package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.config; import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.SkyHanniMod; import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.config.config.ConfigEditor; import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.config.core.GuiElement; import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.config.core.GuiScreenElementWrapper; import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.config.core.config.Position; import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.config.core.config.annotations.*; import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.config.core.config.gui.GuiPositionEditor; import; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; public class Features { private void editOverlay(String activeConfig, int width, int height, Position position) { Minecraft.getMinecraft().displayGuiScreen(new GuiPositionEditor(position, width, height, () -> { }, () -> { }, () -> SkyHanniMod.screenToOpen = new GuiScreenElementWrapper(new ConfigEditor(SkyHanniMod.feature, activeConfig)))); } public void executeRunnable(String runnableId) { String activeConfigCategory = null; if (Minecraft.getMinecraft().currentScreen instanceof GuiScreenElementWrapper) { GuiScreenElementWrapper wrapper = (GuiScreenElementWrapper) Minecraft.getMinecraft().currentScreen; GuiElement element = wrapper.element; if (element instanceof ConfigEditor) { activeConfigCategory = ((ConfigEditor) element).getSelectedCategoryName(); } } if (runnableId.equals("petDisplay")) { editOverlay(activeConfigCategory, 200, 16, misc.petDisplayPos); return; } if (runnableId.equals("testPos")) { editOverlay(activeConfigCategory, 200, 16, debug.testPos); return; } if (runnableId.equals("dungeonMilestoneDisplay")) { editOverlay(activeConfigCategory, 200, 16, dungeon.milestoneDisplayPos); return; } if (runnableId.equals("dungeonDeathCounter")) { editOverlay(activeConfigCategory, 200, 16, dungeon.deathCounterPos); return; } if (runnableId.equals("bestSellMethod")) { editOverlay(activeConfigCategory, 200, 16, bazaar.bestSellMethodPos); return; } } @Expose @Category(name = "Chat", desc = "Chat related features.") public Chat chat = new Chat(); @Expose @Category(name = "Dungeon", desc = "Features that change the catacombs dungeon experience.") public Dungeon dungeon = new Dungeon(); @Expose @Category(name = "Items", desc = "Changing the behavior around items and the inventory.") public Items items = new Items(); @Expose @Category(name = "Bazaar", desc = "Bazaar settings.") public Bazaar bazaar = new Bazaar(); @Expose @Category(name = "Fishing", desc = "Fishing stuff.") public Fishing fishing = new Fishing(); @Expose @Category(name = "Misc", desc = "Settings without a category.") public Misc misc = new Misc(); @Expose @Category(name = "Apis", desc = "Api Data") public ApiData apiData = new ApiData(); @Expose @Category(name = "Debug", desc = "Debug and test stuff.") public Debug debug = new Debug(); public static class Chat { @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Chat Filter Types", desc = "") @ConfigEditorAccordion(id = 1) public boolean filterTypes = false; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "HyPixel Hub", desc = "Block messages outside SkyBlock in the HyPixel lobby: player joins, loot boxes, prototype lobby messages, radiating generosity and HyPixel tournaments.") @ConfigEditorBoolean @ConfigAccordionId(id = 1) public boolean hypixelHub = false; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Empty", desc = "Hide all the empty messages from the chat.") @ConfigEditorBoolean @ConfigAccordionId(id = 1) public boolean empty = false; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Warping", desc = "Block 'sending request to join ..' and 'warping ..' messages.") @ConfigEditorBoolean @ConfigAccordionId(id = 1) public boolean warping = false; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Welcome", desc = "Hide the 'welcome to skyblock' message.") @ConfigEditorBoolean @ConfigAccordionId(id = 1) public boolean welcome = false; //TODO remove @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Others", desc = "Hide other annoying messages.") @ConfigEditorBoolean @ConfigAccordionId(id = 1) public boolean others = false; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Player Messages", desc = "Add a fancy new chat format for player messages.") @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean playerMessages = false; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Dungeon Filter", desc = "Hide annoying messages inside dungeon.") @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean dungeonMessages = false; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Dungeon Boss Messages", desc = "Hide messages from watcher and bosses inside dungeon.") @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean dungeonBossMessages = false; } public static class Dungeon { @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Clicked Blocks", desc = "Highlight the following blocks when clicked in dungeon: Lever, Chest, Wither Essence") @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean highlightClickedBlocks = false; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Boss Damage Indicator", desc = "Show the missing health of a boss in the dungeon and the cooldown time until the boss becomes attackable.") @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean bossDamageIndicator = false; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Milestone Display", desc = "Show the current milestone inside Dungeons.") @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean showMilestoneDisplay = false; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Milestone Display Position", desc = "") @ConfigEditorButton(runnableId = "dungeonMilestoneDisplay", buttonText = "Edit") public Position milestoneDisplayPos = new Position(10, 