path: root/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 380 insertions, 309 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/chat/ChatFilter.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/chat/ChatFilter.kt
index cf12867f4..d0a669519 100644
--- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/chat/ChatFilter.kt
+++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/chat/ChatFilter.kt
@@ -3,227 +3,98 @@ package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.chat
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.SkyHanniMod
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.config.ConfigUpdaterMigrator
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.events.LorenzChatEvent
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.LorenzUtils
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.StringUtils.matchRegex
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.StringUtils.matchMatcher
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.StringUtils.removeColor
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.StringUtils.trimWhiteSpaceAndResets
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent
+import java.util.regex.Pattern
class ChatFilter {
private val config get() = SkyHanniMod.feature.chat.filterType
- @SubscribeEvent
- fun onChatMessage(event: LorenzChatEvent) {
- val blockReason = block(event.message)
- if (blockReason != "") {
- event.blockedReason = blockReason
- }
- }
- private fun block(message: String): String = when {
- lobby(message) && config.hypixelHub -> "lobby"
- empty(message) && config.empty -> "empty"
- warping(message) && config.warping -> "warping"
- welcome(message) && config.welcome -> "welcome"
- isGuildExp(message) && config.guildExp -> "guild_exp"
- killCombo(message) && config.killCombo -> "kill_combo"
- profileJoin(message) && config.profileJoin -> "profile_join"
- bazaarAndAHMiniMessages(message) && config.others -> "bz_ah_minis"
- slayer(message) && config.others -> "slayer"
- slayerDrop(message) && config.others -> "slayer_drop"
- uselessDrop(message) && config.others -> "useless_drop"
- uselessNotification(message) && config.others -> "useless_notification"
- party(message) && config.others -> "party"
- money(message) && config.others -> "money"
- winterIsland(message) && config.others -> "winter_island"
- uselessWarning(message) && config.others -> "useless_warning"
- annoyingSpam(message) && config.others -> "annoying_spam"
- isWinterGift(message) && config.winterGift -> "winter_gift"
- isPowderMining(message) && config.powderMining -> "powder_mining"
- else -> ""
- }
- //TODO split into others
- private fun annoyingSpam(message: String): Boolean {
- if (message.matchRegex("§7Your Implosion hit (.*) for §r§c(.*) §r§7damage.")) return true
- if (message.matchRegex("§7Your Molten Wave hit (.*) for §r§c(.*) §r§7damage.")) return true
- if (message == "§cThere are blocks in the way!") return true
- if (message == "§aYour Blessing enchant got you double drops!") return true
- if (message == "§cYou can't use the wardrobe in combat!") return true
- if (message == "§6§lGOOD CATCH! §r§bYou found a §r§fFish Bait§r§b.") return true
- if (message == "§6§lGOOD CATCH! §r§bYou found a §r§aGrand Experience Bottle§r§b.") return true
- if (message == "§6§lGOOD CATCH! §r§bYou found a §r§aBlessed Bait§r§b.") return true
- if (message == "§6§lGOOD CATCH! §r§bYou found a §r§fDark Bait§r§b.") return true
- if (message == "§6§lGOOD CATCH! §r§bYou found a §r§fLight Bait§r§b.") return true
- if (message == "§6§lGOOD CATCH! §r§bYou found a §r§aHot Bait§r§b.") return true
- if (message == "§6§lGOOD CATCH! §r§bYou found a §r§fSpooky Bait§r§b.") return true
- return false
- }
- private fun uselessNotification(message: String): Boolean {
- if (message.matchRegex("§aYou tipped (\\d+) (player|players)!")) return true
- return when (message) {
- "§eYour previous §r§6Plasmaflux Power Orb §r§ewas removed!" -> true
- "§aYou used your §r§6Mining Speed Boost §r§aPickaxe Ability!" -> true
- "§cYour Mining Speed Boost has expired!" -> true
- "§a§r§6Mining Speed Boost §r§ais now available!" -> true
- else -> false
- }
- }
- private fun uselessWarning(message: String) = when {
