package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.test.command.CopyErrorCommand import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.NEUInternalName.Companion.asInternalName import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.NEUItems.getItemStack import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.SkyBlockItemModifierUtils.isRecombobulated import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.StringUtils.matchRegex import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.StringUtils.removeColor import import import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft import net.minecraft.init.Items import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack import net.minecraftforge.common.util.Constants import java.util.* object ItemUtils { fun ItemStack.cleanName() = this.displayName.removeColor() fun isSack(name: String): Boolean = name.endsWith(" Sack")//TODO use item id or api or something? or dont, its working fine now fun ItemStack.getLore(): List { val tagCompound = this.tagCompound ?: return emptyList() val tagList = tagCompound.getCompoundTag("display").getTagList("Lore", 8) val list: MutableList = ArrayList() for (i in 0 until tagList.tagCount()) { list.add(tagList.getStringTagAt(i)) } return list } // TODO change else janni is sad fun isCoopSoulBound(stack: ItemStack): Boolean = stack.getLore().any { it == "§8§l* §8Co-op Soulbound §8§l*" || it == "§8§l* §8Soulbound §8§l*" } // TODO change else janni is sad fun isSoulBound(stack: ItemStack): Boolean = stack.getLore().any { it == "§8§l* §8Soulbound §8§l*" } fun isRecombobulated(stack: ItemStack) = stack.isRecombobulated() fun isPet(name: String): Boolean = name.matchRegex("\\[Lvl (.*)] (.*)") && !listOf( "Archer", "Berserk", "Mage", "Tank", "Healer", "➡", ).any { name.contains(it) } fun maxPetLevel(name: String) = if (name.contains("Golden Dragon")) 200 else 100 fun getItemsInInventory(withCursorItem: Boolean = false): List { val list: LinkedList = LinkedList() val player = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer if (player == null) { LorenzUtils.warning("getItemsInInventoryWithSlots: player is null!") return list } for (slot in player.openContainer.inventorySlots) { if (slot.hasStack) { list.add(slot.stack) } } if (withCursorItem) { if (player.inventory != null) { if (player.inventory.itemStack != null) { list.add(player.inventory.itemStack) } } } return list } fun getItemsInInventoryWithSlots(withCursorItem: Boolean = false): Map { val map: LinkedHashMap = LinkedHashMap() val player = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer if (player == null) { LorenzUtils.warning("getItemsInInventoryWithSlots: player is null!") return map } for (slot in player.openContainer.inventorySlots) { if (slot.hasStack) { map[slot.stack] = slot.slotNumber } } if (withCursorItem) { if (player.inventory != null) { if (player.inventory.itemStack != null) { map[player.inventory.itemStack] = -1 } } } return map } fun hasAttributes(stack: ItemStack): Boolean { if (stack.hasTagCompound()) { val tagCompound = stack.tagCompound if (tagCompound.hasKey("ExtraAttributes")) { val extraAttributes = tagCompound.getCompoundTag("ExtraAttributes") try { val json = GsonBuilder().create().fromJson(extraAttributes.toString(), if (json.has("attributes")) { return true } } catch (_: Exception) { } } } return false } // TODO remove fun ItemStack.getInternalName_old() = getInternalName().asString() fun ItemStack.getInternalName() = getInternalNameOrNull() ?: NEUInternalName.NONE fun ItemStack.getInternalNameOrNull() = getRawInternalName()?.asInternalName() private fun ItemStack.getRawInternalName(): String? { if (name == "§fWisp's Ice-Flavored Water I Splash Potion") { return "WISP_POTION" } return NEUItems.getInternalName(this) } fun ItemStack.isVanilla() = NEUItems.isVanillaItem(this) fun