package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.NEUItems.getItemStack import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.renderables.Renderable import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.renderables.RenderableUtils import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.renderables.Searchable import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.renderables.toSearchable import net.minecraft.enchantment.Enchantment import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack import java.util.Collections import java.util.Queue import java.util.WeakHashMap import kotlin.math.ceil object CollectionUtils { inline fun <reified T : Queue<E>, reified E> T.drainForEach(action: (E) -> Unit): T { while (true) action(this.poll() ?: break) return this } inline fun <reified T : Queue<E>, reified E> T.drain(amount: Int): T { for (i in 1..amount) this.poll() ?: break return this } inline fun <reified E, reified K, reified L : MutableCollection<K>> Queue<E>.drainTo(list: L, action: (E) -> K): L { while (true) list.add(action(this.poll() ?: break)) return list } inline fun <reified E, reified L : MutableCollection<E>> Queue<E>.drainTo(list: L): L { while (true) list.add(this.poll() ?: break) return list } // Let garbage collector handle the removal of entries in this list fun <T> weakReferenceList(): MutableSet<T> = Collections.newSetFromMap(WeakHashMap<T, Boolean>()) fun <T> MutableCollection<T>.filterToMutable(predicate: (T) -> Boolean) = filterTo(mutableListOf(), predicate) fun <T> List<T>.indexOfFirst(vararg args: T) = { indexOf(it) }.firstOrNull { it != -1 } infix fun <K, V> MutableMap<K, V>.put(pairs: Pair<K, V>) { this[pairs.first] = pairs.second } // Taken and modified from Skytils @JvmStatic fun <T> T?.equalsOneOf(vararg other: T): Boolean { for (obj in other) { if (this == obj) return true } return false } fun <E> List<E>.getOrNull(index: Int): E? { return if (index in indices) { get(index) } else null } fun <T : Any> T?.toSingletonListOrEmpty(): List<T> { if (this == null) return emptyList() return listOf(this) } fun <K> MutableMap<K, Int>.addOrPut(key: K, number: Int): Int = this.merge(key, number, Int::plus)!! // Never returns null since "plus" can't return null fun <K> MutableMap<K, Long>.addOrPut(key: K, number: Long): Long = this.merge(key, number, Long::plus)!! // Never returns null since "plus" can't return null fun <K> MutableMap<K, Double>.addOrPut(key: K, number: Double): Double = this.merge(key, number, Double::plus)!! // Never returns null since "plus" can't return null fun <K> MutableMap<K, Float>.addOrPut(key: K, number: Float): Float = this.merge(key, number, Float::plus)!! // Never returns null since "plus" can't return null fun <K, N : Number> Map<K, N>.sumAllValues(): Double { if (values.isEmpty()) return 0.0 return when (values.first()) { is Double -> values.sumOf { it.toDouble() } is Float -> values.sumOf { it.toDouble() } is Long -> values.sumOf { it.toLong() }.toDouble() else -> values.sumOf { it.toInt() }.toDouble() } } /** Returns a map containing the count of occurrences of each distinct result of the [selector] function. */ inline fun <T, K> Iterable<T>.countBy(selector: (T) -> K): Map<K, Int> { val map = mutableMapOf<K, Int>() for (item in this) { val key = selector(item) map[key] = map.getOrDefault(key, 0) + 1 } return map } fun List<String>.nextAfter(after: String, skip: Int = 1) = nextAfter({ it == after }, skip) fun List<String>.nextAfter(after: (String) -> Boolean, skip: Int = 1): String? { var missing = -1 for (line in this) { if (after(line)) { missing = skip - 1 continue } if (missing == 0) { return line } if (missing != -1) { missing-- } } return null } fun List<String>.removeNextAfter(after: String, skip: Int = 1) = removeNextAfter({ it == after }, skip) fun List<String>.removeNextAfter(after: (String) -> Boolean, skip: Int = 1): List<String> { val newList = mutableListOf<String>() var missing = -1 for (line in this) { if (after(line)) { missing = skip - 1 continue } if (missing == 0) { missing-- continue } if (missing != -1) { missing-- } newList.add(line) } return newList } inline fun <reified T, reified K : MutableList<T>> K.transformAt(index: Int, transform: T.() -> T): K { this[index] = transform(this[index]) return this } /** * This does not work inside a [buildList] block */ fun List<String>.addIfNotNull(element: String?) = element?.let { plus(it) } ?: this fun <K, V> Map<K, V>.editCopy(function: MutableMap<K, V>.() -> Unit) = toMutableMap().also { function(it) }.toMap() fun <T> List<T>.editCopy(function: MutableList<T>.