- message == "§cYou are sending commands too fast! Please slow down." -> true//TODO prevent in the future
- message == "§cYou can't use this while in combat!" -> true
- message == "§cYou can not modify your equipped armor set!" -> true
- message == "§cPlease wait a few seconds between refreshing!" -> true
- message == "§cThis item is not salvageable!" -> true//prevent in the future
- message == "§cPlace a Dungeon weapon or armor piece above the anvil to salvage it!" -> true
- message == "§cWhoa! Slow down there!" -> true
- message == "§cWait a moment before confirming!" -> true
- message == "§cYou cannot open the SkyBlock menu while in combat!" -> true
- else -> false
- }
- private fun uselessDrop(message: String): Boolean {
- when {
- // TODO check if this is still necessary
- message.matchRegex("§6§lRARE DROP! §r§aEnchanted Ender Pearl (.*)") -> return true
- message == "§6§lRARE DROP! §r§aEnchanted Ender Pearl" -> return true
- message == "§6§lRARE DROP! §r§aEnchanted End Stone" -> return true
- message == "§6§lRARE DROP! §r§5Crystal Fragment" -> return true
- message.matchRegex("§6§lRARE DROP! §r§fCarrot (.*)") -> return true
- message.matchRegex("§6§lRARE DROP! §r§fPotato (.*)") -> return true
- message.matchRegex("§6§lRARE DROP! §r§9Machine Gun Bow (.*)") -> return true
- message.matchRegex("§6§lRARE DROP! §r§5Earth Shard (.*)") -> return true
- message.matchRegex("§6§lRARE DROP! §r§5Zombie Lord Chestplate (.*)") -> return true
- }
- return false
- }
- private fun winterIsland(message: String) = when {
- message.matchRegex(" §r§f☃ §r§7§r(.*) §r§7mounted a §r§fSnow Cannon§r§7!") -> true
- else -> false
- }
- private fun money(message: String): Boolean {
- if (isBazaar(message)) return true
- if (isAuctionHouse(message)) return true
- return false
- }
- private fun isAuctionHouse(message: String): Boolean {
- if (message == "§b-----------------------------------------------------") return true
- if (message == "§eVisit the Auction House to collect your item!") return true
- return false
- }
- private fun isBazaar(message: String): Boolean {
- if (message.matchRegex("§eBuy Order Setup! §r§a(.*)§r§7x (.*) §r§7for §r§6(.*) coins§r§7.")) return true
- if (message.matchRegex("§eSell Offer Setup! §r§a(.*)§r§7x (.*) §r§7for §r§6(.*) coins§r§7.")) return true
- if (message.matchRegex("§cCancelled! §r§7Refunded §r§6(.*) coins §r§7from cancelling buy order!")) return true
- if (message.matchRegex("§cCancelled! §r§7Refunded §r§a(.*)§r§7x (.*) §r§7from cancelling sell offer!")) return true
- return false
- }
- private fun party(message: String): Boolean {
- if (message == "§9§m-----------------------------------------------------") return true
- return false
- }
- private fun slayerDrop(message: String): Boolean {
- //Zombie
- if (message.matchRegex("§b§lRARE DROP! §r§7\\(§r§f§r§9Revenant Viscera§r§7\\) (.*)")) return true
- if (message.matchRegex("§b§lRARE DROP! §r§7\\(§r§f§r§7(.*)x §r§f§r§9Foul Flesh§r§7\\) (.*)")) return true
- if (message.matchRegex("§b§lRARE DROP! §r§7\\(§r§f§r§9Foul Flesh§r§7\\) (.*)")) return true
- if (message.matchRegex("§6§lRARE DROP! §r§5Golden Powder (.*)")) return true
- if (message.matchRegex("§9§lVERY RARE DROP! §r§7\\(§r§f§r§2(.*) Pestilence Rune I§r§7\\) (.*)")) {
- LorenzUtils.debug("check regex for this blocked message!")
- return true
- }
- if (message.matchRegex("§5§lVERY RARE DROP! §r§7\\(§r§f§r§5Revenant Catalyst§r§7\\) (.*)")) return true
- if (message.matchRegex("§5§lVERY RARE DROP! §r§7\\(§r§f§r§9Undead Catalyst§r§7\\) (.*)")) return true
- if (message.matchRegex("§5§lVERY RARE DROP! §r§7\\(§r§f§r§2◆ Pestilence Rune I§r§7\\) §r§b(.*)")) return true
- //Tarantula
- if (message.matchRegex("§6§lRARE DROP! §r§9Arachne's Keeper Fragment (.+)")) return true
- if (message.matchRegex("§6§lRARE DROP! §r§5Travel Scroll to Spider's Den Top of Nest (.+)")) return true
- if (message.matchRegex("§9§lVERY RARE DROP! §r§7\\(§r§f§r§a◆ Bite Rune I§r§7\\) (.+)")) return true
- if (message.matchRegex("§b§lRARE DROP! §r§7\\(§r§f§r§7(.+)x §r§f§r§aToxic Arrow Poison§r§7\\) (.+)")) return true
- if (message.matchRegex("§b§lRARE DROP! §r§7\\(§r§f§r§aToxic Arrow Poison§r§7\\) (.+)")) return true
- if (message.matchRegex("§5§lVERY RARE DROP! §r§7\\(§r§9Bane of Arthropods VI§r§7\\) (.+)")) return true
