path: root/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-05-08Feature: Replace Roman Numerals with Arabic Numerals (#1722)Mikecraft1224
2024-05-08Fix: Spaces in chat formatting (#1704)hannibal2
2024-05-08Improvement: Don't hide Maeve dialogue (#1742)Luna
2024-05-08Fix: Upgrade warning showing when no upgrade possible (#1741)CalMWolfs
2024-05-08no more debughannibal2
2024-05-08fixed glacite pattern in tunnel mapshannibal2
2024-05-08code cleanuphannibal2
2024-05-08Improvement + Fix: More Hoppity Waypoint options (#1739)hannibal2
2024-05-08Backend: Text API (#1718)Brady
2024-05-08Improvement: Compatibility with Architect Draft and copy & paste from chat. (...raaaaaven
2024-05-08Hotfix: Custom Scoreboard Issue with transparency or smth (#1730)J10a1n15
2024-05-07Improvement: made the garden chat message clickable (#1723)hannibal2
2024-05-07Fix: Farming tool detection (#1692)hannibal2
2024-05-07Feature: Tunnels maps (#1546)Thunderblade73
2024-05-07Feature: Mining Commissions Blocks Color (#1701)hannibal2
2024-05-07Fix: Fixed more Double Objective Instances in Custom Scoreboard (#1731)J10a1n15
2024-05-07Fix: showing time to upgrade when maxed (#1727)CalMWolfs
2024-05-07Fix: Rift Hay Eaten Scoreboard Line (#1721)Empa
2024-05-07Fix: Time to prestige being wrong the second after using time tower (#1726)CalMWolfs
2024-05-06no warnings in mineshafthannibal2
2024-05-06Improvement: Open rng inv via the Display (#1694)Thunderblade73
2024-05-06Backend: better error detection in enchant parser (#1634)hannibal2
2024-05-06Backend: Enum in GardenCropMilestoneDisplay (#1535)hannibal2
2024-05-06Backend: Migrate and Simplify SkyBlockTime.kt from NEU -> SkyHanni (#1710)Walker Selby
2024-05-06Feature: Hide solo class, solo class stats and fairy dialogue messages (#1702)raaaaaven
2024-05-06Feature: Hide tooltips while in the Harp. (#1700)raaaaaven
2024-05-06Fix: gardencropmilestonefix triggering on skills (#1703)martimavocado
2024-05-06added regex testshannibal2
2024-05-06Fix: Active Effects in Compact Tab List always showing 0 (#1706)Luna
2024-05-06Adjust Hoppity's Hunt not active message (#1711)Walker Selby
2024-05-05Improvement: Royal Pigeon Ability Cooldown (#1705)Jordyrat
2024-05-04Fix: Another Instance of double Objectives (#1697)J10a1n15
2024-05-04Fix: Crop Milestone Tab List (#1693)hannibal2
2024-05-04Fix: Pluralize negative changes (#1686)CalMWolfs
2024-05-04Fix: Filter out colour codes correctly (#1685)CalMWolfs
2024-05-04Fix: Raw per second being wrong sometimes (#1683)CalMWolfs
2024-05-04fix have amounthannibal2
2024-05-04Fix: Reputation Helper wrong miniboss amount (#1633)hannibal2
2024-05-04Fix: Some cases where egg locator solver would trigger incorrectly (#1689)CalMWolfs
2024-05-04Fix: inventory hotkeys hotbar item move behaviour (#1690)hannibal2
2024-05-04Improvement: line to hoppity guess (#1669)hannibal2
2024-05-04Improvement: egg hunt include note (#1675)hannibal2
2024-05-04Improvement: Show during contest (#1670)hannibal2
2024-05-04Improvement: Duplicate Rabbit Time (#1671)hannibal2
2024-05-04Improvement: Add Incoming Tablist Event to Custom Scoreboard (#1666)J10a1n15
2024-05-04Fix: Quiver Warning (#1629)hannibal2
2024-05-04Fix: chat click and hover (#1680)hannibal2
2024-05-04Fix: Grammar within FishingProfitTracker.kt (#1678)raaaaaven
2024-05-04Fix: Vanilla Scoreboard not reappearing when leaving SkyBlock (#1673)J10a1n15