ItemStack.isEnchanted() = isItemEnchanted fun ItemStack.getSkullTexture(): String? { if (item != Items.skull) return null if (tagCompound == null) return null val nbt = tagCompound if (!nbt.hasKey("SkullOwner")) return null return nbt.getCompoundTag("SkullOwner").getCompoundTag("Properties") .getTagList("textures", Constants.NBT.TAG_COMPOUND).getCompoundTagAt(0).getString("Value") } fun ItemStack.getSkullOwner(): String? { if (item != Items.skull) return null if (tagCompound == null) return null val nbt = tagCompound if (!nbt.hasKey("SkullOwner")) return null return nbt.getCompoundTag("SkullOwner").getString("Id") } fun ItemStack.getItemRarityOrCommon() = getItemRarityOrNull() ?: LorenzRarity.COMMON fun ItemStack.getItemRarityOrNull(): LorenzRarity? { if (isPet(cleanName())) { return getPetRarity(this) } val lore = getLore() var lastLine = lore.lastOrNull() ?: return null if (lastLine == "§eClick to inspect!") { // Assuming inside ah browser val index = lore.indexOfFirst { it.startsWith("§7Seller: ") } - 2 if (index > 0) { lastLine = lore[index] } } return when (lastLine.take(4)) { "§f§l" -> LorenzRarity.COMMON "§a§l" -> LorenzRarity.UNCOMMON "§9§l" -> LorenzRarity.RARE "§5§l" -> LorenzRarity.EPIC "§6§l" -> LorenzRarity.LEGENDARY "§d§l" -> LorenzRarity.MYTHIC "§b§l" -> LorenzRarity.DIVINE "§4§l" -> LorenzRarity.SUPREME "§c§l" -> LorenzRarity.SPECIAL else -> { CopyErrorCommand.logErrorState( "Could not read rarity for item $name", "getItemRarityOrNull not found for: ${getInternalName()}, name:'$name', lastLine:'$lastLine'" ) return null } } } //extra method for shorter name and kotlin nullability logic var String? get() = this.displayName set(value) { setStackDisplayName(value) } val ItemStack.nameWithEnchantment: String? get() = name?.let { if (it.endsWith("Enchanted Book")) { getLore()[0] } else it } fun isSkyBlockMenuItem(stack: ItemStack?): Boolean = stack?.getInternalName_old() == "SKYBLOCK_MENU" private val patternInFront = "(?: *§8(?[\\d,]+)x )?(?.*)".toPattern() private val patternBehind = "(?(?:['\\w-]+ ?)+)(?:§8x(?[\\d,]+))?".toPattern() private val itemAmountCache = mutableMapOf>() fun readItemAmount(input: String): Pair? { if (itemAmountCache.containsKey(input)) { return itemAmountCache[input]!! } var matcher = patternInFront.matcher(input) if (matcher.matches()) { val itemName ="name") if (!itemName.contains("§8x")) { val amount ="amount")?.replace(",", "")?.toInt() ?: 1 val pair = Pair(itemName.trim(), amount) itemAmountCache[input] = pair return pair } } var string = input.trim() val color = string.substring(0, 2) string = string.substring(2) matcher = patternBehind.matcher(string) if (!matcher.matches()) { println("") println("input: '$input'") println("string: '$string'") return null } val itemName = color +"name").trim() val amount ="amount")?.replace(",", "")?.toInt() ?: 1 val pair = Pair(itemName, amount) itemAmountCache[input] = pair return pair } fun NEUInternalName.getItemNameOrNull() = getItemStack().name fun NEUInternalName.getItemName() = getItemNameOrNull() ?: error("No item name found for $this") fun NEUInternalName.getNameWithEnchantment(): String { if (equals("WISP_POTION")) { return "§fWisp's Ice-Flavored Water" } return getItemStack().nameWithEnchantment ?: error("Could not find item name for $this") } // TODO: Replace entirely some day fun getPetRarityOld(petStack: ItemStack?): Int { val rarity = petStack?.getItemRarityOrNull() ?: return -1 return } private fun getPetRarity(pet: ItemStack): LorenzRarity? { val rarityId = pet.getInternalName().asString().split(";").last().toInt() val rarity = LorenzRarity.getById(rarityId) val name = if (rarity == null) { CopyErrorCommand.logErrorState( "Could not read rarity for pet $name", "getPetRarity not found for: ${pet.getInternalName()}, name:'$name'" ) } return rarity } }