- //Enderman
- if (message.matchRegex("§b§lRARE DROP! §r§7\\(§r§f§r§7(.*)x §r§f§r§aTwilight Arrow Poison§r§7\\) (.*)")) return true
- if (message.matchRegex("§5§lVERY RARE DROP! §r§7\\(§r§fMana Steal I§r§7\\) (.*)")) return true
- if (message.matchRegex("§5§lVERY RARE DROP! §r§7\\(§r§f§r§5Sinful Dice§r§7\\) (.*)")) return true
- if (message.matchRegex("§9§lVERY RARE DROP! §r§7\\(§r§f§r§9Null Atom§r§7\\) (.*)")) return true
- if (message.matchRegex("§9§lVERY RARE DROP! §r§7\\(§r§f§r§5Transmission Tuner§r§7\\) (.*)")) return true
- if (message.matchRegex("§9§lVERY RARE DROP! §r§7\\(§r§fMana Steal I§r§7\\) (.*)")) return true
- if (message.matchRegex("§9§lVERY RARE DROP! §r§7\\(§r§f§r§5◆ Endersnake Rune I§r§7\\) (.*)")) return true
- if (message.matchRegex("§d§lCRAZY RARE DROP! §r§7\\(§r§f§r§fPocket Espresso Machine§r§7\\) (.*)")) return true
- if (message.matchRegex("§5§lVERY RARE DROP! §r§7\\(§r§f§r§5◆ End Rune I§r§7\\) (.*)")) return true
- if (message.matchRegex("§5§lVERY RARE DROP! §r§7\\(§r§f§r§6Hazmat Enderman§r§7\\) .*")) return true
- //Blaze
- if (message.matchRegex("§9§lVERY RARE DROP! §r§7\\(§r§f§r§fWisp's Ice-Flavored Water I Splash Potion§r§7\\) (.*)")) return true
- if (message.matchRegex("§b§lRARE DROP! §r§7\\(§r§f§r§5Bundle of Magma Arrows§r§7\\) (.*)")) return true
- if (message.matchRegex("§9§lVERY RARE DROP! §r§7\\(§r§f§r§7\\d+x §r§f§r§9(Glowstone|Blaze Rod|Magma Cream|Nether Wart) Distillate§r§7\\) (.*)")) return true
- return false
- }
- private fun slayer(message: String): Boolean {
- //start
- if (message.matchRegex(" §r§5§lSLAYER QUEST STARTED!")) return true
- if (message.matchRegex(" §5§l» §7Slay §c(.*) Combat XP §7worth of (.*)§7.")) return true
- //end
- if (message.matchRegex(" §r§a§lSLAYER QUEST COMPLETE!")) return true
- if (message == " §r§6§lNICE! SLAYER BOSS SLAIN!") return true
- if (message.matchRegex(" §r§e(.*)Slayer LVL 9 §r§5- §r§a§lLVL MAXED OUT!")) return true
- if (message.matchRegex(" §r§5§l» §r§7Talk to Maddox to claim your (.*) Slayer XP!")) return true
- if (message == "§eYou received kill credit for assisting on a slayer miniboss!") return true
- if (message.startsWith("§e✆ RING... ")) return true
- return false
- }
- private fun profileJoin(message: String) = when {
- message.startsWith("§aYou are playing on profile: §e") -> true
- message.startsWith("§8Profile ID: ") -> true
- else -> false
- }
+ /// <editor-fold desc="Regex Patterns & Messages">
+ // Lobby Messages
+ private val lobbyPatterns = listOf(
+ // player join
+ "(?: §b>§c>§a>§r §r)?.* §6(?:joined|(?:spooked|slid) into) the lobby!(?:§r §a<§c<§b<)?".toPattern(),
+ // mystery box
+ "§b✦ §r.* §r§7found a §r§e.* §r§bMystery Box§r§7!".toPattern(),
+ "§b✦ §r.* §r§7found (a|an) §r.* §r§7in a §r§a(Holiday )?Mystery Box§r§7!".toPattern()
+ )
+ private val lobbyMessages = listOf(
+ // prototype
+ " §r§f§l➤ §r§6You have reached your Hype limit! Add Hype to Prototype Lobby minigames by right-clicking with the Hype Diamond!"
+ )
+ private val lobbyMessagesContains = listOf(
+ // prototype
+ "§r§6§lWelcome to the Prototype Lobby§r",
+ // hypixel tournament notifications
+ "§r§e§6§lHYPIXEL§e is hosting a §b§lBED WARS DOUBLES§e tournament!",
+ "§r§e§6§lHYPIXEL BED WARS DOUBLES§e tournament is live!",
+ // other
+ "§aYou are still radiating with §bGenerosity§r§a!"
+ )
+ // Warping
+ private val warpingPatterns = listOf(
+ "§7Sending to server (.*)\\.\\.\\.".toPattern(),
+ "§7Request join for Hub (.*)\\.\\.\\.".toPattern(),
+ "§7Request join for Dungeon Hub #(.*)\\.\\.\\.".toPattern(),
+ // warp portals on public islands
+ // (canvas room – flower house, election room – community center, void sepulchre – the end)
+ "§dWarped to (.*)§r§d!".toPattern()
+ )
+ private val warpingMessages = listOf(
+ "§7Warping...", "§7Warping you to your SkyBlock island...", "§7Warping using transfer token...",
+ // visiting other players
+ "§7Finding player...", "§7Sending a visit request..."
+ )
+ // Welcome
+ private val welcomeMessages = listOf(
+ "§eWelcome to §r§aHypixel SkyBlock§r§e!"
+ )
+ // Guild EXP
+ private val guildExpPatterns = listOf(
+ // §aYou earned §r§22 GEXP §r§afrom playing SkyBlock!
+ // §aYou earned §r§22 GEXP §r§a+ §r§c210 Event EXP §r§afrom playing SkyBlock!
