# SkyHanni - Change Log ## Version 0.20 (Unreleased) ### New Features + Replacing command `/warp is` with `/is`. + Added command `/shbingotoggle` to toggle the bingo card. + Added option to disable quick bingo card toggle with sneaking. + **King Talisman Helper** + Show kings you have not talked to yet, and when the next missing king will appear. + **Harp Keybinds** - NetheriteMiner + In Melodys Harp, press buttons with your number row on the keyboard instead of clicking. + **Ender Node Tracker** - pretz + Tracks items and profit obtained from mining ender nodes and killing normal endermen. + **Fishing timer** now works in **Crystal Hollows** as well. (Worm fishing) + Option to shorten the **bestiary level-up message**. + **Bestiary overlay** - HiZe + Options for change number format, display time, number type and hide maxed. + Highlight maxed bestiaries. + Show the names of the **4 areas** while in the center of **crystal Hollows**. + Chest Value - HiZe + Shows a list of all items and their price when inside a chest on your private island. + In Melody's Harp, show buttons as stack size. - NetheriteMiner + Intended to be used with Harp Keybinds + Added keybind to manually reset the barn/worm fishing timer. - CarsCupcake + Added timer till shared inquisitors will despawn. - hannibal2 + Account upgrade complete reminder. - appable0 + Chat message how many places you dropped in the farming weight lb when joining garden. + Added command /shfarmingprofile [player name] + Opens the elitebot.dev website in your web browser to show your Farming Weight profile. + Pet Experience Tooltip + Show the full pet exp and the progress to level 100 (ignoring rarity) when hovering over a pet while pressing shift key. + Anita Extra Farming Fortune: + Show current tier and cost to max out in the item tooltip. ### Changes + Added option to disable quick bingo card toggle with sneaking. + Made damage indicator more performant. - nea + Ghost bestiary update. - HiZe + Api error messages are now formatted more helpful. + Added option to only show the reputation helper while pressing a hotkey. + Garden **Money per Hour** now uses the **dicer drops** from melon and pumpkins as well. - CalMWolfs + Adds **Double Hook** to the **sea creature chat message** instead of in a previous line. - appable0 + Rune display now shows always in sack display. + Shark fish counter now counts twice for Double hook. - appable0 + Ghost counter check for Mist now ignores y coordiantes - HiZe + Telling the user about the bypass hotkey when the visitor drop warning blocks a visitor refusal. - CalMWolfs + Added warning sound when the worm fishing cap of 60 is hit. - CarsCupcake + Shared inquisitor waypoints will now get removed after 75 seconds. - hannibal2 + Chest Value now works with Backpack and Ender Chest. - HiZe + Only works if NEU storage is not active. + Removed distance checks when detecting sea creatures for fishing timer. - hannibal2 + Added Enchantments Cap to EstimatedItemValue. - hannibal2 + Only show the top # most expensive enchantments on an item. + Count sea emperor and rider of the deep twice against sea creature cap. + Clicking on the chat message from farming weight will run the /shfarmingprofile command. + Changed Bestiary Display number format - HiZe + Changed ff buffs for Elephant and Anita. + Changed chicken head timer from 20s to 5s. + Added option to show reputation locations only when pressing the hotkey. + Delay the custom garden level up message by a few milliseconds to not cut into the garden milestone message. + Added runic support for Zealots/Bruiser. ### Fixes + Removed `Simple Carrot Candy` from composter overlay. + Fixed croesus highlight unopened chest not working anymore. (ty hypixel) + Should not crash anymore if a file in repo is missing. + Fixed Killer Spring tower still highlighting even with the feature turned off. - HiZe + Fixed weird tuba ability cooldown not working in rift. + Fixed holy ice cooldown sometimes not working. + Fixed a rare startup crash. + Fixed Ghost stats after bestiary update. - HiZe + Watchdog hider now correctly hides empty lines as well, even when empty line hider is disabled. - appable0 + Fixed `saw mob` title for trevor trapper solver still showing even when feature is disabled. + Fixed chicken from raider of the sea get detected as trevor trapper mob. + Fixed master star detection in estimate item value broken for some times. + Fixed description in golden trophy fish info tooltip. - appable0 + Fixed End Node Tracker not updating when changing the text format. + Fixed neu repo error messages with runes. + Fixed rare crashes with scoreboard. + Fixed feature that replaces the sack stitched lore message. - hannibal2 + Fixed some typos in config descriptions and correctly rounding down in composter overlay. - CalMWolfs + Fixed a typo in an error message. - Obsidian + Fixed Chest Value fails to detect chests when using a resource pack. - HiZe + Fixed Sea Creature Timer not working on barn. - hannibal2 + Arachne boss highlighter no longer requires damage indicator to be enabled. - hannibal2 + /shtrackcollection Cactus now detects cactus green. hannibal2 + Fixed arachne minis falsely show in damage indicator. + Fixed rare cases where special laptop keys trigger behavior unintended. - hannibal2 + Fixed rendering problems with stack background and custom text lore. - nea + Hopefully fixed Derpy problems with Trevor Trapper, Arachne, Arachne Keeper and Zealots. + Fixed Anita upgrade detection from the Anita Shop inventory. + Fixed error message when clicking a finished upgrade in the community shop. ### Removed Features - Removed **Broken Wither Impact** detection. - hannibal2 - (Hypixel fixed their bug, finally) - Removed remaining **Hypixel API** support for still existing legacy api keys. - hannibal2 - This should not affect much - - Removed wishing compass in item number. - Every Wishing Compass now only has one use instead of three. ## Version 0.19 ### Rift Features + Added **Rift Timer** + Show the remaining rift time, max time, percentage, and extra