# SkyHanni - Change Log ## Version 0.26 (In Beta) ### New Features #### Combat Features + SOS/Alert/Warning Flare Display. - HiZe + hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1803) + Warn when the flare is about to despawn (chat, title or both). + Change the display type (as a GUI element, in the world, or both). + Show effective area (as a wireframe, filled or circle). + Show mana regeneration buff next to the GUI element. + Option to hide flare particles. + Added a "Line to Arachne" setting, just like with slayer mini bosses. - azurejelly (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1888) + Added In-Water Display. - Stella (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1892) + Useful when using a Prismarine Blade in Stranded Mode. + Added toggle for compacting Garden visitor summary messages. - DavidArthurCole (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2026) + Add Armor Stack Display. - Xupie (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1811) + Display the number of stacks on armor pieces like Crimson, Terror etc. + Add a line to Nukekebi Skull. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2148) #### Garden Features + New "Craftable!" message when Visitor Items Needed are craftable. - Paloys (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1891) + Added crop last farmed waypoint. - appable (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1335) + Accessible in the Crop Start Locations section. + Added Farming Personal Best FF Gain. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2332) + Displays in chat how much additional FF you earn from the farming contest personal best bonus after beating your previous record. #### Dungeon Features + Added Croesus Limit Warning. - saga (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1908) + Sends a warning when you are close to the Croesus Chest Limit. #### Command Features + Option to toggle limbo time in detailed /playtime. - HiZe (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1863) #### Chat Features + Added new chat filters. - Mikecraft1224 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1750) + Filters for rare dungeon chest rewards and sacrifice messages from other players. + Add config option to hide achievement spam on Alpha. - Daveed (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2076) #### Event Features + Chat reminder to check Hoppity Shop each year. - appable (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1843) + Highlight rabbits that have requirements in the Hoppity's Collection menu. - HiZe (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1874) + Green: Requirement met. + Red: Requirement not met. + Mark duplicate egg locations in red for unlocking some of the new rabbits. - appable (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1929) + Option to always mark nearby duplicate egg locations. + Added "Collected Locations" line to the Unclaimed Eggs Display. - appable (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1929) + This may be inaccurate if you've already collected eggs on an island. + Show total amount of chocolate spent in the Chocolate Shop. - sayomaki (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1921) + Added stray/golden chocolate rabbit production time. - sayomaki (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1978) + Display missing egg collection locations. - nea (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1997) + Tracks the unique egg location requirements for rabbits from your Hoppity collection. + This data is partially enriched using the duplicate egg location tracker. + Added Rabbit Pet Warning. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2087) + Warns when using the Egglocator without having a Mythic Rabbit Pet selected. + Flash your screen when a special stray rabbit appears. - HiZe (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2040) + Option to also flash on normal stray rabbits. + Added a tracker for stray rabbits caught in the Chocolate Factory. - Daveed (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2210) #### Mining Features + Configurable cold amount for the ascension rope message in Glacite Mines. - nopo (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1905) + Added HOTM perks level and Enable Display. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1059) + Added Mineshaft Corpse and Entrance/Ladder Locators. - nobaboy (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1500) + Includes keybind functionality for both. + Added HotM Perks Powder features. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1460) + Added total powder cost to HotM perks. + Added powder cost for 10 levels. + Added Mineshaft Pity Display. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1655) + Displays information about Mineshaft spawns, your progress towards a Pity Mineshaft, and more. + Added Compacted Hard Stone to Powder Tracker. - Daveed (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2138) #### Inventory Features + Warning when outbid on an auction. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1818) + Added option to show time held in lore for Jyrre Bottles and Cacao Truffles. - Obsidian (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1916) + Added Dark Cacao Truffle hours held as stack size. - Obsidian (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1916) + Added ULTRA RARE Book Notification when doing the Experiment Table. - raven (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1738) + Wand of Strength cooldown is now displayed. - saga (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1948) + The cooldown displayed is for the buff, not the item usage. + Added Favorite Power Stones. - saga (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2002) + Highlighted in the Thaumaturgy inventory. + Shift-click to add/remove them. + Added an option to block Chocolate Factory access without a mythic rabbit pet. - martimavocado (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2124) + Shows a list of items that can be crafted with the items in your inventory when inside the crafting menu. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1334) + Click on an item to open /recipe. + Option to include items from inside sacks. + Option to include vanilla items. + Add Page Scrolling. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2164) + Allows scrolling in any inventory with multiple pages. + Add Reforge Helper. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1437) + Add reforge locking similar to SkyblockAddons. + Work with Hex. + Show a list of all possible reforges for the item, with stats. + The reforge list can be sorted by a specific stat. + Optionally show the different stat values compared to the current reforge. + Add reminder that the Time Tower is expired and has extra charges available. - appable (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2133) + Replaces the previous Time Tower Reminder feature. + Show Bestiary Level as Stack Size. - saga (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1945) + Can be enabled/disabled on the Item Number list. + Added Item Pickup Log. - catgirlseraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1937) + Added Tactical Insertion Ability Cooldown feature. - DungeonHub (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2278) + Display the price per Stonk when taking the minimum bid in the Stonks Auction (Richard Menu). - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2195) #### Fishing Features + Added Trophy Fishing Display. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1754) + Similar to Skytils, but with more options. + Option to sort by item rarity, total amount, rarity amount, the highest rarity, or name alphabetically. + Option to change what information is displayed (rarity, name, icon, total caught). + Option to show only missing trophies. + Option to highlight new catches in green. + Options for when to show the display: always in Crimson Isle, in inventory, with rod in hand, or on keybind press. + Option to show only when wearing a full hunter armor set. + Options to show checkmarks or crosses instead of numbers. + Hover over a trophy fish to see the percentage caught and how to gain progress. #### Rift Features + Punchcard Artifact Highlighter & Overlay. - martimavocado (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1089) + Highlights unpunched players in the Rift. + Added Splatter Hearts Highlight for the Rift. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2318) #### Misc Features + Click on breakdown display in /playtimedetailed to copy the stats into the clipboard. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1807) + Added Editable Hotbar. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1903) + Allows for moving and scaling in the SkyHanni GUI editor. + Added Beacon Power Display. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1901) + Added Hide Useless Armor Stands. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1962) + Hides armor stands that briefly appear on Hypixel. + Added Custom Wardrobe, a new look for the wardrobe. - j10a1n15, Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2039) + Highly customizable: Colors, display sizes. + Estimated Price Integration. + Favorite slots; option to only display favorite slots. + Added toggle for compacting Garden visitor summary messages. - DavidArthurCole (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2026) + Added SkyHanni User Luck to the stats breakdown. - martimavocado (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1288) + This can be viewed in /sbmenu, /equipment, and the Misc Stats submenu. + Added a source download verification checker. - ThatGravyBoat (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1914) + Warns you when the mod has been downloaded from an untrusted source (not the official GitHub or Modrinth). + Added Chunked Stats as a draggable list to the Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1341) + Select and prioritize the order of the stats you want to see. + Added Option to crash your game when you die, for extra suffering. - Stella (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2238) + Also punishes players who don't read patch notes. + Added Crown of Avarice counter. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2229) + Added a title notification for when the Thunder Bottle is fully charged. - raven (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2234) ### Improvements #### Farming Island Improvements + Trevor Mob Detection now works with Oasis mobs. - Awes (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1812) #### Garden Improvements + Added `/shtpinfested` command to teleport to nearest infested plot. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1763) + Warp to Infested Plot warps to garden home when no pests are found. - saga (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1910) + Affects both hotkey and command. + Added an option for a compacted Dicer RNG Drop Tracker Display. - Jordyrat (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1735) + Also shortened the default display. + Minor GUI improvements in /ff. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/873) + Displays in /ff the fortune from bestiary and armor stats for enchantments and gemstones. - maxime-bodifee (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1861) + Allow clicking on the Craftable! text in the shopping list to open the "view recipe" menu. - DavidArthurCole (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2075) + Rename Mushroom Tier to Mushroom Milestone in Mooshroom Cow Perk. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2159) + Add Fine Flour to the /ff menu. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2194) + Added a "Compact" option to the Rancher Boots Optimal Speed GUI. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2137) + The Rancher Boots Optimal Speed GUI now highlights the crop corresponding to the last held tool. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2137) + Added Slug pet to the FF Guide. - maxime-bodifee (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2249) + Added Copper dye to the list of blocked visitor rewards. - not-a-cow (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2329) #### Hoppity Event Improvements + Renamed "Unfound Eggs" to "Unclaimed Eggs" for the Hoppity event. - Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1876) + Added Compact Hoppity Chat option. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1748) + Hoppity Collection Stats are now persistent. - appable (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1836) + No longer reset on profile swap or game restart. + Merged duplicate times in compacted Hoppity's messages. - DavidArthurCole (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1887) + Option to show Hoppity Eggs timer outside of SkyBlock. - maxime-bodifee (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1926) + Adjusted and added Rabbit Uncle & Dog Keybinds. - raven (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1907) + Added a distinct sound for the special stray rabbit. - HiZe (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1913) + Added collected egg location API import. - appable (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1972) + Open your NEU profile viewer and click the chat message to load data. + Added Carnival lines to the Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1995) + Made the unclaimed eggs GUI clickable. - Obsidian (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1934) + Improve punctuation in the rabbit barn full/almost full messages. - Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2146) + Separate option for Unclaimed Eggs warning while "Busy". - Obsidian (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2091) + In the Rift, Kuudra, Dungeons, etc. + Hoppity and Chocolate reminders/warnings now appear less frequently and are less intrusive. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2196) + Add a configuration option to allow Time Tower to appear in the Chocolate Factory next upgrade list. - Daveed (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2142) + Changed click-to-warp toggle to also work for unclaimed eggs display. - Daveed (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2211) + When Chocolate Factory prestige is maxed, the display shows time until the next max milestone instead. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2226) + Added an option to choose the color of Hoppity Egg Waypoints. - jani (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2259) #### Mining Improvements + Highlight Treasure Hoarders during Treasure Hoarder Puncher commissions. - Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1852) + Added Mining Event Icons. Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1305) + Moved all SkyMall chat message hiders under the main SkyMall toggle. - martimavocado (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1971) + Powder Tracker: Auto-detect whether Great Explorer is maxed. - Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2032) + The configuration option to manually specify this has been removed. + Added different display options for mining powder in the Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1442) + Added Left Click on Royal Pigeon for next spot in Tunnel Maps. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2181) + Overhauled the Powder Mining chat filter to be much more customizable. - Daveed (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2152) #### Commands Improvements + Updated /shcommands. - ThatGravyBoat (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1720) + Now has pages for better navigation. + Improved visual appearance. #### Dungeon Improvements + Changed reminders to show at the end of a dungeon run. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1917) + E.g. Composter empty, Hoppity Eggs ready, New Year Cake, etc. #### Chat Improvements + Added Pet Rarity to Oringo Abiphone messages. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1862) + Improved many chat message hover descriptions. - Obsidian (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1919) #### Inventory Improvements + Improved Bazaar re-buy order helper to also search in the Bazaar upon chat message click. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1946) + Clarified the maximum clicks message for experiments. - Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1963) + Improved Attribute Prices in Estimated Item Value. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2020) + Ignoring irrelevant attributes (Resistance, Speed, Experience, etc). + No longer counting attribute combos or single attribute prices when cheaper than the base item price. + Added option to choose Bazaar price for Copper price. - Trîggered (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2030) + Added Custom Wardrobe Slot Keybinds. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2105) + These function independently of NEU. NEU's keybinds will not work in the Custom Wardrobe. + Added an option to show item tooltips in the Custom Wardrobe only when holding a keybind. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2078) + Add support for Estimated Item Value to Custom Wardrobe. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2080) + Update Estimated Item Value calculation. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2180) + Change attribute prices from composited to the lowest bin, and added an option to use composited prices again. + Add Toxophilite. + Add option to choose whether to use Bazaar buy order or instant buy prices. + Calculating with tier 5 prices for Ferocious Mana, Hardened Mana, Mana Vampire and Strong Mana. + Added reset buttons for colors and spacing in the Custom Wardrobe config. - raven (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2120) + Added an option for the Estimated Chest Value display to also work in your own inventory. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2218) + Added SkyBlock Level number in SB Menu to Item Number config. - ILike2WatchMemes (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2172) + Added Divan's Powder Coating to the Estimated Item Value feature. - jani (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2317) + Added support for Chocolate Milestones in Custom Reminder. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2334) + Clicking on the chat message when you try to open /cf without a rabbit pet will now open /pets. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2333) + Improved Wardrobe Keybinds when using favorite mode. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2331) #### Fishing Improvements + Added option to show the name of the sea creature in the title notification. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1858) + Clarified chat prompt to load trophy fishing data from NEU PV. - Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2139) + Improved Barn Fishing Timer. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1960) + Modified the warning thresholds for Crimson Isle and Crystal Hollows. + The timer now only takes into account the user's own sea creatures. + Added a warning when reaching a certain number of sea creatures. #### Diana Improvements + Reduced the frequency of Diana sound guess hints while the feature is working correctly. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1954) #### Crimson Isle + Crimson Isle Reputation Helper now warns when the Faction Quest Widget is disabled in the tab list. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1977) #### Combat Improvements + Improved Summoning Mob features. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2092) + Added a separate toggle to enable/disable summoning chat messages. #### Misc Improvements + Added a toggle for 24-hour time. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1804) + Improved the NEU missing/outdated warning. - Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1847) + Link to the latest GitHub release instead of 2.2.0. + Also link to Modrinth. + Improved performance with Slayer Items on Ground and Fished Item Names. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1875) + Updated /shclearminiondata to remove only bugged minions nearby, not all minions. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1951) + Added information about the current Perkpocalypse Mayor's perks to the Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2003) + Added support for Fancy Contributors in nametags. