package moe.nea.ultranotifier.util.minecrat import net.minecraft.text.Text //#if MC > 1.16 import net.minecraft.text.TextColor import net.minecraft.util.Formatting //#endif //#if MC > 1.20 import net.minecraft.text.MutableText import net.minecraft.text.PlainTextContent //#endif fun Text.getDirectlyContainedText() = //#if MC < 1.16 //$$ this.unformattedComponentText //#elseif MC < 1.20 //$$ this.asString() //#else (this.content as? PlainTextContent)?.string().orEmpty() //#endif fun Text?.getFormattedTextCompat(): String = //#if MC < 1.16 //$$ this?.formattedText.orEmpty() //#else run { this ?: return@run "" val sb = StringBuilder() for (component in iterator()) { sb.append( ?: "§r") sb.append(component.getDirectlyContainedText()) sb.append("§r") } sb.toString() } private val textColorLUT = Formatting.entries .mapNotNull { formatting -> formatting.colorValue?.let { it to formatting } } .toMap() fun TextColor.toChatFormatting(): Formatting? { return textColorLUT[this.rgb] } fun Text.iterator(): Sequence { return sequenceOf(this) + siblings.asSequence().flatMap { it.iterator() } // TODO: in theory we want to properly inherit styles here } //#endif //#if MC > 1.20 fun MutableText.withColor(formatting: Formatting): Text { return this.styled { it.withColor(formatting) } } //#endif fun CharSequence.removeFormattingCodes(): String { var nextParagraph = indexOf('§') if (nextParagraph < 0) return this.toString() val stringBuffer = StringBuilder(this.length) var readIndex = 0 while (nextParagraph >= 0) { stringBuffer.append(this, readIndex, nextParagraph) readIndex = nextParagraph + 2 nextParagraph = indexOf('§', startIndex = readIndex) if (readIndex > this.length) readIndex = this.length } stringBuffer.append(this, readIndex, this.length) return stringBuffer.toString() }