path: root/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/config
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-01-21Add locations for reputation quests, mini bosses and kuudra fight.hannibal2
2023-01-19Better wording.hannibal2
2023-01-19Restructuring the fishing category.hannibal2
2023-01-19Added Hide Silver Duplicates.hannibal2
2023-01-19Better descriptions for the config categories.hannibal2
2023-01-18Added DailyKuudraBossHelper.hannibal2
2023-01-18Added Shark Fish Counter.hannibal2
2023-01-17Added alert sound to barn fishing timer.hannibal2
2023-01-17Added barn timer.hannibal2
2023-01-16Fixed QuestLoader not working for Barbarians and Typo.hannibal2
2023-01-15Added toggle config.hannibal2
2023-01-15Merge branch 'dev' into crimson_isle_reputationhannibal2
2023-01-15Added console filter 'Couldn't download http texture'.hannibal2
2023-01-15Added config save. Removed debugs.hannibal2
2023-01-13Add test command /shstoplistenershannibal2
2023-01-13Updated to 0.14.1 and Bazaar stuff. (#8)Forrick
2023-01-07Added minion name display.hannibal2
2023-01-07Add Brewing Stand Overlay.hannibal2
2023-01-07replaced "text to render" to "display"hannibal2
2023-01-07Create misc package for the features.hannibal2
2023-01-07Compact Bingo and Potion Effect chat messages.hannibal2
2023-01-06Added /shtrackcollection.hannibal2
2022-12-30Adds a visual highlight to the Croesus inventory that shows what chests have ...hannibal2
2022-12-29Saves missing items from cancelled buy orders to clipboard for faster re-entry.hannibal2
2022-12-29Adding wishing compass uses amount display.hannibal2
2022-12-29added event timings print for debughannibal2
2022-12-27Add catacombs class level color to party finderhannibal2
2022-12-27Add two more chat filter categories: Powder Mining and Winter Giftshannibal2
2022-12-27moved to version 0.13 and implemented better chat prefix logichannibal2
2022-11-05Bonzo's Mask Timer (#7)Roman / Linnea Gräf
2022-11-05Chat peeking (#6)Roman / Linnea Gräf
2022-10-08changed interop to kotlinhannibal2
2022-10-08Rename .java to .kthannibal2
2022-10-08bigger blaze slayer warning text, hide event exp message, fixed wrong blaze s...hannibal2
2022-10-04updated to 0.12.2 and made forge mod list button workhannibal2
2022-10-03Warps to the nearest warp point on the hub, if closer to the next burrow.hannibal2
2022-10-03added diana featureshannibal2
2022-10-02moved orderhannibal2
2022-10-01fixed blaze slayer pillar hiderhannibal2
2022-10-01removed some @JvmStatic callshannibal2
2022-10-01hide icons circling around ashfanghannibal2
2022-10-01hide vanilla names near damage indicatorhannibal2
2022-10-01rename ashfang featureshannibal2
2022-10-01added MilleniaAgedBlazeColorhannibal2
2022-10-01add all particles to hide in ashfang and blaze featureshannibal2
2022-09-30wrong blaze dagger chathannibal2
2022-09-30added BlazeSlayerClearViewhannibal2
2022-09-30added first daggerhannibal2
2022-09-29right dagger overlayhannibal2