+ "§aYou earned §r§2.* GEXP (§r§a\\+ §r§.* Event EXP )?§r§afrom playing SkyBlock!".toPattern()
+ )
- private fun bazaarAndAHMiniMessages(message: String) = when (message) {
+ // Kill Combo
+ private val killComboPatterns = listOf(
+ //§a§l+5 Kill Combo §r§8+§r§b3% §r§b? Magic Find
+ "§.§l\\+(.*) Kill Combo (.*)".toPattern(),
+ "§cYour Kill Combo has expired! You reached a (.*) Kill Combo!".toPattern()
+ )
+ private val killComboMessages = listOf(
+ "§6§l+50 Kill Combo"
+ )
+ // Profile Join
+ private val profileJoinMessageStartsWith = listOf(
+ "§aYou are playing on profile: §e", "§8Profile ID: "
+ )
+ // Bazaar And AH Mini
+ private val miniBazaarAndAHMessages = listOf(
"§7Putting item in escrow...",
"§7Putting coins in escrow...",
- //Auction House
+ //Auction House
"§7Setting up the auction...",
"§7Processing purchase...",
"§7Processing bid...",
"§7Claiming BIN auction...",
- //Bazaar
+ //Bazaar
"§6[Bazaar] §r§7Submitting sell offer...",
"§6[Bazaar] §r§7Submitting buy order...",
"§6[Bazaar] §r§7Executing instant sell...",
@@ -232,124 +103,324 @@ class ChatFilter {
"§6[Bazaar] §r§7Claiming order...",
"§6[Bazaar] §r§7Putting goods in escrow...",
- //Bank
+ //Bank
"§8Depositing coins...",
- "§8Withdrawing coins...",
- -> true
+ "§8Withdrawing coins..."
+ )
- else -> false
- }
+ // Slayer
+ private val slayerPatterns = listOf(
+ //start
+ " {2}§r§5§lSLAYER QUEST STARTED!".toPattern(),
+ " {3}§5§l» §7Slay §c(.*) Combat XP §7worth of (.*)§7.".toPattern(),
- private fun killCombo(message: String): Boolean {
- //§a§l+5 Kill Combo §r§8+§r§b3% §r§b? Magic Find
- return when {
- message.matchRegex("§.§l\\+(.*) Kill Combo (.*)") -> true
- message == "§6§l+50 Kill Combo" -> true
- message.matchRegex("§cYour Kill Combo has expired! You reached a (.*) Kill Combo!") -> true
- else -> false
- }
- }
+ //end
+ " {2}§r§a§lSLAYER QUEST COMPLETE!".toPattern(),
+ " {3}§r§e(.*)Slayer LVL 9 §r§5- §r§a§lLVL MAXED OUT!".toPattern(),
+ " {3}§r§5§l» §r§7Talk to Maddox to claim your (.*) Slayer XP!".toPattern()
+ )
+ private val slayerMessages = listOf(
+ " §r§6§lNICE! SLAYER BOSS SLAIN!", "§eYou received kill credit for assisting on a slayer miniboss!"
+ )
+ private val slayerMessageStartWith = listOf(
+ "§e✆ RING... "
+ )
+ // Slayer Drop
+ private val slayerDropPatterns = listOf(
+ //Zombie
+ "§b§lRARE DROP! §r§7\\(§r§f§r§9Revenant Viscera§r§7\\) (.*)".toPattern(),
+ "§b§lRARE DROP! §r§7\\(§r§f§r§7(.*)x §r§f§r§9Foul Flesh§r§7\\) (.*)".toPattern(),
+ "§b§lRARE DROP! §r§7\\(§r§f§r§9Foul Flesh§r§7\\) (.*)".toPattern(),
+ "§6§lRARE DROP! §r§5Golden Powder (.*)".toPattern(),
+ "§9§lVERY RARE DROP! {2}§r§7\\(§r§f§r§2(.*) Pestilence Rune I§r§7\\) (.*)".toPattern(),
+ "§5§lVERY RARE DROP! {2}§r§7\\(§r§f§r§5Revenant Catalyst§r§7\\) (.*)".toPattern(),
+ "§5§lVERY RARE DROP! {2}§r§7\\(§r§f§r§9Undead Catalyst§r§7\\) (.*)".toPattern(),
+ "§5§lVERY RARE DROP! {2}§r§7\\(§r§f§r§2◆ Pestilence Rune I§r§7\\) §r§b(.*)".toPattern(),
- private fun lobby(message: String) = when {
- //player join
- message.matchRegex("(?: §b>§c>§a>§r §r)?.* §6(?:joined|(?:spooked|slid) into) the lobby!(?:§r §a<§c<§b<)?") -> true
+ //Tarantula
+ "§6§lRARE DROP! §r§9Arachne's Keeper Fragment (.+)".toPattern(),
+ "§6§lRARE DROP! §r§5Travel Scroll to Spider's Den Top of Nest (.+)".toPattern(),
