path: root/src/main/kotlin/features/inventory/storageoverlay
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
3 daysfix: Not being able to mine after closing the storage overlayLinnea Gräf
10 daysrefactor: Move transparent ui into built in resource packLinnea Gräf
10 daysfeat: Add transparent textures for storage overlayWapic
2025-01-12fix: Incorrect scissors in storage overlayLinnea Gräf
2025-01-12fix: Closing storage overlay when searching for "e"Linnea Gräf
2024-12-23fix: Some items not being saved in /firm stoargeLinnea Gräf
2024-11-18feat: Add Storage overlay searchLinnea Gräf
2024-11-17feat: Add item rarities into all storage overlay pagesLinnea Gräf
2024-11-13feat: Add height setting to storage overlayLinnea Gräf
2024-11-091.21.3 WIPLinnea Gräf
2024-10-16Add edit backpacks button to /firm storageLinnea Gräf
2024-10-13Add config categoriesLinnea Gräf
2024-10-02Make storage overlay scrollbar draggableLinnea Gräf
2024-08-28Refactor source layoutLinnea Gräf