() -> Unit) = toMutableList().also { function(it) }.toList() fun <K, V> Map<K, V>.moveEntryToTop(matcher: (Map.Entry<K, V>) -> Boolean): Map<K, V> { val entry = entries.find(matcher) if (entry != null) { val newMap = linkedMapOf(entry.key to entry.value) newMap.putAll(this) return newMap } return this } operator fun IntRange.contains(range: IntRange): Boolean = range.first in this && range.last in this fun <E> MutableList<List<E>>.addAsSingletonList(text: E) { add(Collections.singletonList(text)) } // TODO move to RenderableUtils fun MutableList<List<Renderable>>.addSingleString(text: String) { add(Collections.singletonList(Renderable.string(text))) } fun <K, V : Comparable<V>> List<Pair<K, V>>.sorted(): List<Pair<K, V>> { return sortedBy { (_, value) -> value } } fun <K, V : Comparable<V>> Map<K, V>.sorted(): Map<K, V> { return toList().sorted().toMap() } fun <K, V : Comparable<V>> Map<K, V>.sortedDesc(): Map<K, V> { return toList().sorted().reversed().toMap() } fun <T> Sequence<T>.takeWhileInclusive(predicate: (T) -> Boolean) = sequence { with(iterator()) { while (hasNext()) { val next = next() yield(next) if (!predicate(next)) break } } } inline fun <T, R> Iterator<T>.consumeWhile(block: (T) -> R): R? { while (hasNext()) { return block(next()) ?: continue } return null } inline fun <T> Iterator<T>.collectWhile(block: (T) -> Boolean): List<T> { return collectWhileTo(mutableListOf(), block) } inline fun <T, C : MutableCollection<T>> Iterator<T>.collectWhileTo(collection: C, block: (T) -> Boolean): C { while (hasNext()) { val element = next() if (block(element)) { collection.add(element) } else { break } } return collection } /** Removes the first element that matches the given [predicate] in the list. */ fun <T> List<T>.removeFirst(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): List<T> { val mutableList = this.toMutableList() val iterator = mutableList.iterator() while (iterator.hasNext()) { if (predicate( { iterator.remove() break } } return mutableList.toList() } /** Removes the first element that matches the given [predicate] in the map. */ fun <K, V> Map<K, V>.removeFirst(predicate: (Map.Entry<K, V>) -> Boolean): Map<K, V> { val mutableMap = this.toMutableMap() val iterator = mutableMap.entries.iterator() while (iterator.hasNext()) { if (predicate( { iterator.remove() break } } return mutableMap.toMap() } /** Updates a value if it is present in the set (equals), useful if the newValue is not reference equal with the value in the set */ inline fun <reified T> MutableSet<T>.refreshReference(newValue: T) = if (this.contains(newValue)) { this.remove(newValue) this.add(newValue) true } else false @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") fun <T> Iterable<T?>.takeIfAllNotNull(): Iterable<T>? = takeIf { null !in this } as? Iterable<T> @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") fun <T> List<T?>.takeIfAllNotNull(): List<T>? = takeIf { null !in this } as? List<T> // TODO add cache fun MutableList<Renderable>.addString( text: String, horizontalAlign: RenderUtils.HorizontalAlignment = RenderUtils.HorizontalAlignment.LEFT, verticalAlign: RenderUtils.VerticalAlignment = RenderUtils.VerticalAlignment.CENTER, ) { add(Renderable.string(text, horizontalAlign = horizontalAlign, verticalAlign = verticalAlign)) } // TODO add cache fun MutableList<Searchable>.addSearchString( text: String, searchText: String? = null, horizontalAlign: RenderUtils.HorizontalAlignment = RenderUtils.HorizontalAlignment.LEFT, verticalAlign: RenderUtils.VerticalAlignment = RenderUtils.VerticalAlignment.CENTER, ) { add(Renderable.string(text, horizontalAlign = horizontalAlign, verticalAlign = verticalAlign).toSearchable(searchText)) } // TODO add internal name support, and caching fun MutableList<Renderable>.addItemStack( itemStack: ItemStack, highlight: Boolean = false, scale: Double = NEUItems.itemFontSize, ) { if (highlight) { // Hack to add enchant glint, like Hypixel does it itemStack.addEnchantment(, 0) } add(Renderable.itemStack(itemStack, scale = scale)) } fun takeColumn(start: Int, end: Int, startColumn: Int, endColumn: Int, rowSize: Int = 9) = generateSequence(start) { it + 1 }.map { (it / (endColumn - startColumn)) * rowSize + (it % (endColumn - startColumn)) + startColumn } .takeWhile { it <= end } fun MutableList<Renderable>.addItemStack(internalName: NEUInternalName) { addItemStack(internalName.getItemStack()) } // TODO move to RenderableUtils inline fun <reified T : Enum<T>> MutableList<Renderable>.addSelector( prefix: String, getName: (T) -> String, isCurrent: (T) -> Boolean, crossinline onChange: (T) -> Unit, ) { add(Renderable.horizontalContainer(buildSelector<T>(prefix, getName, isCurrent, onChange))) } inline fun <reified T : Enum<T>> MutableList<Searchable>.addSearchableSelector( prefix: String, getName: (T) -> String, isCurrent: (T) -> Boolean, crossinline onChange: (T) -> Unit, ) { add(Renderable.horizontalContainer(buildSelector<T>(prefix, getName, isCurrent, onChange)).toSearchable()) } // TODO move to RenderableUtils inline fun <reified T : Enum<T>> buildSelector( prefix: String, getName: (T) -> String, isCurrent: (T) -> Boolean, crossinline onChange: (T) -> Unit, ) = buildSelector(prefix, getName, isCurrent, onChange, enumValues<T>()) inline fun <T> buildSelector( prefix: String, getName: (T) -> String, isCurrent: (T) -> Boolean, crossinline onChange: (T) -> Unit, universe: Array<T>, ) = buildList<Renderable> { addString(prefix) for (entry in universe) { val display = getName(entry) if (isCurrent(entry)) { addString("§a[$display§a]") } else { addString("§e[") add("§e$display") { onChange(entry) }, ) addString("§e]") } addString(" ") } } // TODO move to RenderableUtils inline fun MutableList<Renderable>.addButton( prefix: String, getName: String, crossinline onChange: () -> Unit, tips: List<String> = emptyList(), ) { val onClick = { if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - ChatUtils.lastButtonClicked) > 150) { // funny thing happen if I don't do that onChange() SoundUtils.playClickSound() ChatUtils.lastButtonClicked = System.currentTimeMillis() } } add( Renderable.horizontalContainer( buildList { addString(prefix) addString("§a[") if (tips.isEmpty()) { add("§e$getName", false, onClick)) } else { add(Renderable.clickAndHover("§e$getName", tips, false, onClick)) } addString("§a]") }, ), ) } // TODO move to RenderableUtils fun Collection<Collection<Renderable>>.tableStretchXPadding(xSpace: Int): Int { if (this.isEmpty()) return xSpace val off = RenderableUtils.calculateTableXOffsets(this as List<List<Renderable?>>, 0) val xLength = off.size - 1 val emptySpace = xSpace - off.last() if (emptySpace < 0) { // throw IllegalArgumentException("Not enough space for content") } return emptySpace / (xLength - 1) } fun Collection<Collection<Renderable>>.tableStretchYPadding(ySpace: Int): Int { if (this.isEmpty()) return ySpace val off = RenderableUtils.calculateTableYOffsets(this as List<List<Renderable?>>, 0) val yLength = off.size - 1 val emptySpace = ySpace - off.last() if (emptySpace < 0) { // throw IllegalArgumentException("Not enough space for content") } return emptySpace / (yLength - 1) } /** Splits the input into equal sized lists. If the list can't get divided clean by [subs] then the last entry gets reduced. e.g. 13/4 = [4,4,4,1]*/ fun <T> Collection<T>.split(subs: Int = 2): List<List<T>> { if (this.isEmpty()) return listOf(emptyList()) val list = this.chunked(ceil(this.size.toDouble() / subs.toDouble()).toInt()).toMutableList() while (list.size < subs) { list.add(emptyList()) } return list } inline fun <K, V, R : Any> Map<K, V>.mapKeysNotNull(transform: (Map.Entry<K, V>) -> R?): Map<R, V> { val destination = LinkedHashMap<R, V>() for (element in this) { val newKey = transform(element) if (newKey != null) { destination[newKey] = element.value } } return destination } inline fun <T, C : Number, D : Number> Iterable<T>.sumOfPair(selector: (T) -> Pair<C, D>): Pair<Double, Double> { var sum = Pair(0.0, 0.0) for (element in this) { val add = selector(element) sum = sum.first + add.first.toDouble() to sum.second + add.second.toDouble() } return sum } inline fun <T, R> Iterable<T>.zipWithNext3(transform: (a: T, b: T, c: T) -> R): List<R> { val iterator = iterator() if (!iterator.hasNext()) return emptyList() var one = if (!iterator.hasNext()) return emptyList() var two = val result = mutableListOf<R>() while (iterator.hasNext()) { val next = result.add(transform(one, two, next)) one = two two = next } return result } fun <T> Iterable<T>.zipWithNext3(): List<Triple<T, T, T>> { return zipWithNext3 { a, b, c -> Triple(a, b, c) } } fun <K, V : Any> Map<K?, V>.filterNotNullKeys(): Map<K, V> { return filterKeys { it != null } as Map<K, V> } /** * Inserts the element at the index or appends it to the end if out of bounds of the list. * * @param index index to insert at, or append if >= size * @param element element to insert or add */ fun <E> MutableList<E>.addOrInsert(index: Int, element: E) { if (index < size) add(index, element) else add(element) } }