package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils data class CachedItemData( // -1 = not loaded var petCandies: Int? = -1, // "" = not loaded var heldItem: String? = "", // -1 = not loaded var sackInASack: Int? = -1, // null = not loaded var riftTransferable: Boolean? = null, // null = not loaded var riftExportable: Boolean? = null, var itemRarityLastCheck: SimpleTimeMark = SimpleTimeMark.farPast(), // null = not loaded var itemRarity: LorenzRarity? = null, var itemCategory: ItemCategory? = null, var lastInternalName: NEUInternalName? = null, var lastInternalNameFetchTime: SimpleTimeMark = SimpleTimeMark.farPast(), ) { /** * Delegate constructor to avoid calling a function with default arguments from java. * We can't call the generated no args constructors (or rather we cannot generate that constructor), because inline * classes are not part of the java-kotlin ABI that is super well supported (especially with default arguments). */ @Suppress("ForbiddenVoid") constructor(void: Void?) : this() }