path: root/src/main
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-06-27Merge pull request #262Valo
2023-06-27Merge pull request #261HiZe_
2023-06-27Merge pull request #257CalMWolfs
2023-06-27add options to enigma soul waypoints (#268)hannibal2
2023-06-25Merge pull request #254hannibal2
2023-06-25used java pojo object for EnigmaSoulshannibal2
2023-06-24Showed lightning timer above volts instead of as titlehannibal2
2023-06-24fixed Assertion failed errorhannibal2
2023-06-24code cleanuphannibal2
2023-06-24Merge pull request #256Roman / Linnea Gräf
2023-06-24Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/beta' into betahannibal2
2023-06-24changed creditshannibal2
2023-06-24Merge pull request #255Roman / Linnea Gräf
2023-06-24removing other thing, using middle clickCalMWolfs
2023-06-24kinda more doneCalMWolfs
2023-06-23add enigma soul waypointsCalMWolfs
2023-06-23beta 2hannibal2
2023-06-23Merge pull request #242hannibal2
2023-06-23formatting changeshannibal2
2023-06-23Added Leech Supreme to Damage Indicatorhannibal2
2023-06-23Merge branch 'hannibal002:beta' into frozen_treasure_trackerCalMWolfs
2023-06-23Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/frozen_treasure_tracker' into frozen_tre...CalMWolfs
2023-06-23fixed upCalMWolfs
2023-06-23Fixed rare error with estimated wardrobe pricehannibal2
2023-06-23Fixed maxed rift time being off after teleporting out of wizard portal using ...hannibal2
2023-06-22removed debughannibal2
2023-06-22Added Agaricus Cap countdownhannibal2
2023-06-22Added Odonatas Highlighterhannibal2
2023-06-22potential fix for the futurehannibal2
2023-06-22Added larva Hook uses display to item number featurehannibal2
2023-06-22Added Larvas Highlighthannibal2
2023-06-22code cleanuphannibal2
2023-06-22Fixed Shy warning problem with not using main threadhannibal2
2023-06-22sending the normal stack trace in the console as normalhannibal2
2023-06-22Fixed Pocket Sack-In-A-Sack Replace In Lore v2hannibal2
2023-06-22reset rift time on world switchhannibal2
2023-06-22Fixed Pocket Sack-In-A-Sack Replace In Lorehannibal2
2023-06-22beta 1hannibal2
2023-06-22Fixed the error message with HEMOVIBE not found in NEU Repohannibal2
2023-06-22added creditshannibal2
2023-06-22Added wizard warp as diana waypointhannibal2
2023-06-22Added rift guide highlight to also work with Enigma Soulshannibal2
2023-06-22Shy Warning (#251)CalMWolfs
2023-06-22Merge branch 'beta' into frozen_treasure_trackerCalMWolfs
2023-06-22Add Rift Highlight Guidehannibal2
2023-06-22Merge pull request #247CalMWolfs
2023-06-22carrot message (#249)CalMWolfs
2023-06-22add rift (#250)CalMWolfs
2023-06-22small bazaar changeshannibal2
2023-06-22Added rift timerhannibal2