package import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.SkyHanniMod import import import import import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.test.command.ErrorManager import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.ChatUtils import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.ItemUtils.getLore import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.LorenzUtils import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.NumberUtil.formatInt import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.StringUtils.matchMatcher import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.StringUtils.matches import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.StringUtils.removeResets import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.StringUtils.trimWhiteSpace import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.repopatterns.RepoPattern import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent object BitsAPI { private val profileStorage get() = ProfileStorageData.profileSpecific?.bits private val playerStorage get() = var bits: Int get() = profileStorage?.bits ?: 0 private set(value) { profileStorage?.bits = value } var currentFameRank: FameRank? get() = playerStorage?.currentFameRank?.let { getFameRankByNameOrNull(it) } private set(value) { if (value != null) { playerStorage?.currentFameRank = } } var bitsToClaim: Int get() = profileStorage?.bitsToClaim ?: 0 private set(value) { profileStorage?.bitsToClaim = value } private const val defaultcookiebits = 4800 private val bitsDataGroup ="data.bits") // Scoreboard patterns val bitsScoreboardPattern by bitsDataGroup.pattern( "scoreboard", "^Bits: §b(?[\\d,.]+).*$" ) // Chat patterns private val bitsChatGroup ="chat") private val bitsFromFameRankUpChatPattern by bitsChatGroup.pattern( "famerankup", "§eYou gained §3(?.*) Bits Available §ecompounded from all your §epreviously eaten §6cookies§e! Click here to open §6cookie menu§e!" ) private val boosterCookieAte by bitsChatGroup.pattern( "boostercookieate", "§eYou consumed a §6Booster Cookie§e!.*" ) // GUI patterns private val bitsGuiGroup ="gui") private val bitsAvailableMenuPattern by bitsGuiGroup.pattern( "availablemenu", "§7Bits Available: §b(?[\\d,]+)(§3.+)?" ) private val fameRankSbMenuPattern by bitsGuiGroup.pattern( "sbmenufamerank", "§7Your rank: §e(?.*)" ) private val fameRankCommunityShopPattern by bitsGuiGroup.pattern( "communityshopfamerank", "§7Fame Rank: §e(?.*)" ) private val bitsGuiNamePattern by bitsGuiGroup.pattern( "mainmenuname", "^SkyBlock Menu$" ) private val bitsGuiStackPattern by bitsGuiGroup.pattern( "mainmenustack", "^§6Booster Cookie$" ) private val fameRankGuiNamePattern by bitsGuiGroup.pattern( "famerankmenuname", "^(Community Shop|Booster Cookie)$" ) private val fameRankGuiStackPattern by bitsGuiGroup.pattern( "famerankmenustack", "^(§aCommunity Shop|§eFame Rank)$" ) @SubscribeEvent fun onScoreboardChange(event: ScoreboardChangeEvent) { if (!isEnabled()) return for (line in event.newList) { val message = line.trimWhiteSpace().removeResets() bitsScoreboardPattern.matchMatcher(message) { val amount = group("amount").formatInt() if (amount > bits) { bitsToClaim -= amount - bits ChatUtils.debug("You have gained §3${amount - bits} Bits §7according to the scoreboard!") } bits = amount return } } } @SubscribeEvent fun onChat(event: LorenzChatEvent) { if (!isEnabled()) return val message = event.message.trimWhiteSpace().removeResets() bitsFromFameRankUpChatPattern.matchMatcher(message) { val amount = group("amount").formatInt() bitsToClaim += amount return } boosterCookieAte.matchMatcher(message) { bitsToClaim += (defaultcookiebits * (currentFameRank?.bitsMultiplier ?: return)).toInt() return } } @SubscribeEvent fun onInventoryFullyLoaded(event: InventoryFullyOpenedEvent) { if (!isEnabled()) return val stacks = event.inventoryItems if (bitsGuiNamePattern.matches(event.inventoryName)) { val cookieStack = stacks.values.lastOrNull { bitsGuiStackPattern.matches(it.displayName) } ?: return for (line in cookieStack.getLore()) { bitsAvailableMenuPattern.matchMatcher(line) { bitsToClaim = group("toClaim").formatInt() return } } return } if (fameRankGuiNamePattern.matches(event.inventoryName)) { val fameRankStack = stacks.values.lastOrNull { fameRankGuiStackPattern.matches(it.displayName) } ?: return line@ for (line in fameRankStack.getLore()) { fameRankCommunityShopPattern.matchMatcher(line) { val rank = group("rank") currentFameRank = getFameRankByNameOrNull(rank) ?: return ErrorManager.logErrorWithData( FameRankNotFoundException(rank), "FameRank $rank not found", "Rank" to rank, "Lore" to fameRankStack.getLore(), "FameRanks" to FameRanks.fameRanks ) continue@line } fameRankSbMenuPattern.matchMatcher(line) { val rank = group("rank") currentFameRank = getFameRankByNameOrNull(rank) ?: return ErrorManager.logErrorWithData( FameRankNotFoundException(rank), "FameRank $rank not found", "Rank" to rank, "Lore" to fameRankStack.getLore(), "FameRanks" to FameRanks.fameRanks ) continue@line } } } } fun isEnabled() = LorenzUtils.inSkyBlock && profileStorage != null class FameRankNotFoundException(rank: String) : Exception("FameRank not found: $rank") }