package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.config import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.SkyHanniMod import import import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.misc.update.UpdateManager import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.LorenzLogger import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.LorenzVec import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.NEUInternalName import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.NEUInternalName.Companion.asInternalName import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.NEUItems import import import import import import import io.github.moulberry.moulconfig.processor.BuiltinMoulConfigGuis import io.github.moulberry.moulconfig.processor.ConfigProcessorDriver import io.github.moulberry.moulconfig.processor.MoulConfigProcessor import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack import* import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import java.util.* import kotlin.concurrent.fixedRateTimer class ConfigManager { companion object { val gson = GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting() .excludeFieldsWithoutExposeAnnotation() .serializeSpecialFloatingPointValues() .registerTypeAdapterFactory(PropertyTypeAdapterFactory()) .registerTypeAdapter(, object : TypeAdapter() { override fun write(out: JsonWriter, value: UUID) { out.value(value.toString()) } override fun read(reader: JsonReader): UUID { return UUID.fromString(reader.nextString()) } }.nullSafe()) .registerTypeAdapter(, object : TypeAdapter() { override fun write(out: JsonWriter, value: LorenzVec) { { out.value("$x:$y:$z") } } override fun read(reader: JsonReader): LorenzVec { val (x, y, z) = reader.nextString().split(":").map { it.toDouble() } return LorenzVec(x, y, z) } }.nullSafe()) .registerTypeAdapter(, object : TypeAdapter() { override fun write(out: JsonWriter, value: TrophyRarity) { { out.value( } } override fun read(reader: JsonReader): TrophyRarity { val text = reader.nextString() return TrophyRarity.getByName(text) ?: error("Could not parse TrophyRarity from '$text'") } }.nullSafe()) .registerTypeAdapter(, object : TypeAdapter() { override fun write(out: JsonWriter, value: ItemStack) { out.value(NEUItems.saveNBTData(value)) } override fun read(reader: JsonReader): ItemStack { return NEUItems.loadNBTData(reader.nextString()) } }.nullSafe()) .registerTypeAdapter(, object : TypeAdapter() { override fun write(out: JsonWriter, value: NEUInternalName) { out.value(value.asString()) } override fun read(reader: JsonReader): NEUInternalName { return reader.nextString().asInternalName() } }.nullSafe()) .enableComplexMapKeySerialization() .create() } lateinit var features: Features lateinit var sackData: SackData private set private val logger = LorenzLogger("config_manager") var configDirectory = File("config/skyhanni") private var configFile: File? = null private var sackFile: File? = null lateinit var processor: MoulConfigProcessor fun firstLoad() { if (::features.isInitialized) { logger.log("Loading config despite config being already loaded?") } configDirectory.mkdir() configFile = File(configDirectory, "config.json") sackFile = File(configDirectory, "sacks.json") logger.log("Trying to load config from $configFile") if (configFile!!.exists()) { try { val inputStreamReader = InputStreamReader(FileInputStream(configFile!!), StandardCharsets.UTF_8) val bufferedReader = BufferedReader(inputStreamReader) val builder = StringBuilder() for (line in bufferedReader.lines()) { val result = fixConfig(line) builder.append(result) builder.append("\n") } logger.log("load-config-now") val jsonObject = gson.fromJson(builder.toString(), val newJsonObject = ConfigUpdaterMigrator.fixConfig(jsonObject) features = gson.fromJson( newJsonObject, ) logger.log("Loaded config from file") } catch (error: Exception) { error.printStackTrace() val backupFile = configFile!!.resolveSibling("config-${System.currentTimeMillis()}-backup.json") logger.log("Exception while reading $configFile. Will load blank config and save backup to $backupFile") logger.log("Exception was $error") try { configFile!!.copyTo(backupFile) } catch (e: Exception) { logger.log("Could not create backup for config file") e.printStackTrace() } } } if (sackFile!!.exists()) { try { val inputStreamReader = InputStreamReader(FileInputStream(sackFile!!), StandardCharsets.UTF_8) val bufferedReader = BufferedReader(inputStreamReader) val builder = StringBuilder() for (line in bufferedReader.lines()) { builder.append(line) builder.append("\n") } logger.log("load-sacks-now") sackData = gson.fromJson( builder.toString(), ) logger.log("Loaded sacks from file") } catch (error: Exception) { error.printStackTrace() } } if (!::features.isInitialized) { logger.log("Creating blank config and saving to file") features = Features() saveConfig("blank config") } fixedRateTimer(name = "skyhanni-config-auto-save", period = 60_000L, initialDelay = 60_000L) { saveConfig("auto-save-60s") } if (!::sackData.isInitialized) { logger.log("Creating blank sack data and saving") sackData = SackData() saveSackData("blank config") } val features = SkyHanniMod.feature processor = MoulConfigProcessor(SkyHanniMod.feature) BuiltinMoulConfigGuis.addProcessors(processor) UpdateManager.injectConfigProcessor(processor) ConfigProcessorDriver.processConfig( features.javaClass, features, processor ) } private fun fixConfig(line: String): String { var result = line for (type in CropType.entries) { val normal = "\"${type.cropName}\"" val enumName = "\"${}\"" while (result.contains(normal)) { result = result.replace(normal, enumName) } } return result } fun saveConfig(reason: String) { logger.log("saveConfig: $reason") val file = configFile ?: throw Error("Can not save config, configFile is null!") try { logger.log("Saving config file") file.parentFile.mkdirs() val unit = file.parentFile.resolve("config.json.write") unit.createNewFile() BufferedWriter(OutputStreamWriter(FileOutputStream(unit), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)).use { writer -> // TODO remove old "hidden" area writer.write(gson.toJson(SkyHanniMod.feature)) } // Perform move — which is atomic, unlike writing — after writing is done. unit.renameTo(file) } catch (e: IOException) { logger.log("Could not save config file to $file") e.printStackTrace() } } fun saveSackData(reason: String) { logger.log("saveSackData: $reason") val file = sackFile ?: throw Error("Can not save sacks, sackFile is null!") try { logger.log("Saving sack file") file.parentFile.mkdirs() file.createNewFile() BufferedWriter(OutputStreamWriter(FileOutputStream(file), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)).use { writer -> writer.write(gson.toJson(SkyHanniMod.sackData)) } } catch (e: IOException) { logger.log("Could not save sacks file to $file") e.printStackTrace() } } }