time changes. + **Highlight Guide** + Highlight things to do in the Rift Guide. + Added **Shy Warning** (Contributed by CalMWolfs) + Shows a warning when a shy crux will steal your time. + Useful if you play without volume. + Added **Larvas Highlighter** + Highlight larvas on trees in Wyld Woods while holding a Larva Hook in the hand + Customize the color + Added **Odonatas Highlighter** + Highlight the small Odonatas flying around the trees while holding a Empty Odonata Bottle in the hand. + Customize the color + Added **Agaricus Cap** countdown + Counts down the time until Agaricus Cap (Mushroom) changes color from brown to red and is breakable. + Added **Leech Supreme** to Damage Indicator + Added **Volt Crux Warning** (Contributed by nea) + Shows a warning while a volt is discharging lightning + Shows the area in which a Volt might strike lightning + Change the color of the area + Change the color of the volt enemy depending on their mood (default disabled) + Added **Enigma Soul Waypoints** (Contributed by CalMWolfs) + Click on the soul name inside Rift Guide to show/hide + Added **Kloon Hacking** (Contributed by CalMWolfs) + Highlights the correct button to click in the hacking inventory + Tells you which color to pick + While wearing the helmet, waypoints will appear at each terminal location + Added **Crux Talisman Progress** Display - HiZe + Show bonuses you get from the talisman + Added existing slayer feature support for **Vampire Slayer** - HiZe + This contains RNG Meter, Slayer quest warning and Items on ground + Added item ability cooldown support for **Weirder Tuba** and **Holy Ice** - HiZe + Added **Lazer Parkour** Solver - CalMWolfs + Highlights the location of the invisible blocks in the MirrorVerse + Added Mirrorverse **Dance Room Helper** - HiZe + Helps to solve the dance room in the mirror verse by showing multiple tasks at once. + Change how many tasks you should see + Hide other players inside the dance room + Added timer before next instruction + Option to hide default title (instructions, "Keep it up!" and "It's happening!") + Fully customize the description for now, next and later (with color) + Added **Upside Down** Parkour & **Lava Maze** - hannibal2 + Helps to solve the Upside Down Parkour and Lava Maze in the mirror verse by showing the correct way + Change how many platforms should be shown in front of you + Rainbow color (optional) - nea + Hide other players while doing the parkour + Outlines the top edge of the platforms (for Upside Down Parkour only) - CalMWolfs + Added Jinxed voodoo doll ability cooldown support - HiZe + Added Polarvoid Books to estimated item value - jani + Added **Motes NPC** price in the item lore + With Burgers multiplier - HiZe + Added Motes Grubber to Not Clickable Items feature + **Living Metal Suit** Progress - HiZe + Display progress Living Metal Suit (Default disabled) + Option to show a compacted version of the overlay when the set is maxed + Added Highlight for Blobbercysts in Bacte fight in colloseum in rift - HiZe + Show a line between **Defense blocks** and the mob and highlight the blocks - hannibal2 + Hide particles around Defense Blocks + Show a moving animation between **Living Metal** and the next block - hannibal2 + Hide Living Metal particles + Highlight **flying Motes Orbs** - hannibal2 + Hide normal motes orbs particles + Added bloodfiend (vampire slayer) to Damage Indicator - HiZe + Add Bacte to Damage Indicator + Hide Not Rift-transferable items in Rift Transfer Chest as part of the hide not clickable items feature + Add npc motes sell value for current opened chest - HiZe + Vampire Slayer Feature - HiZe + Sound for twinclaws + Option to delay twinclaws notification and sound (in millis, configurable) + Draw line starting from the boss head to the Killer Spring/Blood Ichor (if the boss is highlighted) + Draw line starting from your crosshair to the boss head + Configurable to work only on your boss, on bosses hit, or on coop boss + Show locations of inactive Blood Effigy + Show effigies that are about to respawn + Show effigies without known time + Added **Wilted Berberis Helper** + Option to only show the helper while standing on Farmland blocks + Option to hide the wilted berberis particles + Added **Vampire Slayer** features in Damage Indicator + Show the amount of HP miss1ing untill the steak can be used on the vampire slayer on top of the boss. + Show a timer until the boss leaves the invicible Mania Circles state. + Show the percentage of HP next to the HP. + Added **Horsezooka Hider** + Hide horses while holding the Horsezooka in the hand. ### Other New Features + Added **Frozen Treasure Tracker** (Contributed by CalMWolfs) + Show different items collected while breaking treasures in the Glacial Cave in Jerry's Workshop + Show Ice per hour + Customizable GUI + Option to hide the chat messages + Added **Custom Text Box** - CalMWolfs + Write fancy text into a gui element to show on your screen at all time + Supports color codes + Supports line breaks `\n` - hannibal2 + Added **Highlight Commission Mobs** - hannibal2 + Highlight Mobs that are part of active commissions + Added command **/shcommands** + Show all commands in SkyHanni + Added Attribute price support to Estimated Item Value - nea + Added warning when enderman slayer beacon spawns - dragon99z + Added Highlight enderman slayer Nukekebi (Skulls) - dragon99z + Added option to hide the vanilla particles around enderman + Hide particles around enderman slayer bosses and mini bosses + Added support for Shadow Fury abilty cooldown - HiZe + Added /sendcoords sending, detecting and rendering - dragon99z + Added **Boss Spawn Warning** - HiZe + hannibal2 + Send a title when your slayer boss is about to spawn + Configurable percentage at which the title and sound should be sent + Added **Refusal Bypass Key** - HiZe + Hold a custom key to bypass the Prevent Refusing feature for visitors + Added **Farming Weight ETA Goal** - Kaeso + Override the Overtake ETA to show when you will reach the specified rank. + If not there yet + Default: #10k + Added **Dungeon Potion level as item stack size - HiZe + Added **Griffin Pet Warning** + Warn when holding an Ancestral Spade while no Griffin pet is selected. + More **Trophy Fish** features - appable0 + **Trophy Fish Info** - Hover over trophy fish caught chat message to see information and stats about the trophy fish. + **Fillet Tooltip** - Adding fillet amount and price to the tooltip of a trophy fish. Left shift to show stack value. + Added Chumcap support for Chum Bucket Hider - jani ### Changes + SkyHanni no longer requires Patcher to start! (Big thanks nea) + Option to show the yaw and pitch display outside garden or while not holding a farming tool (Contributed by CalMWolfs) + Added wizard warp as diana waypoint + Added option to show exact prices in estimated item value + Better error handling with missing neu repo items - CalMWolfs + Changes to **Discord RCP** - NetheriteMiner + More images for different locations + Fixed names unnecessarily getting cut off when visiting an island in Location + Fewer crashes because of NEU Item Repo + Changed time for Trapper from 30 to 15 seconds while Finnegan is mayor – CalMWolfs + Added warning to not disable repo auto-update + Wither impact ability cooldown now only shows when all 3 scrolls are attached + Show total amount of all trophy fish rarities at the end of the chat message + Changed **Elite farming weight** display - Kaeso + Instantly showing the next player in the lb when passing someone on the leaderboard + Show in chat the total amount of sharks fished after the fishing contest + Custom text over Visitor name moves more smoothly now + Discord Rich Presence now supports Motes in the rift and the garden plot number - NetheriteMiner + Crop money display: Using npc price for mushroom cow pet calculation when on ironman, stranded or bingo + Sacks no longer get blocked from moving in storage (not clickable items feature) + Using 19.9 bps if bps is too low for jacob contest ff needed display + Better default positions for some guis ### Fixes + Fixed Pocket Sack-In-A-Sack Replace in lore + Fixed possible crash with broken neu repo when opening the desk inventory in garden (Contributed by CalMWolfs) + Fixed frozen treasures per hour display being inaccurate (Contributed by CalMWolfs) + Fixed bug with ghost counter sometimes not detecting new kills (Contributed by CalMWolfs) + Fixed **Ghost Counter** - HiZe & ksipli + Should no longer have compatibility issues with other mods + It work even if the action bar show percent +xxx (xx%) instead of +xxx (xxx/xxx) + Added command /shresetghostcounter to reset everything (not the bestiary data) + Added time format in ETA formatting (can show days, hours, minutes and seconds remaining) + Fixed **Dungeon Master Stars** calculation not working correctly sometimes – hannibal2 & Fix3dll + Fixed Discord Rich Presence detecting absorption hearts not correctly – NetheriteMiner + Fixed Reputation Helper **Kuudra Completions** not getting detected and adding T4 and T5 support - Cinshay + Fixed Item Ability cooldown not working for Astraea - hannibal2 + Fixed a typo in the config - hannibal2 + Added a workaround for a crash when refusing a visitor - hannibal2 + Added support for new counter drops to dicer rng counter - ReyMaratov + Fixed composter inventory numbers after Hypixel changes - hannibal2 + Rng dicer chat hider now works without enabling drop counter + Server restart timer no longer shows all the time if over 2 minutes + Fixed crazy rare drops not counting properly - ReyMaratov + Fixed individual attribute prices in estimated item value - nea + Fixed sack display detection - hize + Fixed rare Ghost Counter bugs - hize + Fixed a bug that farming weight display does not show up if you only have one profile + Fixed broken thorn damage indicator detection in dungeon F4/M4 + Fixed togglesneak mod breaking escape menu open detection for quick mod menu switch + Fixed error with detecting hit phase during eman slayer in damage indicator + No longer double counting mob kill coins in slayer item profit tracker + Fixed jacob contest time chat message chat shows one second too long + Fixed farming contest calendar reading going above 100% - Contrabass26 + Changed multiple descriptions in the misc category, fixed grammar and punctuation problems - Absterge + Fixed rare bug with Damage Indicator ## Version 0.18 (2023-06-19) ### New Features + Added **Visitor Drop Counter** (Contributed by CalMWolfs) + Counts up all the drops that you get from visitors + Count each rarity of visitor Accepted + Count copper, farming exp and coins spent + Setting to show number or drop first + Setting to show as the icon instead of the name + Setting to show only on the barn plot + Added **Contest Time Needed** + Show the time and missing FF for every crop inside Jacob's Farming Contest inventory. + Added **Garden Start Location** + Show the start waypoint for your farm with the currently holding tool. + Auto-detects the start of the farm when farming for the first time + Option to manually set the waypoint with /shcropstartlocation + Added **price display next to sack items** (Contributed by HiZe) + Can be disabled + Sortable by price or items stored (both desc/asc) + Option to show prices from Bazaar or NPC + Added Farming Fortune Breakdown for Armor and Equipment (Contributed by CalMWolfs) + Run /ff to open the menu + Works with: Base Stats, Reforge Bonus, Ability Fortune and Green Thumb + Breakdown for the true farming fortune from each crop + Ability to select a single piece of armor or equipment + Added Server Restart Title + Added Jacob Contest Stats Summary + Showing Blocks per Second and total Blocks clicked after a farming contest in chat + Added City Project Features + Show missing items to contribute inside the inventory + Click on the item name to open the bazaar + Highlight a component in the inventory that can be contributed + Added `/pt <player>` alias for `/party transfer <player>` + SkyBlock Command `/tp` to check the play time still works + Added **Command Autocomplete** + Supports