+ "§9§lVERY RARE DROP! {2}§r§7\\(§r§f§r§a◆ Bite Rune I§r§7\\) (.+)".toPattern(),
+ "§b§lRARE DROP! §r§7\\(§r§f§r§7(.+)x §r§f§r§aToxic Arrow Poison§r§7\\) (.+)".toPattern(),
+ "§b§lRARE DROP! §r§7\\(§r§f§r§aToxic Arrow Poison§r§7\\) (.+)".toPattern(),
+ "§5§lVERY RARE DROP! {2}§r§7\\(§r§9Bane of Arthropods VI§r§7\\) (.+)".toPattern(),
- //mystery box
- message.matchRegex("§b✦ §r.* §r§7found a §r§e.* §r§bMystery Box§r§7!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§b✦ §r.* §r§7found (a|an) §r.* §r§7in a §r§a(Holiday )?Mystery Box§r§7!") -> true
+ //Enderman
+ "§b§lRARE DROP! §r§7\\(§r§f§r§7(.*)x §r§f§r§aTwilight Arrow Poison§r§7\\) (.*)".toPattern(),
+ "§5§lVERY RARE DROP! {2}§r§7\\(§r§fMana Steal I§r§7\\) (.*)".toPattern(),
+ "§5§lVERY RARE DROP! {2}§r§7\\(§r§f§r§5Sinful Dice§r§7\\) (.*)".toPattern(),
+ "§9§lVERY RARE DROP! {2}§r§7\\(§r§f§r§9Null Atom§r§7\\) (.*)".toPattern(),
+ "§9§lVERY RARE DROP! {2}§r§7\\(§r§f§r§5Transmission Tuner§r§7\\) (.*)".toPattern(),
+ "§9§lVERY RARE DROP! {2}§r§7\\(§r§fMana Steal I§r§7\\) (.*)".toPattern(),
+ "§9§lVERY RARE DROP! {2}§r§7\\(§r§f§r§5◆ Endersnake Rune I§r§7\\) (.*)".toPattern(),
+ "§d§lCRAZY RARE DROP! {2}§r§7\\(§r§f§r§fPocket Espresso Machine§r§7\\) (.*)".toPattern(),
+ "§5§lVERY RARE DROP! {2}§r§7\\(§r§f§r§5◆ End Rune I§r§7\\) (.*)".toPattern(),
+ "§5§lVERY RARE DROP! {2}§r§7\\(§r§f§r§6Hazmat Enderman§r§7\\) .*".toPattern(),
- //prototype
- message.contains("§r§6§lWelcome to the Prototype Lobby§r") -> true
- message == " §r§f§l➤ §r§6You have reached your Hype limit! Add Hype to Prototype Lobby minigames by right-clicking with the Hype Diamond!" -> true
+ //Blaze
+ "§9§lVERY RARE DROP! {2}§r§7\\(§r§f§r§fWisp's Ice-Flavored Water I Splash Potion§r§7\\) (.*)".toPattern(),
+ "§b§lRARE DROP! §r§7\\(§r§f§r§5Bundle of Magma Arrows§r§7\\) (.*)".toPattern(),
+ "§9§lVERY RARE DROP! {2}§r§7\\(§r§f§r§7\\d+x §r§f§r§9(Glowstone|Blaze Rod|Magma Cream|Nether Wart) Distillate§r§7\\) (.*)".toPattern()
+ )
+ // Useless Drop
+ private val uselessDropPatterns = listOf(
+ "§6§lRARE DROP! §r§aEnchanted Ender Pearl (.*)".toPattern(),
+ "§6§lRARE DROP! §r§fCarrot (.*)".toPattern(),
+ "§6§lRARE DROP! §r§fPotato (.*)".toPattern(),
+ "§6§lRARE DROP! §r§9Machine Gun Bow (.*)".toPattern(),
+ "§6§lRARE DROP! §r§5Earth Shard (.*)".toPattern(),
+ "§6§lRARE DROP! §r§5Zombie Lord Chestplate (.*)".toPattern()
+ )
+ private val uselessDropMessages = listOf(
+ "§6§lRARE DROP! §r§aEnchanted Ender Pearl",
+ "§6§lRARE DROP! §r§aEnchanted End Stone",
+ "§6§lRARE DROP! §r§5Crystal Fragment",
+ )
+ // Useless Notification
+ private val uselessNotificationPatterns = listOf(
+ "§aYou tipped (\\d+) (player|players)!".toPattern()
+ )
+ private val uselessNotificationMessages = listOf(
+ "§eYour previous §r§6Plasmaflux Power Orb §r§ewas removed!",
+ "§aYou used your §r§6Mining Speed Boost §r§aPickaxe Ability!",
+ "§cYour Mining Speed Boost has expired!",
+ "§a§r§6Mining Speed Boost §r§ais now available!",
+ )
+ // Party
+ private val partyMessages = listOf(
+ "§9§m-----------------------------------------------------"
+ )
+ // MONEY
+ // Auction House
+ private val auctionHouseMessages = listOf(
+ "§b-----------------------------------------------------", "§eVisit the Auction House to collect your item!"
