package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.test import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.SkyHanniMod import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.config.ConfigFileType import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.config.ConfigGuiManager import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.config.ConfigManager import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.config.ConfigUpdaterMigrator import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.config.core.config.Position import import import import import import import import import import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.dungeon.DungeonAPI import import import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.test.GriffinUtils.drawWaypointFilled import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.InventoryUtils import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.ItemUtils.getInternalName import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.ItemUtils.getInternalNameOrNull import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.ItemUtils.getItemRarityOrNull import import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.KeyboardManager.isKeyHeld import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.LocationUtils import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.LorenzColor import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.LorenzDebug import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.LorenzLogger import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.LorenzUtils import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.LorenzUtils.makeAccessible import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.LorenzVec import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.NEUInternalName import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.NEUItems import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.NEUItems.getNpcPriceOrNull import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.NumberUtil.addSeparators import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.OSUtils import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.RenderUtils.drawDynamicText import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.RenderUtils.renderString import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.RenderUtils.renderStringsAndItems import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.SimpleTimeMark import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.SoundUtils import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft import net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound import net.minecraftforge.client.event.GuiScreenEvent import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent import import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.seconds class SkyHanniDebugsAndTests { companion object { private val config get() = private val debugConfig get() = config.debug var displayLine = "" var displayList = emptyList>() var globalRender = true var a = 1.0 var b = 60.0 var c = 0.0 val debugLogger = LorenzLogger("debug/test") private fun run(compound: NBTTagCompound, text: String) { print("$text'$compound'") for (s in compound.keySet) { val element = compound.getCompoundTag(s) run(element, "$text ") } } private fun print(text: String) { LorenzDebug.log(text) } private var testLocation: LorenzVec? = null @SubscribeEvent fun onRenderWorld(event: LorenzRenderWorldEvent) { testLocation?.let { event.drawWaypointFilled(it, LorenzColor.WHITE.toColor()) event.drawDynamicText(it, "Test", 1.5) } } fun waypoint(args: Array) { SoundUtils.playBeepSound() if (args.isEmpty()) { testLocation = null"reset test waypoint") } val x = args[0].toDouble() val y = args[1].toDouble() val z = args[2].toDouble() testLocation = LorenzVec(x, y, z)"set test waypoint") } fun testCommand(args: Array) { SoundUtils.playBeepSound() // val a = Thread { OSUtils.copyToClipboard("123") } // val b = Thread { OSUtils.copyToClipboard("456") } // a.start() // b.start() // for ((i, s) in ScoreboardData.siedebarLinesFormatted().withIndex()) { // println("$i: '$s'") // } // val name = args[0] // val pitch = args[1].toFloat() // val sound = SoundUtils.createSound("note.harp", 1.35f) // val sound = SoundUtils.createSound("random.orb", 11.2f) // SoundUtils.createSound(name, pitch).playSound() // a = args[0].toDouble() // b = args[1].toDouble() // c = args[2].toDouble() // for (line in (Minecraft.getMinecraft().ingameGUI.tabList as AccessorGuiPlayerTabOverlay).footer.unformattedText // .split("\n")) { // println("footer: '$line'") // } // // // for (line in TabListUtils.getTabList()) { // println("tablist: '$line'") // } } fun findNullConfig(args: Array) { println("start null finder") findNull(SkyHanniMod.feature, "config") println("stop null finder") } private fun findNull(obj: Any, path: String) { val blockedNames = listOf( "TRUE", "FALSE", "SIZE", "MIN_VALUE", "MAX_VALUE", "BYTES", "POSITIVE_INFINITY", "NEGATIVE_INFINITY", "NaN", "MIN_NORMAL", ) val javaClass = obj.javaClass if (javaClass.isEnum) return for (field in javaClass.fields) { val name = if (name in blockedNames) continue // funny thing if (obj is Position) { if (name == "internalName") continue } val other = field.makeAccessible().get(obj) val newName = "$path.$name" if (other == null) { println("config null at $newName") } else { findNull(other, newName) } } } fun configManagerResetCommand(args: Array) { if (args.size == 1 && args[0] == "confirm") { configManagerReset() return } LorenzUtils.clickableChat( "§cTHIS WILL RESET YOUR SkyHanni CONFIG! Click here to procceed.", "shconfigmanagerreset confirm", false ) } private fun configManagerReset() { // TODO make it so that it does not reset the config // saving old config state SkyHanniMod.configManager.saveConfig(ConfigFileType.FEATURES, "reload config manager") SkyHanniMod.configManager.saveConfig(ConfigFileType.SACKS, "reload config manager") Thread { Thread.sleep(500) SkyHanniMod.configManager.disableSaving() // initializing a new config manager, calling firstLoad, and setting it as the config manager in use. val configManager = ConfigManager() configManager.firstLoad()"configManager").makeAccessible() .set(SkyHanniMod, configManager) // resetting the MoulConfigProcessor in use ConfigGuiManager.editor = null"Reset the config manager!") }.start() } fun testGardenVisitors() { if (displayList.isNotEmpty()) { displayList = mutableListOf() return } val bigList = mutableListOf>() var list = mutableListOf() var i = 0 var errors = 0 for (item in GardenVisitorColorNames.visitorItems) { val name = item.key i++ if (i == 5) { i = 0 bigList.add(list) list = mutableListOf() } val coloredName = GardenVisitorColorNames.getColoredName(name) list.add("$coloredName§7 (") for (itemName in item.value) { try { val internalName = NEUItems.getRawInternalName(itemName) list.add(NEUItems.getItemStack(internalName)) } catch (e: Error) { LorenzUtils.debug("itemName '$itemName' is invalid for visitor '$name'") errors++ } } if (item.value.isEmpty()) { list.add("Any") } list.add("§7) ") } bigList.add(list) displayList = bigList if (errors == 0) { LorenzUtils.debug("Test garden visitor renderer: no errors") } else { LorenzUtils.debug("Test garden visitor renderer: $errors errors") } } fun reloadListeners() { val blockedFeatures = try { File("config/skyhanni/blocked-features.txt").readLines().toList() } catch (e: Exception) { emptyList() } val modules = SkyHanniMod.modules for (original in modules.toMutableList()) { val javaClass = original.javaClass val simpleName = javaClass.simpleName MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.unregister(original) println("Unregistered listener $simpleName") if (simpleName !in blockedFeatures) { modules.remove(original) val module = javaClass.newInstance() modules.add(module) MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(module) println("Registered