package import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.SkyHanniMod import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.api.event.HandleEvent import import import import import import import import import import import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.misc.IslandAreas import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.skyhannimodule.SkyHanniModule import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.test.SkyHanniDebugsAndTests import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.DelayedRun import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.LocationUtils import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.LocationUtils.canBeSeen import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.LocationUtils.distanceSqToPlayer import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.LocationUtils.distanceToPlayer import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.LorenzColor import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.LorenzUtils import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.LorenzUtils.isInIsland import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.LorenzVec import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.RegexUtils.matches import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.RenderUtils.draw3DLine import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.RenderUtils.draw3DPathWithWaypoint import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.RenderUtils.drawWaypointFilled import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.repopatterns.RepoPattern import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent import java.awt.Color import import kotlin.math.abs import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.milliseconds /** * TODO * benefits of every island graphs: * global: * NEU's fairy souls * point of interest * slayer area * NEU's NPC's * races (end, park, winter, dungeon hub) * jump pads between servers * ring of love/romeo juliet quest * death location * % of island discvovered (every node was most closest node at least once) * hub: * 12 starter NPC's * diana * farming: * pelt farming area * rift: * enigma souls * eyes * big quests * montezuma souls * blood effigies * avoid area around enderman * spider: * relicts + throw spot * dwarven mines: * emissary * commssion areas * events: raffle, goblin slayer, donpieresso * deep * path to the bottom (Rhys NPC) * end * golem spawn * dragon death spot * crimson * vanquisher path * area mini bosses * daily quests * intro tutorials with elle * fishing spots * * graph todo: * fix rename not using tick but input event we have (+ create the input event in the first place) * toggle distance to node by node path lengh, instead of eye of sight lenght * press test button again to enable "true test mode", with graph math and hiding other stuff * option to compare two graphs, and store multiple graphs in the edit mode in paralell * * mineshaft + corpse + ladder spot */ @SkyHanniModule object IslandGraphs { var currentIslandGraph: Graph? = null val existsForThisIsland get() = currentIslandGraph != null var closedNote: GraphNode? = null private var currentTarget: LorenzVec? = null private var color = Color.WHITE private var showGoalExact = false private var onFound: () -> Unit = {} private var goal: GraphNode? = null set(value) { prevGoal = field field = value } private var prevGoal: GraphNode? = null private var fastestPath: Graph? = null private var condition: () -> Boolean = { true } private var inGlaciteTunnels: Boolean? = null private val patternGroup ="data.island.navigation") /** * REGEX-TEST: Dwarven Base Camp * REGEX-TEST: Forge * REGEX-TEST: Fossil Research Center */ private val glaciteTunnelsPattern by patternGroup.pattern( "glacitetunnels", "(Glacite Tunnels|Dwarven Base Camp|Great Glacite Lake|Fossil Research Center)", ) @SubscribeEvent fun onRepoReload(event: RepositoryReloadEvent) { if (!LorenzUtils.inSkyBlock) return loadIsland(LorenzUtils.skyBlockIsland) } @SubscribeEvent fun onIslandChange(event: IslandChangeEvent) { if (currentIslandGraph != null) return if (event.newIsland == IslandType.NONE) return loadIsland(event.newIsland) } @SubscribeEvent fun onWorldChange(event: LorenzWorldChangeEvent) { currentIslandGraph = null reset() } fun isGlaciteTunnelsArea(area: String?): Boolean = glaciteTunnelsPattern.matches(area) @HandleEvent fun onAreaChange(event: ScoreboardAreaChangeEvent) { if (!IslandType.DWARVEN_MINES.isInIsland()) { inGlaciteTunnels = null return } val now = isGlaciteTunnelsArea(LorenzUtils.skyBlockArea) if (inGlaciteTunnels != now) { inGlaciteTunnels = now loadDwarvenMines() } } private fun loadDwarvenMines() { if (isGlaciteTunnelsArea(LorenzUtils.skyBlockArea)) { reloadFromJson("GLACITE_TUNNELS") } else { reloadFromJson("DWARVEN_MINES") } } private fun loadIsland(newIsland: IslandType) { if (newIsland == IslandType.DWARVEN_MINES) { loadDwarvenMines() } else { reloadFromJson( } } private fun reloadFromJson(islandName: String) { val constant = "island_graphs/$islandName" val