+ )
+ // Bazaar
+ private val bazaarPatterns = listOf(
+ "§eBuy Order Setup! §r§a(.*)§r§7x (.*) §r§7for §r§6(.*) coins§r§7.".toPattern(),
+ "§eSell Offer Setup! §r§a(.*)§r§7x (.*) §r§7for §r§6(.*) coins§r§7.".toPattern(),
+ "§cCancelled! §r§7Refunded §r§6(.*) coins §r§7from cancelling buy order!".toPattern(),
+ "§cCancelled! §r§7Refunded §r§a(.*)§r§7x (.*) §r§7from cancelling sell offer!".toPattern()
+ )
+ // Winter Island
+ private val winterIslandPatterns = listOf(
+ "§r§f☃ §r§7§r(.*) §r§7mounted a §r§fSnow Cannon§r§7!".toPattern()
+ )
+ // Useless Warning
+ private val uselessWarningMessages = listOf(
+ "§cYou are sending commands too fast! Please slow down.", // TODO prevent in the future
+ "§cYou can't use this while in combat!",
+ "§cYou can not modify your equipped armor set!",
+ "§cPlease wait a few seconds between refreshing!",
+ "§cThis item is not salvageable!", // TODO prevent in the future
+ "§cPlace a Dungeon weapon or armor piece above the anvil to salvage it!",
+ "§cWhoa! Slow down there!",
+ "§cWait a moment before confirming!",
+ "§cYou cannot open the SkyBlock menu while in combat!"
+ )
+ // Annoying Spam
+ private val annoyingSpamPatterns = listOf(
+ "§7Your Implosion hit (.*) for §r§c(.*) §r§7damage.".toPattern(),
+ "§7Your Molten Wave hit (.*) for §r§c(.*) §r§7damage.".toPattern()
+ )
+ private val annoyingSpamMessages = listOf(
+ "§cThere are blocks in the way!",
+ "§aYour Blessing enchant got you double drops!",
+ "§cYou can't use the wardrobe in combat!",
+ "§6§lGOOD CATCH! §r§bYou found a §r§fFish Bait§r§b.",
+ "§6§lGOOD CATCH! §r§bYou found a §r§aGrand Experience Bottle§r§b.",
+ "§6§lGOOD CATCH! §r§bYou found a §r§aBlessed Bait§r§b.",
+ "§6§lGOOD CATCH! §r§bYou found a §r§fDark Bait§r§b.",
+ "§6§lGOOD CATCH! §r§bYou found a §r§fLight Bait§r§b.",
+ "§6§lGOOD CATCH! §r§bYou found a §r§aHot Bait§r§b.",
+ "§6§lGOOD CATCH! §r§bYou found a §r§fSpooky Bait§r§b."
+ )
+ // Winter Gift
+ private val winterGiftPatterns = listOf(
+ // winter gifts useless
+ "§f§lCOMMON! §r§3.* XP §r§egift with §r.*§r§e!".toPattern(),
+ "(§f§lCOMMON|§9§lRARE)! §r.* XP Boost .* Potion §r.*§r§e!".toPattern(),
+ "(§f§lCOMMON|§9§lRARE)! §r§6.* coins §r§egift with §r.*§r§e!".toPattern(),
+ // enchanted book
+ "§9§lRARE! §r§9Scavenger IV §r§egift with §r.*§r§e!".toPattern(),
+ "§9§lRARE! §r§9Looting IV §r§egift with §r.*§r§e!".toPattern(),
+ "§9§lRARE! §r§9Luck VI §r§egift with §r.*§r§e!".toPattern(),
+ // minion skin
+ "§e§lSWEET! §r§f(Grinch|Santa|Gingerbread Man) Minion Skin §r§egift with §r.*§r§e!".toPattern(),
+ // rune
+ "§9§lRARE! §r§f◆ Ice Rune §r§egift with §r.*§r§e!".toPattern(),
+ // furniture
+ "§e§lSWEET! §r§fTall Holiday Tree §r§egift with §r.*§r§e!".toPattern(),
+ "§e§lSWEET! §r§fNutcracker §r§egift with §r.*§r§e!".toPattern(),
+ "§e§lSWEET! §r§fPresent Stack §r§egift with §r.*§r§e!".toPattern(),
+ "§e§lSWEET! §r§9(Winter|Battle) Disc §r§egift with §r.*§r§e!".toPattern(),
+ // winter gifts a bit useful
+ "§e§lSWEET! §r§9Winter Sack §r§egift with §r.*§r§e!".toPattern(),
+ "§e§lSWEET! §r§5Snow Suit .* §r§egift with §r.*§r§e!".toPattern(),
+ // winter gifts not your gifts
+ "§cThis gift is for §r.*§r§c, sorry!".toPattern()
+ )
+ // Powder Mining
+ private val powderMiningPatterns = listOf(
+ "§cYou need a stronger tool to mine (Amethyst|Ruby|Jade|Amber|Sapphire|Topaz) Gemstone Block§r§c.".toPattern(),
+ "§aYou received §r§f\\d* §r§f[❤❈☘⸕✎✧] §r§fRough (Ruby|Amethyst|Jade|Amber|Sapphire|Topaz) Gemstone§r§a\\.".toPattern(),
+ "§aYou received §r§f\\d §r§a[❤❈☘⸕✎✧] §r§aFlawed (Ruby|Amethyst|Jade|Amber|Sapphire|Topaz) Gemstone§r§a\\.".toPattern(),
+ // Jungle
+ "§aYou received §r§f\\d* §r§aSludge Juice§r§a\\.".toPattern(),
+ // Useful, maybe in another chat
+ "§aYou received §r§b\\+\\d{1,3} §r§a(Mithril|Gemstone) Powder.".toPattern(),
+ "§aYou received §r(§6|§b)\\+[1-2] (Diamond|Gold) Essence".toPattern()
+ )
+ private val powderMiningMessages = listOf(
+ "§aYou uncovered a treasure chest!",
+ "§aYou received §r§f1 §r§aWishing Compass§r§a.",
+ "§aYou received §r§f1 §r§9Ascension Rope§r§a.",
+ // Jungle
+ "§aYou received §r§f1 §r§aOil Barrel§r§a.",
+ // Useful, maybe in another chat
+ "§6You have successfully picked the lock on this chest!"
