path: root/CHANGELOG.md
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-09-30added first daggerhannibal2
2022-09-30fixed damage indicatorhannibal2
2022-09-29added fixes to CHANGELOG.mdhannibal2
2022-09-29right dagger overlayhannibal2
2022-09-28stats tuninghannibal2
2022-09-25more slayer stuffhannibal2
2022-09-25see thunder in lavahannibal2
2022-09-25set dev to 0.10.1 and added Lord Jawbus to damage indicatorhannibal2
2022-09-24released 0.10hannibal2
2022-09-24slayer quest warnings and slayer dropshannibal2
2022-09-24fire pit warninghannibal2
2022-09-24fire pillar sound and entitieshannibal2
2022-09-23blaze slayer featureshannibal2
2022-09-23changed version to 0.9.1hannibal2
2022-09-23Added hide armorhannibal2
2022-09-17released 0.9hannibal2
2022-09-17changed changeloghannibal2
2022-09-17added player chat filterhannibal2
2022-09-17mark players in chathannibal2
2022-09-17added sound to clean endhannibal2
2022-09-16add Hide Healer Fairy and optimize wordinghannibal2
2022-09-16add Hide Healer Orbshannibal2
2022-09-16fixed vanilla items not being sellable to npchannibal2
2022-09-16added support for SBA chat icon featureshannibal2
2022-09-16added support for links in player chathannibal2
2022-09-16added support for links in player chathannibal2
2022-09-14added Thunder to damage indicator and added Thunder Spark HighlightLorenz
2022-09-14add Hide Mob Names and Hide Damage SplashLorenz
2022-09-14change orderLorenz
2022-09-12released 0.8Lorenz
2022-09-12edited features order and made better wordingLorenz
2022-09-11Fixed summoning mobs display don't track mobs when moving too fast while spaw...Lorenz
2022-09-11Fixed some bazaar items in best sell method.Lorenz
2022-09-10Added more player chat format options (show all channel prefix, hide player r...Lorenz
2022-09-10Added damage indicator for diana mobs.Lorenz
2022-09-08Added msg support to fancy chat format.Lorenz
2022-09-08updated config structure from neuLorenz
2022-09-08Merge pull request #3jani270
2022-09-08fixed LorenzLogger printing output into consoleLorenz
2022-09-07better wordingLorenz
2022-09-07Changed the ashfang gravity orb highlight from square to cylinderLorenz
2022-09-07Added circle around the player when having the Fire Veil Wand ability runningLorenz
2022-09-07Fixed enchanted books in bazaar.Lorenz
2022-09-07Hiding the flame particles when using the Fire Veil Wand ability.Lorenz
2022-09-070.7 (#2)hannibal2
2022-09-04finished 0.6Lorenz