package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.NumberUtil.addSeparators import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.StringUtils.matchMatcher import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.util.SkyBlockTime import java.time.LocalDate import java.time.ZoneId import kotlin.time.Duration import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.milliseconds import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.minutes import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.seconds import kotlin.time.DurationUnit import kotlin.time.toDuration object TimeUtils { fun Duration.format( biggestUnit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.YEAR, showMilliSeconds: Boolean = false, longName: Boolean = false, maxUnits: Int = -1, ): String = formatDuration( inWholeMilliseconds - 999, biggestUnit, showMilliSeconds, longName, maxUnits ) fun Duration.timerColor(default: String = "§f") = when (this) { in 0.seconds..60.seconds -> "§c" in 60.seconds..3.minutes -> "§6" in 3.minutes..10.minutes -> "§e" else -> default } @Deprecated("Has an offset of one second", ReplaceWith("use kotlin Duration")) fun formatDuration( millis: Long, biggestUnit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.YEAR, showMilliSeconds: Boolean = false, longName: Boolean = false, maxUnits: Int = -1, ): String { // TODO: if this weird offset gets removed, also remove that subtraction from formatDuration(kotlin.time.Duration) var milliseconds = millis + 999 val map = mutableMapOf() for (unit in TimeUnit.entries) { if (unit.ordinal >= biggestUnit.ordinal) { val factor = unit.factor map[unit] = (milliseconds / factor).toInt() milliseconds %= factor } } val builder = StringBuilder() var count = 0 for ((unit, value) in map.entries) { if (value > 0 || builder.isNotEmpty() || unit == TimeUnit.SECOND) { builder.append(value.addSeparators()) val name = if (longName) { " " + unit.longName + if (value > 1) "s" else "" } else { unit.shortName } if (unit == TimeUnit.SECOND) { if (showMilliSeconds) { val formatMillis = milliseconds / 100 builder.append(".") builder.append(formatMillis) } builder.append(name) } else { builder.append("$name ") } count++ if (maxUnits != -1 && count == maxUnits) break } } return builder.toString().trim() } @Deprecated("Do no longer use long for time", ReplaceWith("getDuration(string)")) fun getMillis(string: String) = getDuration(string).inWholeMilliseconds fun getDuration(string: String) = getMillis_(string.replace("m", "m ").replace(" ", " ").trim()) private fun getMillis_(string: String) = UtilsPatterns.timeAmountPattern.matchMatcher(string.lowercase().trim()) { val years = group("y")?.toLong() ?: 0L val days = group("d")?.toLong() ?: 0L val hours = group("h")?.toLong() ?: 0L val minutes = group("m")?.toLong() ?: 0L val seconds = group("s")?.toLong() ?: 0L var millis = 0L millis += seconds * 1000 millis += minutes * 60 * 1000 millis += hours * 60 * 60 * 1000 millis += days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 millis += (years * 365.25 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000).toLong() millis.toDuration(DurationUnit.MILLISECONDS) } ?: tryAlternativeFormat(string) private fun tryAlternativeFormat(string: String): Duration { val split = string.split(":") return when (split.size) { 3 -> { val hours = split[0].toInt() * 1000 * 60 * 60 val minutes = split[1].toInt() * 1000 * 60 val seconds = split[2].toInt() * 1000 seconds + minutes + hours } 2 -> { val minutes = split[0].toInt() * 1000 * 60 val seconds = split[1].toInt() * 1000 seconds + minutes } 1 -> { split[0].toInt() * 1000 } else -> { throw RuntimeException("Invalid format: '$string'") } }.toLong().toDuration(DurationUnit.MILLISECONDS) } fun SkyBlockTime.formatted(): String { val hour = if (this.hour > 12) this.hour - 12 else this.hour val timeOfDay = if (this.hour > 11) "pm" else "am" // hooray for 12-hour clocks var minute = this.minute.toString() if (minute.length != 2) { minute = minute.padStart(2, '0') } val month = SkyBlockTime.monthName(this.month) val day = val daySuffix = SkyBlockTime.daySuffix(day) val year = this.year return "$month $day$daySuffix, Year $year $hour:${minute}$timeOfDay" // Early Winter 1st Year 300, 12:03pm } fun getCurrentLocalDate(): LocalDate ="UTC")) val Long.ticks get() = (this * 50).milliseconds val Int.ticks get() = (this * 50).milliseconds } private const val FACTOR_SECONDS = 1000L private const val FACTOR_MINUTES = FACTOR_SECONDS * 60 private const val FACTOR_HOURS = FACTOR_MINUTES * 60 private const val FACTOR_DAYS = FACTOR_HOURS * 24 private const val FACTOR_YEARS = (FACTOR_DAYS * 365.25).toLong() enum class TimeUnit(val factor: Long, val shortName: String, val longName: String) { YEAR(FACTOR_YEARS, "y", "Year"), DAY(FACTOR_DAYS, "d", "Day"), HOUR(FACTOR_HOURS, "h", "Hour"), MINUTE(FACTOR_MINUTES, "m", "Minute"), SECOND(FACTOR_SECONDS, "s", "Second"), ; }