+ )
+ private val patternsMap: Map<String, List<Pattern>> = mapOf(
+ "lobby" to lobbyPatterns,
+ "warping" to warpingPatterns,
+ "guild_exp" to guildExpPatterns,
+ "kill_combo" to killComboPatterns,
+ "slayer" to slayerPatterns,
+ "slayer_drop" to slayerDropPatterns,
+ "useless_drop" to uselessDropPatterns,
+ "useless_notification" to uselessNotificationPatterns,
+ "money" to bazaarPatterns,
+ "winter_island" to winterIslandPatterns,
+ "annoying_spam" to annoyingSpamPatterns,
+ "winter_gift" to winterGiftPatterns,
+ "powder_mining" to powderMiningPatterns
+ )
+ private val messagesMap: Map<String, List<String>> = mapOf(
+ "lobby" to lobbyMessages,
+ "warping" to warpingMessages,
+ "welcome" to welcomeMessages,
+ "kill_combo" to killComboMessages,
+ "bz_ah_minis" to miniBazaarAndAHMessages,
+ "slayer" to slayerMessages,
+ "useless_drop" to uselessDropMessages,
+ "useless_notification" to uselessNotificationMessages,
+ "party" to partyMessages,
+ "money" to auctionHouseMessages,
+ "useless_warning" to uselessWarningMessages,
+ "annoying_spam" to annoyingSpamMessages,
+ "powder_mining" to powderMiningMessages
+ )
+ private val messagesContainsMap: Map<String, List<String>> = mapOf(
+ "lobby" to lobbyMessagesContains,
+ )
+ private val messagesStartsWithMap: Map<String, List<String>> = mapOf(
+ "slayer" to slayerMessageStartWith,
+ "profile_join" to profileJoinMessageStartsWith
+ )
+ /// </editor-fold>
- //hypixel tournament notifications
- message.contains("§r§e§6§lHYPIXEL§e is hosting a §b§lBED WARS DOUBLES§e tournament!") -> true
- message.contains("§r§e§6§lHYPIXEL BED WARS DOUBLES§e tournament is live!") -> true
+ @SubscribeEvent
+ fun onChatMessage(event: LorenzChatEvent) {
+ val blockReason = block(event.message)
+ if (blockReason == "") return
- //other
- message.contains("§aYou are still radiating with §bGenerosity§r§a!") -> true
- else -> false
+ event.blockedReason = blockReason
- private fun isGuildExp(message: String) =
- // §aYou earned §r§22 GEXP §r§afrom playing SkyBlock!
- // §aYou earned §r§22 GEXP §r§a+ §r§c210 Event EXP §r§afrom playing SkyBlock!
- message.matchRegex("§aYou earned §r§2.* GEXP (§r§a\\+ §r§.* Event EXP )?§r§afrom playing SkyBlock!")
- private fun welcome(message: String): Boolean = message == "§eWelcome to §r§aHypixel SkyBlock§r§e!"
- private fun warping(message: String) = when {
- message.matchRegex("§7Sending to server (.*)\\.\\.\\.") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§7Request join for Hub (.*)\\.\\.\\.") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§7Request join for Dungeon Hub #(.*)\\.\\.\\.") -> true
- message == "§7Warping..." -> true
- message == "§7Warping you to your SkyBlock island..." -> true
- message == "§7Warping using transfer token..." -> true
- //visiting other players
- message == "§7Finding player..." -> true
- message == "§7Sending a visit request..." -> true
- //warp portals on public islands (canvas room – flower house, election room – community center, void sepulture – the end)
- message.matchRegex("§dWarped to (.*)§r§d!") -> true
- else -> false
+ /**
+ * Checks if the message should be blocked
+ * @param message The message to check
+ * @return The reason why the message was blocked, empty if not blocked
+ */
+ private fun block(message: String): String = when {
+ config.hypixelHub && message.isPresent("lobby") -> "lobby"
+ config.empty && isEmpty(message) -> "empty"
+ config.warping && message.isPresent("warping") -> "warping"
+ config.welcome && message.isPresent("welcome") -> "welcome"
+ config.guildExp && message.isPresent("guild_exp") -> "guild_exp"
+ config.killCombo && message.isPresent("kill_combo") -> "kill_combo"
+ config.profileJoin && message.isPresent("profile_join") -> "profile_join"
+ config.others && isOthers(message) -> othersMsg
+ config.winterGift && message.isPresent("winter_gift") -> "winter_gift"
+ config.powderMining && message.isPresent("powder_mining") -> "powder_mining"
+ else -> ""
- private fun empty(message: String) = message.removeColor().trimWhiteSpaceAndResets().isEmpty()
- private fun isWinterGift(message: String) = when {
- //winter gifts useless
- message.matchRegex("§f§lCOMMON! §r§3.* XP §r§egift with §r.*§r§e!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("(§f§lCOMMON|§9§lRARE)! §r.* XP Boost .* Potion §r.*§r§e!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("(§f§lCOMMON|§9§lRARE)! §r§6.* coins §r§egift with §r.*§r§e!") -> true
