package at.lorenz.mod import at.lorenz.mod.bazaar.BazaarApi import import at.lorenz.mod.utils.ItemUtils import at.lorenz.mod.utils.ItemUtils.cleanName import at.lorenz.mod.utils.ItemUtils.getLore import at.lorenz.mod.utils.LorenzColor import at.lorenz.mod.utils.LorenzUtils import at.lorenz.mod.utils.LorenzUtils.removeColorCodes import at.lorenz.mod.utils.RenderUtils.highlight import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft import net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiChest import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager import net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerChest import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.player.ItemTooltipEvent import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.EventPriority import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11 class HideNotClickableItems { private var hideReason = "" private var lastClickTime = 0L private var bypassUntil = 0L @SubscribeEvent fun onBackgroundDrawn(event: GuiContainerEvent.BackgroundDrawnEvent) { if (!LorenzUtils.inSkyblock) return if (isDisabled()) return if (event.gui !is GuiChest) return val guiChest = event.gui val chest = guiChest.inventorySlots as ContainerChest val chestName = chest.lowerChestInventory.displayName.unformattedText.trim() val lightingState = GL11.glIsEnabled(GL11.GL_LIGHTING) GlStateManager.disableLighting() GlStateManager.color(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f) for (slot in chest.inventorySlots) { if (slot == null) continue if (slot.slotNumber == slot.slotIndex) continue if (slot.stack == null) continue if (hide(chestName, slot.stack)) { slot highlight LorenzColor.GRAY } } if (lightingState) GlStateManager.enableLighting() } @SubscribeEvent fun onDrawSlot(event: GuiContainerEvent.DrawSlotEvent.Pre) { if (isDisabled()) return if (event.gui !is GuiChest) return val guiChest = event.gui val chest = guiChest.inventorySlots as ContainerChest val chestName = chest.lowerChestInventory.displayName.unformattedText.trim() val slot = event.slot if (slot.slotNumber == slot.slotIndex) return if (slot.stack == null) return val stack = slot.stack if (hide(chestName, stack)) { event.isCanceled = true } } @SubscribeEvent(priority = EventPriority.LOWEST) fun onTooltip(event: ItemTooltipEvent) { if (isDisabled()) return if (event.toolTip == null) return val guiChest = Minecraft.getMinecraft().currentScreen if (guiChest !is GuiChest) return val chest = guiChest.inventorySlots as ContainerChest val chestName = chest.lowerChestInventory.displayName.unformattedText.trim() val stack = event.itemStack if (ItemUtils.getItemsInOpenChest().contains(stack)) return if (hide(chestName, stack)) { val first = event.toolTip[0] event.toolTip.clear() event.toolTip.add("§7" + first.removeColorCodes()) event.toolTip.add("") if (hideReason == "") { event.toolTip.add("§4No hide reason!") LorenzUtils.warning("Not hide reason for not clickable item!") } else { event.toolTip.add("§c$hideReason") } } } @SubscribeEvent fun onSlotClick(event: GuiContainerEvent.SlotClickEvent) { if (isDisabled()) return if (event.gui !is GuiChest) return val guiChest = event.gui val chest = guiChest.inventorySlots as ContainerChest val chestName = chest.lowerChestInventory.displayName.unformattedText.trim() val slot = event.slot ?: return if (slot.slotNumber == slot.slotIndex) return if (slot.stack == null) return val stack = slot.stack if (hide(chestName, stack)) { event.isCanceled = true // SoundQueue.addToQueue("note.bass", 0.5f, 1f) if (System.currentTimeMillis() > lastClickTime + 5_000) { lastClickTime = System.currentTimeMillis() // EssentialAPI.getNotifications() // .push( // "§cThis item cannot be moved!", // "§eClick here §fto disable this feature for 10 seconds!