listener $simpleName") } else { println("Skipped registering listener $simpleName") } }"reloaded ${modules.size} listener classes.") } fun stopListeners() { val modules = SkyHanniMod.modules for (original in modules.toMutableList()) { val javaClass = original.javaClass val simpleName = javaClass.simpleName MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.unregister(original) println("Unregistered listener $simpleName") }"stopped ${modules.size} listener classes.") } fun whereAmI() { if (LorenzUtils.inSkyBlock) {"§eYou are currently in ${LorenzUtils.skyBlockIsland}.") return }"§eYou are not in Skyblock.") } private var lastManualContestDataUpdate = SimpleTimeMark.farPast() fun clearContestData() { if (lastManualContestDataUpdate.passedSince() < 30.seconds) { LorenzUtils.userError("§cYou already cleared Jacob's Contest data recently!") return } lastManualContestDataUpdate = GardenNextJacobContest.contests.clear() GardenNextJacobContest.fetchedFromElite = false GardenNextJacobContest.isFetchingContests = true SkyHanniMod.coroutineScope.launch { GardenNextJacobContest.fetchUpcomingContests() GardenNextJacobContest.lastFetchAttempted = System.currentTimeMillis() GardenNextJacobContest.isFetchingContests = false } } fun copyLocation(args: Array) { val location = LocationUtils.playerLocation() val x = LorenzUtils.formatDouble(location.x + 0.001).replace(",", ".") val y = LorenzUtils.formatDouble(location.y + 0.001).replace(",", ".") val z = LorenzUtils.formatDouble(location.z + 0.001).replace(",", ".") if (args.size == 1 && args[0].equals("json", false)) { OSUtils.copyToClipboard("\"$x:$y:$z\"") return } OSUtils.copyToClipboard("LorenzVec($x, $y, $z)") } fun debugVersion() { val name = "SkyHanni ${SkyHanniMod.version}""§eYou are using $name") OSUtils.copyToClipboard(name) } fun debugData(args: Array) { if (args.size == 2 && args[0] == "profileName") { HypixelData.profileName = args[1].lowercase()"§eManually set profileName to '${HypixelData.profileName}'") return } val builder = StringBuilder() builder.append("```\n") builder.append("= Debug Information = \n") builder.append("\n") builder.append("SkyHanni ${SkyHanniMod.version}\n") builder.append("\n") builder.append("player name: '${LorenzUtils.getPlayerName()}'\n") builder.append("player uuid: '${LorenzUtils.getPlayerUuid()}'\n") builder.append("repoAutoUpdate: ${config.repoAutoUpdate}\n") if (!config.repoAutoUpdate) { builder.append("REPO DOES NOT AUTO UPDATE\n") } builder.append("globalRender: ${globalRender}\n") if (!globalRender) { builder.append("GLOBAL RENDERER IS DISABLED\n") } builder.append("\n") builder.append("onHypixel: ${LorenzUtils.onHypixel}\n") val inSkyBlock = LorenzUtils.inSkyBlock builder.append("inSkyBlock: $inSkyBlock\n") if (inSkyBlock) { builder.append("\n") builder.append("skyBlockIsland: ${LorenzUtils.skyBlockIsland}\n") builder.append("skyBlockArea: '${LorenzUtils.skyBlockArea}'\n") builder.append("profileName: '${HypixelData.profileName}'\n") builder.append("\n") builder.append("ironman: ${HypixelData.ironman}\n") builder.append("stranded: ${HypixelData.stranded}\n") builder.append("bingo: ${}\n") if (LorenzUtils.inDungeons) { builder.append("\n") builder.append("In dungeon!\n") builder.append(" dungeonFloor: ${DungeonAPI.dungeonFloor}\n") builder.append(" started: ${DungeonAPI.started}\n") builder.append(" getRoomID: ${DungeonAPI.getRoomID()}\n") builder.append(" inBossRoom: ${DungeonAPI.inBossRoom}\n") builder.append(" ") builder.append(" playerClass: ${DungeonAPI.playerClass}\n") builder.append(" isUniqueClass: ${DungeonAPI.isUniqueClass}\n") builder.append(" playerClassLevel: ${DungeonAPI.playerClassLevel}\n") } if (SlayerAPI.hasActiveSlayerQuest()) { builder.append("\n") builder.append("Doing slayer!