# SkyHanni - Change Log ## Version 0.8.1 ### Misc + Added hide the name of the mobs you need to kill in order for the Slayer boss to spawn. Exclude mobs that are damaged, corrupted, runic or semi rare. + Added option to hide all damage splashes, from anywhere in Skyblock. + Added highlight Thunder Sparks after killing a Thunder + Added Thunder to damage indicator + Added option to enable that clicking on a player name in chat opens the profile viewer of NotEnoughUpdates (to fix SkyHanni breaking the default NEU feature). + Added support for new SBA chat icon feature (show profile type and faction in chat) + Added hide the damage, ability damage and defence orbs that spawn when the healer is killing mobs + Added hide the golden fairy that follows the healer in dungeon. + Added hidden music for the clean end of the dungeon + Highlight marked player names in chat. + Mark the own player name. + Scan messages sent by players in all-chat for blacklisted words and greys out the message ### Fixed - Links in player chat are clickable again - Fixed vanilla items not being sellable to npc ## Version 0.8 ### Misc - Added hiding the flame particles when using the Fire Veil Wand ability - Added circle around the player when having the Fire Veil Wand ability is active - The config GUI how has a search function (top right corner) - Added more player chat format options (show all channel prefix, hide player rank, hide colon after player name, hide/change elite position format, channel prefix design) ### Small Changes - Changed the ashfang gravity orb highlight from square to cylinder - Added msg support to fancy chat format - Added damage indicator for diana mobs ### Fixes - Fixed enchanted books in bazaar - Fixed LorenzLogger printing output into console - Fixed best sell method not working for some bazaar items - Fixed summoning mobs display don't track mobs when moving too fast while spawning summoning mobs ## Version 0.7 - Dungeon and Colored Highlight ### New Dungeon Features - Added highlight deathmites in dungeon in red color - Added hide Superboom TNT lying around in dungeon - Added hide Blessings lying around in dungeon - Added hide Revive Stones lying around in dungeon - Added hide Premium Flesh lying around in dungeon - Added Dungeon Copilot (Suggests to you what to do next in dungeon) - Added separate option to hide dungeon key pickup and door open messages - Added hide Journal Entry pages lying around in dungeon. - Added hide Skeleton Skulls lying around in dungeon. - Added highlight Skeleton Skulls in dungeon when combining into a skeleton in orange color (not useful combined with feature Hide Skeleton Skull) ### Other Misc Features - Added option to hide the Skyblock Level from the chat messages (alpha only atm) - Added option to change the way the Skyblock Level gets displayed in the chat (only working when skyblock level and fancy player message format are enabled) - Added highlight the voidling extremist in pink color - Added highlight corrupted mobs in purple color - Added command /shmarkplayer (marking a player with yellow color) - Added highlight slayer miniboss in blue color - Added option to hide the death messages of other players, except for players who are close to the player, inside dungeon or during a Kuudra fight. - Added highlight the enderman slayer Yang Glyph (Beacon) in red color (supports beacon in hand and beacon flying) ### Fixes - Fixed message filter for small bazaar messages ## Version 0.6 - Ashfang and Summoning Mobs ### New Features - Added /wiki command (using hypixel-skyblock.fandom.com instead of Hypixel wiki) - Added hiding damage splashes while inside the boss room (replacing a broken feature from Skytils) - Added Summoning Mob Display (Show the health of your spawned summoning mobs listed in an extra GUI element and hiding the corresponding spawning/despawning chat messages) - Added option to hide the nametag of your spawned summoning mobs - Added option to mark the own summoning mobs in green - Added Ashfang Blazing Souls display - Added highlight for the different ashfang blazes in their respective color - Added option to hide all the particles around the ashfang boss - Added option to hide the name of full health blazes around ashfang (only useful when highlight blazes is enabled) - Added option to hide damage splashes around ashfang ### Minor Changes - Optimizing the highlight block size for minions, blazing souls and gravity orbs - Added option to change the gray-out opacity for 'Not Clickable Items' - Added option to show the health of Voidgloom Seraph 4 during the laser phase (useful when trying to phase skip) - Fixed that items with stars don't gray out properly when hidden by the 'hide not clickable' feature - Fixed 'hiding the nametag of mobs close to minions' not working when minion nearby was never collected ## Version 0.5 - Minions and RNG Meter ### New Features - Added a display that shows the last time the hopper inside a minion has been emptied - Added a marker to the last opened minion for a couple of seconds (Seen through walls) - Added option to hide mob nametags close to minions - Added showing stars on all items (Not only dungeon stars and master stars but also on crimson armors, cloaks and fishing rods) - Added a display timer that shows the real time - Added overlay features to the RNG meter inventory (Highlight selected drop and floors without a drop and show floor) - Added minion hopper coins per day display (Using the held coins in the hopper and the last time the hopper was collected to calculate the coins a hopper collects in a day) ### Minor Changes - Summoning souls display is rendering better close to corners - Ashfang gravity orbs are now rendering better close to corners - Showing the name of ashfang gravity orbs as a nametag above the orb - Bazaar how knows books and essences (Thanks again, Hypixel) ### Bug Fixes - Fixed damage Indicator damage over time display order swapping sometimes ## Version 0.4.2 - Repair what Hypixel broke ### New Features - Added grabbing the API key from other mods. First time using SkyHanni should not require you to set the API key manually (Thanks efefury) ### Fixes - Fixing ender slayer health for damage indicator (Hypixel broke it) - Fixing format to hide all blessing messages in dungeon again (Hypixel broke it) - Fixing 'damage splash hiding' when near damage indicator (Hypixel broke it) - Fixed Skytils custom damage splash (Hypixel broke it) ## Hotfix 0.4.1 - Removing red bazaar errors - This is no support for the new enchanted books in the bazaar. It’s just removing the red error messages from the chat. ## Version 0.4 ### Damage Indicator stuff - Added damage indicator healing chat messages - Added damage indicator showing boss name (not working in dungeon yet) - Added damage indicator option to hide or only show short name - Added option to enable/disable damage indicator for specific bosses - Added enderman slayer hits display to damage indicator - Added that damage indicator is showing when the boss is dead - Added enderman slayer laser phase cooldown to damage indicator - Added all slayers to damage indicator (except blaze above tier 1) - Added revenant slayer 5 boom display to damage indicator - Fixed damage indicator f4 and m4 thorn support for Derpy - Added option to hide vanilla (or Skytils) damage splashes next to damage indicator - Added damage/healing over time display to damage indicator - Added training dummy (on personal island) to damage indicator ### Other stuff + Added ashfang reset cooldown + Added fire veil wand ability cooldown + Added custom player chat for dead players in dungeon and for visiting players on own islands + Added ashfang gravity orbs display ## Version 0.3 - Added damage indicator for magma boss and headless horseman - Added summoning souls display - Added Derpy support for damage indicator ## Version 0.1 - Added damage indicator for some bosses who are outside dungeon (4 nether bosses: Ashfang, barbarian duke, mage outlaw and Bladesoul, slayers: Enderman 1-4, revenant 5, and untested support for vanquisher in nether, Enderdragon and Endstone protector in end) - Added item ability cooldown background display (over the whole slot, work in progress) - Added Ashfang freeze cooldown (when you get hit by “anti ability” and slowness effect) - Changed “hot clickable items” to show items again, but only with dark gray overlay. Looks nicer - Made the GitHub repository public