path: root/src/main/kotlin/com/ambientaddons/commands
diff options
authorAppability <appable@icloud.com>2022-11-13 02:53:02 -0800
committerAppability <appable@icloud.com>2022-11-13 02:53:02 -0800
commit4df8a87c044a1194bff4409974944c81ba191430 (patch)
treea84e137ccfb9c966216829bb56ef341f955b2352 /src/main/kotlin/com/ambientaddons/commands
parentf9826fb1392f946a91e6079cf424ca288ff56d6f (diff)
fml i almost made idkman reroll ANOTHER handle
also significant improvements to salvage list editing, cleanup chat formatting, and fix config description
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/kotlin/com/ambientaddons/commands')
2 files changed, 76 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/com/ambientaddons/commands/AutoBuyCommand.kt b/src/main/kotlin/com/ambientaddons/commands/AutoBuyCommand.kt
index 1cead71..9899d40 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/com/ambientaddons/commands/AutoBuyCommand.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/com/ambientaddons/commands/AutoBuyCommand.kt
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ object AutoBuyCommand {
val newPrice = args.getOrNull(2)?.toIntOrNull()
persistentData.autoBuyItems[item] = newPrice
- UChat.chat("§aAdded item §a§l$item §awith ${if (newPrice == null) "no minimum price." else " minimum price §a§l$newPrice"}".withModPrefix())
+ UChat.chat("§aAdded item §a§l$item §awith ${if (newPrice == null) "no maximum price." else "maximum price §a§l$newPrice"}".withModPrefix())
"remove" -> {
val item = args[1]
@@ -24,14 +24,16 @@ object AutoBuyCommand {
} else UChat.chat("§cItem §c§l$item §cdoes not exist!".withModPrefix())
"list" -> {
- UChat.chat("§2§lItems".withModPrefix())
+ UChat.chat(Chat.getChatBreak())
+ UChat.chat("§b§lAutobuy List")
persistentData.autoBuyItems.forEach {
if (it.value == null) {
- UChat.chat(" §b${it.key}")
+ UChat.chat(" §a${it.key}")
} else {
- UChat.chat(" §b${it.key} §7(max price §a${it.value} §7coins)")
+ UChat.chat(" §a${it.key} §e(maximum price §a§l${it.value} §ecoins)")
+ UChat.chat(Chat.getChatBreak())
else -> {
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/com/ambientaddons/commands/SalvageCommand.kt b/src/main/kotlin/com/ambientaddons/commands/SalvageCommand.kt
index 5e86757..bc8d442 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/com/ambientaddons/commands/SalvageCommand.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/com/ambientaddons/commands/SalvageCommand.kt
@@ -1,64 +1,105 @@
package com.ambientaddons.commands
import AmbientAddons.Companion.persistentData
+import com.ambientaddons.features.misc.Salvage
import com.ambientaddons.utils.Chat
import com.ambientaddons.utils.Extensions.withModPrefix
import com.ambientaddons.utils.SalvageStrategy
import gg.essential.universal.UChat
object SalvageCommand {
+ private val armorSuffixes = listOf("_HELMET", "_CHESTPLATE", "_LEGGINGS", "_BOOTS")
fun processCommand(args: List<String>) {
when (args.getOrNull(0)) {
"auto" -> {
- val item = args[1]
- val added = persistentData.salvageMap.put(item, SalvageStrategy.Always) != SalvageStrategy.Always
- persistentData.save()
- UChat.chat((if (added) "§aAdded item §a§l${item}." else "§cItem already added.").withModPrefix())
+ val item = args[1].uppercase()
+ addItem(item, SalvageStrategy.Always)
"allow" -> {
- val item = args[1]
- val allowed = persistentData.salvageMap.put(item, SalvageStrategy.Allow) != SalvageStrategy.Allow
- persistentData.save()
- UChat.chat((if (allowed) "§aAllowing item §a§l${item}." else "§cItem already allowed.").withModPrefix())
+ val item = args[1].uppercase()
+ addItem(item, SalvageStrategy.Allow)
"block" -> {
- val item = args[1]
- val blocked = persistentData.salvageMap.put(item, SalvageStrategy.Block) != SalvageStrategy.Block
- persistentData.save()