tab completing for warp points when typing /warp + Supports party members, friends (need to visit all friend list pages), player on the same server + Supports these commands: /p, /party, /pt (party transfer), /f, /friend /msg, /w, /tell, /boop, /visit, /invite, /ah, /pv (NEU's Profile Viewer), /shmarkplayer (SkyHanni's Mark Player feature) + Supports VIP /visit suggestions (e.g. PortalHub or Hubportal) + Added Item Profit Tracker (Slayer only) + Count items collected and how much you pay while doing slayer, calculates final profit + Shows the price of the item collected in chat (default disabled) + Added Items on Ground (Slayer only) + Show item name and price over items laying on ground (only in slayer areas) + Added Broken Hyperion Warning (Slayer only) + Warns when right-clicking with a Wither Impact weapon (e.g. Hyperion) no longer gains combat exp + Kill a mob with melee-hits to fix this hypixel bug + Only while doing slayer + Added Piece of Wizard Portal show earned by player name (Contributed by HiZe) + City Project Daily Reminder + Remind every 24 hours to participate + Added Quick Mod Menu Switching (default disabled) + Allows for fast navigation between one Mod Config and another + Default disabled + Detects your SkyBlock Mod automatically + Does detect Chat Triggers and OneConfig itself, but no single mods that require these libraries + Added **Arachne Chat Hider** + Hide chat messages about the Arachne Fight while outside of Arachne's Sanctuary + Added **Contest Time Needed** + Show the time and missing FF for every crop inside Jacob's Farming Contest inventory + Added **Sack Item Display** (Contributed by HiZe) + Added price display next to sack items + Can be disabled + Sortable by price or items stored (both desc/asc) + Option to show prices from Bazaar or NPC + Added profile id chat hider + Added Garden Crop Start Location + Show the start waypoint for your farm with the currently holding tool. + Auto-detects the start of the farm when farming for the first time + Option to manually set the waypoint with `/shcropstartlocation` + Added Pet Candies Used number + Works even after Hypixel removed the `10 pet candies applied` line + Added Estimated Armor Value display + Shows the price of all 4 armor pieces combined inside the wardrobe + Added Garden Plot Icon (Contributed by HiZe) + Select an item from the inventory to replace the icon in the Configure Plots inventory + Change the Edit mode in the bottom right corner in the Configure Plots inventory + Showing fished item names + Show numbers of Pocket Sack-In-A-Sack applied on a sack (Default disabled, contributed by HiZe) + Added a warning when finding a visitor with a rare reward + Show message in chat, over the visitor and prevents refusing + Added composter empty timer for outside garden + Added title warning when picking up an expensive slayer item + Added **RNG Meter Display** + Display number of bosses needed until the next RNG Meter item drops + Warn when no item is set in the RNG Meter + Hide the RNG Meter message from chat if the current item is selected + Added **Ghost Counter** (Contributed by HiZe) + Shows number of ghosts killed in the Mist in Dwarven Mines + Shows kill combo, coins per scavenger, all item drops, bestiarity, magic find and more + Each display line is highly customizable ### Changes + Added Options for displays Crop Milestone and Best Crop Time. + Change the time format/the highest time unit to show. (1h30m vs. 90 min) + Maxed Milestone: Calculate the progress and ETA until maxed milestone (46) instead of the next milestone. + Changed 'Warp to Trapper Hotkey' to only work while in the Farming Islands + Changed Trevor Trapper find mods logic (Contributed by CalMWolfs) + Fixed Detection of Oasis Mobs and Horse + Improved detection speed + Derpy double health support + More fair detection logic + Added extra setting to allow/block clicks for the 'hide not clickable' feature + Disabled hide far particles feature in M7 boss fight. This will fix M7 boss fight features from other mods + Added support for multiple players/profiles: + SkyHanni saves all profile specific data now separately (e.g., garden data, crimson isle reputation progress, minion display text on the island) + Config toggles and GUI elements stay synced between all profiles + Reworked Hide Armor + More options = Fixed Movement bugs with Depth Strider enchantment = Fixed compatibility issues with other mods Note: The hide armor config got reset, if you want to use it, you have to enable it again) + Added support for maxed out crop milestones + Showing total price for visitor items needed + Warning when BPS in Jacob contest ff needed display is below 1 + More Discord Rich Presence features (Contributed by NetheriteMiner) + Option "Profile" not only shows the profile name but also the profile type and SkyBlock level + Option "Dynamic" now also supports stacking enchantments + Highlight the item in bazaar search result inventory when clicking on an item list (Contributed by CalMWolfs) + Resetting Ragnarock ability cooldown when being hit during channeling + Hide Non God Pot Effect Display while inside the Rift ### Fixes + Fixed typos in Trevor Trapper texts (Contributed by CalMWolfs) + Fixed Hypixel bug that the equipment lore talks about "kills" instead of "visitors" (Contributed by CalMWolfs) + Fixed reforge stone 'warped' not detected in item price display + Hotkey to open SkyHanni Position Editor no longer works inside signs + Fixed non god pot effects display being wrong sometimes + Fixed duplex not working in Bazaar features + Fixed crashes with repo errors + If you touch water, the King Scent form Non God Pot Timer will now be correctly removed ### Removals - Removed Garden Recent Teleport Pads display ## Version 0.17 (2023-05-11) ### Features + Added **Time to Kill** + Show the time it takes to kill the Slayer boss. + Added skill and collection level as item stack. + Added **Auction Highlighter** + Highlight own items that are sold in green and that are expired in red. + Added support for tier 1 minions