package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils import java.text.NumberFormat import java.util.* import kotlin.math.pow import kotlin.math.roundToInt object NumberUtil { @JvmField val nf: NumberFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US) private val suffixes = TreeMap<Long, String>().apply { this[1000L] = "k" this[1000000L] = "M" this[1000000000L] = "B" this[1000000000000L] = "T" this[1000000000000000L] = "P" this[1000000000000000000L] = "E" } private val romanSymbols = TreeMap( mapOf( 1000 to "M", 900 to "CM", 500 to "D", 400 to "CD", 100 to "C", 90 to "XC", 50 to "L", 40 to "XL", 10 to "X", 9 to "IX", 5 to "V", 4 to "IV", 1 to "I", ) ) /** * This code was unmodified and taken under CC BY-SA 3.0 license * @link * @author assylias */ @JvmStatic fun format(value: Number): String { @Suppress("NAME_SHADOWING") val value = value.toLong() //Long.MIN_VALUE == -Long.MIN_VALUE so we need an adjustment here if (value == Long.MIN_VALUE) return format(Long.MIN_VALUE + 1) if (value < 0) return "-" + format(-value) if (value < 1000) return value.toString() //deal with easy case val (divideBy, suffix) = suffixes.floorEntry(value) val truncated = value / (divideBy / 10) //the number part of the output times 10 val hasDecimal = truncated < 100 && truncated / 10.0 != (truncated / 10).toDouble() return if (hasDecimal) (truncated / 10.0).toString() + suffix else (truncated / 10).toString() + suffix } @JvmStatic fun unformat(value: String): Long { val suffix = value.filter { !it.isDigit() }.lowercase() val num = value.filter { it.isDigit() }.toLong() return num * (suffixes.entries.find { it.value.lowercase() == suffix }?.key ?: 1) } /** * This code was unmodified and taken under CC BY-SA 3.0 license * @link * @author jpdymond */ fun Double.roundToPrecision(precision: Int): Double { val scale = 10.0.pow(precision).toInt() return (this * scale).roundToInt().toDouble() / scale } /** * This code was unmodified and taken under CC BY-SA 3.0 license * @link * @author jpdymond */ fun Float.roundToPrecision(precision: Int): Float { val scale = 10.0.pow(precision).toInt() return (this * scale).roundToInt().toFloat() / scale } fun Number.addSuffix(): String { val long = this.toLong() if (long in 11..13) return "${this}th" return when (long % 10) { 1L -> "${this}st" 2L -> "${this}nd" 3L -> "${this}rd" else -> "${this}th" } } /** * This code was converted to Kotlin and taken under CC BY-SA 3.0 license * @link */ fun String.romanToDecimal(): Int { var decimal = 0 var lastNumber = 0 val romanNumeral = this.uppercase() for (x in romanNumeral.length - 1 downTo 0) { when (romanNumeral[x]) { 'M' -> { decimal = processDecimal(1000, lastNumber, decimal) lastNumber = 1000 } 'D' -> { decimal = processDecimal(500, lastNumber, decimal) lastNumber = 500 } 'C' -> { decimal = processDecimal(100, lastNumber, decimal) lastNumber = 100 } 'L' -> { decimal = processDecimal(50, lastNumber, decimal) lastNumber = 50 } 'X' -> { decimal = processDecimal(10, lastNumber, decimal) lastNumber = 10 } 'V' -> { decimal = processDecimal(5, lastNumber, decimal) lastNumber = 5 } 'I' -> { decimal = processDecimal(1, lastNumber, decimal) lastNumber = 1 } } } return decimal } fun Int.toRoman(): String { if (this <= 0) error("$this must be positive!") val l = romanSymbols.floorKey(this) return if (this == l) { romanSymbols[this]!! } else romanSymbols[l] + (this - l).toRoman() } private fun processDecimal(decimal: Int, lastNumber: Int, lastDecimal: Int): Int { return if (lastNumber > decimal) { lastDecimal - decimal } else { lastDecimal + decimal } } }