name = "constants/$constant.json" val jsonFile = File(SkyHanniMod.repo.repoLocation, name) if (!jsonFile.isFile) { currentIslandGraph = null return } val graph = RepoUtils.getConstant(SkyHanniMod.repo.repoLocation, constant, Graph.gson, setNewGraph(graph) } fun setNewGraph(graph: Graph) { reset() currentIslandGraph = graph // calling various update functions to make swtiching between deep caverns and glacite tunnels bareable handleTick() IslandAreas.noteMoved() DelayedRun.runDelayed(150.milliseconds) { IslandAreas.updatePosition() } } private fun reset() { closedNote = null currentTarget = null goal = null fastestPath = null IslandAreas.display = null } @SubscribeEvent fun onTick(event: LorenzTickEvent) { if (!LorenzUtils.inSkyBlock) return handleTick() } private fun handleTick() { val prevClosed = closedNote val graph = currentIslandGraph ?: return currentTarget?.let { if (it.distanceToPlayer() < 3) { onFound() reset() } if (!condition()) { reset() } } val newClosest = if (SkyHanniDebugsAndTests.c == 0.0) { graph.minBy { it.position.distanceSqToPlayer() } } else null if (closedNote == newClosest) return closedNote = newClosest onNewNote() val closest = closedNote ?: return val goal = goal ?: return if (closest == prevClosed) return val (path, distance) = graph.findShortestPathAsGraphWithDistance(closest, goal) val first = path.firstOrNull() val second = path.getOrNull(1) val playerPosition = LocationUtils.playerLocation() val nodeDistance = first?.let { playerPosition.distance(it.position) } ?: 0.0 if (first != null && second != null) { val direct = playerPosition.distance(second.position) val firstPath = first.neighbours[second] ?: 0.0 val around = nodeDistance + firstPath if (direct < around) { setFastestPath(Graph(path.drop(1)) to (distance - firstPath + direct)) return } } setFastestPath(path to (distance + nodeDistance)) } private fun setFastestPath(path: Pair) { fastestPath = path.takeIf { it.first.isNotEmpty() }?.first fastestPath?.let { fastestPath = Graph(cutByMaxDistance(it.nodes, 3.0)) } } private fun onNewNote() { // TODO create an event IslandAreas.noteMoved() } fun stop() { currentTarget = null goal = null fastestPath = null } fun pathFind( location: LorenzVec, color: Color = LorenzColor.WHITE.toColor(), onFound: () -> Unit = {}, showGoalExact: Boolean = false, condition: () -> Boolean = { true }, ) { reset() currentTarget = location this.color = color this.onFound = onFound this.showGoalExact = showGoalExact this.condition = condition val graph = currentIslandGraph ?: return goal = graph.minBy { it.position.distance(currentTarget!!) } } @SubscribeEvent fun onRenderWorld(event: LorenzRenderWorldEvent) { if (!LorenzUtils.inSkyBlock) return val path = fastestPath ?: return var graph = path graph = skipNodes(graph) ?: graph event.draw3DPathWithWaypoint( graph, color, 6, true, bezierPoint = 2.0, textSize = 1.0, ) val lastNode = graph.nodes.last().position val targetLocation = currentTarget ?: return event.draw3DLine(lastNode.add(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), targetLocation.add(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), color, 4, true) if (showGoalExact) { event.drawWaypointFilled(targetLocation, color) } } // TODO move into new utils class private fun cutByMaxDistance(nodes: List, maxDistance: Double): List { var index = nodes.size * 10 val locations = mutableListOf() var first = true for (node in nodes) { if (first) { first = false } else { var lastPosition = locations.last() val currentPosition = node.position val vector = (currentPosition - lastPosition).normalize() var distance = lastPosition.distance(currentPosition) while (distance > maxDistance) { distance -= maxDistance val nextStepDistance = if (distance < maxDistance / 2) { (maxDistance + distance) / 2 break } else maxDistance val newPosition = lastPosition + (vector * (nextStepDistance)) locations.add(newPosition) lastPosition = newPosition } } locations.add(node.position) } return { GraphNode(index++, it) } } // trying to find a faster node-path, if the future nodes are in line of sight and gratly beneift the current path private fun skipNodes(graph: Graph): Graph? { val closedNode = closedNote ?: return null val playerEyeLocation = LocationUtils.playerEyeLocation() val playerY = playerEyeLocation.y - 1 val distanceToPlayer = closedNode.position.distanceToPlayer() val skipNodeDistance = distanceToPlayer > 8 val maxSkipDistance = if (skipNodeDistance) 50.0 else 20.0 val nodes = graph.nodes val potentialSkip = nodes.lastOrNull { it.position.canBeSeen(maxSkipDistance, -1.0) && abs(it.position.y - playerY) <= 2 } ?: return null val angleSkip = if (potentialSkip == nodes.first()) { false } else { val v1 = potentialSkip.position - playerEyeLocation val v2 = nodes.first().position - playerEyeLocation val v = v1.angleInRad(v2) v > 1 } if (!skipNodeDistance && !angleSkip) return null val list = mutableListOf() list.add(potentialSkip) var passed = false for (node in nodes) { if (passed) { list.add(node) } else { if (node == potentialSkip) { passed = true } } } return Graph(list) } }