and title send for the minion craft helper. + Added Chicken head Timer. + Added **rancher boots** speed display. + Added **Unclaimed Rewards** + Highlight contests with unclaimed rewards in the jacob inventory. + Added **Duplicate Hider** + Hides duplicate farming contests in the inventory. + Added **Contest Time** + Adds the real time format to the farming contest description. + Added **Hide Repeated Catches** (contributed by appable) + Delete past catches of the same trophy fish from chat + Added **Trophy Counter Design** (contributed by appable) + Change the way trophy fish messages gets displayed in the chat + Added **CH Join** + Helps buy a Pass for accessing the Crystal Hollows if needed + Added **Estimated Item Value** + Displays an estimated item value for the item you hover over + Added Arachne to damage indicator. + Added **Arachne Minis Hider** + Hides the nametag above arachne minis + Added **Arachne Boss Highlighter** + Highlight the arachne boss in red and mini bosses and orange. + Added **Discord RPC** (contributed by NetheriteMiner) + Showing stats like Location, Purse, Bits, Purse or Held Item at Discord Rich Presence ### Garden Features + Added **Copper Price** + Show copper to coin prices inside the Sky Mart inventory. + Added **Visitor Display** + Show all items needed for the visitors. + Added **Visitor Highlight** + Highlight visitor when the required items are in the inventory or the visitor is new and needs to checked what items it needs + Added **Show Price** + Show the bazaar price of the items required for the visitors. + Added **Crop Milestone** Number + Show the number of the crop milestone in the inventory. + Added **Crop Upgrades** Number + Show the number of upgrades in the crop upgrades inventory. + Added **Visitor Timer** + Timer when the next visitor will appear, and a number how many visitors are already waiting. + Added **Visitor Notification** + Show as title and in chat when a new visitor is visiting your island. + Added **Plot Price** + Show the price of the plot in coins when inside the Configure Plots inventory. + Added **Garden Crop Milestone Display** + Shows the progress and ETA until the next crop milestone is reached and the current crops/minute value. (Requires a tool with either a counter or cultivating enchantment) + Added **Best Crop Display** + Lists all crops and their ETA till next milestone. Sorts for best crop for getting garden level or skyblock level. + Added **Copper Price** + Show the price for copper inside the visitor gui. + Added **Amount and Time** + Show the exact item amount and the remaining time when farmed manually. Especially useful for ironman. + Added **Custom Keybinds** + Use custom keybinds while having a farming tool or Daedalus Axe in the hand in the garden. + Added Desk shortcut in SkyBlock Menu. + Added **Garden Level Display** + Show the current garden level and progress to the next level. + Added **Farming Weight and Leaderboard**, provided by the elite skyblock farmers. + Added farming weight next leaderboard position eta. + Added **Dicer Counter** + Count RNG drops for Melon Dicer and Pumpkin Dicer. + Added **Optimal Speed** + Show the optimal speed for your current tool in the hand. (Ty MelonKingDE for the values) + Also available to select directly in the rancher boots overlay (contributed by nea) + Added **Warn When Close** + Warn with title and sound when the next crop milestone upgrade happens in 5 seconds + Useful for switching to a different pet for leveling + Added **Money per Hour** + Displays the money per hour YOU get with YOUR crop/minute value when selling the items to bazaar. + Added farming contest timer. + Added wrong fungi cutter mode warning. + Added show the price per garden experience inside the visitor gui. + Added support for mushroom cow pet perk. (Counting and updating mushroom collection when breaking crops with mushroom blocks, added extra gui for time till crop milestones) + Added blocks/second display to crop milestone gui and made all crop milestone gui elements customizable/toggleable. + Added farming armor drops counter. + Added **Colored Name** + Show the visitor name in the color of the rarity. + Added **Visitor Item Preview** + Show the base type for the required items next to new visitors (Note that some visitors may require any crop) + Added **Teleport Pad Compact Name** + Hide the 'Warp to' and 'No Destination' texts over teleport pads. + Added **Money per Hour Advanced stats** + Show not only Sell Offer price but also Instant Sell price and NPC Sell price + Suggestion: Enable Compact Price as well for this + Added **Anita Medal Profit** + Helps to identify profitable items to buy at the Anita item shop and potential profit from selling the item at the auction house. + Added **Composter Compact Display** + Displays the compost data from the tab list in a compact form as gui element. + Added **Composter Upgrade Price** + Show the price for the composter upgrade in the lore + Added **Highlight Upgrade** + Highlight Upgrades that can be bought right now. + Added **Number Composter Upgrades** + Show the number of upgrades in the composter upgrades inventory. + Added **Composter Inventory Numbers** + Show the amount of Organic Matter, Fuel and Composts Available while inside the composter inventory. + Added **True Farming Fortune + Displays** current farming fortune, including crop-specific bonuses. (contributed by appable) + Added **Tooltip Tweaks Compact Descriptions** + Hides redundant parts of reforge descriptions, generic counter description, and Farmhand perk explanation. ( contributed by appable) + Added **Tooltip Tweaks Breakdown Hotkey** + When the keybind is pressed, show a breakdown of all fortune sources on a tool. (contributed by appable) + Added **Tooltip Tweaks Tooltip Format** + Show crop-specific farming fortune in tooltip. (contributed by appable) + Added command **/shcropspeedmeter** + Helps calculate the real farming fortune with the formula crops broken per block. + Added **Compost Low Notification** + Shows a notification as