- UChat.chat((if (blocked) "§aBlocking item §a§l${item}." else "§cItem already blocked.").withModPrefix())
+ val item = args[1].uppercase()
+ addItem(item, SalvageStrategy.Block)
"remove" -> {
- val item = args[1]
- val removed = persistentData.salvageMap.remove(item) != null
- persistentData.save()
- UChat.chat((if (removed) "§aRemoved item §a§l${item}." else "§cItem not in list.").withModPrefix())
+ val item = args[1].uppercase()
+ if (item.endsWith("_ARMOR")) {
+ val itemWithoutSuffix = item.substringBeforeLast("_")
+ val removedAny = armorSuffixes.map {
+ persistentData.salvageMap.remove(itemWithoutSuffix + it)
+ }.any { it != null }
+ persistentData.save()
+ UChat.chat((if (removedAny) "§aRemoved armor set §a§l${item}." else "§cSet not in list.").withModPrefix())
+ } else {
+ val removed = persistentData.salvageMap.remove(item) != null
+ UChat.chat((if (removed) "§aRemoved item §a§l${item}." else "§cItem not in list.").withModPrefix())
+ }
"list" -> {
- UChat.chat("§2§lItems §7(§aalways salvage, §eallow salvaging, §cblock salvaging§7)".withModPrefix())
- persistentData.salvageMap.forEach {
- when (it.value) {
- SalvageStrategy.Always -> UChat.chat(" §a${it.key}")
- SalvageStrategy.Allow -> UChat.chat(" §e${it.key}")
- else -> UChat.chat(" §c${it.key}")
- }
+ val sortedMap = persistentData.salvageMap.let { salvageMap ->
+ val armorSets = salvageMap.filter { entry ->
+ if (entry.key.endsWith(armorSuffixes.first())) {
+ val itemWithoutSuffix = entry.key.substringBeforeLast("_")
+ armorSuffixes.all { salvageMap[itemWithoutSuffix + it] == entry.value }
+ } else false
+ }.map { (it.key.substringBeforeLast("_") + "_ARMOR") to it.value }.toMap()
+ (salvageMap.filter {
+ !armorSets.contains(it.key.substringBeforeLast("_") + "_ARMOR")
+ } + armorSets).toSortedMap()
+ UChat.chat(Chat.getChatBreak())
+ UChat.chat("§b§lAlways salvage")
+ UChat.chat(sortedMap.entries.filter {
+ it.value == SalvageStrategy.Always
+ }.joinToString("\n") { " §a${it.key}" })
+ UChat.chat("§b§lAllow salvaging")
+ UChat.chat(sortedMap.entries.filter {
+ it.value == SalvageStrategy.Allow
+ }.joinToString("\n") { " §e${it.key}" })
+ UChat.chat("§b§lBlock salvaging")
+ UChat.chat(sortedMap.entries.filter {
+ it.value == SalvageStrategy.Block
+ }.joinToString("\n") { " §c${it.key}" })
+ UChat.chat(Chat.getChatBreak())
else -> {
- UChat.chat("""
+ UChat.chat(
+ """
- §a/ambient salvage auto <Skyblock ID> §eto always salvage item.
- §a/ambient salvage allow <Skyblock ID> §eto allow salvaging item.
- §a/ambient salvage block <Skyblock ID> §eto block salvaging item.
- §a/ambient salvage remove <Skyblock ID> §eto removet item.
+ §a/ambient salvage auto <Skyblock ID> §eto always salvage.
+ §a/ambient salvage allow <Skyblock ID> §eto allow salvaging.
+ §a/ambient salvage block <Skyblock ID> §eto block salvaging.
+ §a/ambient salvage remove <Skyblock ID> §eto remove item.
§a/ambient salvage list §eto view current salvage list.
§eSome items are explicitly blocked due to past item quality bugs.
§eIf not blocked in list, this will salvage all dungeon mob drops unless starred.
+ §eArmor set ids can be combined into a single name ending with _ARMOR.
- """.trimIndent())
+ """.trimIndent()
+ )
+ private fun addItem(item: String, strategy: SalvageStrategy) {
+ if (item.endsWith("_ARMOR")) {
+ val itemWithoutSuffix = item.substringBeforeLast("_")
+ val addedAny = armorSuffixes.map {
+ persistentData.salvageMap.put(itemWithoutSuffix + it, strategy)
+ }.any { it != strategy }
+ persistentData.save()
+ UChat.chat((if (addedAny) "§aAdded armor set §a§l${item}." else "§cSet already added.").withModPrefix())
+ } else {
+ val added = persistentData.salvageMap.put(item, strategy) != strategy
+ persistentData.save()
+ UChat.chat((if (added) "§aAdded item §a§l${item}." else "§cItem already added.").withModPrefix())
+ }
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file