package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.SkyHanniMod import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.config.ConfigGuiManager import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.config.HasLegacyId import import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.test.command.ErrorManager import import import import io.github.notenoughupdates.moulconfig.gui.GuiScreenElementWrapper import io.github.notenoughupdates.moulconfig.gui.MoulConfigEditor import io.github.notenoughupdates.moulconfig.processor.ProcessedOption import kotlin.reflect.KMutableProperty0 import kotlin.reflect.jvm.javaField object ConfigUtils { /** * Migrates an Int ArrayList to an Enum ArrayList. * The new enum class should implement HasLegacyId and have a getter for LegacyId * * @param element The JsonElement to migrate * @param enumClass The enum class to migrate to * @return The migrated JsonElement */ fun migrateIntArrayListToEnumArrayList(element: JsonElement, enumClass: Class): JsonElement where T : Enum, T : HasLegacyId { require(element is JsonArray) { "Expected a JsonArray but got ${element.javaClass.simpleName}" } // An array of enum constants that are to be migrated val migratedArray = element.mapNotNull { jsonElement -> val index = jsonElement.asInt getEnumConstantFromLegacyId(index, enumClass)?.name }.map { JsonPrimitive(it) } // Return a JsonArray of the migrated enum constants return JsonArray().apply { migratedArray.forEach { add(it) } } } /** * Gets an enum constant from a legacy id * @param legacyId The legacy id to get the enum constant from * @param enumClass The enum class to get the enum constant from * @return The enum constant, or null if not found */ private fun getEnumConstantFromLegacyId( legacyId: Int, enumClass: Class, ): T? where T : Enum, T : HasLegacyId = enumClass.getEnumConstants().firstOrNull { it.legacyId == legacyId } /** * Migrates an Int to an Enum Constant. * The new enum class should implement HasLegacyId and have a getter for LegacyId * * @param element The JsonElement to migrate * @param enumClass The enum class to migrate to * @return The migrated JsonElement */ fun migrateIntToEnum(element: JsonElement, enumClass: Class): JsonElement where T : Enum, T : HasLegacyId { require(element is JsonPrimitive) { "Expected a JsonPrimitive but got ${element.javaClass.simpleName}" } return JsonPrimitive(getEnumConstantFromLegacyId(element.asInt, enumClass)?.name) } /** * Migrates a Boolean to an Enum Constant. * * @param element The JsonElement to migrate * @param trueValue The enum value it should map to if the value is true * @param falseValue The enum value it should map to if the value is false * @return The migrated JsonElement */ fun > migrateBooleanToEnum(element: JsonElement, trueValue: T, falseValue: T): JsonElement { require(element is JsonPrimitive) { "Expected a JsonPrimitive but got ${element.javaClass.simpleName}" } return JsonPrimitive(if (element.asBoolean) else } fun KMutableProperty0<*>.tryFindEditor(editor: MoulConfigEditor<*>): ProcessedOption? { return editor.processedConfig.getOptionFromField(this.javaField ?: return null) } fun KMutableProperty0<*>.jumpToEditor() { if (tryJumpToEditor(ConfigGuiManager.getEditorInstance())) return // TODO create utils function "crashIfInDevEnv" if (LorenzEvent.isInGuardedEventHandler) { throw Error("can not jump to editor $name") } ErrorManager.logErrorStateWithData( "Can not open the config", "error while trying to jump to an editor element", "" to, "this.toString()" to this.toString(), "this" to this, ) } private fun KMutableProperty0<*>.tryJumpToEditor(editor: MoulConfigEditor<*>): Boolean { val option = tryFindEditor(editor) ?: return false"") if (!editor.goToOption(option)) return false SkyHanniMod.screenToOpen = GuiScreenElementWrapper(editor) return true } }