title when organic matter/fuel is low. + Added **Jacob's Contest Warning** + Show a warning shortly before a new jacob contest starts. + Added **Inventory Numbers** + Show the number of the teleport pads inside the 'Change Destination' inventory as stack size. + Added **Composter Overlay** + Show the cheapest items for organic matter and fuel, show profit per compost/hour/day and time per compost + Added **Composter Upgrades Overlay** + Show an overview of all composter stats, including time till organic matter and fuel is empty when fully filled and show a preview how these stats change when hovering over an upgrade + Hide crop money display, crop milestone display and garden visitor list while inside anita show, SkyMart or the composter inventory + Hide chat messages from the visitors in garden. (Except Beth and Spaceman) + Introduced a new command '/shcroptime <amount> <item>' that displays the estimated time it will take to gather the requested quantity of a particular item based on the current crop speed. + Show the average crop milestone in the crop milestone inventory. + Added **FF for Contest** + Show the minimum needed Farming Fortune for reaching a medal in the Jacob's Farming Contest inventory. + Added **yaw and pitch display** + Shows yaw and pitch with customizable precision while holding a farm tool. + Automatically fades out if no movement for a customizable duration (Contributed by Sefer) + Added warning when 6th visitors is ready (Contributed by CalMWolfs) ### Features from other Mods > *The following features are only there because I want them when testing SkyHanni features without other mods present.* + Added Hide explosions. + Added **Enderman Teleportation Hider** + Stops the enderman teleportation animation (Like in SBA) + Added **Fire Overlay Hider** + Hide the fire overlay (Like in Skytils) ### Changes + Reworked reputation helper design in the crimson isle. + Moved the key setting for diana `warp to nearest burrow waypoint` from vanilla mc (esc -> config -> controls -> scroll all the way down to skyhanni category) to just `/sh diana` ### Fixed + Barbarian Duke Damage Indicator now only starts displaying after the player is getting close to him. (30 blocks) + Fixed a bug that caused fire veil particle `hider/redline drawer` to not always detect the right click correctly. + Removed `Fixing Skytils custom Damage Splash` (Skytils has already fixed this bug. Additionally, this option enabled and skytils' damage splash disabled caused the hypixel damage splash to not show the tailing commas at all) + Fixed bug with particles that blocks NotEnoughUpdates' Fishing features. + Hopefully fixed incompatibility with skytils `hide cheap coins` feature. + Fixed dungeon milestone messages getting wrongfully formatted. + Fixed bazaar features not working for items with an `-` (turbo farming books and triple strike) + Fixed Crab Hat of Celebration not being detected as an accessory correctly. + Added support for soopy's \[hand] feature ## Version 0.16 (2023-02-11) ## Features + Added highlight for stuff that is missing in the skyblock level guide inventory. + Added Bingo Card display. + **Minion Craft Helper** - Show how many more items you need to upgrade the minion in your inventory. Especially useful for bingo. + Hide dead entities - Similar to Skytil's feature for inside dungeon, but for everywhere. + Hide Fireball particles and hide Fire Block particles. + Made **blaze slayer clear view** work with more particles. + Added colors for the missing slayer area bosses (Golden Ghoul, Old Wolf and Spider Keeper) + Added Arachne keeper highlighter. + Added area boss highlighter. + Added area boss spawn timer. + Added Corleone highlighter. + Added **Tps Display** - Show the Tps of the current server. + Added Kuudra Key Number overlay. + Added colored highlight support for zealots, bruisers and special zealots. + Added more particle hiders. (Far particles, near redstone particles and smoke particles) ## Removals - Removed Blaze slayer Pillar warning + timer (The Feature caused lags and Soopy's approach is better) ## Version 0.15.1 (2023-01-25) ## Features + Adding green line around items that are clickable. (Inside the **Not Clickable Items Feature**) + Added **Odger waypoint** - Show the Odger waypoint when trophy fishes are in the inventory and no lava rod in hand. + Added the option to hide the red numbers in the scoreboard sidebar on the right side of the screen. + Added **Tia Relay Waypoint** - Show the next Relay waypoint for Tia The Fairy, where maintenance for the abiphone network needs to be done. + Added **Tia Relay Helper** - Helps with solving the sound puzzle. ## Changes + Hide reputation boss waypoint when damage indicator is present. ## Version 0.15 (2023-01-22) ### Features + Added Bazaar Update Timer - Forrick. + Added Crimson Isle Reputation Helper. + Added **Barn Timer** - Show the time and amount of sea creatures while fishing on the barn via hub. + Added **Shark Fish Counter** - Counts how many sharks have been caught. + Added **Hide Silver Duplicates** - Hiding chat message when catching a duplicate silver trophy fish. ### Changes + **Damage Indicator** text size scale now changes dynamically. + Enderman slayer beacon now renders behind the damage indicator text, for better readability. ### Fixes + Fixed **Steaming Hot Flounder** in custom trophy fish counter. + Fixed hide powder gain message from chests in crystal hollows. (thanks hypixel) + Fixed damage indicator for M3 Professor bug. (Thanks hypixel) ## Version 0.14 ### Features + Added /shtrackcollection <item> - This tracks the number of items you collect, but it does not work with sacks. + Added Compact Bingo Chat Messages. + Added Compact Potion Effect Chat Messages. + Added Brewing Stand Overlay. + Added minion name display with minion tier. ### Changes + Don't render overlays when tab list key is pressed. + Do no longer prevent the selling of bazaar items to NPC when on ironman, stranded or bingo mode. ### Fixes + Fixed wrong dungeon level colors. (in Party Finder) + Fixed error in