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1687) + Improved overall performance slightly by about ~1%. - nea (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2033) + Improved Hypixel server detection. - Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2064) + Added Carnival lines to the Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1995) + Added an exclude dungeon toggle to hide far entities. - Iceshadow (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2036) + Improved Custom Wardrobe outline color. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2079) + Improved phrasing of config descriptions, enhanced overall readability, fixed typos, newlines, etc. - zapteryx (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2067) + Add some OneConfig mods to the quick mod switcher. - nea (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2155) + Add config option to maintain "current" sound settings levels while warning sounds are played. - Daveed (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2129) + Added a reset button in the config for the appearance and event priority of the Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2141) + Reverted item source names to shorter format. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2233) + Rounded corner smoothness now applies to custom Scoreboard textures. - ThatGravyBoat (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2228) + Reduced the frequency of "tab list not found" error messages. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2266) + Hide Beacon Power display while on a Bingo profile. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2286) + Added the current Minister's name and perks to the Mayor Display on the Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2313) + Hide repo errors in chat. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2338) + Errors will be displayed directly in the GUI when necessary, making them less intrusive. ### Fixes #### Mining Fixes + Fixed Tunnel Maps GUI position not saving. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1882) + Fixed Glacite Walkers not being highlighted during commissions. - Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1850) + Fixed warping to Base in Glacite Tunnels when pressing the keybind while inside any GUI. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1911) + Fixed Custom Scoreboard error in Mineshaft. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1909) + Fixed HotM error with Blue Cheese Goblin Omelette. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1953) + Fixed mining events not showing up in the Mineshaft. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1952) + Fixed Custom Scoreboard error in the mines. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1947) + Fixed a typo in Tunnels Maps. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1883) + Fixed error with SkyMall with Titanium buff. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1967) + Fixed swapped mining event display icons. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1958) + Fixed Area Walls being broken in Nucleus. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1994) + Consider Y=64 part of Magma Fields. - Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2029) + Hypixel quietly changed this in or around SkyBlock 0.20.1. + Fixed the order of Goblin Eggs in the Powder Tracker. - Daveed (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2138) + Fixed ore event sometimes getting stuck. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2115) + Fix incorrect powder costs and powder spent amounts being displayed for some HOTM perks. - Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2145) + Fix Powder Percentage Compatibility Issue with ColeWeight. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2186) + Fixed Powder detection from chat messages. - HiZe (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2207) + Ignore Jasper/Ruby Crystal price. - Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2235) + These crystals used to have an item form and may be sold on the Auction House for overinflated prices (e.g., over 900M for a Jasper Crystal), which can inflate values like Corpse Profit. + Fixed PowderTracker Pattern. - HiZe (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2240) + Fixed total powder amounts resetting when opening the SkyBlock Menu on a mining island. - Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2263) + Fixed detection of 2x Powder Event for Powder Tracker. - HiZe (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2157) + Now uses the Tab Widget. + Fixed TunnelMaps not resetting on lobby swap. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2275) + Fixed a rare error when detecting corpses in the Mineshaft. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2268) + Fixed incorrect maximum Powder value on HotM perks when disabled. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2269) + Fixed HOTM levels being saved incorrectly if the menu was opened with a Blue Egg Cheese Drill in hand. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2295) + Fixed Flawless Gemstones not being formatted correctly when the Powder Mining filter is enabled. - Daveed (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2281) + Fixed Peak of the Mountain always being disabled. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2282) + Fixed an issue where TunnelMaps could stop functioning. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2277) + Fixed blocks mined by Efficient Miner not being detected in the Pity Display. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2307) + Fixed empty lines not being blocked by the Powder Mining filter. - Daveed (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2309) #### Garden Fixes + Fixed farming contests showing in the election GUI. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1871) + Fixed wrong icon for the rat crop type in Stereo Harmony display. - raven (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1849) + Fixed /shcropgoal not working with double-name crops (wart, cocoa, cane). - L3Cache (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1970) + Fixed Garden Visitor Drop Statistics not tracking new data. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1976) + This may also fix the display not showing up. + Fixed Non-Craftable Items breaking the Visitor Shopping List. - jani/hannibal2/nea (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2019) + Fixed stats in visitor inventory not showing under certain circumstances. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2018) + Fixed calculation of universal farming fortune in /ff. - maxime-bodifee (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1861) + Removed 100 base ff and added garden bonus from bestiary. + Fixed cake buff in /ff. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2034) + Fix an issue where the farming overtake ETA was being displayed as 60 times longer than it actually was. - Evhan_ (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2158) + Fix overflow level up message being sent upon reaching crop milestone 46. - Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2161) + Fix Craftable! text not opening the recipe. - Daveed (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2183) + Fixed an error in the Farming ETA Duration calculation. - Daveed (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2217) + Fixed a bug where the fragged Daedalus Axe was not being detected as a farming tool. - Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2212) + Fixed Fine Flour exportation not getting detected from chat messages for use in FF Guide. - Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2215) + Fixed "Craftable!" text not opening the recipe. - Daveed (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2219) + Fixed favorite pets not being detected by FF Guide. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2202) + Fixed farming weight estimate being much too large. - DavidArthurCole (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2230) + Fixed Jacob's Contest FF needed display not showing. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2262) + Fixed Dicer Tracker Reset Button misalignment. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2248) + Fixed errors when selecting Fine Flour with the Sprayonator. - Daveed (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2251) + Fixed typos in the FF guide. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2273) + Fixed command sent in chat for Farming Weight Display. - not-a-cow (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2303) + Fixed visitor shopping list with AH items. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2297) + Fixed Zorro's Cape not working with Green Thumb in the FF stats breakdown in item lore. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2299) + Fixed Composter Overlay calculating incorrectly while Composter Display is disabled. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2294) #### Chocolate Factory & Hoppity Hunt Fixes + Fixed some Chocolate Factory issues caused by a Hypixel update. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1860) + Fixed a bug where the chocolate factory leaderboard position was not showing when the position had many digits. - sayomaki (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1918) + Fixed compact chat sometimes breaking when obtaining legendary or higher tier rabbits. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1923) + Fixed Sigma Rabbit bonuses not counting in collection stats display. - appable (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1925) + Fixed incorrect API name conversion for Fish the Rabbit. - appable (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1975) + Fixed stray rabbit sound not playing for the Golden Rabbit. - HiZe (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1913) + Fixed compact chat sometimes breaking when obtaining legendary or higher tier rabbits. - DavidArthurCole (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2041) + Fixed highlight missing requirements even when Hoppity Rabbit is already found. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2101) + Fixed Compact Hoppity Chat not working with rabbits purchased from the Hoppity NPC. - Daveed (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2100) + Fixed a rare case where golden strays caused incorrect duplicate detection during Compact Chat for Hoppity's. - Daveed (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2090) + Fixed the custom reminder in the Chocolate Factory activating when using the Time Tower charge. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2126) + Fixed compact Hoppity chat breaking with special mythic rabbits. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2093) + Fix opening Chocolate Factory without Mythic Rabbit Pet not being blocked when using the `/factory` command. - Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2154) + Fix Time Tower "One charge will give" calculation not accounting for the player having the Mu Rabbit in their collection. - Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2165) + Fix typo in Chocolate Factory custom reminder config. - aphased (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2169) + Fix the warning messages for the rabbit barn being full/almost full being reversed. - Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2146) + Allow seeing the unclaimed eggs GUI while "Busy". - Obsidian (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2091) + In the Rift, Kuudra, Dungeons, etc. + Fix detection for supreme chocolate bar completion. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2194) + Fixed the detection of production time from Fish the Rabbit. - Daveed (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2225) + Fixed buying items sometimes triggering compact Hoppity messages. - sayomaki (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2201) + Fixed Hoppity Chat Compact not working outside of Hoppity's event for Abiphone users who have Hoppity as a contact. - Daveed (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2250) + Fixed stray rabbit production time tooltip display. - Daveed (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2239) + Fixed Hoppity custom goals being off by one level. - Daveed (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2280) + Fixed Custom Reminder not working in the Chocolate Shop. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2334) #### Custom Scoreboard Fixes + Fixed scoreboard player count not displaying in dungeons. - ThatGravyBoat (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1894) + Fixed showing "No Magical Power detected" message multiple times. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2065) + Fixed unknown lines not appearing instantly in the Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2063) + Fixed Anniversary Line not being detected in Custom Scoreboard. - Empa, j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2058) + Fixed Perkpocalypse Mayor's time being longer than Jerry's time in office. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2045) + Fixed Unknown lines in the Custom Scoreboard. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2119) + Fixed broken event start time for upcoming events in the Custom Scoreboard. - Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2113) + Fixed the New Year Event missing in the Custom Scoreboard.. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2122) + Fix Custom Scoreboard Error while voting. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2184) + Fix Custom Scoreboard Error during the Winter Event. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2192) + Fix Custom Scoreboard Error in Kuudra. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2176) + Fix New Mayor perks not showing up on the Scoreboard. - Stella (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2187) + Fixed Custom Scoreboard Error during Carnival. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2245) + Fixed 2 Custom Scoreboard Errors while in Kuudra. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2236) + Fixed Scoreboard Reset not updating the draggable list. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2252) + Fixed a scoreboard error message when a Hypixel bug shows a negative number of magma cubes remaining in the scoreboard. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2267) + Fixed Custom Scoreboard Error when having more than 1000 medals. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2319) #### Dungeon Fixes + Fixed healer orb pickup hider. - Mikecraft1224 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1750) + Fixed Dungeon Rank Tab list color not showing the names of players with YouTube/Admin rank. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1878) + Fixed Dungeons in DiscordRPC not showing the elapsed time. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2089) + Fixed multiple empty lines appearing in Custom Scoreboard while in Dungeons. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2082) + Fixed Livid Finder not working with Magenta Livid. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2086) + Fixed the dungeon finder item lore displaying on other items in the inventory. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2298) #### Commands Fixes + Fixed typo in /shclearkismet command. - fahr-plan (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1912) + Fixed 'viewrecipe' lowercase not working. - Obsidian + hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1939) + Fixed rare cases where queued /gfs didn't work. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1999) + Fixed an additional empty /shcommands page from appearing. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2287) #### Fishing Fixes + Fixed Thunder and Jawbus not being highlighted by Highlight Rare Sea Creatures. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1858) + Fixed Trophy Fish Display not working for stranded players. - HiZe (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1966) + Fixed Sea Creature highlight not working when the damage indicator was enabled. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1985) + Fixed Fishing Bait warnings not working. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2135) + Fixed a rare double hook detection issue. - appable (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2125) + Fixed Commission Mob Highlighter incorrectly highlighting Deep Sea Protectors as Automatons. - Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2130) + Fixed Squid Pet counting towards the Fishing Timer. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1960) #### Performance Fixes + Fixed small memory leaks when staying in one island for extended periods. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1890) #### Diana Fixes + Fixed Inquisitor detection for sharing. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1949) + Fixed Diana errors being shown when the feature is not enabled. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1942) #### Rift Fixes + Fixed rift slayer warning showing while hitting Oubliette Guard. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1950) #### Inventory Fixes + Fixed estimated item value not showing in NEU PV. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1955) + Fixed showing the favorite wardrobe slot background color while in "Only Favorites" mode. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2072) + Fixed incorrect stripping of some prefixes from non-Kuudra armor items in the estimated item value calculation. - Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2057) + This broke other items, like Hot Bait. + Fixed a Custom Wardrobe error when retrieving an item price. - j10a1n15, Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2123) + Double-Bit now works in reforge helper . - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2182) + Fix favorited pets not being detected. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2188) + Fix wrong item prices in Estimated Item Value when the craft price is higher than the NPC price and the item is soulbound. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2173) + E.g. for Gillsplash (fishing equipment). + Fix Custom Wardrobe Keybinds not working. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2198) + Fixed price calculation for Kuudra keys. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2205) + Page scrolling now works correctly in the museum. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2208) + Fixed detecting Hot Potato Books inside the Community Project as potatoes. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2214) + Fixed price source inconsistencies (Bazaar sell/buy and NPC prices). - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2221) + Fixed Carnival Masks not being detected by Reforge Helper. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2244) + Fixed a typo in the Item Pickup Log config. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2271) + Fixed a bug in SkyHanni's Time Held in Lore with Coca Truffle when using Odin. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2300) + Fixed sack changes appearing with a delay in the Item Pickup Log. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2292) + Fixed Item Pickup Log error with Wisp Potion. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2291) + Fixed Carnival Masks not being clickable in `/equipment`. - Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2293) + Fixed Bobbin' Time not being detected correctly. - Vixid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2301) + Fixed lore not showing on enchanted books with compressed format. - Vixid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2301) + Fixed the incorrect "This item has no attributes" message appearing in the Attribute Fusion menu for some items. - Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2304) + Fixed shift-clicking items in GUIs triggering the Item Pickup Log. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2305) + Fixed the Master Mode Dungeon stack size display in the party finder menu. - fazfoxy (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2316) #### Combat Fixes + Fixed summons not being removed from Summoning Mob Display. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1964) + Fixed area mini boss spawn durations below 1 second not displaying. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2110) + Fixed summons death messages getting blocked even when the feature is disabled. - Daveed (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2132) + Fixed slayer quest warning sometimes showing incorrectly. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2232) #### Chat Fixes + Fixed stash getting detected as a private message. - sayomaki (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2060) + Fix Guild Rank formatting having an extra space. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2191) #### Crimson Fixes + Fixed Pablo Helper not functioning when called via Abiphone. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2288) + Fixed reputation helper keybind activating while inside GUIs. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2284) #### Misc Fixes + Fixed LorenzToolTipEvent triggering when not actually hovering over an item. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1920) + Fixed the GUI editor opening unintentionally. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1973) + Fixed movable hotbar conflicts with some mods. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1965) + Fixed crashes caused by tooltips. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1986) + Fixed config reset on encountering unknown enum values in the config. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1990) + Config no longer resets when an incorrect value is entered. - ThatGravyBoat (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1979) + Config no longer resets when downgrading versions. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1979) + Fixed accidental hiding of boss bars. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1980) + Fixed Account Upgrade Reminder feature with simultaneous account and profile upgrades. - appable (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2007) + Fixed crash if a key code is set to a non-standard key. - ThatGravyBoat (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2066) + Fixed corrupted config files not being reset to the default state. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2055) + Fixed an error with the chum bucket hider. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2043) + Fixed stranded highlighted placeable NPCs. - martimavocado (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2071) + Fixed visual words import from SBE with special characters. - HiZe (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2085) + Fixed waypoint text being hidden when more than 80 blocks away. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2103) + Fixed durations displaying with milliseconds. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2095) + Fixed getting security error when download from GitHub. - ThatGravyBoat (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2111) + Fixed Trevor Tracker not working when Trevor Solver is disabled. - appable (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2116) + Fixed Hypixel detection on non-Hypixel servers. - martimavocado (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2131) + Fix the skill progress ETA XP/hour being doubled. - Evhan_ (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2163) + Fix launchers showing SkyHanni as LibNinePatch. - ThatGravyBoat (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2147) + Fix "/worldedit right" setting the left position. - HiZe (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2179) + Fix a bug in the Hypixel detection. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2193) + Fix random Stack Overflow Errors. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2199) + Fixed a typo in /shcommands. - Obsidian (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2223) + Fixed multiple features not showing a duration when it was less than one second. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2261) + Fixed some incorrect boxes in the GUI editor. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2260) + Fixed chroma preview always being white. - Vixid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2302) + Fixed Contributor name tag flickering when using Patcher. - nea (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2296) + Fixed Discord Rich Presence dynamic fallback. - NetheriteMiner (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2279) + Placeholder messages that should not be visible will no longer appear. ### Technical Details + Use more simple time mark. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1777) + Removed all uses of ChatUtils.sendCommandToServer, replacing with HypixelCommands.. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1769) + Use fewer deprecated LorenzVec functions. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1556) + Cleanup of duplicate code in EntityUtils. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1556) + Move regex and pattern operations to RegexUtils. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1854) + Added Track Particles command. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1787) + Fixed stacked mob highlights. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1856) + SkillExpGainEvent now uses SkillAPI data. - HiZe (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1788) + Added InquisitorFoundEvent event. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1949) + Added annotation to automatically load modules. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1904) + Just add the @SkyHanniModule annotation to an object to auto load it. + Modified removeColor for visual formatting consistency. - appable (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1824) + Keeps formatting consistency in the presence of color codes acting as implicit reset codes. + Added RepoPattern.list. - nea (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1733) + A way to store x amount of patterns. + Added unit test for repo pattern lists. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1733) + Added RepoPattern.exclusiveGroup. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1733) + Reserves a key namespace, that is only accessible from this group. + Increased usage of seconds passed. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1899) + Refactored /ff. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/873) + Added Perkpocalypse Mayor to MayorAPI. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2003) + Created FmlEventApi to hold Forge events before dispatching them as SkyHanniEvents. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1986) + Ensured correct config version when downgrading the mod. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1990) + Changed CachedItemData to use SimpleTimeMark. - nea (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2006) + This is done via an in-Kotlin delegate constructor, since calling functions with default arguments that have an inline class type from Java is not stable. + Added SimpleStringTypeAdapter. - ThatGravyBoat (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1979) + Added SkippingTypeAdapterFactory. - ThatGravyBoat (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1979) + Cleaned up ConfigManager. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1979) + Moved json package inside the utils package. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1979) + Added Tab Widget abstraction. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1150) + Added EntityDisplayNameEvent. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1687) + Make build fail when event functions have wrong annotation. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2024) + Begin transitioning to the new event system. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2023) + Added custom event bus. - ThatGravyBoat (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2008) + Added live plugin to show when an event method is missing its annotation. + Changed Java to Kotlin for repository files. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1543) + Made in-game date display use a pattern instead of repository. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1543) + All /gfs calls go through gfs API now. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1999) + Made ItemHoverEvent be called earlier. - Vixid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2018) + Removed deprecated bazaar variables. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1987) + Removed another deprecated function. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1956) + Used event.cancel() over event.isCanceled = true for LorenzEvents. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1915) + Converted classes to objects, then used annotation. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1982) + Added annotations to objects. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1974) + Added module plugin. - ThatGravyBoat (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1974) + Moved the drawWaypointFilled function to RenderUtils. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1930) + Added mixin search scope. - nea (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2033) + Changed `.gitignore` so that subdirectories of the `.idea` folder can be manually unignored. - nea (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2033) + Fixed infinite scrolling for scrollables. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2053) + DevTool Graph Editor. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1454) + Added player, drawInsideRoundedRecWithOutline & doubleLayered Renderable. - j10a1n15, Empa, Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2039) + Added render Renderables method, which only takes in one renderable. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2039) + Added method to remove enchants from any item. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2039) + Added method to click on any slot in any window. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2039) + Added "addToGUIEditor" param to render Renderables method. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2039) + Added the ability to specify a SkyHanniModule to only load in dev. - ThatGravyBoat (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2011) + Migrated long to SimpleTimeMark in Storage if they are time marks. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2038) + Added `HotmData.isMaxLevel`, which also accounts for Blue Cheese. - Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2032) + Code cleanups for forEach loops. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1725) + Removed the deprecated TimeUtils function and cleaned up the newer one. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1898) + Fully utilized the module annotation for feature objects. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1983) + Added getPerkByName(name) and calculateTotalCost(level) to HotmAPI. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1460) + New Scoreboard lines are added automatically from remote. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2068) + The pattern still needs to be added to the list in development. + Improved code around Kuudra armor sets in estimated item value checking. - Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2057) + Cleaned up some scoreboard event handling. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1940) + Refactored Summoning Mob Manager to use Mob Detection. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2092) + Added true color support to text rendering. - nea (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1397) + This is separate from chroma. + This is achieved by using §#§0§0§0§f§f§f§/. + Simply use the ExtendedChatColor class. + Refactored Area Mini boss Features to use mob detection. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2095) + Added OreBlock and OreType. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1655) + Added OreMinedEvent. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1655) + Provides information on the original block mined, and any other blocks mined by sources like Efficient Miner, Mole, etc. + Improved performance with Commission Color Blocks. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1655) + Fixed HotmAPI saving incorrect level values when using Blue Egg. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2097) + Fixed the interest widget and added a scrap widget. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2094) + Made SkyHanni into a Mod. - hannibal2 + nea (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2099) + Fixed illegal mob detection with rideable pets. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2010) + Removed yet another deprecated function. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2021) + Created and implemented PlayerDeathEvent. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1544) + Added a list of named nodes for the graph editor. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2059) + Added debug command /shtestisland. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2107) + Simulate being on a SkyBlock island. + Fixed a ConcurrentModificationException in RepoPatternManager during tests. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2098) + Updated the shader enabling system to work with enums instead of shader names. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2035) + Add DragNDrop. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1864) + Handler for drag and drop behavior for renderables. + Add SkyblockStats. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1437) + Add ReforgeAPI. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1437) + Switch some stuff from TabListUpdate to TabWidgetUpdate. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1240) + Add carnival mask to item category. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2189) + Fix pattern for Dragon Widget. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2190) + Changed the readme.md file. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2174) + Add Mob Detection First Seen Event. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2096) + Mob Detection now runs every tick instead of every other tick. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2096) + RepoPattern locale loading now works inversely for the development environment. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2069) + Move Hoppity Rabbit chat patterns to the eggs manager. - sayomaki (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2144) + Removed redundant `lowName` property from HotmAPI.Powder. - Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2128) + Made RecalculatingValue a ReadOnlyProperty. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2151) + Visitor rarities from the repository are now exposed to the code in a cleaner way. - Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2220) + Added automatic PR labeling for bug fixes. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2203) + Deprecated some methods in RegexUtils, and added some others. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2160) + Fixed ScoreboardData Line formatting with doubled color codes. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2264) + Changed "colour" to "color" internally, everywhere. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2258) + Added renderRenderableDouble. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2260) + A direct replacement for renderStringsAndItems. + Changed detecting active mayor to no longer use the number of votes. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2227) + Fixed wrong color for Jasper gemstone in OreBlock API. - Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2257) + Added DYE to Item Category. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2315) + Added /shdebugprice command. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2289) + Cache rewardPatterns in the powder chat filter. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2276) + Added Minister data to the MayorAPI. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2313) + Added ItemPriceUtils and moved all item price functions into it. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2290) + Added a preprocessor to prepare for 1.21. - nea (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2283) + This will require a minor adjustment in how the Minecraft client is launched. + Deleted an unnecessary function in Garden Crop Milestone. - notafrogo (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2339) + Removed repository item errors. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2338) + Instead of stack traces for "no item name for internal name", "no item stack for internal name", and "no internal name for item stack", we now return the internal name in red, the internal name `MISSING_ITEM`, or a barrier item instead. + Command /shdebug lists all failed item names. + Debug chat still logs the errors. + Shows a popup (currently disabled). ### Removed Features + Removed Mineshaft from mining event display. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2083) + Remove the original Time Tower Reminder feature. - appable (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2133) + Hypixel now correctly calculates Time Tower offline. + Removed the /shlimbo command. - nopo (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/2231) + Hypixel added /limbo. ## Version 0.25 ### New Features #### Garden Features + Added Pest Profit Tracker. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1321) + Added Open On Elite. - Obsidian (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1185) + Allow opening farming contest stats on elitebot.dev by pressing a keybind + mouse click onto a contest item. + Works inside the menus Jacob's Farming Contest, Your Contests, and SkyBlock Calendar. + Added Visitor's Logbook Stats. - HiZe (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1287) + Show all your visited/accepted/denied visitors stats in a display. + Added Stereo Harmony Display. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1324) + Options to show/hide boosted crop and pest icons. + Added Super Craft button to visitors for ease of access. - Conutik (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1173) + Checks if you have enough materials to craft the items and depending on that shows the button or not. + Added overflow Garden crop milestones. - Alexia Luna & HiZe (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/997) #### Diana Features + Added customizable Inquisitor Highlight color. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1323) + Added mobs since last Inquisitor to Mythological Creature Tracker. - CuzImClicks (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1346) #### Mining Features + Added Area Walls. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1266) + Show walls between the main areas of the Crystal Hollows. + Option to show the walls also when inside the Nucleus. + Fossil Excavator Solver. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1427) + Shows where to next click for optimal chance of solving the fossil. If there is a fossil this will find it within 18 moves. + Added Excavation Profit Tracker. - hannibal2 + Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1432) + Count all drops you gain while excavating in the Fossil Research Center. + Track Glacite Powder gained as well (no profit, but progress). + Track Fossil Dust and use it for profit calculation. + Added Mining Notifications. - martimavocado (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1429) + Mining events, including Mineshaft spawning, Suspicious Scrap drops, and Cold going above a threshold. + Added Profit Per Excavation. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1439) + Show profit/loss in chat after each excavation. + Also include breakdown information on hover. + Added a textured cold overlay to Glacite Tunnels. - j10a1n15, Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1438) + Change at what cold level the texture should appear. + Added option to highlight own Golden/Diamond Goblin. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1466) + Added Glacial Powder as stack size in the Fossil Excavator. - jani (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1458) + Click to get an Ascension Rope from sacks in the Mineshaft. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1542) + Added Tunnel Maps. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1546) + Provides a way to navigate inside the new Glacite Tunnels. + Added Commissions Blocks Color. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1701) + Highlights blocks required for commissions in a custom color. + Greys out other blocks for clarity. + Works in the Glacite Tunnels and Crystal Hollows. + Profit Per Corpse. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1734) + Displays profit/loss in chat after looting a corpse in the Mineshaft. + Includes a breakdown of information on hover. #### Dungeon Features + Added SA Jump Notification. - CarsCupcake (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/852) + Warn shorty before a Shadow Assassin jumps to you in dungeons. + Added Low Quiver Reminder at the end of Dungeon/Kuudra run. