package import import import import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.mixins.hooks.RenderLivingEntityHelper import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.CollectionUtils.toSingletonListOrEmpty import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.ColorUtils.addAlpha import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.EntityUtils.canBeSeen import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.EntityUtils.cleanName import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.EntityUtils.isCorrupted import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.EntityUtils.isRunic import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.LocationUtils.distanceToPlayer import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.LocationUtils.union import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.MobUtils import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.RegexUtils.matchMatcher import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase import net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityArmorStand import import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB import java.awt.Color import java.util.UUID /** * Represents a Mob in Hypixel Skyblock. * * @property baseEntity The main entity representing the Mob. * * Avoid caching, as it may change without notice. * @property mobType The type of the Mob. * @property armorStand The armor stand entity associated with the Mob, if it has one. * * Avoid caching, as it may change without notice. * @property name The name of the Mob. * @property extraEntities Additional entities associated with the Mob. * * Avoid caching, as they may change without notice. * @property owner Valid for: [Type.SUMMON], [Type.SLAYER] * * The owner of the Mob. * @property hasStar Valid for: [Type.DUNGEON] * * Indicates whether the Mob has a star. * @property attribute Valid for: [Type.DUNGEON] * * The attribute of the Mob. * @property levelOrTier Valid for: [Type.BASIC], [Type.SLAYER] * * The level or tier of the Mob. * @property hologram1 Valid for: [Type.BASIC], [Type.SLAYER] * * Gives back the first additional armor stand. * * (should be called in the [MobEvent.Spawn] since it is a lazy) * @property hologram2 Valid for: [Type.BASIC], [Type.SLAYER] * * Gives back the second additional armor stand. * * (should be called in the [MobEvent.Spawn] since it is a lazy) * @property id Unique identifier for each Mob instance */ class Mob( var baseEntity: EntityLivingBase, val mobType: Type, var armorStand: EntityArmorStand? = null, val name: String = "", additionalEntities: List? = null, ownerName: String? = null, val hasStar: Boolean = false, val attribute: MobFilter.DungeonAttribute? = null, val levelOrTier: Int = -1, ) { private val id: UUID = UUID.randomUUID() val owner: MobUtils.OwnerShip? val hologram1Delegate = lazy { MobUtils.getArmorStand(armorStand ?: baseEntity, 1) } val hologram2Delegate = lazy { MobUtils.getArmorStand(armorStand ?: baseEntity, 2) } val hologram1 by hologram1Delegate val hologram2 by hologram2Delegate private val extraEntitiesList = additionalEntities?.toMutableList() ?: mutableListOf() private var relativeBoundingBox: AxisAlignedBB? val extraEntities: List = extraEntitiesList enum class Type { DISPLAY_NPC, SUMMON, BASIC, DUNGEON, BOSS, SLAYER, PLAYER, PROJECTILE, SPECIAL, ; fun isSkyblockMob() = when (this) { BASIC, DUNGEON, BOSS, SLAYER -> true else -> false } } val isCorrupted get() = baseEntity.isCorrupted() // Can change val isRunic = baseEntity.isRunic() // Does not Change fun isInRender() = baseEntity.distanceToPlayer() < MobData.ENTITY_RENDER_RANGE_IN_BLOCKS fun canBeSeen() = baseEntity.canBeSeen() fun isInvisible() = if (baseEntity !is EntityZombie) baseEntity.isInvisible else false private var highlightColor: Color? = null /** If [color] has no alpha or alpha is set to 255 it will set the alpha to 127 * If [color] is set to null it removes a highlight*/ fun highlight(color: Color?) { if (color == highlightColor) return if (color == null) { internalRemoveColor() highlightColor = null } else { highlightColor = color.takeIf { it.alpha == 255 }?.addAlpha(127) ?: color internalHighlight() } } private fun internalHighlight() { highlightColor?.let { color -> RenderLivingEntityHelper.setEntityColorWithNoHurtTime(baseEntity, color.rgb) { true } extraEntities.forEach { RenderLivingEntityHelper.setEntityColorWithNoHurtTime(it, color.rgb) { true } } } } private fun internalRemoveColor() { if (highlightColor == null) return RenderLivingEntityHelper.removeCustomRender(baseEntity) extraEntities.forEach { RenderLivingEntityHelper.removeCustomRender(it) } } val boundingBox: AxisAlignedBB get() = relativeBoundingBox?.offset(baseEntity.posX, baseEntity.posY, baseEntity.posZ) ?: baseEntity.entityBoundingBox init { removeExtraEntitiesFromChecking() relativeBoundingBox = if (extraEntities.isNotEmpty()) makeRelativeBoundingBox() else null // Inlined updateBoundingBox() owner = (ownerName ?: if (mobType == Type.SLAYER) hologram2?.let { summonOwnerPattern.matchMatcher(it.cleanName()) {"name") } } else null)?.let { MobUtils.OwnerShip(it) } } private fun removeExtraEntitiesFromChecking() = extraEntities.count { MobData.retries[it.entityId] != null }.also { MobData.externRemoveOfRetryAmount += it } fun updateBoundingBox() { relativeBoundingBox = if (extraEntities.isNotEmpty()) makeRelativeBoundingBox() else null } private fun makeRelativeBoundingBox() = (baseEntity.entityBoundingBox.union( extraEntities.filter { it !is EntityArmorStand } .mapNotNull { it.entityBoundingBox }, ))?.offset(-baseEntity.posX, -baseEntity.posY, -baseEntity.posZ) fun fullEntityList() = baseEntity.toSingletonListOrEmpty() + armorStand.toSingletonListOrEmpty() + extraEntities fun makeEntityToMobAssociation() = fullEntityList().associateWith { this } internal fun internalAddEntity(entity: EntityLivingBase) { internalRemoveColor() if (baseEntity.entityId > entity.entityId) { extraEntitiesList.add(0, baseEntity) baseEntity = entity } else { extraEntitiesList.add(extraEntitiesList.lastIndex + 1, entity) } internalHighlight() updateBoundingBox() MobData.entityToMob[entity] = this } internal fun internalAddEntity(entities: Collection) { val list = entities.drop(1).toMutableList().apply { add(baseEntity) } internalRemoveColor() extraEntitiesList.addAll(0, list) baseEntity = entities.first() internalHighlight() updateBoundingBox() removeExtraEntitiesFromChecking() MobData.entityToMob.putAll(entities.associateWith { this }) } internal fun internalUpdateOfEntity(entity: EntityLivingBase) { internalRemoveColor() when (entity.entityId) { baseEntity.entityId -> { baseEntity = entity } armorStand?.entityId ?: Int.MIN_VALUE -> armorStand = entity as EntityArmorStand else -> { extraEntitiesList.remove(entity) extraEntitiesList.add(entity) Unit // To make return type of this branch Unit } } internalHighlight() } override fun hashCode() = id.hashCode() override fun toString(): String = "$name - ${baseEntity.entityId}" override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean { if (this === other) return true if (other !is Mob) return false return id == } }