Sea Creature Guide inventory. ## Version 0.13 ### Features + Player Rank Hider works now with all messages. + Add two more chat filter categories: Powder Mining and Winter Gifts. + Add catacombs class level color to party finder. + Add wishing compass uses amount display. + Saves missing items from canceled buy orders to clipboard for faster re-entry. + Adds a visual highlight to the Croesus inventory that show what chests have not yet been opened. ### Removals - Removed additional settings for the chat design, like channel prefix and skyblock level ### Fixes + Fixed void slayer mini bosses not being detected and colored. ## Version 0.12.2 ### Changes + Add Bonzo's Mask highlight timer + Made the config button in the forge mod list work. + Blaze slayer pillar warning text is now much bigger. + Hides the new 'you earn x event exp' message. + Added Peek Chat feature. ### Fixes + Fixed a bug that caused the right blaze slayer dagger highlight to show wrong values. + Fixed kill combo message filter format ## Version 0.12.1 ### Fixes + Fixed a crash when checking if the hotkey is pressed. ## Version 0.12 ### Diana + Show burrows near you. + Uses Soopy's Guess Logic to find the next burrow. Does not require SoopyV2 or chat triggers to be installed. + Let Soopy guess the next burrow location for you. + Warps to the nearest warp point on the hub, if closer to the next burrow. ### Crimson Isle + Option to remove the wrong blaze slayer dagger messages from chat. + Hide particles and fireballs near blaze slayer bosses and demons. + Added Option to hide blaze particles. + Highlight millenia aged blaze color in red ### Changes + Removed more blaze slayer item drop message spam. + Showing number next to custom hellion shield from damage indicator. + All particles next to ashfang are now hidden when clear ashfang view is enabled. + All particles around blaze slayer are hidden when blaze particles is enabled. + Hide blocks circling around ashfang. + Hide the vanilla nametag of damage indicator bosses. ## Version 0.11 ### Slayer + Added toggle to ender slayer phase display + Added blaze slayer phase display + Added toggle for blaze slayer colored mobs + Mark the right dagger to use for blaze slayer in the dagger overlay. + Added option to select the first, left sided dagger for the display. ### Stats Tuning + Show the tuning stats in the Thaumaturgy inventory. + Show the amount of selected tuning points in the stats tuning inventory. + Highlight the selected template in the stats tuning inventory. + Show the type of stats for the tuning point templates. ### Misc + Added Lord Jawbus to damage indicator + Display the active non-god potion effects. ### Changes + Showing Thunder Sparks while in lava + Damage indicator switches into cleaner design when close to boss and not in f5 view ### Fixes + Reduced lags after world switch ## Version 0.10 - Slayer ### Blaze Slayer + Added a cooldown when the Fire Pillars from the Blaze Slayer will kill you. + Added a faster and permanent display for the Blaze Slayer daggers. + Added custom countdown sound for the Fire Pillar timer for the Blaze Slayer. + Added hide sound and entities when building the Fire Pillar for the Blaze Slayer. + Added warning when the fire pit phase starts for the Blaze Slayer tier 3. ### Slayer + Added warning when wrong slayer quest is selected, or killing mobs for the wrong slayer. + Added hide more poor slayer drop chat messages. ### Misc + Added option to hide armor or just helmet of other player or yourself. ### Fixes + Fixed overload damage gets not detected as damage splash. ## Version 0.9 - Chat + Dungeon ### Chat + Added option to enable that clicking on a player name in chat opens the profile viewer of NotEnoughUpdates (to fix SkyHanni breaking the default NEU feature). + Added support for new SBA chat icon feature (show profile type and faction in chat) + Highlight marked player names in chat. + Scan messages sent by players in all-chat for blacklisted words and greys out the message + Links in player chat are clickable again ### Dungeon + Added hide the damage, ability damage and defense orbs that spawn when the healer is killing mobs in dungeon + Added hide the golden fairy that follows the healer in dungeon. + Added hidden music for the clean end of the dungeon ### Misc + Added hide the name of the mobs you need to kill in order for the Slayer boss to spawn. Exclude mobs that are damaged, corrupted, runic or semi rare. + Added option to hide all damage splashes, from anywhere in Skyblock. + Added highlight Thunder Sparks after killing a Thunder + Added Thunder to damage indicator + Mark the own player name (for Chat messages) ### Fixed - Fixed vanilla items not being sellable to npc ## Version 0.8 ### Misc - Added hiding the flame particles when using the Fire Veil Wand ability - Added circle around the player when having the Fire Veil Wand ability is active - The config GUI how has a search function (top right corner) - Added more player chat format options (show all channel prefix, hide player rank, hide colon after player name, hide/change elite position format, channel prefix design) ### Small Changes - Changed the ashfang gravity orb highlight from square to cylinder - Added msg support to fancy chat format - Added damage indicator for diana mobs ### Fixes - Fixed enchanted books in bazaar - Fixed LorenzLogger printing output into console - Fixed best sell method not working for some bazaar items - Fixed summoning mobs display don't track mobs when moving too fast while spawning summoning mobs ## Version 0.7 - Dungeon and Colored Highlight ### New Dungeon Features - Added highlight deathmites in dungeon in red color - Added hide Superboom TNT lying around in dungeon - Added hide Blessings lying around in dungeon - Added hide Revive Stones lying around in dungeon - Added hide Premium Flesh lying around in dungeon - Added Dungeon Copilot (Suggests to you what to do next in dungeon) - Added separate option to hide dungeon key pickup and door open messages - Added hide Journal Entry pages lying around in