import com.intellij.codeInsight.intention.PsiElementBaseIntentionAction import com.intellij.codeInsight.intention.preview.IntentionPreviewInfo import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Editor import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile import com.intellij.psi.util.findParentOfType import liveplugin.openInBrowser import liveplugin.registerIntention import import org.intellij.markdown.html.urlEncode import org.jetbrains.kotlin.kdoc.psi.api.KDoc import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.* // depends-on-plugin org.jetbrains.kotlin registerIntention(RenameKotlinFunctionToUseCamelCaseIntention()) if (!isIdeStartup) show("Reloaded Regex intentions") val logger = Logger.getInstance("SkyHanni") val regexTestPrefix = "REGEX-TEST: " class RegexInfo( val regex: KtValueArgument, val comment: KDoc?, ) { fun getRegexText(): String? { val templateExpr = regex.getArgumentExpression() as? KtStringTemplateExpression ?: return null val sb = StringBuilder() for (x in templateExpr.entries) { when (x) { is KtEscapeStringTemplateEntry -> sb.append(x.unescapedValue) is KtLiteralStringTemplateEntry -> sb.append(x.text) else -> return null } } return sb.toString() } val commentText by lazy { comment?.text ?.replace("/*", "") ?.replace("*/", "") ?.lines() ?.map { it.trim().trimStart('*').trim() } } fun getExamples(): List<String> { val examples = commentText?.filter { it.startsWith(regexTestPrefix) } ?.map { it.substring(regexTestPrefix.length) } if (examples == null) return listOf() return examples } } inner class RenameKotlinFunctionToUseCamelCaseIntention : PsiElementBaseIntentionAction() { override fun isAvailable(project: Project, editor: Editor?, element: PsiElement): Boolean { return findRegexInfo(element) != null } fun findRegexInfo(element: PsiElement): RegexInfo? { val call = element.findParentOfType<KtCallExpression>() ?: return null if (call.valueArguments.size != 2) return null val methodName = call.calleeExpression as? KtSimpleNameExpression ?: return null if (methodName.getReferencedName() != "pattern") return null val field = call.findParentOfType<KtProperty>() ?: return null val regex = call.valueArguments[1] ?: return null val comment = field.docComment return RegexInfo(regex, comment) } override fun invoke(project: Project, editor: Editor?, element: PsiElement) { val info = findRegexInfo(element) ?: return val regex = info.getRegexText() if (regex == null) { show("Regex needs to be a bare string literal in order to open it in the browser!") return } openInBrowser( "${urlEncode(regex)}&testString=${ urlEncode( info.getExamples().joinToString("\n") ) }" ) } override fun generatePreview(project: Project, editor: Editor, file: PsiFile): IntentionPreviewInfo { val element = getElement(editor, file) ?: return IntentionPreviewInfo.EMPTY val info = findRegexInfo(element) ?: return IntentionPreviewInfo.EMPTY val exampleCount = info.getExamples().size return IntentionPreviewInfo.Html( """ Opens this regex on with $exampleCount example${s(exampleCount)}. """ ) } override fun getText() = "Open" override fun getFamilyName() = "OpenRegexExplorerIntention" } fun s(count: Int): String { return if (count == 1) "" else "s" }