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1190) + Added notifications for architect on puzzle fail. - Conutik (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1197) + Shows Title. + Shows button in chat to retrieve from sack. + Only works when having enough Architect First Drafts in the sack. + Added dungeon hub race waypoints. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1471) + Only works for Nothing; No return races. + Added the ability to hide solo class, solo class stats and fairy dialogue chat messages in Dungeons. - raven (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1702) #### Rift Features + Added Vermin Highlight. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1457) + Highlights Vermin mobs in the West Village in the Rift. + Change Highlight color. #### Config Features + Added a link from HUD elements to config options. - nea (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1383) + Simply right-click a HUD element in the HUD editor to jump to its associated options. + Does not yet work on every GUI element. Wait for the missing elements in the following betas. #### Combat Features + Added Quiver Display. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1190) + Only shows the type of arrow when wearing a Skeleton Master Chestplate. + Added an option to highlight Zealots holding Chests in a different color. - Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1347) #### Chat Features + Added party chat commands. - nea (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1433) + Added `!pt` (and aliases) as a command that allows others to transfer the party to themselves. + Added `!pw` (and aliases) as a command that allows others to request a warp. + Added Option to reorder or hide every part of a player chat message. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1483) + Parts to move around: SkyBlock Level, Emblem, player name, guild rank, private island rank, crimson faction, iron man mode, bingo level and Private Island Guest. + Player messages impacted by this: all chat, party, guild, private chat, /show. + This might break hover/click on chat actions (Will be fixed later). + Added Hide Level Brackets. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1483) + Hide the gray brackets in front of and behind the level numbers. + Added Level Color As Name. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1483) + Use the color of the SkyBlock level for the player color. + Allow party members to request allinvite to be turned on. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1464) + Say !allinv in party chat for them to enable all invite. #### Event Features + Added stuff for Chocolate Factory. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1434) + Show info about your Chocolate Factory. + Show which upgrades you can afford and which to buy. + Notification to click on rabbit in the inventory. + Notify you if you are close to having your rabbits crushed. + Added solver for the Egg Locator. - CalMWolfs & gravy (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1434) + Added other stuff for Hoppity Event. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1434) + Display which eggs you have not gotten this SkyBlock day. + Waypoints for every egg on all islands. + Shared waypoints for found eggs. + Added Bits Gained Chat Message. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1487) + Added Hoppity rabbit collection stats summary. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1482) + Added Chocolate Factory Menu Shortcut (Hoppity Menu Shortcut). - raven + martimavocado (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1583) + Added Tooltip Move. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1581) + Moves the tooltip away from the item you hover over while inside the Chocolate Factory. + Added Chocolate Factory Compact On Click. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1579) + Added Factory Chat Filters. - RobotHanzo (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1574) + Hide chocolate factory upgrade and employee promotion messages. + Copy Chocolate Factory Stats to clipboard. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1517) + Highlight non-purchased items in Hoppity shop. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1517) + Added time tower status to the chocolate factory stats. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1506) + Also can notify you when you get a new charge or your charges are full. + Extra tooltip stats about upgrades for the chocolate factory. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1594) + View these to know when to buy time tower or Coach Jackrabbit. + Added Chocolate Leaderboard Change. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1602) + Show the change of your chocolate leaderboard over time in chat. + This updates every time you first open the /cf menu on a new server. + Added Chocolate Shop Price. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1601) + Show chocolate to coin prices inside the Chocolate Shop inventory. + Added keybinds for Chocolate Factory. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1644) + Added warning when Chocolate Factory upgrade is available. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1642) + Added amount of chocolate until next prestige to stats display. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1638) + Ability to adjust the opacity of players near shared and guessed egg waypoints. - RobotHanzo (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1582) + Added time until the next Hoppity event in chat message for egg locator. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1625) + Added a warning before the Time Tower in the Chocolate Factory ends. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1816) #### Inventory Features + Added SBA style Enchant Parsing. - Vixid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/654) + Option to remove vanilla enchants in tooltip. + Option to remove enchant descriptions. + Option to change enchant formatting. + Also parses tooltips from /show. + Added option to hide item tooltips inside the Harp. - raven (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1700) + Added an option in the Auction House search browser to search for the item on coflnet.com. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1743) #### Crimson Features + Added Matriarch Helper. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1385) + Highlights the Heavy Pearls. + Draws a line to the Heavy Pearls. #### Slayer Features + Added Blaze Slayer fire pillar display. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1766) + Shows a large display with a timer when the Fire Pillar is about to explode. + Also displays for other players' bosses. #### Misc Features + Added No Bits Available Warning. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1286) + Warns when you run out of available bits to generate. + Added Hide Far Entities. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1064) + Can perhaps increase FPS for some users by 5% to 150%. + Options to change the distance and number of mobs to always show. + Option to disable in garden. + SkyCrypt button to Discord RPC. - ThatGravyBoat (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1526) + Added `/shupdate` command. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1578) + Can be used like `/shupdate ` to download updates from a specific update stream. + Added Inventory background to GUI editor. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1622) + Added /shignore. - martimavocado (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1469) + This lets you block users from running party commands. + Option to Replace Roman Numerals. - Mikecraft1224 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1722) + Added a simple Ferocity Display. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1765) + Shows the Ferocity stat as a single GUI element. + Requires the Tab List widget to be enabled and Ferocity to be selected to work. ### Improvements #### Garden Improvements + Added warnings when Farming Fortune/Crop Fortune aren't found in tab list. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1330) + Added highlight slot while hovering over line for Anita medal profit and SkyMart copper price. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1118) + SkyMart and Anita Medal prices are now perfectly aligned in the displays. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1376) + Clear plot sprays when Portable Washer is used. - Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1178) + Added option to show atmospheric filter display outside SB. - Obsidian (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1131) + Improved visitor reward blocking. - Obsidian (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1417) + Added option to block accepting/refusing expensive/cheap copper. + Added option to prevent blocking never accepted visitors. + Reworked visitor blocking logic to make it more like not clickable items. + Only warn that crop fortune is missing in tab list while actively farming. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1451) + Added Plot Visibility Type for garden. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1369) + Choose how to show infested plots in the world: Border, Name or both. + Added support for showing overflow garden levels outside the Garden Level Display. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1325) + Added options to toggle overflow garden levels and overflow level up messages. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1325) + Added an option to disable custom garden key binds while on the barn plot. - jani (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1559) + Added option to block accepting/refusing visitors depending on coin loss. - Albin (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1502) + Changed broken Pest Particle Waypoint to just show existing particles better, no guess. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1263) + This is just a workaround until the pest location detection is working again. + Armor drop tracker now displays only when holding a farming tool. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1650) + Made the Composter chat message clickable to warp to the Garden. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1723) + Improved Farming Timer. - Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1737) + The secondary visitor timer now accurately checks your BPS (Blocks Per Second) instead of assuming a value of 20. + Do Not Hide Maeve's Garden Chat Dialogue. - Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1742) + Maeve's Garden visitor dialogue is no longer hidden, preventing confusion about potential bugs. + Displays the middle of the plot while the pest line is showing. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1647) + This makes it clearer when the guess points to the middle of the plot rather than to a pest. + Improved pest count accuracy in plot detection. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1764) + Added options to show crops per second and crops per hour in the Crop Milestone Display. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1536) + Added tool gemstone information to /ff crop pages. - maxime-bodifee (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1817) + Added supreme chocolate bars to the Cocoa Beans menu in /ff. - maxime-bodifee (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1817) + Toggle this information with `/shcocoabeans`. #### Diana Improvements + Now detecting inquisitor share chat messages from CT module "InquisitorChecker". - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1315) + Added kills since last inquis to chat message when digging one up. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1363) + Inquisitor sharing can now detect coordinates from all chat. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1316) + Disabled per default. + Now detecting inquisitor share messages sent from CT module "InquisitorChecker". - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1359) + Added a Diana chat helper. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1808) + This feature helps to enable /particlequality extreme and /togglemusic when needed. #### GUI Improvements + Made Cookie Buff timer in Custom Scoreboard work without tab list. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1292) + Update Magical Power from Maxwell as well. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1327) + Improved SkyBlock Area in Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1350) + Added Cold Resistance 4 to Non God Pot Effects. - martimavocado (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1440) + Added queue to Scoreboard Events in Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1420) + New Images for Discord Rich Presence. - NetheriteMiner (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1422) + Updated important areas to have new images. + Added Fortunate Freezing Bonus to Mining Events in Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1453) + Added line breaks functionality for Custom Scoreboard Title/Footer. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1373) + Added Dungeon Room ID to Lobby Code. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1428) + Made all rift event entries into one big rift entry in Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1480) + Added outline to custom scoreboard. - Vixid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1461) + Customize border thickness. + Customize border blur. + Customize top and bottom color (gradient). + Moved Unknown Lines warning option back into Custom Scoreboard Category. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1561) + Added more Alignment Options to Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1566) + Allowed Custom Scoreboard Outline to also work on Background Images. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1566) + Chocolate Shop now updates chocolate availability every second. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1652) + Chocolate Shop now also shows time until affordable. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1652) + Changed the color of time to blue in Chocolate Factory displays. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1652) + Star now shows on time tower and coach jackrabbit. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1641) + Maxed upgrades in Chocolate Factory now show a checkmark. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1641) + Hide many garden GUIs while inside any Chocolate Factory menu. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1648) + Changed Chocolate Factory shortcut icon. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1640) + Added incoming tab list event to Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1666) + Changed the default design of the quiver line in Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1752) + Show infinite Arrows in Custom Scoreboard when wearing Skeleton Master Chestplate. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1795) #### Commands Improvements + Add /trade to tab completable commands. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1354) + Improved gfs to have support for calculations in amount. - Conutik (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1493) + Cleanup the format for the /shcommand hover description. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1531) + Added autocomplete for party commands. - ThatGravyBoat (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1598) #### Config Improvements + Added right click support for many garden GUI elements. - hannibal2 + nea (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1395) + Added config links to most features. - jani (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1404) + Added all missing config links, or added a comment if no related GUI element exists. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1412) + Moved No Bits Warning category into Bits Features category. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1487) + Changed Reset Config Command. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1524) #### Inventory Improvements + Items that cannot be salvaged because you have donated them to the Museum are now greyed out in the Salvage menu. - Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1384) + Added support for Glacial Cave gemstones in Estimated Item Value. - Fix3dll (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1416) + Added Fossil Excavator and Research Center to Hide Non-Clickable Items feature. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1430) + Sack Display update. - hannibal2 + Thunderblade73 + CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1381) + Sorting for gemstone sack and rune sack. + Now has options for horizontal alignment. + Highlight the item in inventory while hovering over the item name in the display. + Enchant books always show descriptions regardless of if 'Hide enchant description' is enabled. - Vixid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1552) + Added Item Ability Cooldown support for Royal Pigeon. - Jordyrat (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1705) + Use raw craft cost of an item if no Auction House price is available. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1682) + Added Custom Chocolate Factory Reminder. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1740) + Click an item that can be upgraded/purchased with chocolate to set it as a reminder goal. + Works with Rabbits, Barn, Time Tower, etc. + Option to display this timer universally, even outside the inventory. + Added a display for the time remaining until Tower Charges are full. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1760) + Include item prices for upgrading in the Chocolate Shop calculation. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1805) + Added display of prestige level in chocolate factory statistics. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1827) #### Slayer Improvements + Added Dragon's Nest as a valid Enderman Slayer location. - Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1399) + RNG meter item will now be detected when opening slayer menu. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1479) + Clicking the slayer RNG meter now opens the selection inventory. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1694) #### Chat Improvements + Added more messages to Pet Drop Rarity. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1213) + Added option Ignore YouTube. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1483) + Do not remove the rank for YouTubers in chat. + Added option Same Chat Color. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1483) + All players, also those with ranks, write with the same, white chat color. + Enchant Parsing support for other mods' chat tooltips. - Vixid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1589) + Added hover events back into the custom player message formatter. - nea (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1516) #### Combat Improvements + Added customizable amount at which to get a Low Quiver Notification / Quiver Reminder. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1190) #### Mining Improvements + Renamed Deep Caverns parkour to Deep Caverns Guide. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1443) + Make Fossil Excavator a category rather than accordion. - walker (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1441) + Disabled colored blocks in the Mineshaft. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1749) + Disabled mining commissions block color in Dwarven Mines. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1790) #### Event Improvements + Compressed the no power up line in the Jerry winter event. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1355) + Improved description of Hoppity highlight updates. - rnghatesme (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1580) + Added a way to disable the rabbit crush warning by setting the threshold to zero. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1575) + Improved various Hoppity features. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1517) + Show an estimation of when you will prestige based on your chocolate/second. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1514) + Removed the Hoppity Menu Shortcut in Rift, Kuudra, Catacombs and Mineshaft. - raven (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1585) + You cannot use the chocolate factory in these areas, resulting in the button being removed. + Live update chocolate amounts in other inventories related to the chocolate factory. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1594) + Added ranking percentage to Hoppity Display. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1501) + Split up Chocolate Factory and Hoppity in the config. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1599) + Factory is now under category inventory. + Hoppity is now alone. + Update saved chocolate count when getting a duplicate rabbit. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1665) + Improved upgrade recommendations in the Chocolate Factory. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1659) + No longer recommends the time tower upgrade, as it can lead to inefficiencies. + Added time until the next Hoppity egg. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1625) + Displays time until the best chocolate upgrade is available. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1654) + Show a line to Hoppity guess point. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1669) + Sharing the name of the rabbit hunt egg note in chat. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1675) + Added option to show the Hoppity Unclaimed Eggs display during a farming contest. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1670) + Added Duplicate Rabbit Time. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1671) + Show the production time of chocolate gained from duplicate rabbits. + Improved the description of the Time in Chat feature (Hoppity Event). - Obsidian (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1679) + Expanded options for Hoppity Waypoint rendering. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1739) + Improved wording for Chocolate Factory spam filter and upgrade notification config options. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1729) + Added an option to only receive Rabbit Crush warnings during the Hoppity event. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1762) + Warn when all three Hoppity eggs are ready to be found. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1747) + Improved Hoppity Egg warning. - Obsidian (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1802) + Added option to warp to an island on click. + Fixed a typo. + Extended warning sound duration when all 3 Hoppity Eggs are found. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1793) #### Rift Improvements + Made the vermins in the Vermin Tracker match the order shown in Kat's menu. - Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1459) #### Dungeon Improvements + Added a command to clear the kismet state in Croesus. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1539) + Added a way to disable marking low-level parties in dungeon finder by setting it to 0. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1626) #### Fishing Improvements + Fixed a typo in the fishing profit tracker. - raven (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1678) #### Misc Improvements + Improved mod performance. - CalMWolfs, ThatGravyBoat (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1342) + Added option to toggle No Bits Warning sound. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1425) + Show enchantment in book bundle name in profit tracker. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1391) + Added the option to choose the duration and color of Patcher Coords Waypoints. - jani (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1476) + Added support to right-click in GUI editor to open config for all remaining GUI elements. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1455) + Fixed another memory leak. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1491) + Don't send some reminders while in dark auction. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1533) + Added descriptions for missing config categories. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1600) + Architect Draft messages can now be copied and pasted. - raven (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1732) + Updated setting description for clarity. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1736) + The GUI position editor can now edit all GUIs that were visible within the last 20 seconds, including those inside inventories. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1768) + Improved the performance of scoreboard and tab list reading. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1779) + Improved performance of minion nametag feature and removed unnecessary checks between blocks. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1780) + Re-added different arrow types in Quiver Reminder after a run. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1832) ### Fixes #### Fishing Fixes + Fixed not checking if in an area that thunder can spawn before checking for thunder sparks. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1345) #### Slayer Fixes + Made the fire pit warning actually make a sound. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1342) + Fixed resetting the RNG item after dropping it for slayer. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1477) + Fixed Slayer failed warnings not showing up in Rift. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1627) + Fixed vampire slayer features not working while nicked. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1607) + Fixed error message when starting slayer quest in mining islands. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1619) + Fixed multiple slayer warning bugs. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1814) + Fixed slayer warning showing up at the wrong time. + Fixed Slayer Warning showing up when others are damaging mobs in an incorrect area. + Fixed showing warnings while doing Diana. + Fixed Slayer warning being off when joining/leaving the Rift. #### Garden Fixes + Fixed Farming Fortune Display not showing when no Crop Fortune in tab. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1330) + Fixed impossible pest counts. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1362) + Fixed crop fortune message spam. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1364) + Fixed coins from leveling up farming counting to Pest Profit Tracker. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1358) + Fixed not being able to teleport to other infested plots immediately after killing a pest. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1357) + Fixed Jacob's contest detection. - HiZe (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1375) + Fixed updating pests before pest count got updated. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1386) + Fixed being able to have duplicate custom key binds. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1387) + Fixed typo in Show outside list for Jacobs contest. - Obsidian (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1131) + Next contest overlay now looks like before. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1403) + Fixed item sizes in the Crop Milestone display. - martimavocado & Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1436) + Fixed crash with garden visitor hotkey names. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1478) + Fixed issues with Pest Count. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1406) + Fixed some items being tracked incorrectly in the Pest Profit Tracker. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1388) + Fixed shift click on accept/refusal no longer changes the visitor highlight. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1475) + Fixed rare error with visitor reward warning. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1481) + Fixed bug with Garden Visitor Supercraft. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1550) + Fixed an error message with pest particles. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1551) + Fixed error message with GFS and super crafting pets. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1553) + Fixed pest count error being shown. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1563) + Fixed pest count logic not having necessary delay. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1591) + Fixed visitor reward warning only blocking normal clicks. - Obsidian (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1595) + Fixed Visitor's logbook stats display showing while guesting. - HiZe (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1635) + Fixed Farming Lane auto-activation when clicking on crops without farming tool. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1645) + Fixed visitor highlight color sometimes being wrong. - Obsidian (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1639) + Fixed pet drop rarity issue in Pest Profit Tracker. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1624) + Fixed pest plot border showing over pest guess line. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1618) + Fixed crop milestone detection via tab list. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1693) + Fixed farming tool detection sometimes not working after closing an inventory. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1692) + Fixed the secondary visitor timer constantly disappearing while farming. - Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1737) + Fixed /ff not displaying armor fortune correctly. - maxime-bodifee (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1817) + Gemstones and the Pesterminator are now included in the calculations. + The total value for each armor piece is now displayed correctly. + Updated total universal farming values to reflect these changes. + Fixed Farming Contest Stats taking too long to display in chat. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1829) + Fixed Farming Contest blocking other GUIs even while outside the Garden. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1829) + Fixed showing the wrong visitor time when info is not in the tab list. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1831) + Fixed an error in /ff when you don't have a gemstone. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1823) + Fixed plot border rendering in the Garden. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1819) #### Chat Fixes + Added names of lobby players to /p tab complete. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1340) + Fixed friend detection from chat. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1336) + Fixed the Supercraft /gfs prompt not showing when you crafted 1,000 or more items. - Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1351) + Make fire sale hider in tab list work again. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1355) + Queued gfs now works with gemstone names. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1468) + Fixed pet rarity drop messages modifying unrelated messages. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1507) + Fixed "chat rank hider" changing rank formatting for level 400+. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1483) + Fixed /gfs error with 0 at the end. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1528) + Fixed Transfer Party Chat command. - nobaboy (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1505) + Fixed aquamarine gemstones in queued gfs. - martimavocado (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1545) + Fixed some guild chat messages having wrong format. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1568) + Fixed chat click and hover functionality. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1680) + Fixed a rare crash related to complex chat events. - nea (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1707) + Fixed stash getting detected as private message. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1716) + Fixed spaces in chat formatting. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1704) + Fixed player chat spacing issue with the crimson faction icon. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1770) + Fixed extra space in chat formatting. - Jordyrat (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1785) + Fixed incorrect chat format when using the Hypixel command /show. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1781) + Fixed replacing words in dialogue with numbers. - Mikecraft1224 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1755) + Minor co-op chat capitalization fix. - appable (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1825) #### GUI Fixes + Fixed "No Power" being displayed as "No" in Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1332) + Fixed coop banks not being affected by "hide empty numbers" in Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1328) + Fixed bits available being subtracted in an infinite loop. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1292) + Fixed not setting No Power Active. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1366) + Fixed Objective Lines never being shown in Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1377) + Fixed Crystal Hollows Island size being 26 instead of 24 in Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1389) + Fixed "unknown lines" error with an objective line in Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1394) + Fixed Powder not being shown in the Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1414) + Fixed the skill tab list pattern sometimes not matching. - Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1419) + Fixed multiple mining v3 Unknown Lines errors in Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1420) + Fixed Fame rank-up not updating the rank. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1450) + Made compact tab list not be invisible when turning it on. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1463) + Fixed Bits Available being out of sync after leaving the Rift. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1467) + Fixed pet error with Discord Rich Presence. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1488) + Fixed Custom Scoreboard missing Ävaeìkx sitting time. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1480) + Fixed Maxwell Power not updating when unlocking a new power. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1520) + Fixed Custom Scoreboard not detection M7 dragons during Derpy. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1561) + Fixed space in visitor shopping list. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1549) + Fixed missing Fossil Dust line in Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1586) + Fixed SkyHanni showing the Vanilla Scoreboard when using Apec. - hannibal2, j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1592) + Fixed Magical Power not setting to zero when the mod can't find the magical power line. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1632) + Fixed crash on Unix with Discord Rich Presence. - ThatGravyBoat (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1611) + Made some lines in Discord Rich Presence shorter. - Obsidian (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1613) + This should help avoid overflowing the SkyCrypt profiles button. + Fixed wrong max lobby size in Custom Scoreboard size while in Mineshaft. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1651) + Fixed Magical Power always being 0. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1646) + Fixed chroma not being affected by alpha. - ThatGravyBoat (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1660) + Fixed an issue where Magical Power in Maxwell was sometimes not detected. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1674) + Fixed the Vanilla Scoreboard not reappearing after leaving SkyBlock. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1673) + Fixed an undetected objective in Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1697) + Fixed text transparency issues with Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1730) + Fixed more double objectives in Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1731) + Fixed missing Hay Eaten line in Custom Scoreboard in Rift. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1721) + Fixed Custom Scoreboard showing the Spooky Festival Time twice. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1757) + Fixed unknown scoreboard lines chat error message when Hypixel sends incomplete line data. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1761) + Fixed Custom Scoreboard error during Winter Event. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1789) + Fixed max island size display in Crimson Isle and Catacombs in Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1822) + Fixed some issues where skyhanni guis would have click and hover events when they shouldn't. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1846) #### Dungeon Fixes + Dungeon Copilot no longer tells you to enter the nonexistent boss room in The Catacombs - Entrance. - Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1374) + Fixed some area walls overlapping with blocks. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1418) + Fixed Dungeon Copilot not working on the Entrance Floor. - martimavocado (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1656) #### Bingo Fixes + Fixes rare error when hovering over a row item in Bingo Card. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1370) + Fixed bingo card reward line not found error. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1400) #### Inventory Fixes + Fixed bazaar order cancel save to clipboard error again. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1474) + Fixed Bazaar Cancelled Buy Order Clipboard one last time. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1529) + Fixed tooltips disappearing with the Enchant Parsing feature. - Vixid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1552) + Fixed tooltip on certain items when using Enchant Parsing. - Vixid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1569) + Fixed slot highlight showing over item tooltip. - ThatGravyBoat (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1603) + Fixed middle-clicking not working on time tower. - Obsidian (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1596) + You can still right click to activate it. + Fixed harp keybinds. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1644) + Fixed Bazaar buy order error when nothing to cancel. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1606) + Fixed Estimated Item Value not visible in PV. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1620) + Fixed total rabbits not resetting. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1637) + Fixed error message in the Chocolate Factory. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1661) + Fixed checkmark incorrectly showing on prestige item. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1659) + Fixed inventory highlights sometimes remaining after exiting. - Mikecraft1224 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1699) + Fixed unintended clicks while using keybind feature in Melody's Harp or Chocolate Factory menu. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1690) + Fixed an error in estimated item value calculation. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1728) + Fixed upgrade time display when Chocolate Factory Upgrades are maxed. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1727) + Fixed incorrect time to prestige after using the Time Tower. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1726) + Fixed the Chocolate Factory upgrade warning incorrectly displaying when no upgrade was possible. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1741) + Fixed a case where the chocolate factory upgrade warning did not work. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1758) + Fixed Chocolate Factory time remaining calculations while the Time Tower is active. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1774) + Fixed enchantment colors showing as white when SkyHanni chroma is not enabled. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1798) + Fixed Chocolate Factory Shop. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1815) + Profit calculations now show in sub-menus. + Total chocolate value now updates when buying something from the Chocolate Factory Shop. + Fixed displaying Chest Value in minion inventories. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1834) + Fixed displaying Chest Value in some bazaar pages. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1833) + Fixed the selling of SkyBlock Menu. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1820) + Fixed Dark Candy not appearing in Candy Bag possible items. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1820) + Fixed the ability to hide Chocolate Factory upgrade messages. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1820) + Fixed Time Until Next Charge display. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1806) + Fixed typos and formatting in Craft Materials From Bazaar. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1840) + Fixed invalid bazaar items being highlighted in the clickable items feature. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1841) + Fixed Bazaar price features not working for Ultimate Jerry. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1842) #### Rift Fixes + Fixed Rift NPC shops being treated as Overworld ones for selling items to them. - Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1494) + Fixed Blood Effigies timers in the Rift. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1649) + Fixed timers showing even when above the set respawn time. + Fixed display flickering due to milliseconds. + Fixed duplicate word "soul" in an Enigma Waypoint. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1776) #### Mining Fixes + Fixed Paleontologist book not getting detected when excavate fossils. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1490) + Fixed cold overlay not resetting. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1540) + Fixed Profit per Excavation including Glacite Powder. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1628) + Fixed Fossil Dust and Glacite Powder saving in Excavation Profit tracker. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1628) + Fixed Mining event error spam in chat when the API got connection problems. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1746) + Fixed Bal being incorrectly highlighted when a Yog Slayer commission is active. - Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1801) #### Command Fixes + Fixed party invite tab completion not working for friends. - nea (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1571) + Fixed error when running /gfs without amount. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1567) + Fixed out of item messages in Composter GfS. - Obsidian (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1398) #### Config Fixes + Fixed show unclaimed eggs config option. - nopo (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1572) #### Event Fixes + Fixed a typo in the Barn Warning message. - martimavocado (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1584) + Fixed not sharing location when barn full. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1608) + Fixed Chocolate Factory Move Tooltip flickering when clicking quickly. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1604) + Fixed swapped colors for Breakfast and Dinner eggs. - yhtez (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1664) + Fixed typo in Hoppity's Hunt "not active" message. - walker (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1711) + Fixed some cases where egg locator solver would trigger incorrectly. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1689) + Fixed incorrect Hoppity Waypoint rendering. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1739) + Fixed Hoppity Egg warnings appearing at the wrong time. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1796) + Fixed warning showing while the event is already over. + Fixed warning showing while you are busy. #### Crimson Isle Fixes + Fixed incorrect mini boss amount displayed by Crimson Isle Reputation Helper. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1633) + Fixed Volcano Explosivity Display. - Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1821) + Broken when Hypixel introduced the new tab list. #### Diana Fixes + Fixed an error in the All Burrows List. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1809) #### Combat Fixes + Fixed Low Quiver Warning incorrectly appearing when switching to no arrows. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1832) + Fixed bestiary display always being disabled in search mode. - appable (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1828) #### Misc Fixes + Fixed tick event being called twice a tick. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1342) + Fixes random error in mob detection. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1361) + Fixed a spelling mistake in the Deep Caverns Parkour config. - jani (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1349) + Rendered Items in SkyHanni GUIs no longer have partially broken textures (on default size). - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1390) + Fixes skill progress item scale being bigger than intended. - martimavocado (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1413) + Fixed modid of SkyHanni classes being wrong, causing various issues, like the gfs queue not working. - nea (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1411) + Fixed some typos. - Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1408) + Fixed No Bits Warning triggering when spending bits. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1425) + Clear SkyBlock area on world change. - Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1421) + This fixed the wrong area showing in some cases, such as when guesting on someone's Private Island. + Fixed a small issue that caused some features to not work as intended. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1402) + Fixed Bazaar copy not working and showing null instead. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1452) + Fixed Totem of Corruption Overlay not getting cleared on disable. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1449) + Fixed detecting being in calendar when you aren't. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1445) + Fixed delayed run crashes. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1445) + Fixed error from console filter on Minecraft shutdown. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1445) + Fixed skill issue. - nopo (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1446) + Removed weird edge case which increased memory use. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1473) + Fixed catch incorrect error type when on alpha 27. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1462) + Fixed rendering an empty string on every single item. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1465) + This change improves performance. + Fixed Bits Gained Chat Messages being sent randomly. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1503) + Fixed discord profile level error. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1548) + Fixed Profit Trackers showing no more than 2.1b coins. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1554) + Fixed error with other mods that include DiscordIPC and do not relocate. - ThatGravyBoat (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1573) + Fixed updater downloading the wrong version. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1590) + Fixed some mob features not working with Skytils' ping display. - Thunderblade73 & martimavocado (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1605) + Fixed overly frequent bazaar price error messages. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1597) + Fixed overly long description for Patcher send coordinates waypoints. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1631) + Fixed the low quiver warning. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1629) + Fixed Custom Scoreboard occasionally displaying an outdated mayor after an election switch. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1698) + Fixed Active Effects in Compact Tab List always showing 0. - Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1706) + Fixed bugged minion name tags on your private island when opening a minion. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1630) + Fixed super-crafted items being incorrectly added to profit trackers. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1784) + Fixed typo in the Mythological Creature Tracker reset command. - Jordyrat (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1800) + Fixed Inquisitor chat sharing sometimes not working. - yhtez (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1799) + Fixed some cases of incorrect height for Griffin burrow waypoints. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1797) + Fixed profit tracker enchanted book name. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1775) + Fixed removal of incorrect minion name tags. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1791) + No longer resets all minion nametags when clicking the wheat minion in the Hub. + No longer resets minion nametags that are far away from the clicked minion. + Fixed the armor hider also hiding items in the inventory. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1813) + Fixed an error in the Outside SkyBlock setting. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1810) + Fixed memory leaks. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1839) + Fixed a small Memory Leak in MobData. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1844) ### Technical Details + Added KuudraAPI. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1209) + Added KuudraEnterEvent and KuudraCompleteEvent. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1209) + Added intrinsic scalability of strings. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/888) + Added Renderable.wrappedString. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/888) + Wraps a string n times if it exceeds the specified length + Added Mob Detection. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/712) + Make all event function names uniform. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1290) + Added offset to tick event. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1342) + Made dungeon milestone use repo instead of local patterns. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1342) + Removed private modifier from LorenzVec.toCleanString. - martimavocado (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1344) + Removed Old TimeMark Class. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1322) + Remove a lot of usage of fixed rate timers and replace with a new event. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1264) + This makes these events that need to repeat about every second execute on the main thread. + Added Booster Cookie expiry time and hasCookieBuff to BitsAPI. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1292) + Added SimpleTimeMark.isInFuture(). - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1292) + Added pest data to /shdebug. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1362) + Improved Scoreboard Line joining with special formatting codes. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1333) + Use InventoryCloseEvent over GuiContainerEvent.CloseWindowEvent when able. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1184) + Added an option to copy the raw scoreboard. - Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1356) + This is accessed with `/shcopyscoreboard -raw`. + `/shcopyscoreboard true` has been changed to `/shcopyscoreboard -nocolor`. + Added HypixelData.skyblockAreaWithSymbol which includes the symbol and color of the SkyBlock area. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1350) + Created `List.matchFirst(pattern)`. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1353) + Error Manager now has a parameter to only show for beta users. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1299) + Less spam for full version users, still enough reports from beat users. + Added HighlightOnHoverSlot. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1118) + Added BitsUpdateEvent. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1286) + Fixed default fame rank being null. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1286) + Mob Detection logEvents to file. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1379) + Split sack display render code into multiple functions. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1380) + Added Renderable.verticalContainer. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1318) + Remove a lot of deprecated methods. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1371) + Added Renderable.table. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/822) + Add API for rendering fake ghostly/holographic entities in the world. - nea (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/731) + Added a `removeSpray` method to `Plot`. - Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1178) + Changed stuff around with chat messages. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1227) + Added config option to overwrite current mayor. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1302) + This replaces all "Always " options. + Add isEnabled to BasketWaypoints and remove unused code line. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1207) + Added feature toggle adapter to automatically turn on features. - nea (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/581) + Fixed mob detection: decoy, m7 dragon, husks. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1367) + Added clickableUserError. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1387) + Fixed itemScale for Renderable.itemStack. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1390) + Bump MoulConfig to 3.0.0 betas. - nea (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1382) + Adds jumps, links and portals. + Changes the package from a mix of `io.github.moulberry.moulconfig` and `io.github.notenoughupdates.moulconfig` to just `io.github.notenoughupdates.moulconfig` + Added Renderable.renderInsideRoundedRect. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/890) + Switch from LorenzUtils.inDungeons to DungeonAPI.inDungeon(). - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1378) + Bumped MoulConfig. - nea (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1411) + Deleted two empty files. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1401) + Added BitsGain, BitsSpent and BitsAvailableGained to BitsUpdateEvent. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1425) + Renamed bitsToClaim to bitsAvailable. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1425) + Made `HypixelData.skyBlockArea[withSymbol]` and `LorenzUtils.skyBlockArea` nullable. - Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1421) + This replaces the previous `"?"` magic value. + Fixed colors in debug messages. - martimavocado (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1423) + Code cleanup. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1402) + Added function ChatUtils.chatAndOpenConfig(). - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1396) + Allows sending a chat message that will open a given config element in the config editor. + Added slot to OwnInventoryItemUpdateEvent. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1190) + Added QuiverUpdateEvent. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1190) + Use Quiver item in 9th hotbar slot for QuiverAPI. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1190) + Added party leader to `PartyAPI`. - nea (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1433) + Added party chat event. - nea (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1433) + Removed use of notenoughupdates.util.Constants. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1191) + Made a generic gson builder containing common type adapters. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1308) + Moved specific gson types (Elite api data and Hypixel api data) to their own Gson objects. + Elitebot api now uses CropType and PestType instead of strings. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1308) + Added Renderable.multiClickable. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1407) + Added isKeyClicked. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1405) + This cleans up the Renderable.clickable. + Adding Hypixel mod API. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1426) + Added expiry time parameter to ClickableAction. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1445) + Added some LorenzVec and LocationUtils functions. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1445) + Deprecated all old LorenzVec math functions and made new operator functions for them. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1445) + Changed neu version in dev env. - nopo (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1446) + Changed config name. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1443) + Fixed internalizing config moves introducing a self reference inside the JSON tree. - nea (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1447) + Added MiningAPI which includes all GlaciteTunnels related stuff. - j10a1n15, Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1438) + Added ColdUpdateEvent. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1438) + Cleanup getting tablist header and footer. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1355) + Create TablistFooterUpdateEvent . - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1355) + Added direct support of setting the color of a mob. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1466) + Crash in dev env with missing @ConfigLink. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1455) + Formatted the whole code base to fit new editor config. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1485) + Force wrapping of enums. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1484) + Fixed a bug in mobDetection. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1495) + Show sound locations in-world for `/shtracksounds`. - ThatGravyBoat (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1489) + Changed auto mixins to be gathered at compile time, rather than runtime. - nea (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1456) + A ton. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1483) + LorenzTooltipEvent no longer uses forge events. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1331) + Fixed all regexes in DungeonCopilot.kt. - Conutik (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1197) + Now uses `RepoPattern` with good key naming conventions. + Fixed f7 bosses not detecting as boss. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1496) + Move contributors to its own class manager. - ThatGravyBoat (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1519) + Allow tab list suffix to be changed per contributor. + Added chat component spans. - nea (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1512) + Chat component spans represent a substring of a component, preserving chat style information. + You can further slice it, as well as sampling the style in various places. + Allows transforming back into an equivalent chat component (excluding hierarchy information). + Added component matcher. - nea (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1512) + Allows matching regexes against chat component spans (and by extension, chat components). + Removed `ItemRenderBackground`. - ThatGravyBoat (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1497) + Added helpers in `RenderUtils` for drawing borders. + Added helpers in `RenderUtils` for drawing borders and highlights on `RenderGuiItemOverlayEvent`. + Changed `RenderRealOverlayEvent` to `RenderGuiItemOverlayEvent` to be more representative of what the event is for. - ThatGravyBoat (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1497) + Added more queue draining functions. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1182) + Unit Test for RepoPatterns. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1410) + Created and used HypixelCommands. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1525) + Replace many internal commands with onClick() feature. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1522) + Using PrimitiveItemStack at getMultiplier. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1165) + Simplified the code checking when you can steak your Vampire Slayer boss. - Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1547) + Added blessings to dungeonAPI. - martimavocado (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1326) + Moved drawGradientRect to RenderUtils. - Vixid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1461) + Moved Discord RPC to ThatGravyBoat version on TeamResourceful maven. - ThatGravyBoat (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1526) + Fixed a few small errors related to RenderLivingEvent. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1555) + Improved mixins for custom tab completion. - nea (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1571) + This should make SkyHanni more compatible with other mods doing the exact same mixin for tab completion. + Also changed the mixin to use an event, allowing more decentralized tab completion changes. + Changes how some of the chocolate factory data is stored and accessed. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1514) + Renderable tooltips are now deferred in end of RenderTick. - ThatGravyBoat (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1603) + Tooltips should only be set in between RenderTickEvent start and RenderTickEvent end. i.e. screen render events. + Made DelayedRun return its SimpleTimeMark. - ThatGravyBoat (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1570) + This is useful as to not over extraneously run an operation when another is already queued. + Added scroll able logic for Renderables. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/886) + Added elements: scrollList and scrollTable. + Cleanup Custom Scoreboard code. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1486) + Cleanup HoppityCollectionStats to improve readability. - walker (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1562) + Added NamedParkourJson. - seraid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1471) + Added a `/shtestsackapi` debug command. - Obsidian (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1398) + All upgrades in chocolate factory are now stored as ChocolateFactoryUpgrade. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1641) + Fixed ClickTypeEnum ids starting at 1. - Obsidian (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1639) + Added pet rarity support to backend. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1623) + Created new event ItemHoverEvent. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1620) + Use Renderable in GardenCropMilestoneDisplay. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1534) + Allows use of `/shtestmessage -complex` to test components in JSON format. - nea (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1663) + Similar to those obtained from shift-clicking `/shchathistory`. + Made `CropType.getByNameOrNull()` case-insensitive. - Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/997) + Added GuiContainerEvent.BeforeDraw. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1510) + Created a new bazaar price data fetcher, independent of NEU. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1597) + Added Text object that provides various helpers, DSL, and utilities for interaction with chat components. - ThatGravyBoat (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1718) + Added EntityRenderLayersEvent for enabling and disabling an entities layers. - ThatGravyBoat (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1696) + Useful for hiding extra layers of a player such as armor, capes, Items and so on. + Removed code duplication in AxisAlignedBB.getCorners. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1756) + Added a RemovalListener to TimeLimitedCache and TimeLimitedSet. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1761) + Added an optional custom hover to clickableChat. - Obsidian (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1802) + Added test command /shtestgriffinspots. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1797) + This command tests all surrounding locations for possible Griffin burrow spots. + No longer creating a new MiscFeatures instance on each lobby command. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1792) + Fixed up some other patterns. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1792) ### Removed Features + Removed the option to change the highlight color in chest value. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1118) + Removed Bow Sound distance setting. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1190) + Removing Player Chat Symbols. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1483) + This is now merged in "Part Order". + Removed Twinclaws Sound. - Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1527) + Implemented by Hypixel. ## Version 0.24 ### New Features #### Inventory Features + Added Max Items With Purse. - NetheriteMiner + Calculates the maximum number of items that can be purchased from the Bazaar with the number of coins in your purse. + Added Copy Underbid Keybind. - Obsidian + Copies the price of the hovered item in Auction House minus 1 coin into the clipboard for easier under-bidding. + Added Gfs message after super crafting. — Zickles + Adding a clickable message to pick up the super crafted items from sacks. + Added Craft Materials From Bazaar. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1104) + Show in a crafting view a shopping list of materials needed when buying from the Bazaar. + Added AH Show Price Comparison. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/339) + Highlight auctions based on the difference between their estimated value and the value they are listed for. + Options to change the colors + Added Highlight options in /tab. - Conutik (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1175) + Green for enabled + Red for disabled #### Minion Features + Added Inferno Minion Fuel pickup prevention. - Zickles (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1103) + Blocks picking up the Inferno Minion or replacing the fuel inside when expensive minion fuels are in use. #### Chat Features + Hide chat message about bank interest when the received interest is zero coins. - Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1117) + Rarity text to pet drop messages. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1136) #### Dungeon Features + Added available classes in the tooltip. - Conutik + Shows in the dungeon party finder when hovering over a group. + Highlights your selected class in green if it's available. + Kismet tracking for dungeon chests. - Thunderblade73 + Highlight chests which have been rerolled inside Croesus + Shows kismet amount at the re-roll button #### Garden Features + Lane Switch Notification - ILike2WatchMemes + Sends a notification when approaching the end of a lane in Garden while farming. + Displays the distance until the end of a lane. + Made Rancher's Boots the stack size display account for the Cactus Knife now giving +100 speed cap while in the Garden. - Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1149) + Speed cap above 500 will now display as red because Hypixel now allows this for some reason, but it is practically unachievable. Also, the 1000 speed cap will now show up as 1k, so the text doesn't overflow into the slot to the left. + Added Plot Menu Highlighting - ILike2WatchMemes (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1181) + Plot highlighting based on plot statuses (pests, active spray, current plot, locked plot) + Added Pest Waypoint. - Empa + hannibal2 + Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1268) + Show a waypoint of the next pest when using a vacuum. Only points to the center of the plot the pest is in, if too far away. + Uses the particles and math to detect the location from everywhere in the garden. + Option to draw a line to waypoint. + Option to change the number of seconds until the waypoint will disappear. #### Mining Features + Display upcoming mining events. - CalMWolfs + Show what mining events are currently occurring in both the Dwarven Mines and Crystal Hollows. #### Gui Features + Added Custom Scoreboard - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/893) + Customizable; New, never seen before lines like the current mayor with perks, your party, and more! + Custom Title and Footer, align them on different sides of the scoreboard. + Hide the Hypixel Scoreboard, add a custom Image as a background, rounded corners. + Supports colored month names & better garden plot names. + A ton of settings. + /shwords now saves to a new file so that you can find and share them more easily. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1234) #### Event Features + Easter Egg Hunt 2024 waypoints. - Erymanthus + walker (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1193) #### Fishing Features + Added Totem Overlay. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1139) + Option to change the overlay distance. + Option to hide Totem Particles. + Option to show the effective area of a totem. + Option to get reminded when a totem is about to expire. #### Misc Features + Added command `/shlimbo` for easier Limbo access. - martimavocado (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/848) + Limbo time tracker also now works in the Slumber Hotel in the Bed Wars Lobby. + A new secret method to get more SkyHanni User Luck from Limbo. + Added command `/shlimbostats` for a simple way to view your Limbo stats. - martimavocado (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/848) + Support for `/playtime` and `/pt` while in Limbo. + Added your playtime to Hypixel's `/playtimedetailed`. + Added full auto-update for SkyHanni. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1122) ### Improvements #### Chat Improvements + Added more messages to chat filter category annoying. - martimavocado + Not enough breaking power for gems. + Useless messages for sky mall and Jacob's event artifact. + Adding a toggle to hide sky mall perk messages outside mining islands. - martimavocado + Added a toggle to hide Jacob's event artifact message outside the garden. - martimavocado + Added Booster Cookie purchase reminder to chat filter category others. - Alexia Luna + Hide the TNT Run Tournament advertisement message in the main lobby. - Alexia Luna + Add event level up message to chat filter. - Zickles (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1214) #### Inventory Improvements + Changed Max Items with Purse display format. - hannibal2 + Various additions to `/playtimedetailed`'s Limbo to be more consistent with Hypixel. - martimavocado (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1252) + The item is now hidden when playtime is lower than 1 minute. + The tooltip is now hidden when playtime is lower than 2 minutes. + Fixes 1 minute being pluralized. #### GUI Improvements + Added option to only show Custom Text Box while an inventory is open. - martimavocado + Added option to hide Profit Trackers while not inside an inventory. - hannibal2 + Custom Scoreboard improvements. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1156) + Added a warning to config about other mods. + Added three empty lines. + Added option to hide empty lines at the top/bottom. + Option to change line spacing in Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1174) + Improved delete word/line functionality for text boxes/signs. - Obsidian (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1090) + It's now consistent with Discord's. + Added Scoreboard Improvements. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1183) + Now only showing the two biggest units in time until next mayor. + Now only showing an active Slayer Quest while in the correct area. + Added current server player count as an element with an option to show max player count. + Added option to show the magical power. + Show Thaumaturgy Tuning in Custom Scoreboard. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1201) + Option to show in compact mode. + Supports "Values First" option. + Change the number of tunings shown. + Improved the stats tuning message when Hypixel auto-adjusts your tuning points. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1212) + Updating "bits to claim" in the Custom Scoreboard when opening the GUI /boostercookiemenu. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1230) + Added "Curse of Greed" to non-God Potion effect display. - Alexia Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1225) + Added cold as a Scoreboard Element. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1238) + Add 4 more empty lines into custom scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1259) + Added customisable Events Priority in Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1221) + Using a draggable list, you can fully customise, what events will be shown which what priority. + Updated default Scoreboard Elements config option. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1221) + Added feature to showcase Foxy' extra event in Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1270) ##### Garden Improvements + Show calculation breakdowns when hovering over Anita Medal Profit or SkyMart Coins per copper displays. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1116) + Get garden level from SkyBlock Menu and Desk. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1164) + Partially rewrote the Lane Switch Warning feature. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1208) + Works with every lane size. + Option to show the corner of the current lane. + Removed the need to open the plot inventory. + More precise timer/distance calculation. + Reordered Farming Lane config. + Added support for using the tab list pest widget to know where pests are. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1237) + Use more information about pests from the scoreboard when possible. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1237) + Added support for offline pest messages. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1237) + Lane detection works faster now. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1239) + Added option to change how often the Lane Switch sound should play. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1239) + Allow using the teleport hotkey when in an infested plot. - Obsidian (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1140) + Added the command `/shresetvisitordrops` to reset your Garden Visitor Drops Statistics. - HiZe (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1135) + Improved Plot Menu Highlighting. - ILike2WatchMemes (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1254) + Added 'Pasting' status. + Changed Event used for checking for statuses. + Hide the Sensitivity Reducer overlay when the mouse is locked. - martimavocado (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1253) + Hide visitor Jacob messages without hiding real Jacob ones. - Alexia Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1267) + Previously, we made the Jacob visitor messages not hidden to avoid hiding real Jacob messages. + Added the ability to get your current speed on the Garden even if it isn't shown in the tab list. - Alexia Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1277) + This also means the speed now updates faster. + Change the Pest Waypoint color depending on distance. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1296) + It is the one from the Hypixel particles. + Better pest tracker waypoint detection for pest or center of plot. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1284) + Immediately hide waypoints when there are no pests left. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1284) #### Crimson Improvements + Show Town Board waypoint when there is an accepted Rescue Mission quest. - Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1157) #### Command Improvements + Allow using translate commands without the feature turned on. - Obsidian (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1141) + Changed /shsendtranslation to /shtranslate and moved it from internal commands. + Adds a few keywords to `/shlimbostats` for better discoverability. - martimavocado (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1252) #### Fishing Improvements + Fishing Hook Alert text changes. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1169) + Added custom text when ready to pull. + The text is now aligned to the center of the GUI element. + Added a delay after tool swap before warning about wrong farming speed. - Alexia Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/840) + Loading Trophy Fish information from NEU PV. - hannibal2 & CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1123) + Added wireframe as a valid Totem of Corruption outline. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1248) #### Dungeon Improvements + Add new class level colors in the Party Finder. - martimavocado (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1219) #### Mining Improvements + Add the ability to see Mineshaft mining events when that releases to main. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1236) ##### Config Improvements + Changed a lot in the config. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1300) + Main categories are reordered. + Moved into GUI: Compact Tab List, Cosmetic, Discord Rich Presence, Chroma and Marked Players + Moved into Inventory: Estimated Item Value, Pocket Sack in a Sack, Auction House and Item Abilities + Moved into Misc: Commands, Stranded and Minions + Reordered custom scoreboard config options. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1294) + Changed SkyBlock Level Guide Highlighting Collections to no longer being default enabled. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1298) #### Misc Improvements + Added option to show some features outside SkyBlock. - Obsidian + Added goal to collection tracker. - Thunderblade73 + /shtrackcollection \ [goal amount] + Shows a chat message once the goal has been reached. + Added SkyHanni update download finished chat message. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1122) + Better chat error when profile name is disabled via Hypixel widgets. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1153) + Single line Hover messages are now closer to the cursor - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/821) ### Fixes #### Bingo Fixes + Fixed Bingo Card Tips using wrong slot sometimes. - Thunderblade73 + Fixed Bingo Minion Craft Helper sometimes causing performance problems. - CalMWolfs #### Mining Fixes + Fixed a small typo in the Deep Caverns Parkour message. - Alexia Luna + Stopped Dwarven Mines events from showing in Crystal Hollows in the mining event tracker. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1142) + Further fixed Showing Dwarven specific events in Crystal Hollows/Mineshaft section of mining event display. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1289) #### Inventory Fixes + Fixed copy underbid keybind not working. - Obsidian + Fixed SkyBlock guide highlight missing tasks not working properly for minions and collections. - Thunderblade73 + Fixed Harp Quick Restart not working when Harp GUI Scale is disabled. - Zickles + Fixed "Mark Missing Class" highlighting every party. - martimavocado (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1211) + Fix a typo in Not Clickable Items in the /equipment menu. - martimavocado (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1242) + Fixed `/playtimedetailed`'s Limbo displaying incorrectly for x.0 play times. - martimavocado (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1252) #### Chat Fixes + Fixed Fire Sale chat hider not working when multiple fire sales are ending. - Zickles + Fixed Auto Tip chat filter. - Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1105) + Fixed Hide Anita Accessories' fortune bonus chat message not getting hidden in the chat filter. - Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1106) + Fixed some chat symbols showing twice in chat due to a Hypixel change. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1119) + Fixed Anita's Accessory chat filter not working with multi-word crops (Cocoa Beans, Nether Wart, Sugar Cane). - Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1115) + Fixed fire sale chat hider. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1147) + Fix event level up chat filter. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1250) #### Garden Fixes + Stop SkyHanni from saying that Next Visitor is visiting your garden. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1125) + Fixed typos/grammar. - Obsidian + Typos in pest features. + Grammar in Farming Weight Display + Fixed the Lane Switch Calculation - ILike2WatchMemes (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1138) + Fixed coins per copper display not working with new sub categories of SkyMart. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1154) + Fixed tab list visitor name detection breaking when tab list said "new" - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1151) + Fixed garden features appearing while visiting other player's garden. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1188) + Fixed rare crash in /ff display. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1217) + Fixed NEUInternalName is null for item name 'Mushroom'. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1226) + Fixed visitor status not updating to Ready when you have enough items in sacks after first talking to the visitor. - Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1224) + Fixed visitor status not updating to Waiting when you no longer have enough items when talking to them. - Alexia Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1224) + Fixed pest overlays not showing if the amount in each one was unknown. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1237) + Fixed pests spawning in the Barn plot not being detected. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1237) + Fix lane corners showing while not farming. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1239) + Fix Movement Speed display while on soulsand. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1239) + Fix Farming Lane time remaining display while on soulsand. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1239) + Lane Switch warning and remaining time ETA now supports soul sand farming and shows the current state of movement. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1245) + Made drops from pests get added to crop milestones. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1243) + Fixed Lane Detection warning and time remaining not working when movement speed feature is disabled. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1241) + Show warning in Composter Overlay when composter upgrades are not found. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1256) + Fixed incorrect pest amount in plots under certain conditions. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1260) + Fixed pests in uncleared plots not getting detected. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1260) + Fixed another Sensitivity Reducer + Mouse Lock incompatibility. - martimavocado (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1253) + Fixed mouse locking not always working. - martimavocado (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1272) + Fixed a bug that the seconds per copper is incorrect in garden visitors with multiple items. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1295) + Fixed some particles triggering the pest tracker waypoint. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1284) + Fixed not detecting infected plots from tab list. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1291) + Fixed visitor tooltip breaking when visitor data is disabled in tab list. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1251) #### Command Fixes + Fixed duplicate commands in /shcommands. - CalMWolfs + Fixed inconsistent coloring in `/shlimbostats`. - martimavocado (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1252) + Fixed rare bug with gfs from bz. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1283) #### Slayer Fixes + Added Burningsoul Demon (75M HP mini boss) to line to mini boss and highlight slayer mini bosses. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1144) + Fixed Damage Indicator not hiding vanilla names. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1179) + Fixed Slayer Profit Tracker not detecting the slayer spawn cost when taking money from the bank. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1218) + Fixed slayer cost from bank counting plus instead of minus profit. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1220) + Fixed Server Player Amount not being affected by "display numbers first". - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1285) #### Gui Fixes + Fixed voting line, dojo, server-restart & plot pasting errors in custom scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1152) + Fixed Mithril Powder showing Gemstone Powder instead. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1152) + Custom Scoreboard fixes. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1156) + Fixed Jacob's Contest, Trevor the Trapper & M7 Dragons. + Fixed the bottom border not working when using a custom background. + Fixed Hypixel scoreboard being shown while using Apec. + Fixed skill detection from tab list again. - HiZe_ (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1160) + Fixed other GUIs rendering over Compact Tab List. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1161) + Tab list fixes. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1121) + Fixed garden spam because of wrong tab list visitor format. + Fixed the next visitor timer. + Allowed you to use extended visitor info and still have visitor display work. + Scoreboard Fixed. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1174) + Fixed "Hide empty lines at top/bottom" sometimes not actually hiding them . + Fixed Server ID sometimes not showing. + Fixed instance shutdown error while in Kuudra. + Fixed Hypixel scoreboard never reappearing. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1170) + Fixed pet name in tab list getting detected as player name with widget settings. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1166) + Scoreboard Fixes. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1189) + Fixed current power not working when the player doesn't have the accessory bag unlocked. + Fixed bits to claim not setting to zero when the booster cookie item doesn't exist in SkyBlock Menu. + Scoreboard Fixes. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1183) + Fixed Hypixel URL sometimes showing during a Jacob's contest. + Fixed Unknown Lines error during wind compass. + Fixed unknown line issues in Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1205) + Fixed unknown line error in magma chamber. + Fixed unknown line issues when Hypixel doesn't send the whole line + Fixed Custom Scoreboard errors inside the dungeon. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1199) + Fixed dragon's line not being properly removed. + Fixed a line randomly showing "0" sometimes. + Fixed "Cleared..." line sometimes being black. + Custom Scoreboard Fixes. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1212) + Fixed IndexOutOfBoundException. + Fixed Instance Shutdown Line not being hidden. + Fixed a broken Hypixel Scoreboard Line. + Fixed New Year Line appearing twice. + Fixed Scoreboard Unknown Lines error during a dojo and a floor 3 run. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1229) + Fixed all new custom scoreboard errors. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1238) + Fixed time in Custom Scoreboard displaying 0 instead of 12. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1249) + Fixed custom scoreboard issue with cold line. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1244) + Fixed server ID error appearing in chat. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1262) + Fixed two Scoreboard Errors. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1255) + During the F3/M3 boss fight. + During a garden cleanup + Fixed Mining Events Priority in Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1278) + Fixed powder display always displaying the color first in Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1275) + Fixed Hot Dog Contest error (Rift) in Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1273) + Fixed Cookie time with in custom scoreboard when effects widget is enabled. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1261) + Fixed some more cases which would incorrectly show server ID error. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1271) #### Dungeon Fixes + Fixed error in Dungeon Finder Features. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1162) + Fix getting current class in Party Finder. - martimavocado (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1219) + Fixed showing the Dungeon Floor numbers in your inventory as well while inside the Catacombs Gate menu. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1297) #### Crimson Isle Fixes + Fixed wrong crimson isle quests detection after tab list widget update. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1167) #### Dungeon Fixes + Fixed Dungeon Complete on Entrance. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1202) #### Config Fixes + Removed a second "Pet Candy Used" config option that did nothing. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1198) + Fixed game crash when open browser button in config fails. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1195) + Remove the removed stack size option from config. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1274) #### Fishing Fixes + Renamed "fishing contest" to "fishing festival". - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1222) + Fixed duplicate chat prefix when updating trophy fishing data from NEU PV. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1246) #### Misc Fixes + Fixed skill level up message when below level 60. - HiZe + Fixed SkyHanni not working on Alpha. - hannibal2 & CalMWolfs + Fixed getting profile name from tab list on alpha for special profiles. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1120) + Fixes for any Ironman, Stranded and maybe Bingo players. + Fixed minion hopper profit display feature not getting changed by /shdefaultoptions. - hannibal2 + Disable action bar hider if Skill Progress feature is disabled. - ooffyy (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1137) + Improved performance of custom colored mobs. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1127) + Fixed Skill Progress Pattern. - HiZe_ (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1148) + Fixed selecting arrows with different color codes. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1194) + Fixed wrong pattern causing trapper mob area to not get a waypoint. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1186) + Fixed Superboom TNT not working with Queued GFS. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1196) + Fixed detection of Party Leader when their username ends with an `s`. - Alexia Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1203) + Hover messages can't go off-screen anymore - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/821) + Fix "Ghost Entities" feature breaking outside SkyBlock game modes on Hypixel. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1301) ### Technical Details + Auto-enable + configure DevAuth. - nea + Improve performance of removeColor. - nea + Removed wildcard imports in VisualWorldGui. - CalMWolfs + printStackTrace -> ErrorManager. - hannibal2 + Added command /shconfig toggle . - Obsidian + Removes usage of logError everywhere in the code and replaces it with logErrorWithData. - CalMWolfs + Removed ErrorManager.logErrorState(). - CalMWolfs + Creating number utils functions for string -> int, long, double, with either error throwing or wrong usage to user message. + Removed RenderWorldLastEvent usage in WorldEdit feature. - hannibal2 + Using GardenAPI.storage everywhere. - hannibal2 + Added stacking enchants to the repo. - CalMWolfs + Moved bazaar config into inventory category. - hannibal2 + Optimize IntelliJ icon. - nea + Used the isInIsland function more. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1107) + Optimized item.isFishingRod logic. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1056) + Code cleanup in multiple files. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1113) + ItemStack.name no longer nullable. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1101) + Better error handling (more user facing errors - less hidden errors). - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1101) + Replaced/fixed deprecated function calls. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1101) + Added item category FISHING_BAIT. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1101) + Use internal name more in ItemDisplayOverlayFeatures - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1114) + Reformatted the code in a lot of files. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1109) + Changed line endings to be normalized over the whole project and prevents further breaks. - nea (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1112) + Added more error logging to getting farming weight. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1120) + Removed unnecessary capturing groups from the Anita's Accessory chat filter regex. - Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1115) + Add maven publication details, allowing other mods to integrate more easily with Skyhanni. - nea (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/935) + Created Pull Request template. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1108) + For better maintainability and automatic beta changelog creation. + Use less forge events throughout the mod to reduce possible crashes. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1085) + Fix entity click not being cancelled - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1072) + Cleanup ItemClickData. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1072) + Fixes minecraft bug where text that is bold can render weirdly. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1126) + Added "unlocked" parameter for the GardenPlotAPI - ILike2WatchMemes (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1075) + Updated MovementSpeedDisplay to use new calculations - ILike2WatchMemes (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1075) + Added Track Sounds Command - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/855) + Removed unused Sound Test - martimavocado (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/855) + Gson serialize the mining event data sent and received. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1040) + Changed fillTable to use a list of DisplayTableEntry. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1116) + Removed the RenderMobColoredEvent & ResetEntityHurtEvent. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1127) + Added BitsAPI with current bits, bits to claim & current Fame Rank. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/893) + Added FameRanks, which includes all ranks with important data. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/893) + Added QuiverAPI with current arrow type and amount, and a hashmap of the arrows of the player. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/893) + Added MaxwellAPI with current power and magical power. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/893) + Added Mayor & Perk Enum. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/893) + Added method to render a string on element width. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/893) + Updated MayorAPI with new debug data, better PerkActive method & a method to give a mayor a color. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/893) + Updated ScoreboardData to only remove the second color code when it's the same as the old one. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/893) + Updated TablistData with a new getPlayerTabOverlay() and a fullyLoaded var. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/893) + Added LorenzUtils.inAnyIsland(). - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/893) + Added List.removeNextAfter() to CollectionUtils. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/893) + Added noStackTrace param to .logErrorWithData() in ErrorManager. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/893) + Updated some patterns to RepoPatterns. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/893) + Created GuiPositionMovedEvent. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/893) + More features for /shtestmessage - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1145) + Supports -clipboard parameter, uses the clipboard as text. + Supports blocked or modified chat events. + Code cleanup in LaneSwitchUtils.isBoundaryPlot. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1143) + Creating and using ContainerChest.getAllItems(), getUpperItems() and getLowerItems(). - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1047) + Fixed unknown power errors in the Custom Scoreboard. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1156) + Use a repo pattern for getting the visitor count. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1121) + Calling server ID getter method now in HypixelData. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1174) + Revert shader version for Mac compatibility. - Vixid (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1176) + Added ItemStack.toPrimitiveStackOrNull(). - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1104) + Added InventoryOpenEvent.inventoryItemsPrimitive. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1104) + Added custom scoreboard lines to /shdebug. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1183) + Added support to search the chat history via /shchathistory . - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1187) + Added more repo patterns to the trapper feature and improved enum names. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1186) + Extracted player and profile specific storage into their own classes in a new packet. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1171) + Moved Thaumaturgy Tuning Points detection into MaxwellAPI, and saving it in the profile-specific config. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1201) + Add "open in regex101.com" IntelliJ intention. - nea (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1210) + Press ALT+ENTER while hovering over a RepoPattern.pattern call with your text cursor to select the "Open regex101.com" option + Add a Kotlin doc comment with `REGEX-TEST: someString` lines to add test cases + Creating and using FarmingLaneSwitchEvent. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1208) + Refactored all of `DungeonFinderFeatures.kt`. - Conutik (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1180) + Less laggy and resource intensive. + Code cleanup in RenderLineTooltips. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1232) + Added JSON objects for Hypixel player API data, which can be used for other stuff later. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1146) + Renderable.hoverTips now supports renderables as tips and content - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/821) + Added more debug when internal name from item name is null. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1226) + Refactored visitor handling code slightly. - Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1224) + Removed unneeded inSacks property. + Added "unknownAmount" to PestSpawnEvent. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1237) + Added StringUtils.generateRandomId(). - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1128) + Added ChatUtils.clickableChat support for runnable action. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1128) + Creating and using NeuInternalName.getAmountInInventory() and NeuInternalName.getAmountInSacksOrNull(). - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1231) + Added NeuProfileDataLoadedEvent. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1123) + Add mineshaft islandType. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1235) + Removed distanceFromPreviousTick as it is not accurate while on soulsand. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1239) + Added bindCamera() method and started using it. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1248) + Added drawSphereInWorld() method. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1139) + Removal of NEU's SlotClickEvent. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1206) + Fixed usage of checkCurrentServerId. - j10a1n15 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1177) + Made LorenzUtils.lastWorldSwitch use SimpleTimeMark instead of currentTimeMillis. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1262) + Repo Pattens now work inside Unit Tests. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1258) + Added isBeingPasted variable for plots. - ILike2WatchMemes (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1254) + Always use local repo patterns when in dev env. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1282) + Removed VisitorToolTipEvent. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1251) ### Removed Features + Removed Advanced Stats in SkyMart Copper price. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1116) + The same information is now always visible via hovering. + Removed desk in the SB menu in favour of Hypixel's version. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1158) + Removed Plot Name in Scoreboard. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1168) + Hypixel added their own compact format now. + Removed max pet XP tooltip because Hypixel added it. - Obsidian (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1132) + Removed colored name tag option for Garden visitors. - Alexia Luna (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1228) + Hypixel has added this feature themselves. ## Version 0.23 ### New Features #### Garden Features + Added command /shcropsin