package import import import import import import import import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.skyhannimodule.SkyHanniModule import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.test.command.ErrorManager import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.InventoryUtils import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.ItemCategory import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.ItemUtils.getInternalName import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.ItemUtils.getInternalNameOrNull import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.ItemUtils.getItemCategoryOrNull import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.ItemUtils.getLore import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.LorenzUtils import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.LorenzUtils.round import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.NEUInternalName import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.NEUInternalName.Companion.asInternalName import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.NumberUtil.formatInt import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.RegexUtils.matchMatcher import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.RegexUtils.matches import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.SkyBlockItemModifierUtils.getExtraAttributes import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.StringUtils.removeResets import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.StringUtils.trimWhiteSpace import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.repopatterns.RepoPattern import net.minecraft.item.ItemBow import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent @SkyHanniModule object QuiverAPI { private val storage get() = ProfileStorageData.profileSpecific var currentArrow: ArrowType? get() = storage?.arrows?.currentArrow?.asInternalName()?.let { getArrowByNameOrNull(it) } ?: NONE_ARROW_TYPE set(value) { storage?.arrows?.currentArrow = value?.toString() ?: return } var arrowAmount: MutableMap get() = storage?.arrows?.arrowAmount ?: mutableMapOf() set(value) { storage?.arrows?.arrowAmount = value } var currentAmount: Int get() = currentArrow?.amount ?: 0 set(value) { currentArrow?.amount = value } var ArrowType.amount: Int get() = arrowAmount[this.internalName] ?: 0 set(value) { arrowAmount[this.internalName] = value } private var arrows: List = listOf() var wearingSkeletonMasterChestplate = false private set private var hasBow = false const val MAX_ARROW_AMOUNT = 2880 private val SKELETON_MASTER_CHESTPLATE = "SKELETON_MASTER_CHESTPLATE".asInternalName() var NONE_ARROW_TYPE: ArrowType? = null private var FLINT_ARROW_TYPE: ArrowType? = null private val group ="data.quiver") private val chatGroup ="chat") private val selectPattern by chatGroup.pattern("select", "§aYou set your selected arrow type to §.(?.*)§a!") private val fillUpJaxPattern by chatGroup.pattern( "fillupjax", "(?:§.)*Jax forged (?:§.)*(?.*?)(?:§.)* x(?[\\d,]+)(?: (?:§.)*for (?:§.)*(?[\\d,]+) Coins)?(?:§.)*!" ) private val fillUpPattern by chatGroup.pattern( "fillup", "§aYou filled your quiver with §f(?.*) §aextra arrows!" ) private val clearedPattern by chatGroup.pattern( "cleared", "§aCleared your quiver!|§c§lYour quiver is now completely empty!" ) private val arrowRanOutPattern by chatGroup.pattern( "ranout", "§c§lQUIVER! §cYou have run out of §f(?.*)s§c!" ) private val arrowResetPattern by chatGroup.pattern("arrowreset", "§cYour favorite arrow has been reset!") private val addedToQuiverPattern by chatGroup.pattern( "addedtoquiver", "(?:§.)*You've added (?:§.)*(?.*) x(?.*) (?:§.)*to your quiver!" ) // Bows that don't use the players arrows, checked using the SkyBlock ID private val fakeBowsPattern by group.pattern("fakebows", "^(BOSS_SPIRIT_BOW|CRYPT_BOW)$") private val quiverInventoryNamePattern by group.pattern("quivername", "^Quiver$") /** * REGEX-TEST: §7Active Arrow: §fFlint Arrow §7(§e2880§7) */ private val quiverInventoryPattern by group.pattern( "quiver.inventory", "§7Active Arrow: §.(?.*) §7\\(§e(?.