package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.items import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.SkyHanniMod import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.bazaar.BazaarApi import import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.ItemUtils import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.ItemUtils.cleanName import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.ItemUtils.getLore import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.LorenzColor import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.LorenzUtils import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.LorenzUtils.removeColorCodes import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.RenderUtils.highlight import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft import net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiChest import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager import net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerChest import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.player.ItemTooltipEvent import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.EventPriority import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11 class HideNotClickableItems { private var hideReason = "" private var lastClickTime = 0L private var bypassUntil = 0L @SubscribeEvent fun onBackgroundDrawn(event: GuiContainerEvent.BackgroundDrawnEvent) { if (!LorenzUtils.inSkyblock) return if (isDisabled()) return if (event.gui !is GuiChest) return val guiChest = event.gui val chest = guiChest.inventorySlots as ContainerChest val chestName = chest.lowerChestInventory.displayName.unformattedText.trim() val lightingState = GL11.glIsEnabled(GL11.GL_LIGHTING) GlStateManager.disableLighting() GlStateManager.color(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f) for (slot in chest.inventorySlots) { if (slot == null) continue if (slot.slotNumber == slot.slotIndex) continue if (slot.stack == null) continue if (hide(chestName, slot.stack)) { slot highlight LorenzColor.GRAY } } if (lightingState) GlStateManager.enableLighting() } @SubscribeEvent fun onDrawSlot(event: GuiContainerEvent.DrawSlotEvent.Pre) { if (isDisabled()) return if (event.gui !is GuiChest) return val guiChest = event.gui val chest = guiChest.inventorySlots as ContainerChest val chestName = chest.lowerChestInventory.displayName.unformattedText.trim() val slot = event.slot if (slot.slotNumber == slot.slotIndex) return if (slot.stack == null) return val stack = slot.stack if (hide(chestName, stack)) { event.isCanceled = true } } @SubscribeEvent(priority = EventPriority.LOWEST) fun onTooltip(event: ItemTooltipEvent) { if (isDisabled()) return if (event.toolTip == null) return val guiChest = Minecraft.getMinecraft().currentScreen if (guiChest !is GuiChest) return val chest = guiChest.inventorySlots as ContainerChest val chestName = chest.lowerChestInventory.displayName.unformattedText.trim() val stack = event.itemStack if (ItemUtils.getItemsInOpenChest().contains(stack)) return if (hide(chestName, stack)) { val first = event.toolTip[0] event.toolTip.clear() event.toolTip.add("§7" + first.removeColorCodes()) event.toolTip.add("") if (hideReason == "") { event.toolTip.add("§4No hide reason!") LorenzUtils.warning("Not hide reason for not clickable item!") } else { event.toolTip.add("§c$hideReason") } } } @SubscribeEvent fun onSlotClick(event: GuiContainerEvent.SlotClickEvent) { if (isDisabled()) return if (event.gui !is GuiChest) return val guiChest = event.gui val chest = guiChest.inventorySlots as ContainerChest val chestName = chest.lowerChestInventory.displayName.unformattedText.trim() val slot = event.slot ?: return if (slot.slotNumber == slot.slotIndex) return if (slot.stack == null) return val stack = slot.stack if (hide(chestName, stack)) { event.isCanceled = true if (System.currentTimeMillis() > lastClickTime + 5_000) { lastClickTime = System.currentTimeMillis() } return } } private fun isDisabled(): Boolean { if (bypassUntil > System.currentTimeMillis()) return