\n") builder.append(" activeSlayer: ${SlayerAPI.getActiveSlayer()}\n") builder.append(" isInCorrectArea: ${SlayerAPI.isInCorrectArea}\n") builder.append(" isInAnyArea: ${SlayerAPI.isInAnyArea}\n") } } DebugDataCollectEvent(builder).postAndCatch() builder.append("```") OSUtils.copyToClipboard(builder.toString())"§eCopied SkyHanni debug data in the clipboard.") } fun copyItemInternalName() { val hand = InventoryUtils.getItemInHand() if (hand == null) { LorenzUtils.userError("No item in hand!") return } val internalName = hand.getInternalNameOrNull() if (internalName == null) { LorenzUtils.error("§cInternal name is null for item ${}") return } val rawInternalName = internalName.asString() OSUtils.copyToClipboard(rawInternalName)"§eCopied internal name §7$rawInternalName §eto the clipboard!") } fun toggleRender() { globalRender = !globalRender if (globalRender) {"§aEnabled global renderer!") } else {"§cDisabled global renderer! Run this command again to show SkyHanni rendering again.") } } } @SubscribeEvent fun onKeybind(event: GuiScreenEvent.KeyboardInputEvent.Post) { if (!debugConfig.copyInternalName.isKeyHeld()) return val gui = event.gui as? GuiContainer ?: return val focussedSlot = gui.slotUnderMouse ?: return val stack = focussedSlot.stack ?: return val internalName = stack.getInternalNameOrNull() ?: return val rawInternalName = internalName.asString() OSUtils.copyToClipboard(rawInternalName)"§eCopied internal name §7$rawInternalName §eto the clipboard!") } @SubscribeEvent fun onShowInternalName(event: LorenzToolTipEvent) { if (!LorenzUtils.inSkyBlock) return if (!debugConfig.showInternalName) return val itemStack = event.itemStack val internalName = itemStack.getInternalName() if ((internalName == NEUInternalName.NONE) && !debugConfig.showEmptyNames) return event.toolTip.add("Internal Name: '${internalName.asString()}'") } @SubscribeEvent fun showItemRarity(event: LorenzToolTipEvent) { if (!LorenzUtils.inSkyBlock) return if (!debugConfig.showItemRarity) return val itemStack = event.itemStack val rarity = itemStack.getItemRarityOrNull(logError = false) event.toolTip.add("Item rarity: $rarity") } @SubscribeEvent fun onSHowNpcPrice(event: LorenzToolTipEvent) { if (!LorenzUtils.inSkyBlock) return if (!debugConfig.showNpcPrice) return val internalName = event.itemStack.getInternalNameOrNull() ?: return val npcPrice = internalName.getNpcPriceOrNull() ?: return event.toolTip.add("§7Npc price: §6${npcPrice.addSeparators()}") } @SubscribeEvent fun onRenderLocation(event: GuiRenderEvent.GuiOverlayRenderEvent) { if (LorenzUtils.inSkyBlock && Minecraft.getMinecraft().gameSettings.showDebugInfo) { config.debugLocationPos.renderString( "Current Area: ${HypixelData.skyBlockArea}", posLabel = "SkyBlock Area (Debug)" ) } } @SubscribeEvent fun onChatMessage(event: LorenzChatEvent) { } @SubscribeEvent fun onRenderOverlay(event: GuiRenderEvent.GuiOverlayRenderEvent) { if (!LorenzUtils.inSkyBlock) return if (!debugConfig.enabled) return if (displayLine.isNotEmpty()) { config.debugPos.renderString("test: $displayLine", posLabel = "Test") } config.debugPos.renderStringsAndItems(displayList, posLabel = "Test Display") } @SubscribeEvent fun onSoundPlay(event: PlaySoundEvent) { // val location = event.location // val distance = location.distanceToPlayer() // val soundName = event.soundName // val pitch = event.pitch // val volume = event.volume //background music // if (soundName == "note.harp") { //// if (distance < 2) { // // // //Wilderness // val list = mutableListOf() //// list.add(0.4920635) //// list.add(0.74603176) //// list.add(0.8888889) //// list.add(1.1746032) //// list.add(1.7777778) //// list.add(0.5873016) //// list.add(1f) //// list.add(1.4920635) //// list.add(0.4920635) //// list.add(1.8730159) //// list.add(0.82539684) //// list.add(1.1111112) //// list.add(1.6666666) //// list.add(0.5555556) //// list.add(0.6984127) //// list.add(0.93650794) //// list.add(1.4126984) //// list.add(1.3333334) //// list.add(1.5873016) // // if (pitch in list) { // if (Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.isSneaking) { // event.isCanceled = true // } // return // } // } //diana