package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils import import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.test.command.ErrorManager import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.CollectionUtils.addOrPut import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.NEUInternalName.Companion.asInternalName import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.NEUItems.getItemStackOrNull import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.NEUItems.getPrice import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.NumberUtil.formatInt import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.RegexUtils.matchMatcher import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.RegexUtils.matches import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.SkyBlockItemModifierUtils.cachedData import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.SkyBlockItemModifierUtils.getEnchantments import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.SkyBlockItemModifierUtils.isRecombobulated import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.StringUtils.removeColor import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.StringUtils.removeResets import import import import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft import net.minecraft.init.Items import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagString import net.minecraftforge.common.util.Constants import java.util.LinkedList import java.util.regex.Matcher import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.seconds object ItemUtils { private val itemNameCache = mutableMapOf() // internal name -> item name fun ItemStack.cleanName() = this.displayName.removeColor() fun isSack(stack: ItemStack) = stack.getInternalName().endsWith("_SACK") && stack.cleanName().endsWith(" Sack") fun ItemStack.getLore(): List { val tagCompound = this.tagCompound ?: return emptyList() val tagList = tagCompound.getCompoundTag("display").getTagList("Lore", 8) val list: MutableList = ArrayList() for (i in 0 until tagList.tagCount()) { list.add(tagList.getStringTagAt(i)) } return list } // TODO change else janni is sad fun ItemStack.isCoopSoulBound(): Boolean = getLore().any { it == "§8§l* §8Co-op Soulbound §8§l*" || it == "§8§l* §8Soulbound §8§l*" } // TODO change else janni is sad fun ItemStack.isSoulBound(): Boolean = getLore().any { it == "§8§l* §8Soulbound §8§l*" } fun isRecombobulated(stack: ItemStack) = stack.isRecombobulated() fun maxPetLevel(name: String) = if (name.contains("Golden Dragon")) 200 else 100 fun getItemsInInventory(withCursorItem: Boolean = false): List { val list: LinkedList = LinkedList() val player = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer ?: ErrorManager.skyHanniError("getItemsInInventoryWithSlots: player is null!") for (slot in player.openContainer.inventorySlots) { if (slot.hasStack) { list.add(slot.stack) } } if (withCursorItem && player.inventory != null && player.inventory.itemStack != null) { list.add(player.inventory.itemStack) } return list } fun hasAttributes(stack: ItemStack): Boolean { if (stack.hasTagCompound()) { val tagCompound = stack.tagCompound if (tagCompound.hasKey("ExtraAttributes")) { val extraAttributes = tagCompound.getCompoundTag("ExtraAttributes") try { val json = GsonBuilder().create().fromJson(extraAttributes.toString(), if (json.has("attributes")) { return true } } catch (_: Exception) { } } } return false } fun ItemStack.getInternalName() = getInternalNameOrNull() ?: NEUInternalName.NONE fun ItemStack.getInternalNameOrNull(): NEUInternalName? { val data = cachedData if (data.lastInternalNameFetchTime.passedSince() < 1.seconds) { return data.lastInternalName } val internalName = grabInternalNameOrNull() data.lastInternalName = internalName data.lastInternalNameFetchTime = return internalName } private fun ItemStack.grabInternalNameOrNull(): NEUInternalName? { if (name == "§fWisp's Ice-Flavored Water I Splash Potion") { return NEUInternalName.WISP_POTION } val internalName = NEUItems.getInternalName(this)?.replace("ULTIMATE_ULTIMATE_", "ULTIMATE_") return internalName?.asInternalName() } fun ItemStack.isVanilla() = NEUItems.isVanillaItem(this) // Checks for the enchantment glint as part of the minecraft enchantments fun ItemStack.isEnchanted() = isItemEnchanted // Checks for hypixel enchantments