package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.api import import import import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.bazaar.BazaarApi import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.ItemUtils.getLore import import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.StringUtils.removeColor import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent import java.util.regex.Pattern class CollectionAPI { private val counterPattern = Pattern.compile("(?:.*) §e(.*)§6\\/(?:.*)") private val singleCounterPattern = Pattern.compile("§7Total Collected: §e(.*)") @SubscribeEvent fun onProfileDataLoad(event: ProfileApiDataLoadedEvent) { val profileData = event.profileData for ((rawName, rawCounter) in profileData["collection"].asJsonObject.entrySet()) { val counter = rawCounter.asLong var itemName = BazaarApi.getBazaarDataForInternalName(rawName)?.itemName if (rawName == "MUSHROOM_COLLECTION") { itemName = "Mushroom" } if (rawName == "MELON") { itemName = "Melon" } if (rawName == "GEMSTONE_COLLECTION") { itemName = "Gemstone" } // Hypixel moment if (rawName == "WOOL" || rawName == "CORRUPTED_FRAGMENT") { continue } if (itemName == null) { println("collection name is null for '$rawName'") continue } collectionValue[itemName] = counter } } @SubscribeEvent fun onProfileJoin(event: ProfileJoinEvent) { collectionValue.clear() } @SubscribeEvent fun onTick(event: InventoryOpenEvent) { val inventoryName = event.inventoryName if (inventoryName.endsWith(" Collection")) { val stack = event.inventoryItems[4] ?: return for (line in stack.getLore()) { val matcher = singleCounterPattern.matcher(line) if (matcher.matches()) { val counter =",", "").toLong() val name = inventoryName.split(" ").dropLast(1).joinToString(" ") collectionValue[name] = counter } } } if (inventoryName.endsWith(" Collections")) { if (inventoryName == "Boss Collections") return for ((_, stack) in event.inventoryItems) { var name = ?: continue if (name.contains("Collections")) continue val lore = stack.getLore() if (!lore.any { it.contains("Click to view!") }) continue if (!isCollectionTier0(lore)) { name = name.split(" ").dropLast(1).joinToString(" ") } for (line in lore) { val matcher = counterPattern.matcher(line) if (matcher.matches()) { val counter =",", "").toLong() collectionValue[name] = counter } } } } } companion object { private val collectionValue = mutableMapOf<String, Long>() private val collectionTier0Pattern = Pattern.compile("§7Progress to .* I: .*") fun isCollectionTier0(lore: List<String>) = { collectionTier0Pattern.matcher(it) }.any { it.matches() } fun getCollectionCounter(searchName: String): Pair<String, Long>? { for ((collectionName, counter) in collectionValue) { if (collectionName.equals(searchName, true)) { return Pair(collectionName, counter) } } return null } } }