dungeon. - Added hide Skeleton Skulls lying around in dungeon. - Added highlight Skeleton Skulls in dungeon when combining into a skeleton in orange color (not useful combined with feature Hide Skeleton Skull) ### Other Misc Features - Added option to hide the Skyblock Level from the chat messages (alpha only atm) - Added option to change the way the Skyblock Level gets displayed in the chat (only working when skyblock level and fancy player message format are enabled) - Added highlight the voidling extremist in pink color - Added highlight corrupted mobs in purple color - Added command /shmarkplayer <player> (marking a player with yellow color) - Added highlight slayer miniboss in blue color - Added option to hide the death messages of other players, except for players who are close to the player, inside dungeon or during a Kuudra fight. - Added highlight the enderman slayer Yang Glyph (Beacon) in red color (supports beacon in hand and beacon flying) ### Fixes - Fixed message filter for small bazaar messages ## Version 0.6 - Ashfang and Summoning Mobs ### New Features - Added /wiki command (using hypixel-skyblock.fandom.com instead of Hypixel wiki) - Added hiding damage splashes while inside the boss room (replacing a broken feature from Skytils) - Added Summoning Mob Display (Show the health of your spawned summoning mobs listed in an extra GUI element and hiding the corresponding spawning/despawning chat messages) - Added option to hide the nametag of your spawned summoning mobs - Added option to mark the own summoning mobs in green - Added Ashfang Blazing Souls display - Added highlight for the different ashfang blazes in their respective color - Added option to hide all the particles around the ashfang boss - Added option to hide the name of full health blazes around ashfang (only useful when highlight blazes is enabled) - Added option to hide damage splashes around ashfang ### Minor Changes - Optimizing the highlight block size for minions, blazing souls and gravity orbs - Added option to change the gray-out opacity for 'Not Clickable Items' - Added option to show the health of Voidgloom Seraph 4 during the laser phase (useful when trying to phase skip) - Fixed that items with stars don't gray out properly when hidden by the 'hide not clickable' feature - Fixed 'hiding the nametag of mobs close to minions' not working when minion nearby was never collected ## Version 0.5 - Minions and RNG Meter ### New Features - Added a display that show the last time the hopper inside a minion has been emptied - Added a marker to the last opened minion for a couple of seconds (Seen through walls) - Added option to hide mob nametags close to minions - Added showing stars on all items (Not only dungeon stars and master stars but also on crimson armors, cloaks and fishing rods) - Added **Real Time** - Display the current computer time, a handy feature when playing in full-screen mode. - Added overlay features to the RNG meter inventory (Highlight selected drop and floors without a drop and show floor) - Added minion hopper coins per day display (Using the held coins in the hopper and the last time the hopper was collected to calculate the coins a hopper collects in a day) ### Minor Changes - Summoning souls display is rendering better close to corners - Ashfang gravity orbs are now rendering better close to corners - Showing the name of ashfang gravity orbs as a nametag above the orb - Bazaar now knows books and essences (Thanks again, Hypixel) ### Bug Fixes - Fixed damage Indicator damage over time display order swapping sometimes ## Version 0.4.2 - Repair what Hypixel broke ### New Features - Added grabbing the API key from other mods. First time using SkyHanni should not require you to set the API key manually (Thanks efefury) ### Fixes - Fixing ender slayer health for damage indicator (Hypixel broke it) - Fixing format to hide all blessing messages in dungeon again (Hypixel broke it) - Fixing 'damage splash hiding' when near damage indicator (Hypixel broke it) - Fixed Skytils custom damage splash (Hypixel broke it) ## Hotfix 0.4.1 - Removing red bazaar errors - This is no support for the new enchanted books in the bazaar. It’s just removing the red error messages from the chat. ## Version 0.4 ### Damage Indicator stuff - Added damage indicator healing chat messages - Added damage indicator showing boss name (not working in dungeon yet) - Added damage indicator option to hide or only show short name - Added option to enable/disable damage indicator for specific bosses - Added enderman slayer hits display to damage indicator - Added that damage indicator is showing when the boss is dead - Added enderman slayer laser phase cooldown to damage indicator - Added all slayers to damage indicator (except blaze above tier 1) - Added revenant slayer 5 boom display to damage indicator - Fixed damage indicator f4 and m4 thorn support for Derpy - Added option to hide vanilla (or Skytils) damage splashes next to damage indicator - Added damage/healing over time display to damage indicator - Added Training Dummy (on personal island) to damage indicator ### Other stuff + Added ashfang reset cooldown + Added fire veil wand ability cooldown + Added custom player chat for dead players in dungeon and for visiting players on own islands + Added ashfang gravity orbs display ## Version 0.3 - Added damage indicator for magma boss and headless horseman - Added summoning souls display - Added Derpy support for damage indicator ## Version 0.1 - Added damage indicator for some bosses who are outside dungeon (4 nether bosses: Ashfang, barbarian duke, mage outlaw and Bladesoul, slayers: Enderman 1-4, revenant 5, and untested support for vanquisher in nether, Enderdragon and Endstone protector in end) - Added item ability cooldown background display (over the slot, work in progress) - Added Ashfang freeze cooldown (when you get hit by “anti ability” and slowness effect) - Changed “hot clickable items” to show items again, but only with dark gray overlay. Looks nicer - Made the GitHub repository public