package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.SkyHanniMod import import import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.StringUtils.removeColor import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft import net.minecraft.event.ClickEvent import net.minecraft.event.HoverEvent import net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentText import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent import java.util.LinkedList import java.util.Queue import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.milliseconds import kotlin.time.times object ChatUtils { // TODO log based on chat category (error, warning, debug, user error, normal) private val log = LorenzLogger("chat/mod_sent") var lastButtonClicked = 0L private const val DEBUG_PREFIX = "[SkyHanni Debug] §7" private const val USER_ERROR_PREFIX = "§c[SkyHanni] " private val ERROR_PREFIX by lazy { "§c[SkyHanni-${SkyHanniMod.version}] " } private const val CHAT_PREFIX = "[SkyHanni] " /** * Sends a debug message to the chat and the console. * This is only sent if the debug feature is enabled. * * @param message The message to be sent * * @see DEBUG_PREFIX */ fun debug(message: String) { if ( && internalChat(DEBUG_PREFIX + message)) { LorenzUtils.consoleLog("[Debug] $message") } } /** * Sends a message to the user that they did something incorrectly. * We should tell them what to do instead as well. * * @param message The message to be sent * * @see USER_ERROR_PREFIX */ fun userError(message: String) { internalChat(USER_ERROR_PREFIX + message) } /** * Sends a message to the user that an error occurred caused by something in the code. * This should be used for errors that are not caused by the user. * * Why deprecate this? Even if this message is descriptive for the user and the developer, * we don't want inconsitencies in errors, and we would need to search * for the code line where this error gets printed any way. * so it's better to use the stack trace still. * * @param message The message to be sent * @param prefix Whether to prefix the message with the error prefix, default true * * @see ERROR_PREFIX */ @Deprecated( "Do not send the user a non clickable non stacktrace containing error message.", ReplaceWith("ErrorManager.logErrorStateWithData") ) fun error(message: String) { println("error: '$message'") internalChat(ERROR_PREFIX + message) } /** * Sends a message to the user * @param message The message to be sent * @param prefix Whether to prefix the message with the chat prefix, default true * @param prefixColor Color that the prefix should be, default yellow (§e) * * @see CHAT_PREFIX */ fun chat(message: String, prefix: Boolean = true, prefixColor: String = "§e") { if (prefix) { internalChat(prefixColor + CHAT_PREFIX + message) } else { internalChat(message) } } private fun internalChat(message: String): Boolean { log.log(message) val minecraft = Minecraft.getMinecraft() if (minecraft == null) { LorenzUtils.consoleLog(message.removeColor()) return false } val thePlayer = minecraft.thePlayer if (thePlayer == null) { LorenzUtils.consoleLog(message.removeColor()) return false } thePlayer.addChatMessage(ChatComponentText(message)) return true } /** * Sends a message to the user that they can click and run a command * @param message The message to be sent * @param command The command to be executed when the message is clicked * @param prefix Whether to prefix the message with the chat prefix, default true * @param prefixColor Color that the prefix should be, default yellow (§e) * * @see CHAT_PREFIX */ fun clickableChat(message: String, command: String, prefix: Boolean = true, prefixColor: String = "§e") { val msgPrefix = if (prefix) prefixColor + CHAT_PREFIX else "" val text = ChatComponentText(msgPrefix + message) val fullCommand = "/" + command.removePrefix("/") text.chatStyle.chatClickEvent = ClickEvent(ClickEvent.Action.RUN_COMMAND, fullCommand) text.chatStyle.chatHoverEvent = HoverEvent(HoverEvent.Action.SHOW_TEXT, ChatComponentText("§eExecute $fullCommand")) Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.addChatMessage(text) } /** * Sends a message to the user that they can click and run a command * @param message The message to be sent * @param hover The message to be shown when the message is hovered * @param command The command to be executed when the message is clicked * @param prefix Whether to prefix the message with the chat prefix, default true * @param prefixColor Color that the prefix should be, default yellow (§e) * * @see CHAT_PREFIX */ fun hoverableChat( message: String, hover: List, command: String? = null, prefix: Boolean = true, prefixColor: String = "§e", ) { val msgPrefix = if (prefix) prefixColor + CHAT_PREFIX else "" val text = ChatComponentText(msgPrefix + message) text.chatStyle.chatHoverEvent = HoverEvent(HoverEvent.Action.SHOW_TEXT, ChatComponentText(hover.joinToString("\n"))) command?.let { text.chatStyle.chatClickEvent = ClickEvent(ClickEvent.Action.RUN_COMMAND, "/${it.removePrefix("/")}") } Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.addChatMessage(text) } /** * Sends a message to the user that they can click and run a command * @param message The message to be sent * @param url The url to be opened * @param autoOpen Automatically opens the url as well as sending the clickable link message * @param hover The message to be shown when the message is hovered * @param prefix Whether to prefix the message with the chat prefix, default true * @param prefixColor Color that the prefix should be, default yellow (§e) * * @see CHAT_PREFIX */ fun clickableLinkChat( message: String, url: String, hover: String = "§eOpen $url", autoOpen: Boolean = false, prefix: Boolean = true, prefixColor: String = "§e" ) { val msgPrefix = if (prefix) prefixColor + CHAT_PREFIX else "" val text = ChatComponentText(msgPrefix + message) text.chatStyle.chatClickEvent = ClickEvent(ClickEvent.Action.OPEN_URL, url) text.chatStyle.chatHoverEvent = HoverEvent(HoverEvent.Action.SHOW_TEXT, ChatComponentText("$prefixColor$hover")) Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.addChatMessage(text) if (autoOpen) OSUtils.openBrowser(url) } private var lastMessageSent = SimpleTimeMark.farPast() private val sendQueue: Queue = LinkedList() private val messageDelay = 300.milliseconds fun getTimeWhenNewlyQueuedMessageGetsExecuted() = (lastMessageSent + sendQueue.size * messageDelay).takeIf { !it.isInPast() } ?: @SubscribeEvent fun sendQueuedChatMessages(event: LorenzTickEvent) { val player = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer if (player == null) { sendQueue.clear() return } if (lastMessageSent.passedSince() > messageDelay) { player.sendChatMessage(sendQueue.poll() ?: return) lastMessageSent = } } fun sendMessageToServer(message: String) { sendQueue.add(message) } fun sendCommandToServer(command: String) { sendMessageToServer("/$command") } fun MessageSendToServerEvent.isCommand(commandWithSlash: String) = splitMessage.takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() }?.get(0) == commandWithSlash fun MessageSendToServerEvent.isCommand(commandsWithSlash: Collection) = splitMessage.takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() }?.get(0) in commandsWithSlash }