path: root/src/main/kotlin/moe/nea/firmament/util/SkyblockId.kt
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authorLinnea Gräf <nea@nea.moe>2024-08-28 19:04:24 +0200
committerLinnea Gräf <nea@nea.moe>2024-08-28 19:04:24 +0200
commitd2f240ff0ca0d27f417f837e706c781a98c31311 (patch)
tree0db7aff6cc14deaf36eed83889d59fd6b3a6f599 /src/main/kotlin/moe/nea/firmament/util/SkyblockId.kt
parenta6906308163aa3b2d18fa1dc1aa71ac9bbcc83ab (diff)
Refactor source layout
Introduce compat source sets and move all kotlin sources to the main directory [no changelog]
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/kotlin/moe/nea/firmament/util/SkyblockId.kt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 149 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/moe/nea/firmament/util/SkyblockId.kt b/src/main/kotlin/moe/nea/firmament/util/SkyblockId.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 59b1d2c..0000000
--- a/src/main/kotlin/moe/nea/firmament/util/SkyblockId.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-package moe.nea.firmament.util
-import io.github.moulberry.repo.data.NEUItem
-import io.github.moulberry.repo.data.Rarity
-import java.util.UUID
-import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
-import kotlinx.serialization.UseSerializers
-import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json
-import net.minecraft.component.DataComponentTypes
-import net.minecraft.component.type.NbtComponent
-import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
-import net.minecraft.nbt.NbtCompound
-import net.minecraft.util.Identifier
-import moe.nea.firmament.repo.set
-import moe.nea.firmament.util.json.DashlessUUIDSerializer
- * A skyblock item id, as used by the NEU repo.
- * This is not exactly the format used by HyPixel, but is mostly the same.
- * Usually this id splits an id used by HyPixel into more sub items. For example `PET` becomes `$PET_ID;$PET_RARITY`,
- * with those values extracted from other metadata.
- */
-value class SkyblockId(val neuItem: String) {
- val identifier
- get() = Identifier.of("skyblockitem",
- neuItem.lowercase().replace(";", "__")
- .replace(":", "___")
- .replace(illlegalPathRegex) {
- it.value.toCharArray()
- .joinToString("") { "__" + it.code.toString(16).padStart(4, '0') }
- })
- override fun toString(): String {
- return neuItem
- }
- /**
- * A bazaar stock item id, as returned by the HyPixel bazaar api endpoint.
- * These are not equivalent to the in-game ids, or the NEU repo ids, and in fact, do not refer to items, but instead
- * to bazaar stocks. The main difference from [SkyblockId]s is concerning enchanted books. There are probably more,
- * but for now this holds.
- */
- @JvmInline
- @Serializable
- value class BazaarStock(val bazaarId: String) {
- fun toRepoId(): SkyblockId {
- bazaarEnchantmentRegex.matchEntire(bazaarId)?.let {
- return SkyblockId("${it.groupValues[1]};${it.groupValues[2]}")
- }
- return SkyblockId(bazaarId.replace(":", "-"))
- }
- }
- companion object {
- val COINS: SkyblockId = SkyblockId("SKYBLOCK_COIN")
- private val bazaarEnchantmentRegex = "ENCHANTMENT_(\\D*)_(\\d+)".toRegex()
- val NULL: SkyblockId = SkyblockId("null")
- val PET_NULL: SkyblockId = SkyblockId("null_pet")
- private val illlegalPathRegex = "[^a-z0-9_.-/]".toRegex()
- }
-val NEUItem.skyblockId get() = SkyblockId(skyblockItemId)
-data class HypixelPetInfo(
- val type: String,
- val tier: Rarity,
- val exp: Double = 0.0,
- val candyUsed: Int = 0,
- val uuid: UUID? = null,
-) {
- val skyblockId get() = SkyblockId("${type.uppercase()};${tier.ordinal}")
-private val jsonparser = Json { ignoreUnknownKeys = true }
-val ItemStack.extraAttributes: NbtCompound
- get() {
- val customData = get(DataComponentTypes.CUSTOM_DATA) ?: run {
- val component = NbtComponent.of(NbtCompound())
- set(DataComponentTypes.CUSTOM_DATA, component)
- component
- }
- return customData.nbt
- }
-val ItemStack.skyblockUUIDString: String?
- get() = extraAttributes.getString("uuid")?.takeIf { it.isNotBlank() }
-val ItemStack.skyblockUUID: UUID?
- get() = skyblockUUIDString?.let { UUID.fromString(it) }
-val ItemStack.petData: HypixelPetInfo?
- get() {
- val jsonString = extraAttributes.getString("petInfo")
- if (jsonString.isNullOrBlank()) return null
- return runCatching { jsonparser.decodeFromString<HypixelPetInfo>(jsonString) }
- .getOrElse { return null }
- }
-fun ItemStack.setSkyBlockFirmamentUiId(uiId: String) = setSkyBlockId(SkyblockId("FIRMAMENT_UI_$uiId"))
-fun ItemStack.setSkyBlockId(skyblockId: SkyblockId): ItemStack {
- this.extraAttributes["id"] = skyblockId.neuItem
- return this
-val ItemStack.skyBlockId: SkyblockId?
- get() {
- return when (val id = extraAttributes.getString("id")) {
- "" -> {
- null
- }
- "PET" -> {
- petData?.skyblockId ?: SkyblockId.PET_NULL
- }
- "RUNE", "UNIQUE_RUNE" -> {
- val runeData = extraAttributes.getCompound("runes")
- val runeKind = runeData.keys.singleOrNull()
- if (runeKind == null) SkyblockId("RUNE")
- else SkyblockId("${runeKind.uppercase()}_RUNE;${runeData.getInt(runeKind)}")
- }
- "ABICASE" -> {
- SkyblockId("ABICASE_${extraAttributes.getString("model").uppercase()}")
- }
- val enchantmentData = extraAttributes.getCompound("enchantments")
- val enchantName = enchantmentData.keys.singleOrNull()
- if (enchantName == null) SkyblockId("ENCHANTED_BOOK")
- else SkyblockId("${enchantName.uppercase()};${enchantmentData.getInt(enchantName)}")
- }
- else -> {
- SkyblockId(id)
- }
- }
- }