\n" + // "§fOr disable it forever: §6/st §f+ '§6Hide Not Clickable Items§f'.", // 5f, // action = { // bypassUntil = System.currentTimeMillis() + 10_000 // }) } return } } private fun isDisabled(): Boolean { if (bypassUntil > System.currentTimeMillis()) return true return !LorenzMod.feature.items.hideNotClickableItems } private fun hide(chestName: String, stack: ItemStack): Boolean { hideReason = "" return when { hideNpcSell(chestName, stack) -> true hideChestBackpack(chestName, stack) -> true hideSalvage(chestName, stack) -> true hideTrade(chestName, stack) -> true hideBazaarOrAH(chestName, stack) -> true hideAccessoryBag(chestName, stack) -> true hideSackOfSacks(chestName, stack) -> true hideFishingBag(chestName, stack) -> true hidePotionBag(chestName, stack) -> true else -> false } } private fun hidePotionBag(chestName: String, stack: ItemStack): Boolean { if (!chestName.startsWith("Potion Bag")) return false val name = stack.cleanName() if (isSkyBlockMenuItem(name)) { hideReason = "The SkyBlock Menu cannot be put into the potion bag!" return true } if (stack.cleanName().endsWith(" Potion")) return false hideReason = "This item is not a potion!" return true } private fun hideFishingBag(chestName: String, stack: ItemStack): Boolean { if (!chestName.startsWith("Fishing Bag")) return false val name = stack.cleanName() if (isSkyBlockMenuItem(name)) { hideReason = "The SkyBlock Menu cannot be put into the fishing bag!" return true } if (stack.cleanName().endsWith(" Bait")) return false hideReason = "This item is not a fishing bait!" return true } private fun hideSackOfSacks(chestName: String, stack: ItemStack): Boolean { if (!chestName.startsWith("Sack of Sacks")) return false val name = stack.cleanName() if (ItemUtils.isSack(name)) return false if (isSkyBlockMenuItem(name)) return false hideReason = "This item is not a sack!" return true } private fun hideAccessoryBag(chestName: String, stack: ItemStack): Boolean { if (!chestName.startsWith("Accessory Bag")) return false if (stack.getLore().any { it.contains("ACCESSORY") }) return false if (isSkyBlockMenuItem(stack.cleanName())) return false hideReason = "This item is not an accessory!" return true } private fun hideTrade(chestName: String, stack: ItemStack): Boolean { if (!chestName.startsWith("You ")) return false if (ItemUtils.isCoOpSoulBound(stack)) { hideReason = "Coop-Soulbound items cannot be traded!" return true } val name = stack.cleanName() if (ItemUtils.isSack(name)) { hideReason = "Sacks cannot be traded!" return true } if (isSkyBlockMenuItem(name)) { hideReason = "The SkyBlock Menu cannot be traded!" return true } val result = when { name.contains("Personal Deletor") -> true name.contains("Day Crystal") -> true name.contains("Night Crystal") -> true name.contains("Cat Talisman") -> true name.contains("Lynx Talisman") -> true name.contains("Cheetah Talisman") -> true else -> false } if (result) hideReason = "This item cannot be traded!" return result } private fun hideNpcSell(chestName: String, stack: ItemStack): Boolean { if (chestName != "Trades" && chestName != "Ophelia") return false var name = stack.cleanName() val size = stack.stackSize val amountText = " x$size" if (name.endsWith(amountText)) { name = name.substring(0, name.length - amountText.length) } if (isSkyBlockMenuItem(name)) { hideReason = "The SkyBlock Menu cannot be sold at the NPC!" return true } if (!ItemUtils.isRecombobulated(stack)) { when (name) { "Health Potion VIII Splash Potion" -> return false "Stone Button" -> return false "Revive Stone" -> return false "Premium Flesh" -> return false "Defuse Kit" -> return false "White Wool" -> return false "Enchanted Wool" -> return false "Training Weights" -> return false "Journal Entry" -> return false "Twilight Arrow Poison" -> return false "Lever" -> return false "Fairy's Galoshes" -> return false } if (name.endsWith("Gem Rune I")) return false if (name.startsWith("Music Disc")) return false } hideReason = "This item should not be sold at the NPC!" return true } private fun hideChestBackpack(chestName: String, stack: ItemStack): Boolean { if (!chestName.contains("Ender Chest") && !chestName.contains("Backpack")) return false val name = stack.cleanName() if (isSkyBlockMenuItem(name)) { hideReason = "The SkyBlock Menu cannot be put into the storage!" return true } if (ItemUtils.isSack(name)) { hideReason = "Sacks cannot be put into the storage!" return true } val result = when { name.endsWith(" New Year Cake Bag") -> true name == "Nether Wart Pouch" -> true name == "Basket of Seeds" -> true name == "Builder's Wand" -> true else -> false } if (result) hideReason = "Bags cannot be put into the storage!" return result } private fun hideSalvage(chestName: String, stack: ItemStack): Boolean { if (chestName != "Salvage Item") return false if (ItemUtils.isRecombobulated(stack)) { hideReason = "This item should not be salvaged! (Recombobulated)" return true } for (line in stack.getLore()) { if (line.contains("LEGENDARY DUNGEON")) { hideReason = "This item should not be salvaged! (Legendary)" return true } } val name = stack.cleanName() val armorSets = listOf( "Zombie Knight", "Heavy", "Zombie Soldier", "Skeleton Grunt", "Skeleton Soldier", "Zombie Commander", "Skeleton Master", "Sniper", "Skeletor", "Rotten", ) val items = mutableListOf() for (armor in armorSets) { items.add("$armor Helmet") items.add("$armor Chestplate") items.add("$armor Leggings") items.add("$armor Boots") } items.add("Zombie Soldier Cutlass") items.add("Silent Death") items.add("Zombie Knight Sword") items.add("Conjuring") items.add("Dreadlord Sword") items.add("Soulstealer Bow") items.add("Machine Gun Bow") items.add("Earth Shard") items.add("Zombie Commander Whip") items.add("Sniper Bow") for (item in items) { if (name.endsWith(" $item")) { return false } } if (isSkyBlockMenuItem(name)) { hideReason = "The SkyBlock Menu cannot be salvaged!" return true } hideReason = "This item cannot be salvaged!" return true } private fun hideBazaarOrAH(chestName: String, stack: ItemStack): Boolean { val bazaarInventory = BazaarApi.isBazaarInventory(chestName) val auctionHouseInventory = chestName == "Co-op Auction House" || chestName == "Auction House" || chestName == "Create BIN Auction" || chestName == "Create Auction" if (!bazaarInventory && !auctionHouseInventory) return false val displayName = stack.displayName if (isSkyBlockMenuItem(displayName.removeColorCodes())) { if (bazaarInventory) hideReason = "The SkyBlock Menu is not a Bazaar Product!" if (auctionHouseInventory) hideReason = "The SkyBlock Menu cannot be auctioned!" return true } if (bazaarInventory != BazaarApi.isBazaarItem(displayName)) { if (bazaarInventory) hideReason = "This item is not a Bazaar Product!" if (auctionHouseInventory) hideReason = "Bazaar Products cannot be auctioned!" return true } if (isNotAuctionable(stack)) return true return false } private fun isNotAuctionable(stack: ItemStack): Boolean { if (ItemUtils.isCoOpSoulBound(stack)) { hideReason = "Coop-Soulbound items cannot be auctioned!" return true } val name = stack.cleanName() if (ItemUtils.isSack(name)) { hideReason = "Sacks cannot be auctioned!" return true } val result = when { name.contains("Personal Deletor") -> true name.contains("Day Crystal") -> true name.contains("Night Crystal") -> true name.contains("Cat Talisman") -> true name.contains("Lynx Talisman") -> true name.contains("Cheetah Talisman") -> true name.contains("Hoe of Great Tilling") -> true name.contains("Hoe of Greater Tilling") -> true name.contains("InfiniDirt") -> true name.contains("Prismapump") -> true name.contains("Mathematical Hoe Blueprint") -> true name.contains("Basket of Seeds") -> true name.contains("Nether Wart Pouch") -> true name.contains("Carrot Hoe") -> true name.contains("Sugar Cane Hoe") -> true name.contains("Nether Warts Hoe") -> true name.contains("Potato Hoe") -> true name.contains("Melon Dicer") -> true name.contains("Pumpkin Dicer") -> true name.contains("Coco Chopper") -> true name.contains("Wheat Hoe") -> true else -> false } if (result) hideReason = "This item cannot be auctioned!" return result } private fun isSkyBlockMenuItem(name: String): Boolean = name == "SkyBlock Menu (Right Click)" }