true return !SkyHanniMod.feature.items.hideNotClickableItems } private fun hide(chestName: String, stack: ItemStack): Boolean { hideReason = "" return when { hideNpcSell(chestName, stack) -> true hideChestBackpack(chestName, stack) -> true hideSalvage(chestName, stack) -> true hideTrade(chestName, stack) -> true hideBazaarOrAH(chestName, stack) -> true hideAccessoryBag(chestName, stack) -> true hideSackOfSacks(chestName, stack) -> true hideFishingBag(chestName, stack) -> true hidePotionBag(chestName, stack) -> true else -> false } } private fun hidePotionBag(chestName: String, stack: ItemStack): Boolean { if (!chestName.startsWith("Potion Bag")) return false val name = stack.cleanName() if (isSkyBlockMenuItem(name)) { hideReason = "The SkyBlock Menu cannot be put into the potion bag!" return true } if (stack.cleanName().endsWith(" Potion")) return false hideReason = "This item is not a potion!" return true } private fun hideFishingBag(chestName: String, stack: ItemStack): Boolean { if (!chestName.startsWith("Fishing Bag")) return false val name = stack.cleanName() if (isSkyBlockMenuItem(name)) { hideReason = "The SkyBlock Menu cannot be put into the fishing bag!" return true } if (stack.getLore().any { it.removeColorCodes() == "Fishing Bait" }) { return false } // if (stack.cleanName().endsWith(" Bait")) return false hideReason = "This item is not a fishing bait!" return true } private fun hideSackOfSacks(chestName: String, stack: ItemStack): Boolean { if (!chestName.startsWith("Sack of Sacks")) return false val name = stack.cleanName() if (ItemUtils.isSack(name)) return false if (isSkyBlockMenuItem(name)) return false hideReason = "This item is not a sack!" return true } private fun hideAccessoryBag(chestName: String, stack: ItemStack): Boolean { if (!chestName.startsWith("Accessory Bag")) return false if (stack.getLore().any { it.contains("ACCESSORY") }) return false if (isSkyBlockMenuItem(stack.cleanName())) return false hideReason = "This item is not an accessory!" return true } private fun hideTrade(chestName: String, stack: ItemStack): Boolean { if (!chestName.startsWith("You ")) return false if (ItemUtils.isSoulBound(stack)) { hideReason = "Soulbound items cannot be traded!" return true } val name = stack.cleanName() if (ItemUtils.isSack(name)) { hideReason = "Sacks cannot be traded!" return true } if (isSkyBlockMenuItem(name)) { hideReason = "The SkyBlock Menu cannot be traded!" return true } val result = when { name.contains("Personal Deletor") -> true name.contains("Day Crystal") -> true name.contains("Night Crystal") -> true name.contains("Cat Talisman") -> true name.contains("Lynx Talisman") -> true name.contains("Cheetah Talisman") -> true else -> false } if (result) hideReason = "This item cannot be traded!" return result } private fun hideNpcSell(chestName: String, stack: ItemStack): Boolean { if (chestName != "Trades" && chestName != "Ophelia") return false var name = stack.cleanName() val size = stack.stackSize val amountText = " x$size" if (name.endsWith(amountText)) { name = name.substring(0, name.length - amountText.length) } if (isSkyBlockMenuItem(name)) { hideReason = "The SkyBlock Menu cannot be sold at the NPC!" return true } if (!ItemUtils.isRecombobulated(stack)) { when (name) { "Health Potion VIII Splash Potion" -> return false "Stone Button" -> return false "Revive Stone" -> return false "Premium Flesh" -> return false "Defuse Kit" -> return false "White Wool" -> return false "Enchanted Wool" -> return false "Training Weights" -> return false "Journal Entry" -> return false "Twilight Arrow Poison" -> return false "Lever" -> return false "Fairy's Galoshes" -> return false "Blaze Powder" -> return false } if (name.endsWith("Gem Rune I")) return false if (name.startsWith("Music Disc")) return false } hideReason = "This item should not be sold at the NPC!" return true } private fun hideChestBackpack(chestName: String, stack: ItemStack): Boolean { if (!chestName.contains("Ender Chest") && !chestName.contains("Backpack")) return false val name = stack.cleanName() if (isSkyBlockMenuItem(name)) { hideReason = "The SkyBlock Menu cannot be put into the storage!" return true } if (ItemUtils.isSack(name)) { hideReason = "Sacks cannot be put into the storage!" return true } val result = when { name.endsWith(" New Year Cake Bag") -> true name == "Nether Wart Pouch" -> true name == "Basket of Seeds" -> true name == "Builder's Wand" -> true else -> false } if (result) hideReason = "Bags cannot be put into the storage!" return result } private fun hideSalvage(chestName: String, stack: ItemStack): Boolean { if (chestName != "Salvage Item") return false if (ItemUtils.isRecombobulated(stack)) { hideReason = "This item should not be salvaged! (Recombobulated)" return true } for (line in stack.getLore()) { if (line.contains("LEGENDARY DUNGEON")) { hideReason = "This item should not be salvaged! (Legendary)" return true } } val name = stack.cleanName() val armorSets = listOf( "Zombie Knight", "Heavy", "Zombie Soldier", "Skeleton Grunt", "Skeleton Soldier", "Zombie Commander", "Skeleton Master", "Sniper", "Skeletor", "Rotten", ) val items = mutableListOf() for (armor in armorSets) { items.add("$armor Helmet") items.add("$armor Chestplate") items.add("$armor Leggings") items.add("$armor Boots") } items.add("Zombie Soldier Cutlass") items.add("Silent Death") items.add("Zombie Knight Sword") items.add("Conjuring") items.add("Dreadlord Sword") items.add("Soulstealer Bow") items.add("Machine Gun Bow") items.add("Earth Shard") items.add("Zombie Commander Whip") items.add("Sniper Bow") //Crimson essence items.add("Blade of the Volcano") items.add("Slug Boots") items.add("Flaming Chestplate") for (item in items) { if (name.endsWith(item)) { return false } } if (isSkyBlockMenuItem(name)) { hideReason = "The SkyBlock Menu cannot be salvaged!" return true } hideReason = "This item cannot be salvaged!" return true } private fun hideBazaarOrAH(chestName: String, stack: ItemStack): Boolean { val bazaarInventory = BazaarApi.isBazaarInventory(chestName) val auctionHouseInventory = chestName == "Co-op Auction House" || chestName == "Auction House" || chestName == "Create BIN Auction" || chestName == "Create Auction" if (!bazaarInventory && !auctionHouseInventory) return false val displayName = stack.displayName if (isSkyBlockMenuItem(displayName.removeColorCodes())) { if (bazaarInventory) hideReason = "The SkyBlock Menu is not a Bazaar Product!" if (auctionHouseInventory) hideReason = "The SkyBlock Menu cannot be auctioned!" return true } if (bazaarInventory != BazaarApi.isBazaarItem(displayName)) { if (bazaarInventory) hideReason = "This item is not a Bazaar Product!" if (auctionHouseInventory) hideReason = "Bazaar Products cannot be auctioned!" return true } if (isNotAuctionable(stack)) return true return false } private fun isNotAuctionable(stack: ItemStack): Boolean { if (ItemUtils.isSoulBound(stack)) { hideReason = "Soulbound items cannot be auctioned!" return true } val name = stack.cleanName() if (ItemUtils.isSack(name)) { hideReason = "Sacks cannot be auctioned!" return true } val result = when { name.contains("Personal Deletor") -> true name.contains("Day Crystal") -> true name.contains("Night Crystal") -> true name.contains("Cat Talisman") -> true name.contains("Lynx Talisman") -> true name.contains("Cheetah Talisman") -> true name.contains("Hoe of Great Tilling") -> true name.contains("Hoe of Greater Tilling") -> true name.contains("InfiniDirt") -> true name.contains("Prismapump") -> true name.contains("Mathematical Hoe Blueprint") -> true name.contains("Basket of Seeds") -> true name.contains("Nether Wart Pouch") -> true name.contains("Carrot Hoe") -> true name.contains("Sugar Cane Hoe") -> true name.contains("Nether Warts Hoe") -> true name.contains("Potato Hoe") -> true name.contains("Melon Dicer") -> true name.contains("Pumpkin Dicer") -> true name.contains("Coco Chopper") -> true name.contains("Wheat Hoe") -> true else -> false } if (result) hideReason = "This item cannot be auctioned!" return result } private fun isSkyBlockMenuItem(name: String): Boolean = name == "SkyBlock Menu (Right Click)" }