it.find()) consumer(it) }
+ @Deprecated("", ReplaceWith("pattern.firstMatcher(this) { consumer() }"))
+ inline fun <T> List<String>.matchFirst(pattern: Pattern, consumer: Matcher.() -> T): T? = pattern.firstMatcher(this, consumer)
+ inline fun <T> Pattern.firstMatcher(list: List<String>, consumer: Matcher.() -> T): T? = firstMatcher(list.asSequence(), consumer)
+ @Deprecated("", ReplaceWith("pattern.matchAll(this) { consumer() }"))
+ inline fun <T> List<String>.matchAll(pattern: Pattern, consumer: Matcher.() -> T): T? = pattern.matchAll(this, consumer)
+ inline fun <T> Pattern.matchAll(list: List<String>, consumer: Matcher.() -> T): T? {
+ for (line in list) {
+ matcher(line).let { if (it.find()) consumer(it) }
return null
@@ -36,23 +45,35 @@ object RegexUtils {
return null
+ fun List<Pattern>.allMatches(list: List<String>): List<String> = list.filter { line -> any { it.matches(line) } }
+ fun List<Pattern>.anyMatches(list: List<String>?): Boolean = list?.any { line -> any { it.matches(line) } } ?: false
+ fun List<Pattern>.anyMatches(string: String): Boolean = any { it.matches(string) }
fun Pattern.matches(string: String?): Boolean = string?.let { matcher(it).matches() } ?: false
fun Pattern.find(string: String?) = string?.let { matcher(it).find() } ?: false
- fun Pattern.anyMatches(list: List<String>?): Boolean = list?.any { this.matches(it) } ?: false
+ fun Pattern.anyMatches(list: List<String>?): Boolean = list?.any { matches(it) } ?: false
fun Pattern.anyMatches(list: Sequence<String>?): Boolean = anyMatches(list?.toList())
+ fun Pattern.matchGroup(text: String, groupName: String): String? = matchMatcher(text) { groupOrNull(groupName) }
+ fun Pattern.matchGroups(text: String, vararg groups: String): List<String?>? =
+ matchMatcher(text) { groups.toList().map { groupOrNull(it) } }
+ fun Pattern.firstMatches(list: List<String>): String? = list.firstOrNull { matches(it) }
+ fun Pattern.allMatches(list: List<String>): List<String> = list.filter { matches(it) }
* Get the group, otherwise, return null
* @param groupName The group name in the pattern
- fun Matcher.groupOrNull(groupName: String): String? = runCatching { this.group(groupName) }.getOrNull()
+ fun Matcher.groupOrNull(groupName: String): String? = runCatching { group(groupName) }.getOrNull()
fun Matcher.hasGroup(groupName: String): Boolean = groupOrNull(groupName) != null
- fun List<String>.indexOfFirstMatch(pattern: Pattern): Int? {
- for ((index, line) in this.withIndex()) {
- pattern.matcher(line).let { if (it.matches()) return index }
+ fun Pattern.indexOfFirstMatch(list: List<String>): Int? {
+ for ((index, line) in list.withIndex()) {
+ matcher(line).let { if (it.matches()) return index }
return null