- //enchanted book
- message.matchRegex("§9§lRARE! §r§9Scavenger IV §r§egift with §r.*§r§e!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§9§lRARE! §r§9Looting IV §r§egift with §r.*§r§e!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§9§lRARE! §r§9Luck VI §r§egift with §r.*§r§e!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§e§lSWEET! §r§f(Grinch|Santa|Gingerbread Man) Minion Skin §r§egift with §r.*§r§e!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§9§lRARE! §r§f◆ Ice Rune §r§egift with §r.*§r§e!") -> true
- //furniture
- message.matchRegex("§e§lSWEET! §r§fTall Holiday Tree §r§egift with §r.*§r§e!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§e§lSWEET! §r§fNutcracker §r§egift with §r.*§r§e!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§e§lSWEET! §r§fPresent Stack §r§egift with §r.*§r§e!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§e§lSWEET! §r§9(Winter|Battle) Disc §r§egift with §r.*§r§e!") -> true
- //winter gifts a bit useful
- message.matchRegex("§e§lSWEET! §r§9Winter Sack §r§egift with §r.*§r§e!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§e§lSWEET! §r§5Snow Suit .* §r§egift with §r.*§r§e!") -> true
- //winter gifts not your gifts
- message.matchRegex("§cThis gift is for §r.*§r§c, sorry!") -> true
- else -> false
+ /**
+ * Checks if the message is an empty message
+ * @param message The message to check
+ * @return True if the message is empty
+ */
+ private fun isEmpty(message: String) = message.removeColor().trimWhiteSpaceAndResets().isEmpty()
+ private var othersMsg = ""
+ /**
+ * Checks if the message is an "other" message.
+ * Will also set the variable othersMsg to the reason why the message was blocked,
+ * so that it can be used in the block function.
+ * @param message The message to check
+ * @return True if the message is part of "other"
+ * @see othersMsg
+ * @see block
+ */
+ private fun isOthers(message: String): Boolean {
+ othersMsg = when {
+ message.isPresent("bz_ah_minis") -> "bz_ah_minis"
+ message.isPresent("slayer") -> "slayer"
+ message.isPresent("slayer_drop") -> "slayer_drop"
+ message.isPresent("useless_drop") -> "useless_drop"
+ message.isPresent("useless_notification") -> "useless_notification"
+ message.isPresent("party") -> "party"
+ message.isPresent("money") -> "money"
+ message.isPresent("winter_island") -> "winter_island"
+ message.isPresent("useless_warning") -> "useless_warning"
+ message.isPresent("annoying_spam") -> "annoying_spam"
+ else -> ""
+ }
+ return othersMsg != ""
- private fun isPowderMining(message: String) = when {
- message.matchRegex("§cYou need a stronger tool to mine (Amethyst|Ruby|Jade|Amber|Sapphire|Topaz) Gemstone Block§r§c.") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§aYou received §r§f\\d* §r§f[❤❈☘⸕✎✧] §r§fRough (Ruby|Amethyst|Jade|Amber|Sapphire|Topaz) Gemstone§r§a\\.") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§aYou received §r§f\\d §r§a[❤❈☘⸕✎✧] §r§aFlawed (Ruby|Amethyst|Jade|Amber|Sapphire|Topaz) Gemstone§r§a\\.") -> true
- message == "§aYou uncovered a treasure chest!" -> true
- message == "§aYou received §r§f1 §r§aWishing Compass§r§a." -> true
- message == "§aYou received §r§f1 §r§9Ascension Rope§r§a." -> true
- //Jungle
- message.matchRegex("§aYou received §r§f\\d* §r§aSludge Juice§r§a\\.") -> true
- message == "§aYou received §r§f1 §r§aOil Barrel§r§a." -> true
- //Useful, maybe in another chat
- message.matchRegex("§aYou received §r§b\\+\\d{1,3} §r§a(Mithril|Gemstone) Powder.") -> true
- message == "§6You have successfully picked the lock on this chest!" -> true
- message.matchRegex("§aYou received §r(§6|§b)\\+[1-2] (Diamond|Gold) Essence") -> true
- else -> false
+ /**
+ * Checks if the message is present in the list of messages or patterns
+ * Checks against four maps that compare in different ways.
+ * @receiver message The message to check
+ * @param key The key of the list to check
+ * @return True if the message is present in any of the maps
+ * @see messagesMap
+ * @see patternsMap
+ * @see messagesContainsMap
+ * @see messagesStartsWithMap
+ */
+ private fun String.isPresent(key: String): Boolean {
+ return this in (messagesMap[key] ?: emptyList()) ||
+ (patternsMap[key] ?: emptyList()).any { it.matchMatcher(this) { } != null } ||
+ (messagesContainsMap[key] ?: emptyList()).any { this.contains(it) } ||
+ (messagesStartsWithMap[key] ?: emptyList()).any { this.startsWith(it) }