package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.SkyHanniMod import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.mixins.transformers.AccessorChatComponentText import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.GuiRenderUtils.darkenColor import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.NumberUtil.addSeparators import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiUtilRenderComponents import net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentText import net.minecraft.util.IChatComponent import java.util.Base64 import java.util.UUID import java.util.function.Predicate import java.util.regex.Matcher import java.util.regex.Pattern object StringUtils { private val whiteSpaceResetPattern = "^(?:\\s|§r)*|(?:\\s|§r)*$".toPattern() private val whiteSpacePattern = "^\\s*|\\s*$".toPattern() private val resetPattern = "(?i)§R".toPattern() private val sFormattingPattern = "(?i)§S".toPattern() private val stringColourPattern = "§[0123456789abcdef].*".toPattern() fun String.trimWhiteSpaceAndResets(): String = whiteSpaceResetPattern.matcher(this).replaceAll("") fun String.trimWhiteSpace(): String = whiteSpacePattern.matcher(this).replaceAll("") fun String.removeResets(): String = resetPattern.matcher(this).replaceAll("") fun String.removeSFormattingCode(): String = sFormattingPattern.matcher(this).replaceAll("") fun String.firstLetterUppercase(): String { if (isEmpty()) return this val lowercase = lowercase() val first = lowercase[0].uppercase() return first + lowercase.substring(1) } private val formattingChars = "kmolnrKMOLNR".toSet() /** * Removes color and optionally formatting codes from the given string, leaving plain text. * * @param keepFormatting Boolean indicating whether to retain non-color formatting codes (default: false). * @return A string with color codes removed (and optionally formatting codes if specified). */ fun CharSequence.removeColor(keepFormatting: Boolean = false): String { // Glossary: // Formatting indicator: The '§' character indicating the beginning of a formatting sequence // Formatting code: The character following a formatting indicator which specifies what color or text style this sequence corresponds to // Formatting sequence: The combination of a formatting indicator and code that changes the color or format of a string // Find the first formatting indicator var nextFormattingSequence = indexOf('§') // If this string does not contain any formatting indicators, just return this string directly if (nextFormattingSequence < 0) return this.toString() // Let's create a new string, and pre-allocate enough space to store this entire string val cleanedString = StringBuilder(this.length) // Read index stores the position in `this` which we have written up until now // a/k/a where we need to start reading from var readIndex = 0 // As long as there still is a formatting indicator left in our string while (nextFormattingSequence >= 0) { // Write everything from the read index up to the next formatting indicator into our clean string cleanedString.append(this, readIndex, nextFormattingSequence) // If the next formatting sequence's code indicates a non-color format and we should keep those if (keepFormatting && nextFormattingSequence + 1 < length && this[nextFormattingSequence + 1] in formattingChars) { // Set the readIndex to the formatting indicator, so that the next loop will start writing from that paragraph symbol readIndex = nextFormattingSequence // Find the next § symbol after the formatting sequence nextFormattingSequence = indexOf('§', startIndex = readIndex + 1) } else { // If this formatting sequence should be skipped (either a color code, or !keepFormatting or an incomplete formatting sequence without a code) // Set the readIndex to after this formatting sequence, so that the next loop will skip over it before writing the string readIndex = nextFormattingSequence + 2 // Find the next § symbol after the formatting sequence nextFormattingSequence = indexOf('§', startIndex = readIndex) // If the next read would be out of bound, reset the readIndex to the very end of the string, resulting in a "" string to be appended readIndex = readIndex.coerceAtMost(this.length) } } // Finally, after the last formatting sequence was processed, copy over the last sequence of the string cleanedString.append(this, readIndex, this.length) // And turn the string builder into a string return cleanedString.toString() } fun UUID.toDashlessUUID(): String { return toString().replace("-", "") } inline fun Pattern.matchMatcher(text: String, consumer: Matcher.() -> T) = matcher(text).let { if (it.matches()) consumer(it) else null } inline fun Pattern.findMatcher(text: String, consumer: Matcher.() -> T) = matcher(text).let { if (it.find()) consumer(it) else null } private fun String.internalCleanPlayerName(): String { val split = trim().split(" ") return if (split.size > 1) { split[1].removeColor() } else { split[0].removeColor() } } fun String.cleanPlayerName(displayName: Boolean = false): String { return if (displayName) { if ( { "§b" + internalCleanPlayerName() } else this } else { internalCleanPlayerName() } } inline fun List.matchMatchers(text: String, consumer: Matcher.