ancestral spade // if (soundName == "note.harp") { // val list = mutableListOf() // list.add(0.52380955f) // list.add(0.5555556f) // list.add(0.6031746f) // list.add(0.63492066f) // list.add(0.6825397f) // list.add(0.71428573f) // list.add(0.7619048f) // list.add(0.7936508f) // list.add(0.84126985f) // list.add(0.8888889f) // list.add(0.9206349f) // list.add(0.96825397f) // list.add(1.476191f) // list.add(1.476191f) // list.add(0.50793654f) // list.add(0.6507937f) // list.add(0.6984127f) // list.add(0.74603176f) // list.add(0.93650794f) // list.add(0.984127f) // list.add(1.968254f) // list.add(0.4920635f) // list.add(1.1587307f) // list.add(1.1587301f) // list.add(1.2857143f) // list.add(1.4126984f) // list.add(1.6825397f) // list.add(1.8095238f) // list.add(1.9365079f) // list.add(1.4920635f) // list.add(1.5396825f) // list.add(0.8730159f) // list.add(1.2539682f) // list.add(1.4285715f) // list.add(1.6190476f) // list.add(1.4920635f) // list.add(0.9047619f) // list.add(1.1111112f) // list.add(1.3174603f) // list.add(1.5238096f) // list.add(1.7301587f) // // list.add(0.5873016f) // list.add(0.61904764f) // list.add(0.6666667f) // list.add(0.73015875f) // list.add(0.7777778f) // list.add(0.8095238f) // list.add(0.8095238f) // list.add(0.82539684f) // // list.add(0.5714286f) // list.add(0.85714287f) // list.add(1.3174603f) // list.add(1.9523809f) // list.add(1.1428572f) // list.add(1.2063493f) // list.add(1.2698413f) // list.add(1.6349206f) // list.add(1.2380953f) // list.add(1.7936507f) // list.add(1.9841269f) // list.add(1.1746032f) // list.add(1.3492063f) // list.add(1.6984127f) // list.add(1.8571428f) // // if (pitch in list) { // return // } // } //use ancestral spade // if (soundName == "mob.zombie.infect") { // if (pitch == 1.968254f) { // if (volume == 0.3f) { //"used ancestral spade!") // return // } // } // } //wither shield activated // if (soundName == "mob.zombie.remedy") { // if (pitch == 0.6984127f) { // if (volume == 1f) { // return // } // } // } //wither shield cooldown over // if (soundName == "random.levelup") { // if (pitch == 3f) { // if (volume == 1f) { // return // } // } // } //teleport (hyp or aote) // if (soundName == "mob.endermen.portal") { // if (pitch == 1f && volume == 1f) { // return // } // } //hyp wither impact // if (soundName == "random.explode") { // if (pitch == 1f && volume == 1f) { // return // } // } //pick coins up // if (soundName == "random.orb") { // if (pitch == 1.4920635f && volume == 1f) { // return // } // } // if (soundName == "game.player.hurt") return // if (soundName.startsWith("step.")) return // if (soundName != "mob.chicken.plop") return // println("") // println("PlaySoundEvent") // println("soundName: $soundName") // println("distance: $distance") // println("pitch: ${pitch}f") // println("volume: ${volume}f") } @SubscribeEvent fun onParticlePlay(event: ReceiveParticleEvent) { // val particleType = event.type // val distance = LocationUtils.playerLocation().distance(event.location).round(2) // // println("") // println("particleType: $particleType") // // val particleCount = event.count // // println("distance: $distance") // // val particleArgs = event.particleArgs // println("args: " + particleArgs.size) // for ((i, particleArg) in particleArgs.withIndex()) { // println("$i $particleArg") // } // // val particleSpeed = event.speed // val offset = event.offset // println("particleCount: $particleCount") // println("particleSpeed: $particleSpeed") // println("offset: $offset") } @SubscribeEvent fun onConfigFix(event: ConfigUpdaterMigrator.ConfigFixEvent) { event.move(3, "dev.debugEnabled", "dev.debug.enabled") event.move(3, "dev.showInternalName", "dev.debug.showInternalName") event.move(3, "dev.showEmptyNames", "dev.debug.showEmptyNames") event.move(3, "dev.showItemRarity", "dev.debug.showItemRarity") event.move(3, "dev.copyInternalName", "dev.debug.copyInternalName") event.move(3, "dev.showNpcPrice", "dev.debug.showNpcPrice") } }