package import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.SkyHanniMod import import import import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.APIUtil import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.LorenzUtils import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.StringUtils.toDashlessUUID import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent import import java.util.* class ApiKeyGrabber { private var currentProfileName = "" @SubscribeEvent fun onStatusBar(event: LorenzChatEvent) { val message = event.message if (message.startsWith("§aYour new API key is §r§b")) { SkyHanniMod.feature.hidden.apiKey = message.substring(26)"§b[SkyHanni] A new API Key has been detected and installed") if (currentProfileName != "") { updateApiData() } } } @SubscribeEvent fun onStatusBar(event: ProfileJoinEvent) { currentProfileName = updateApiData() } private suspend fun tryUpdateProfileDataAndVerifyKey(apiKey: String): Boolean { val uuid = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.uniqueID.toDashlessUUID() val url = "$apiKey&uuid=$uuid" val jsonObject = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { APIUtil.getJSONResponse(url) } if (jsonObject["success"]?.asBoolean == false) { if (jsonObject["throttle"]?.asBoolean == true) return true // 429 Too Many Requests does not make an invalid key. val cause = jsonObject["cause"].asString if (cause == "Invalid API key") { return false } else { throw RuntimeException("API error for url '$url': $cause") } } val player = jsonObject["player"].asJsonObject val stats = player["stats"].asJsonObject val skyblock = stats["SkyBlock"].asJsonObject val profiles = skyblock["profiles"].asJsonObject for (entry in profiles.entrySet()) { val asJsonObject = entry.value.asJsonObject val name = asJsonObject["cute_name"].asString if (currentProfileName == name.lowercase()) { val profileId = asJsonObject["profile_id"].asString loadProfile(apiKey, uuid, profileId) } } return true } private fun updateApiData() { SkyHanniMod.coroutineScope.launch { val oldApiKey = SkyHanniMod.feature.hidden.apiKey if (oldApiKey.isNotEmpty() && tryUpdateProfileDataAndVerifyKey(oldApiKey)) { return@launch } findApiCandidatesFromOtherMods().forEach { (modName, newApiKey) -> if (tryUpdateProfileDataAndVerifyKey(newApiKey)) { SkyHanniMod.feature.hidden.apiKey = newApiKey"§e[SkyHanni] Imported valid new API key from $modName.") return@launch } else { LorenzUtils.error("§c[SkyHanni] Invalid API key from $modName") } } LorenzUtils.error("§c[SkyHanni] SkyHanni has no API key set. Please run /api new") } } private fun findApiCandidatesFromOtherMods(): Map { LorenzUtils.consoleLog("Trying to find the API Key from the config of other mods..") val candidates = mutableMapOf() for (mod in OtherMod.values()) { val modName = mod.modName val file = File(mod.configPath) if (file.exists()) { val reader = APIUtil.readFile(file) try { val key = mod.readKey(reader).replace("\n", "").replace(" ", "") UUID.fromString(key) candidates[modName] = key } catch (e: Throwable) { LorenzUtils.consoleLog("- $modName: wrong config format! (" + e.message + ")") continue } } else { LorenzUtils.consoleLog("- $modName: no config found!") } } return candidates } private suspend fun loadProfile(apiKey: String, playerUuid: String, profileId: String) { val url = "$apiKey&profile=$profileId" val jsonObject = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { APIUtil.getJSONResponse(url) } val profile = jsonObject["profile"]?.asJsonObject ?: return val members = profile["members"]?.asJsonObject ?: return for (entry in members.entrySet()) { if (entry.key == playerUuid) { val profileData = entry.value.asJsonObject ProfileApiDataLoadedEvent(profileData).postAndCatch() } } } }