in the attributes fun ItemStack.hasEnchantments() = getEnchantments()?.isNotEmpty() ?: false fun ItemStack.removeEnchants(): ItemStack = apply { val tag = tagCompound ?: NBTTagCompound() tag.removeTag("ench") tag.removeTag("StoredEnchantments") tagCompound = tag } fun ItemStack.getSkullTexture(): String? { if (item != Items.skull) return null if (tagCompound == null) return null val nbt = tagCompound if (!nbt.hasKey("SkullOwner")) return null return nbt.getCompoundTag("SkullOwner").getCompoundTag("Properties") .getTagList("textures", Constants.NBT.TAG_COMPOUND).getCompoundTagAt(0).getString("Value") } fun ItemStack.getSkullOwner(): String? { if (item != Items.skull) return null if (tagCompound == null) return null val nbt = tagCompound if (!nbt.hasKey("SkullOwner")) return null return nbt.getCompoundTag("SkullOwner").getString("Id") } // Taken from NEU fun createSkull(displayName: String, uuid: String, value: String, vararg lore: String): ItemStack { val render = ItemStack(Items.skull, 1, 3) val tag = NBTTagCompound() val skullOwner = NBTTagCompound() val properties = NBTTagCompound() val textures = NBTTagList() val textures0 = NBTTagCompound() skullOwner.setString("Id", uuid) skullOwner.setString("Name", uuid) textures0.setString("Value", value) textures.appendTag(textures0) addNameAndLore(tag, displayName, *lore) properties.setTag("textures", textures) skullOwner.setTag("Properties", properties) tag.setTag("SkullOwner", skullOwner) render.tagCompound = tag return render } // Taken from NEU private fun addNameAndLore(tag: NBTTagCompound, displayName: String, vararg lore: String) { val display = NBTTagCompound() display.setString("Name", displayName) if (lore.isNotEmpty()) { val tagLore = NBTTagList() for (line in lore) { tagLore.appendTag(NBTTagString(line)) } display.setTag("Lore", tagLore) } tag.setTag("display", display) } fun ItemStack.getItemRarityOrCommon() = getItemRarityOrNull() ?: LorenzRarity.COMMON private fun ItemStack.readItemCategoryAndRarity(): Pair { val cleanName = this.cleanName() if (PetAPI.hasPetName(cleanName)) { return getPetRarity(this) to ItemCategory.PET } for (line in this.getLore().reversed()) { val (category, rarity) = UtilsPatterns.rarityLoreLinePattern.matchMatcher(line) { group("itemCategory").replace(" ", "_") to group("rarity").replace(" ", "_") } ?: continue val itemCategory = getItemCategory(category, name, cleanName) val itemRarity = LorenzRarity.getByName(rarity) if (itemCategory == null) { ErrorManager.logErrorStateWithData( "Could not read category for item $name", "Failed to read category from item rarity via item lore", "internal name" to getInternalName(), "item name" to name, "inventory name" to InventoryUtils.openInventoryName(), "pattern result" to category, "lore" to getLore(), ) } if (itemRarity == null) { ErrorManager.logErrorStateWithData( "Could not read rarity for item $name", "Failed to read rarity from item rarity via item lore", "internal name" to getInternalName(), "item name" to name, "inventory name" to InventoryUtils.openInventoryName(), "lore" to getLore(), ) } return itemRarity to itemCategory } return null to null } private fun getItemCategory(itemCategory: String, name: String, cleanName: String = name.removeColor()) = if (itemCategory.isEmpty()) when { UtilsPatterns.abiPhonePattern.matches(name) -> ItemCategory.ABIPHONE PetAPI.hasPetName(cleanName) -> ItemCategory.PET UtilsPatterns.baitPattern.matches(cleanName) -> ItemCategory.FISHING_BAIT UtilsPatterns.enchantedBookPattern.matches(name) -> ItemCategory.ENCHANTED_BOOK UtilsPatterns.potionPattern.matches(name) -> ItemCategory.POTION UtilsPatterns.sackPattern.matches(name) -> ItemCategory.SACK else -> ItemCategory.NONE } else { LorenzUtils.enumValueOfOrNull(itemCategory) } private fun ItemStack.updateCategoryAndRarity() { val data = cachedData data.itemRarityLastCheck = val internalName = getInternalName() if (internalName == NEUInternalName.NONE) { data.itemRarity = null data.itemCategory = null return } val pair = this.readItemCategoryAndRarity() data.itemRarity = pair.first data.itemCategory = pair.second } fun ItemStack.getItemCategoryOrNull(): ItemCategory? { val data = cachedData if (itemRarityLastCheck(data)) { this.updateCategoryAndRarity() } return data.itemCategory } fun ItemStack.getItemRarityOrNull(): LorenzRarity? { val data = cachedData