package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.misc.EstimatedItemValue import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.ItemUtils.getInternalName import import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack object SkyBlockItemModifierUtils { private val drillPartTypes = listOf("drill_part_upgrade_module", "drill_part_engine", "drill_part_fuel_tank") fun ItemStack.getHotPotatoCount(): Int { for (tags in tagCompound.keySet) { if (tags != "ExtraAttributes") continue val extraAttributes = tagCompound.getCompoundTag(tags) for (attributes in extraAttributes.keySet) { if (attributes != "hot_potato_count") continue return extraAttributes.getInteger(attributes) } } return 0 } fun ItemStack.getFarmingForDummiesCount(): Int { for (tags in tagCompound.keySet) { if (tags != "ExtraAttributes") continue val extraAttributes = tagCompound.getCompoundTag(tags) for (attributes in extraAttributes.keySet) { if (attributes != "farming_for_dummies_count") continue return extraAttributes.getInteger(attributes) } } return 0 } fun ItemStack.getSilexCount(): Int { var silexTier = 0 for ((name, amount) in getEnchantments()) { if (name == "efficiency") { if (amount > 5) { silexTier = amount - 5 } } } if (getInternalName() == "STONK_PICKAXE") { silexTier-- } return silexTier } fun ItemStack.getTransmissionTunerCount(): Int { for (tags in tagCompound.keySet) { if (tags != "ExtraAttributes") continue val extraAttributes = tagCompound.getCompoundTag(tags) for (attributes in extraAttributes.keySet) { if (attributes != "tuned_transmission") continue return extraAttributes.getInteger(attributes) } } return 0 } fun ItemStack.getManaDisintegrators(): Int { for (tags in tagCompound.keySet) { if (tags != "ExtraAttributes") continue val extraAttributes = tagCompound.getCompoundTag(tags) for (attributes in extraAttributes.keySet) { if (attributes != "mana_disintegrator_count") continue return extraAttributes.getInteger(attributes) } } return 0 } fun ItemStack.getMasterStars(): Int { val stars = mapOf( "➊" to 1, "➋" to 2, "➌" to 3, "➍" to 4, "➎" to 5, ) val itemName = name!! for ((icon, number) in stars) { if (itemName.endsWith(icon)) { return number } } return 0 } fun ItemStack.getDrillUpgrades(): List { val list = mutableListOf() for (tags in tagCompound.keySet) { if (tags != "ExtraAttributes") continue val extraAttributes = tagCompound.getCompoundTag(tags) for (attributes in extraAttributes.keySet) { if (attributes in drillPartTypes) { val upgradeItem = extraAttributes.getString(attributes) list.add(upgradeItem.uppercase()) } } } return list } fun ItemStack.getPowerScroll(): String? { return tagCompound?.getCompoundTag("ExtraAttributes")?.getString("power_ability_scroll") ?.takeUnless { it.isBlank() } } fun ItemStack.getHelmetSkin(): String? { return tagCompound?.getCompoundTag("ExtraAttributes")?.getString("skin")?.takeUnless { it.isBlank() } } fun ItemStack.getArmorDye(): String? { return tagCompound?.getCompoundTag("ExtraAttributes")?.getString("dye_item")?.takeUnless { it.isBlank() } } fun ItemStack.getAbilityScrolls(): List { val list = mutableListOf() for (tags in tagCompound.keySet) { if (tags != "ExtraAttributes") continue val extraAttributes = tagCompound.getCompoundTag(tags) for (attributes in extraAttributes.keySet) { if (attributes == "ability_scroll") { val tagList = extraAttributes.getTagList(attributes, 8) for (i in 0..3) { val text = tagList.get(i).toString() if (text == "END") break var internalName = text.replace("\"", "") list.add(internalName) } } } } return list } fun ItemStack.getReforgeName(): String? { for (tags in tagCompound.keySet) { if (tags != "ExtraAttributes") continue val extraAttributes = tagCompound.getCompoundTag(tags) for (attributes in extraAttributes.keySet) { if (attributes != "modifier") continue return extraAttributes.getString(attributes) } } return null } fun ItemStack.isRecombobulated(): Boolean { for (tags in tagCompound.keySet) { if (tags != "ExtraAttributes") continue val extraAttributes = tagCompound.getCompoundTag(tags) return extraAttributes.hasKey("rarity_upgrades") } return false } fun ItemStack.hasJalapenoBook(): Boolean { for (tags in tagCompound.keySet) { if (tags != "ExtraAttributes") continue val extraAttributes = tagCompound.getCompoundTag(tags) return extraAttributes.hasKey("jalapeno_count") } return false } fun ItemStack.hasEtherwarp(): Boolean { for (tags in tagCompound.keySet) { if (tags != "ExtraAttributes") continue val extraAttributes = tagCompound.getCompoundTag(tags) return extraAttributes.hasKey("ethermerge") } return false } fun ItemStack.hasWoodSingularity(): Boolean { for (tags in tagCompound.keySet) { if (tags != "ExtraAttributes") continue val extraAttributes = tagCompound.getCompoundTag(tags) return extraAttributes.hasKey("wood_singularity_count") } return false } fun ItemStack.hasArtOfWar(): Boolean { for (tags in tagCompound.keySet) { if (tags != "ExtraAttributes") continue val extraAttributes = tagCompound.getCompoundTag(tags) return extraAttributes.hasKey("art_of_war_count") } return false } // TODO untested fun ItemStack.hasBookOfStats(): Boolean { for (tags in tagCompound.keySet) { if (tags != "ExtraAttributes") continue val extraAttributes = tagCompound.getCompoundTag(tags) return extraAttributes.hasKey("stats_book") } return false } fun ItemStack.hasArtOfPiece(): Boolean { for (tags in tagCompound.keySet) { if (tags != "ExtraAttributes") continue val extraAttributes = tagCompound.getCompoundTag(tags) return extraAttributes.hasKey("artOfPeaceApplied") } return false } fun ItemStack.getEnchantments(): Map { val map = mutableMapOf() for (tags in tagCompound.keySet) { if (tags != "ExtraAttributes") continue val extraAttributes = tagCompound.getCompoundTag(tags) for (attributes in extraAttributes.keySet) { if (attributes != "enchantments") continue val enchantments = extraAttributes.getCompoundTag(attributes) for (key in enchantments.keySet) { map[key] = enchantments.getInteger(key) } } } return map } fun ItemStack.getGemstones(): List { val list = mutableListOf() for (tags in tagCompound.keySet) { if (tags != "ExtraAttributes") continue val extraAttributes = tagCompound.getCompoundTag(tags) for (attributes in extraAttributes.keySet) { if (attributes != "gems") continue val gemstones = extraAttributes.getCompoundTag(attributes) for (key in gemstones.keySet) { if (key.endsWith("_gem")) continue if (key == "unlocked_slots") continue val value = gemstones.getString(key) if (value == "") continue val rawType = key.split("_")[0] val type = EstimatedItemValue.GemstoneType.getByName(rawType) val tier = EstimatedItemValue.GemstoneTier.getByName(value) if (tier == null) { LorenzUtils.debug("Gemstone tier is null for item $name: ('$key' = '$value')") continue } if (type != null) { list.add(EstimatedItemValue.GemstoneSlot(type, tier)) } else { val newKey = gemstones.getString(key + "_gem") val newType = EstimatedItemValue.GemstoneType.getByName(newKey) if (newType == null) { LorenzUtils.debug("Gemstone type is null for item $name: ('$newKey' with '$key' = '$value')") continue } list.add(EstimatedItemValue.GemstoneSlot(newType, tier)) } } } } return list } }