Future home of dulkirmod for modern versions of minecraft.
DulkirMod 1.8.9 Can be found here.
Currently Implemented Features
- Toggle Reverse third person
- Expandable Chat Macros with Keybindings
- Dynamic Key
- Config Menu Backend and Front End
- Scrollable Toolips with Zoom Option, compatible with inventory scaling
- Inventory Scaling, supports any float
- Command aliases
- WireFrame and World Text Rendering (needs a recoding)
- Abiphone DND
- Custom Selected Block outline
- Inactive Effigy Waypoints (rift)
- Custom Held Item Placement/Animations
- Glow Utility (ESP Toggle currently broken on AMD, HMU if you're a wizard with OpenGL and feel inclined to help)
- Cooldown Tracking through Durability Display (Working for some sound cooldowns, need to input some data)
- NO DOWNTIME alarm. Plays Iphone alarm if you stop moving after a certain amount of time.
- Large Explosion Particle render toggle
- Hide Scoreboard Numbers
- Arachne Spawn Timer and Keeper Waypoints
- Hide Hunger Display option
- Most features from DulkirMod 1.8.9
- Lots more Rendering Utility
- OldAnimations ??
- Etherwarp display
- HUD for health, Mana, Speed
- A lot more I'm forgetting about