package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils


object ConditionalUtils {

    fun <T> T.transformIf(condition: T.() -> Boolean, transformation: T.() -> T) =
        if (condition()) transformation(this) else this

    fun <T> T.conditionalTransform(condition: Boolean, ifTrue: T.() -> Any, ifFalse: T.() -> Any) =
        if (condition) ifTrue(this) else ifFalse(this)

    // MoulConfig is in Java, I don't want to downgrade this logic
    fun <T> onChange(vararg properties: Property<out T>, observer: Observer<T>) {
        for (property in properties) {
            property.whenChanged { a, b -> observer.observeChange(a, b) }

    fun <T> onToggle(vararg properties: Property<out T>, observer: Runnable) {
        onChange(*properties) { _, _ -> }

    fun <T> Property<out T>.onToggle(observer: Runnable) {
        whenChanged { _, _ -> }

    fun <T> Property<out T>.afterChange(observer: T.() -> Unit) {
        whenChanged { _, new -> observer(new) }

    fun <T : Comparable<T>, K> comparatorFirst(pair1: Pair<T?, K>, pair2: Pair<T?, K>): Int {
        val first1 = pair1.first
        val first2 = pair2.first

        // Handle null cases
        if (first1 == null && first2 == null) return 0
        if (first1 == null) return -1
        if (first2 == null) return 1

        // Compare the non-null first values
        return first1.compareTo(first2)

    fun <T, K : Comparable<K>> comparatorSecond(pair1: Pair<T, K?>, pair2: Pair<T, K?>): Int {
        val second1 = pair1.second
        val second2 = pair2.second

        // Handle null cases
        if (second1 == null && second2 == null) return 0
        if (second1 == null) return 1
        if (second2 == null) return -1

        // Compare the non-null second values
        return second1.compareTo(second2)
