# SkyHanni - Change Log ## Version 0.24 (In Beta) ### New Features #### Inventory Features + Added Max Items With Purse. - NetheriteMiner + Calculates the maximum number of items that can be purchased from the Bazaar with the number of coins in your purse. + Added Copy Underbid Keybind. - Obsidian + Copies the price of the hovered item in Auction House minus 1 coin into the clipboard for easier under-bidding. + Gfs message after super crafting. — Zickles + Adding a clickable message to pick up the super crafted items from sacks. #### Minion Features + Added Inferno Minion Fuel pickup prevention. - Zickles (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1103) + Blocks picking up the Inferno Minion or replacing the fuel inside when expensive minion fuels are in use. #### Chat Features + Hide chat message about bank interest when the received interest is zero coins. - Alexia (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1117) + Rarity text to pet drop messages. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1136) #### Dungeon Features + Added available classes in the tooltip. - Conutik + Shows in the dungeon party finder when hovering over a group. + Highlights your selected class in green if it's available. + Kismet tracking for dungeon chests. - Thunderblade73 + Highlight chests which have been rerolled inside Croesus + Shows kismet amount at the reroll button #### Garden Features + Lane Switch Notification - ILike2WatchMemes + Sends a notification when approaching the end of a lane in Garden while farming. + Displays the distance until the end of a lane. #### Mining Features + Display upcoming mining events. - CalMWolfs + Show what mining events are currently occurring in both the Dwarven Mines and Crystal Hollows. #### Misc Features + Added command `/shlimbo` for easier Limbo access. - martimavocado (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/848) + Limbo time tracker also now works in the Slumber Hotel in the Bed Wars Lobby. + A new secret method to get more SkyHanni User Luck from Limbo. + Added command `/shlimbostats` for a simple way to view your Limbo stats. - martimavocado (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/848) + Support for `/playtime` and `/pt` while in Limbo. + Added your playtime to Hypixel's `/playtimedetailed`. + Added full auto-update for SkyHanni. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1122) ### Improvements #### Chat Improvements + Added more messages to chat filter category annoying. - martimavocado + Not enough breaking power for gems. + Useless messages for sky mall and Jacob's event artifact. + Adding a toggle to hide sky mall perk messages outside mining islands. - martimavocado + Added a toggle to hide Jacob's event artifact message outside the garden. - martimavocado + Added Booster Cookie purchase reminder to chat filter category others. - alexia #### Inventory Improvements + Changed Max Items with Purse display format. - hannibal2 #### GUI Improvements + Added option to only show Custom Text Box while an inventory is open. - martimavocado + Added option to hide Profit Trackers while not inside an inventory. - hannibal2 #### Chat Improvements + Hide the TNT Run Tournament advertisement message in the main lobby. - Alexia ##### Garden Improvements + Show calculation breakdowns when hovering over Anita Medal Profit or SkyMart Coins per copper displays. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1116) #### Misc Improvements + Added option to show some features outside SkyBlock. - Obsidian + Added goal to collection tracker. - Thunderblade73 + /shtrackcollection \ [goal amount] + Shows a chat message once the goal has been reached. + Added SkyHanni update download finished chat message. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1122) ### Fixes #### Bingo Fixes + Fixed Bingo Card Tips using wrong slot sometimes. - Thunderblade73 + Fixed Bingo Minion Craft Helper sometimes causing performance problems. - CalMWolfs #### Mining Fixes + Fixed a small typo in the Deep Caverns Parkour message. - alexia + Stopped Dwarven Mines events from showing in Crystal Hollows in the mining event tracker. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1142) #### Inventory Fixes + Fixed copy underbid keybind not working. - Obsidian + Fixed SkyBlock guide highlight missing tasks not working properly for minions and collections. - Thunderblade73 + Fixed Harp Quick Restart not working when Harp GUI Scale is disabled. - Zickles #### Chat Fixes + Fixed Fire Sale chat hider not working when multiple fire sales are ending. - Zickles + Fixed Auto Tip chat filter. - alexia (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1105) + Fixed Hide Anita Accessories' fortune bonus chat message not getting hidden in the chat filter. - alexia (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1106) + Fixed some chat symbols showing twice in chat due to a Hypixel change. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1119) + Fixed Anita's Accessory chat filter not working with multi-word crops (Cocoa Beans, Nether Wart, Sugar Cane). - Alexia (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1115) #### Garden Fixes + Stop SkyHanni from saying that Next Visitor is visiting your garden. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1125) + Fixed typos/grammar. - Obsidian + Typos in pest features. + Grammar in Farming Weight Display + Fixed the Lane Switch Calculation - ILike2WatchMemes (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1138) #### Command Fixes + Fixed duplicate commands in /shcommands. - CalMWolfs #### Slayer Fixes + Added Burningsoul Demon (75M HP miniboss) to line to miniboss and highlight slayer minibosses. - Empa (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1144) #### Misc Fixes + Fixed skill level up message when below level 60. - HiZe + Fixed SkyHanni not working on Alpha. - hannibal2 & CalMWolfs + Fixed getting profile name from tab list on alpha for special profiles. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1120) + Fixes for any Ironman, Stranded and maybe Bingo players. + Fixed minion hopper profit display feature not getting changed by /shdefaultoptions. - hannibal2 + Disable action bar hider if Skill Progress feature is disabled. - ooffyy (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1137) + Improved performance of custom colored mobs. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1127) ### Technical Details + Auto-enable + configure DevAuth. - nea + Improve performance of removeColor. - nea + Removed wildcard imports in VisualWorldGui. - CalMWolfs + printStackTrace -> ErrorManager. - hannibal2 + Added command /shconfig toggle . - Obsidian + Removes usage of logError everywhere in the code and replaces it with logErrorWithData. - CalMWolfs + Removed ErrorManager.logErrorState(). - CalMWolfs + Creating number utils functions for string -> int, long, double, with either error throwing or wrong usage to user message. + Removed RenderWorldLastEvent usage in WorldEdit feature. - hannibal2 + Using GardenAPI.storage everywhere. - hannibal2 + Added stacking enchants to the repo. - CalMWolfs + Moved bazaar config into inventory category. - hannibal2 + Optimize IntelliJ icon. - nea + Used the isInIsland function more. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1107) + Optimized item.isFishingRod logic. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1056) + Code cleanup in multiple files. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1113) + ItemStack.name no longer nullable. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1101) + Better error handling (more user facing errors - less hidden errors). - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1101) + Replaced/fixed deprecated function calls. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1101) + Added item category FISHING_BAIT. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1101) + Use internal name more in ItemDisplayOverlayFeatures - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1114) + Reformatted the code in a lot of files. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1109) + Changed line endings to be normalized over the whole project and prevents further breaks. - your_name_here (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1112) + Added more error logging to getting farming weight. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1120) + Removed unnecessary capturing groups from the Anita's Accessory chat filter regex. - Alexia (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1115) + Add maven publication details, allowing other mods to integrate more easily with Skyhanni. - ! nea (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/935) + Created Pull Request template. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1108) + For better maintainability and automatic beta changelog creation. + Use less forge events throughout the mod to reduce possible crashes. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1085) + Fix entity click not being canceled - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1072) + Cleanup ItemClickData. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1072) + Fixes minecraft bug where text that is bold can render weirdly. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1126) + Added "unlocked" parameter for the GardenPlotAPI - ILike2WatchMemes (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1075) + Updated MovementSpeedDisplay to use new calculations - ILike2WatchMemes (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1075) + Added Track Sounds Command - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/855) + Removed unused Sound Test - martimavocado (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/855) + Gson serialize the mining event data sent and received. - CalMWolfs (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1040) + Changed fillTable to use a list of DisplayTableEntry. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1116) + Removed the RenderMobColoredEvent & ResetEntityHurtEvent. - Thunderblade73 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1127) ### Removed Features + Removed Advanced Stats in SkyMart Copper price. - hannibal2 (https://github.com/hannibal002/SkyHanni/pull/1116) + The same information is now always visible via hovering. ## Version 0.23 ### New Features #### Garden Features + Added command /shcropsin