package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils import java.util.Collections import java.util.WeakHashMap import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue object CollectionUtils { fun <E> ConcurrentLinkedQueue<E>.drainTo(list: MutableCollection<E>) { while (true) list.add(this.poll() ?: break) } // Let garbage collector handle the removal of entries in this list fun <T> weakReferenceList(): MutableSet<T> = Collections.newSetFromMap(WeakHashMap<T, Boolean>()) fun <T> MutableCollection<T>.filterToMutable(predicate: (T) -> Boolean) = filterTo(mutableListOf(), predicate) fun <T> List<T>.indexOfFirst(vararg args: T) = { indexOf(it) }.firstOrNull { it != -1 } infix fun <K, V> MutableMap<K, V>.put(pairs: Pair<K, V>) { this[pairs.first] = pairs.second } // Taken and modified from Skytils @JvmStatic fun <T> T.equalsOneOf(vararg other: T): Boolean { for (obj in other) { if (this == obj) return true } return false } fun <E> List<E>.getOrNull(index: Int): E? { return if (index in indices) { get(index) } else null } fun <T : Any> T?.toSingletonListOrEmpty(): List<T> { if (this == null) return emptyList() return listOf(this) } fun <K> MutableMap<K, Int>.addOrPut(key: K, number: Int): Int = this.merge(key, number, Int::plus)!! // Never returns null since "plus" can't return null fun <K> MutableMap<K, Long>.addOrPut(key: K, number: Long): Long = this.merge(key, number, Long::plus)!! // Never returns null since "plus" can't return null fun <K> MutableMap<K, Double>.addOrPut(key: K, number: Double): Double = this.merge(key, number, Double::plus)!! // Never returns null since "plus" can't return null fun <K> MutableMap<K, Float>.addOrPut(key: K, number: Float): Float = this.merge(key, number, Float::plus)!! // Never returns null since "plus" can't return null fun <K, N : Number> Map<K, N>.sumAllValues(): Double { if (values.isEmpty()) return 0.0 return when (values.first()) { is Double -> values.sumOf { it.toDouble() } is Float -> values.sumOf { it.toDouble() } is Long -> values.sumOf { it.toLong() }.toDouble() else -> values.sumOf { it.toInt() }.toDouble() } } fun List<String>.nextAfter(after: String, skip: Int = 1) = nextAfter({ it == after }, skip) fun List<String>.nextAfter(after: (String) -> Boolean, skip: Int = 1): String? { var missing = -1 for (line in this) { if (after(line)) { missing = skip - 1 continue } if (missing == 0) { return line } if (missing != -1) { missing-- } } return null } fun List<String>.removeNextAfter(after: String, skip: Int = 1) = removeNextAfter({ it == after }, skip) fun List<String>.removeNextAfter(after: (String) -> Boolean, skip: Int = 1): List<String> { val newList = mutableListOf<String>() var missing = -1 for (line in this) { if (after(line)) { missing = skip - 1 continue } if (missing == 0) { missing-- continue } if (missing != -1) { missing-- } newList.add(line) } return newList } fun List<String>.addIfNotNull(element: String?) = element?.let { plus(it) } ?: this fun <K, V> Map<K, V>.editCopy(function: MutableMap<K, V>.() -> Unit) = toMutableMap().also { function(it) }.toMap() fun <T> List<T>.editCopy(function: MutableList<T>.() -> Unit) = toMutableList().also { function(it) }.toList() fun <K, V> Map<K, V>.moveEntryToTop(matcher: (Map.Entry<K, V>) -> Boolean): Map<K, V> { val entry = entries.find(matcher) if (entry != null) { val newMap = linkedMapOf(entry.key to entry.value) newMap.putAll(this) return newMap } return this } fun <E> MutableList<List<E>>.addAsSingletonList(text: E) { add(Collections.singletonList(text)) } fun <K, V : Comparable<V>> List<Pair<K, V>>.sorted(): List<Pair<K, V>> { return sortedBy { (_, value) -> value } } fun <K, V : Comparable<V>> Map<K, V>.sorted(): Map<K, V> { return toList().sorted().toMap() } fun <K, V : Comparable<V>> Map<K, V>.sortedDesc(): Map<K, V> { return toList().sorted().reversed().toMap() } }