*)§7\\)" ) @SubscribeEvent fun onChat(event: LorenzChatEvent) { if (!isEnabled()) return val message = event.message.trimWhiteSpace().removeResets() selectPattern.matchMatcher(message) { val type = group("arrow") currentArrow = getArrowByNameOrNull(type) ?: return ErrorManager.logErrorWithData( UnknownArrowType("Unknown arrow type: $type"), "Unknown arrow type: $type", "message" to message, ) postUpdateEvent() return } arrowRanOutPattern.matchMatcher(message) { val type = group("type") val ranOutType = getArrowByNameOrNull(type) ?: return ErrorManager.logErrorWithData( UnknownArrowType("Unknown arrow type: $type"), "Unknown arrow type: $type", "message" to message, ) ranOutType.amount = 0 postUpdateEvent(ranOutType) } fillUpJaxPattern.matchMatcher(message) { val type = group("type") val amount = group("amount").formatInt() val filledUpType = getArrowByNameOrNull(type) ?: return ErrorManager.logErrorWithData( UnknownArrowType("Unknown arrow type: $type"), "Unknown arrow type: $type", "message" to message, ) filledUpType.amount += amount if (filledUpType == currentArrow) { postUpdateEvent() } return } fillUpPattern.matchMatcher(message) { val flintAmount = group("flintAmount").formatInt() FLINT_ARROW_TYPE?.let { it.amount += flintAmount } if (currentArrow == FLINT_ARROW_TYPE) { postUpdateEvent() } return } addedToQuiverPattern.matchMatcher(message) { val type = group("type") val amount = group("amount").formatInt() val filledUpType = getArrowByNameOrNull(type) ?: return ErrorManager.logErrorWithData( UnknownArrowType("Unknown arrow type: $type"), "Unknown arrow type: $type", "message" to message, ) filledUpType.amount += amount if (filledUpType == currentArrow) { postUpdateEvent() } return } clearedPattern.matchMatcher(message) { currentAmount = 0 arrowAmount.clear() postUpdateEvent() return } arrowResetPattern.matchMatcher(message) { currentArrow = NONE_ARROW_TYPE currentAmount = 0 postUpdateEvent() return } } @SubscribeEvent fun onInventoryFullyLoaded(event: InventoryFullyOpenedEvent) { if (!isEnabled()) return if (!quiverInventoryNamePattern.matches(event.inventoryName)) return // clear to prevent duplicates currentAmount = 0 arrowAmount.clear() val stacks = event.inventoryItems for (stack in stacks.values) { if (stack.getItemCategoryOrNull() != ItemCategory.ARROW) continue val arrow = stack.getInternalNameOrNull() ?: continue val arrowType = getArrowByNameOrNull(arrow) ?: continue arrowType.amount += stack.stackSize } } @SubscribeEvent fun onInventoryUpdate(event: OwnInventoryItemUpdateEvent) { if (!isEnabled() && event.slot != 44) return val stack = event.itemStack if (stack.getExtraAttributes()?.hasKey("quiver_arrow") == true) { for (line in stack.getLore()) { quiverInventoryPattern.matchMatcher(line) { val type = group("type") val amount = group("amount").formatInt() val currentArrowType = getArrowByNameOrNull(type) ?: return ErrorManager.logErrorWithData( UnknownArrowType("Unknown arrow type: $type"), "Unknown arrow type: $type", "line" to line, ) if (currentArrowType != currentArrow || amount != currentAmount) { currentArrow = currentArrowType currentAmount = amount postUpdateEvent() } } } } } fun Int.asArrowPercentage() = ((this.toFloat() / MAX_ARROW_AMOUNT) * 100).round(1) fun hasBowInInventory() = hasBow fun isHoldingBow(): Boolean { InventoryUtils.getItemInHand()?.let { return it.item is ItemBow && !fakeBowsPattern.matches(it.getInternalName().asString()) } ?: return false } fun getArrowByNameOrNull(name: String): ArrowType? { return arrows.firstOrNull { it.arrow == name } } fun getArrowByNameOrNull(internalName: NEUInternalName): ArrowType? { return arrows.firstOrNull { it.internalName == internalName } } private fun NEUInternalName.asArrowTypeOrNull() = getArrowByNameOrNull(this) fun isEnabled() = LorenzUtils.inSkyBlock && storage != null private fun checkBowInventory() { hasBow = InventoryUtils.getItemsInOwnInventory().any { it.item is ItemBow && !fakeBowsPattern.matches(it.getInternalName().asString()) } } private fun checkChestplate() { val wasWearing = wearingSkeletonMasterChestplate wearingSkeletonMasterChestplate = InventoryUtils.getChestplate()?.getInternalName() == SKELETON_MASTER_CHESTPLATE if (wasWearing != wearingSkeletonMasterChestplate) { postUpdateEvent() } } private fun postUpdateEvent(arrowType: ArrowType? = currentArrow) { QuiverUpdateEvent(arrowType, currentAmount).postAndCatch() } @SubscribeEvent fun onSecondPassed(event: SecondPassedEvent) { if (!isEnabled()) return if (event.repeatSeconds(2)) { checkChestplate() checkBowInventory() } } // Load arrows from repo @SubscribeEvent fun onRepoReload(event: RepositoryReloadEvent) { val arrowData = event.getConstant("ArrowTypes") arrows = { ArrowType(it.value.arrow, it.key.asInternalName()) } NONE_ARROW_TYPE = getArrowByNameOrNull("NONE".asInternalName()) FLINT_ARROW_TYPE = getArrowByNameOrNull("ARROW".asInternalName()) } class UnknownArrowType(message: String) : Exception(message) }