() -> T): T? { for (pattern in iterator()) { pattern.matchMatcher(text) { return consumer() } } return null } fun getColor(string: String, default: Int, darker: Boolean = true): Int { val matcher = stringColourPattern.matcher(string) if (matcher.matches()) { val colorInt = Minecraft.getMinecraft().fontRendererObj.getColorCode(string[1]) return if (darker) { colorInt.darkenColor() } else { "ff${Integer.toHexString(colorInt)}".toLong(radix = 16).toInt() } } return default } fun encodeBase64(input: String) = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(input.toByteArray()) fun decodeBase64(input: String) = Base64.getDecoder().decode(input).decodeToString() fun addFormat(text: String, format: String): String { if (text.length < 2) return text val rawText = text.substring(2) return if (rawText == text.removeColor()) { val originalColor = text.substring(0, 2) "$originalColor$format$rawText" } else { "$format$text" } } fun String.removeWordsAtEnd(i: Int) = split(" ").dropLast(i).joinToString(" ") fun String.splitLines(width: Int): String { val fr = Minecraft.getMinecraft().fontRendererObj return GuiUtilRenderComponents.splitText( ChatComponentText(this), width, fr, false, false ).joinToString("\n") { val text = it.formattedText val formatCode = Regex("(?:§[a-f0-9l-or]|\\s)*") formatCode.matchAt(text, 0)?.let { matcher -> val codes = matcher.value.replace("\\s".toRegex(), "") codes + text.removeRange(matcher.range) } ?: text } } /** * Creates a comma-separated list using natural formatting (a, b, and c). * @param list - the list of strings to join into a string, containing 0 or more elements. * @param delimiterColor - the color code of the delimiter, inserted before each delimiter (commas and "and"). * @return a string representing the list joined with the Oxford comma and the word "and". */ fun List.createCommaSeparatedList(delimiterColor: String = ""): String { if (this.isEmpty()) return "" if (this.size == 1) return this[0] if (this.size == 2) return "${this[0]}$delimiterColor and ${this[1]}" val lastIndex = this.size - 1 val allButLast = this.subList(0, lastIndex).joinToString("$delimiterColor, ") return "$allButLast$delimiterColor, and ${this[lastIndex]}" } fun pluralize(number: Int, singular: String, plural: String? = null, withNumber: Boolean = false): String { val pluralForm = plural ?: "${singular}s" var str = if (number == 1) singular else pluralForm if (withNumber) str = "${number.addSeparators()} $str" return str } fun progressBar(percentage: Double, steps: Int = 24): Any { //'§5§o§2§l§m §l§m §l§m §l§m §l§m §l§m §l§m §l§m §l§m §l§m §f§l§m §l§m §l§m §l§m §l§m §l§m §l§m §l§m §l§m §l§m §l§m §l§m §l§m §l§m §l§m §r §e348,144.3§6/§e936k' val prefix = "§5§o§2" val step = "§l§m " val missing = "§f" val end = "§r" val builder = StringBuilder() var inMissingArea = false builder.append(prefix) for (i in 0..steps) { val toDouble = i.toDouble() val stepPercentage = toDouble / steps if (stepPercentage >= percentage && !inMissingArea) { builder.append(missing) inMissingArea = true } builder.append(step) } builder.append(end) return builder.toString() } fun String.capAtMinecraftLength(limit: Int) = capAtLength(limit) { Minecraft.getMinecraft().fontRendererObj.getCharWidth(it) } private fun String.capAtLength(limit: Int, lengthJudger: (Char) -> Int): String { var i = 0 return takeWhile { i += lengthJudger(it) i < limit } } // recursively goes through the chat component until an action is completed fun modifyFirstChatComponent(chatComponent: IChatComponent, action: Predicate): Boolean { if (action.test(chatComponent)) { return true } for (sibling in chatComponent.siblings) { if (modifyFirstChatComponent(sibling, action)) { return true } } return false } // replaces a word without breaking any chat components fun replaceFirstChatText(chatComponent: IChatComponent, toReplace: String, replacement: String): IChatComponent { modifyFirstChatComponent(chatComponent) { component -> if (component is ChatComponentText) { component as AccessorChatComponentText val componentText = component.text_skyhanni() if (componentText.contains(toReplace)) { component.setText_skyhanni(componentText.replace(toReplace, replacement)) return@modifyFirstChatComponent true } return@modifyFirstChatComponent false } return@modifyFirstChatComponent false } return chatComponent } fun String.getPlayerNameFromChatMessage(): String? { val matcher = matchPlayerChatMessage(this) ?: return null return"username") } fun String.getPlayerNameAndRankFromChatMessage(): String? { val matcher = matchPlayerChatMessage(this) ?: return null return"rankedName") } private fun matchPlayerChatMessage(string: String): Matcher? { var username = "" var matcher = UtilsPatterns.playerChatPattern.matcher(string) if (matcher.matches()) { username ="important").removeResets() } if (username == "") return null if (username.contains("[NPC]")) { return null } if (username.contains(">")) { username = username.substring(username.indexOf('>') + 1).trim() } username = username.removePrefix("§dFrom ") username = username.removePrefix("§dTo ") matcher = UtilsPatterns.chatUsernamePattern.matcher(username) return if (matcher.matches()) matcher else null } fun String.convertToFormatted(): String = this.replace("&&", "§") fun Pattern.matches(string: String?) = string?.let { matcher(it).matches() } ?: false fun Pattern.anyMatches(list: List?) = list?.any { this.matches(it) } ?: false fun Pattern.find(string: String?) = string?.let { matcher(it).find() } ?: false fun String.allLettersFirstUppercase() = split("_").joinToString(" ") { it.firstLetterUppercase() } fun String?.equalsIgnoreColor(string: String?) = this?.let { it.removeColor() == string?.removeColor() } ?: false fun String.isRoman(): Boolean { return UtilsPatterns.isRomanPattern.matches(this) } }