# How to Contribute This tutorial explains how to set up a development environment to work on SkyHanni. We use [IntelliJ](https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/) as an example. ## Basics SkyHanni is a Forge mod for Minecraft 1.8.9, written in [Kotlin](https://kotlinlang.org/) and [Java](https://www.java.com/en/). We use a [gradle config](https://gradle.org/) to build the mod, written in [Kotlin DSL](https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/kotlin_dsl.html). ## Setup ### Download IntelliJ - Download IntelliJ from [JetBrains Website](https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/). - Use Community Edition. (Scroll down a bit) ### Downloading SkyHanni source code - Create an account on GitHub - Go to https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni - Click on the Fork button to create a fork - leave the settings unchanged - click on "create fork" - Open IntelliJ - Log in into your GitHub account with intellij - Go to "new" -> "project from version control" - Select SkyHanni from the list - Open the project ### Setting up IntelliJ SkyHannis' gradle configuration is very similar to the one used in **NotEnoughUpdates**, you can just follow their guide: https://github.com/NotEnoughUpdates/NotEnoughUpdates/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md ## Additional Tools ### [Dev Auth](https://github.com/DJtheRedstoner/DevAuth) What is Dev Auth? It is a tool that allows you to log in to your Minecraft account inside IntelliJ. That way you can debug and test code live on Hypixel, without the need to compile a jar, move it into a mods folder and start the Minecraft launcher manually. - Gradle already downloads dev auth for you. - You only need to create a configuration folder: - Navigate to `C:\Users\` - Create a new folder `.devauth` - Naviga to `C:\Users\\.devauth` - Create a new file `config.toml` - Paste this text in the file: (Don't change anyhting) ``` defaultEnabled = true defaultAccount = "main" [accounts.main] type = "microsoft" ``` - Start Minecraft inside IntelliJ normal. - You should see a link in the console. - Click on the link, verify yourself with the mojang account. - You are done. The verify process will reappear every couple of days (as your session token does expire) ### Hot Swapping What is Hot Swapping? This allows you to reload edited code while debugging to remove the need to restart the whole game every time. We [dcevm](https://dcevm.github.io/) to hot swap SkyHanni. Follow this tutorial: https://forums.Minecraftforge.net/topic/82228-1152-3110-intellij-and-gradlew-forge-hotswap-and-dcevm-tutorial/