path: root/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/fishing
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-06-02F MobEvent.Spawnhannibal2
2024-05-31Fix: Add stranded check for trophy fish display (#1966)HiZe
2024-05-29code cleanuphannibal2
2024-05-29Improvement + Fix: Sea Creature Alert (#1858)Empa
2024-05-29auto updating trophy fish display on neu data loadhannibal2
2024-05-29fixed trophy fish onlyShowMissing logichannibal2
2024-05-29fixed trophy fish display shows checks everywherehannibal2
2024-05-29Feature: Trophy Fish Display (#1754)hannibal2
2024-05-26Backend: Convert stuff to SimpleTimeMark (#1777)CalMWolfs
2024-05-26Backend: RegexUtils (#1854)CalMWolfs
2024-05-26Fix Typos (#1897)Thunderblade73
2024-05-24Backend: GetOrPut in TimeLimitedCache (#1875)Empa
2024-05-13Improvement: performance in various ways (#1782)hannibal2
2024-05-08Backend: Text API (#1718)Brady
2024-05-04Fix: Grammar within FishingProfitTracker.kt (#1678)raaaaaven
2024-04-24Backend: Replace Internal Commands (#1522)hannibal2
2024-04-18Cleanup (#1485)Thunderblade73
2024-04-15Fix: Fixed Totem of Corruption Overlay not getting cleared on disable (#1449)J10a1n15
2024-04-12code cleanuphannibal2
2024-04-10Backend: Remove some more deprecated functions and misc code cleanup (#1402)CalMWolfs
2024-04-09Backend: Switch from LorenzUtils.inDungeons to DungeonAPI.inDungeon() (#1378)J10a1n15
2024-04-07Backend: Remove a lot of deprecated code (#1371)CalMWolfs
2024-04-05Fix: Small performance boost (#1365)CalMWolfs
2024-04-03Fix: Don't check for thunder sparks when not needed (#1345)CalMWolfs
2024-04-03Backend: Make all event names uniform (#1290)CalMWolfs
2024-03-26Feature: Pest Waypoint (#1268)Empa
2024-03-24Improvement: Added wireframe as Totem of Corruption outline (#1248)J10a1n15
2024-03-23Feature: Totem Of Corruption Overlay & Effective Area (#1139)J10a1n15
2024-03-22Backend: ChatClickActionManager (#1128)hannibal2
2024-03-22Improvement: Load Trophy Fishing from NEU (#1123)hannibal2
2024-03-21contest --> festival (#1222)Empa
2024-03-16Feature: Custom fishing hook alert text (#1169)Empa
2024-03-11Backend: RenderEntityLiving performance fix (#1127)Thunderblade73
2024-03-09Fixed not using ordinal correctly at trophy fishinghannibal2
2024-03-07removed optional nullable extension functionhannibal2
2024-03-07funny code duplicationhannibal2
2024-03-07Internal Change: Code cleanup in FishingAPI (#1056)hannibal2
2024-03-07Interlal Change: Code cleanup (#1113)hannibal2
2024-03-06Internal Changes: Many small code cleanups (#1101)hannibal2
2024-03-06Backend: Reformat code in all files in src directory (#1109)CalMWolfs
2024-02-26Fixed fishing trackers appearing when rod swapping. Fixed fishing bait change...hannibal2
2024-02-26Geyser fixes + fishingAPI #1054Obsidian
2024-02-20Fixed adding drops to Fishing Profit Tracker while not actually fishing.hannibal2
2024-02-20Fishing Tracker using SH Repo over NEU recipes. (#1026)hannibal2
2024-02-19improved readabilityhannibal2
2024-02-19Fixed fishing profit tracker stop working when trophy fishing for 10 minutes.hannibal2
2024-02-19Fix Sheep pet triggering geyser box and fixed particles being permanently hid...Empa
2024-02-16Moved many regex patterns in the repo and code cleanup. #871CalMWolfs
2024-02-16Crimson Isle Volcano Geyser features. #980MrFast
2024-02-16Clean up string pluralization methods. #975alexia