10, false, true); @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Death Counter", desc = "Display the total amount of deaths in the current dungeon.") @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean deathCounter = false; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Death Counter Position", desc = "") @ConfigEditorButton(runnableId = "dungeonDeathCounter", buttonText = "Edit") public Position deathCounterPos = new Position(10, 10, false, true); @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Clean End", desc = "Hide entities and particles after the boss in Floor 1 - 6 has died.") @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean cleanEnd = false; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Ignore Guardians", desc = "Ignore F3 and M3 guardians from the clean end feature when sneaking. Makes it easier to kill them after the boss died already. Thanks hypixel.") @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean cleanEndF3IgnoreGuardians = false; } public static class Items { @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Not Clickable Items", desc = "Hide items that are not clickable in " + "the current inventory: ah, bz, accessory bag, etc") @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean hideNotClickableItems = false; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Item number as stack size", desc = "") @ConfigEditorAccordion(id = 2) public boolean filterTypes = false; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Master Star Number", desc = "Show the Tier of the Master Star.") @ConfigEditorBoolean @ConfigAccordionId(id = 2) public boolean displayMasterStarNumber = false; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Master Skull Number", desc = "Show the tier of the Master Skull accessory.") @ConfigEditorBoolean @ConfigAccordionId(id = 2) public boolean displayMasterSkullNumber = false; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Dungeon Head Floor", desc = "Show the correct floor for golden and diamond heads.") @ConfigEditorBoolean @ConfigAccordionId(id = 2) public boolean displayDungeonHeadFloor = false; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "New Year Cake", desc = "Show the Number of the Year of New Year Cakes.") @ConfigEditorBoolean @ConfigAccordionId(id = 2) public boolean displayNewYearCakeNumber = false; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Pet Level", desc = "Show the level of the pet when not maxed.") @ConfigEditorBoolean @ConfigAccordionId(id = 2) public boolean displayPetLevel = false; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Minion Tier", desc = "Show the Minion Tier over Items.") @ConfigEditorBoolean @ConfigAccordionId(id = 2) public boolean displayMinionTier = false; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Sack Name", desc = "Show an abbreviation of the Sack name.") @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean displaySackName = false; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Ability Cooldown", desc = "Show the cooldown of item abilities.") @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean itemAbilityCooldown = false; } public static class Bazaar { @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Order Helper", desc = "Show visual hints inside the Bazaar Manage Order view when items are ready to pickup or outbid.") @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean orderHelper = false; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Best Sell Method", desc = "Difference between sell instantly and sell offer.") @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean bestSellMethod = false; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Best Sell Method Position", desc = "") @ConfigEditorButton(runnableId = "bestSellMethod", buttonText = "Edit") public Position bestSellMethodPos = new Position(10, 10, false, true); } public static class Fishing { @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Trophy Counter", desc = "Counts every single Trohy message from chat and tells you how many you got already.") @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean trophyCounter = false; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Hide Bronze Duplicates", desc = "Hide duplicate messages for bronze trophy fishes from chat.") @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean trophyFishBronzeHider = false; } public static class Misc { @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Pet Display", desc = "Show the currently active pet.") @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean petDisplay = false; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Pet Display Position", desc = "") @ConfigEditorButton(runnableId = "petDisplay", buttonText = "Edit") public Position petDisplayPos = new Position(10, 10, false, true); @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Exp Bottles", desc = "Hides all the experience bottles lying on the ground.") @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean hideExpBottles = false; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Config Button", desc = "Add a button to the pause menu to configure SkyHanni.") @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean configButtonOnPause = true; } public static class ApiData { @Expose public String apiKey = ""; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Repo Auto Update", desc = "Update the repository on every startup.") @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean repoAutoUpdate = true; } public static class Debug { @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Enable Test", desc = "Enable Test logic") @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean enabled = false; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Test Location", desc = "") @ConfigEditorButton(runnableId = "testPos", buttonText = "Edit") public Position testPos = new Position(10, 10, false, true); } }