if (itemRarityLastCheck(data)) { this.updateCategoryAndRarity() } return data.itemRarity } private fun itemRarityLastCheck(data: CachedItemData) = data.itemRarityLastCheck.passedSince() > 10.seconds /** * Use when comparing the name (e.g. regex), not for showing to the user * Member that provides the item name, is null save or throws visual error */ var String get() = this.displayName ?: ErrorManager.skyHanniError( "Could not get name if ItemStack", "itemStack" to this, "displayName" to displayName, "internal name" to getInternalNameOrNull(), ) set(value) { setStackDisplayName(value) } fun isSkyBlockMenuItem(stack: ItemStack?): Boolean = stack?.getInternalName()?.equals("SKYBLOCK_MENU") ?: false private val itemAmountCache = mutableMapOf>() fun readItemAmount(originalInput: String): Pair? { // This workaround fixes 'Turbo Cacti I Book' val input = (if (originalInput.endsWith(" Book")) { originalInput.replace(" Book", "") } else originalInput).removeResets() if (itemAmountCache.containsKey(input)) { return itemAmountCache[input]!! } UtilsPatterns.readAmountBeforePattern.matchMatcher(input) { val itemName = group("name") if (!itemName.contains("§8x")) { return makePair(input, itemName.trim(), this) } } var string = input.trim() val color = string.substring(0, 2) string = string.substring(2) val matcher = UtilsPatterns.readAmountAfterPattern.matcher(string) if (!matcher.matches()) { return null } val itemName = color +"name").trim() return makePair(input, itemName, matcher) } private fun makePair(input: String, itemName: String, matcher: Matcher): Pair { val matcherAmount ="amount") val amount = matcherAmount?.formatInt() ?: 1 val pair = Pair(itemName, amount) itemAmountCache[input] = pair return pair } private fun getPetRarity(pet: ItemStack): LorenzRarity? { val rarityId = pet.getInternalName().asString().split(";").last().toInt() val rarity = LorenzRarity.getById(rarityId) val name = if (rarity == null) { ErrorManager.logErrorStateWithData( "Could not read rarity for pet $name", "Failed to read rarity from pet item via internal name", "internal name" to pet.getInternalName(), "item name" to name, "rarity id" to rarityId, "inventory name" to InventoryUtils.openInventoryName(), ) } return rarity } fun NEUInternalName.isRune(): Boolean = contains("_RUNE;") // use when showing the item name to the user (in guis, chat message, etc.), not for comparing val ItemStack.itemName: String get() = getInternalName().itemName val ItemStack.itemNameWithoutColor: String get() = itemName.removeColor() // use when showing the item name to the user (in guis, chat message, etc.), not for comparing val NEUInternalName.itemName: String get() = itemNameCache.getOrPut(this) { grabItemName() } val NEUInternalName.itemNameWithoutColor: String get() = itemName.removeColor() private fun NEUInternalName.grabItemName(): String { if (this == NEUInternalName.WISP_POTION) { return "§fWisp's Ice-Flavored Water" } if (this == NEUInternalName.SKYBLOCK_COIN) { return "§6Coins" } if (this == NEUInternalName.NONE) { error("NEUInternalName.NONE has no name!") } if (NEUItems.ignoreItemsFilter.match(this.asString())) { return "§cBugged Item" } val itemStack = getItemStackOrNull() val name = itemStack?.name ?: error("Could not find item name for $this") // show enchanted book name if (itemStack.getItemCategoryOrNull() == ItemCategory.ENCHANTED_BOOK) { return itemStack.getLore()[0] } if (name.endsWith("Enchanted Book Bundle")) { return name.replace("Enchanted Book", itemStack.getLore()[0].removeColor()) } // hide pet level PetAPI.getCleanName(name)?.let { return "$it Pet" } return name } fun ItemStack.loreCosts(): MutableList { var found = false val list = mutableListOf() for (lines in getLore()) { if (lines == "§7Cost") { found = true continue } if (!found) continue if (lines.isEmpty()) return list NEUInternalName.fromItemNameOrNull(lines)?.let { list.add(it) } } return list } fun neededItems(recipe: NeuRecipe): Map { val neededItems = mutableMapOf() for (ingredient in recipe.ingredients) { val material = ingredient.internalItemId.asInternalName() val amount = ingredient.count.toInt() neededItems.addOrPut(material, amount) } return neededItems } fun getRecipePrice(recipe: NeuRecipe, pastRecipes: List = emptyList()): Double = neededItems(recipe).map { it.key.getPrice(pastRecipes = pastRecipes) * it.value }.sum() }